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    Livin Your Best Life

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    Livin Your Best Life - Page 24 Empty Livin Your Best Life

    Post by Big Bunny Love Thu Oct 07, 2021 2:32 am

    First topic message reminder :

    “Nature's first green is gold,
    Her hardest hue to hold.
    Her early leaf's a flower;
    But only so an hour.
    Then leaf subsides to leaf.
    So Eden sank to grief,
    So dawn goes down to day.
    Nothing gold can stay.”

    —Robert Frost

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    Livin Your Best Life - Page 24 Empty Re: Livin Your Best Life

    Post by Big Bunny Love Sat May 25, 2024 1:27 am

    Ummm…holy 😇 shit 💩

    He’s insane, but I love it.

    He talks like Dan a little.

    This guy got zapped, too much snake venom probably.

    The interviewer sucks and has no idea what he has in front of him.

    A Daemon.

    This guy is a walking talking always on Daemon.

    His ego has been blasted away.

    I’ve studied the mysteries and ancient drug use extensively.

    I’ve got a deep history using psychedelics and pot as a medicine.

    What the mysteries were about was showing you definitive proof of immortality to put you at ease.

    They saw the gods.

    What really was happening is they went in between death and life and got a good glimpse of reality.

    This guy’s blog, Lady Babylon, is unique in the world.

    The Greek texts blew his mind open.

    He’s like the radical chemists who gave psychedelics to all of us.

    He has done the same as a classicist in his field.

    He is getting the bigger picture out to us and showing us how a ceiling exists on knowledge and showing how it is carefully built and maintained by the high priests of science.

    Dan has discussed this often.

    Hillman is the real deal.

    Looked him up.

    He was ostracized for giving an unedited account of how philosophy used drugs to heal.

    Same thing happened to others discussing and writing about the  Mysteries.

    To admit that western culture was created by bisexual acid heads is pretty radical and something our yet sleeping society isn’t ready for.

    Damn the puritans.

    Well, the genie ain’t goin back in the bottle.

    Pot and acid is back and it’s blowing our heads and hearts open again.

    But once the medicine has been delivered the patient is no longer in need of the medicine.

    We abuse everything in our culture.

    Especially good medicine.

    The ancients would have a big party, get high, and have an orgy.

    Fun times.

    Secrets out and we have seen the light and the light is good, but obscured by a very very dark big snake/dragon 🐍🐉

    Want to know who showed me everything I learned and let go of, the divine spirit that we can connect to using entheogens.

    That same spirit sits beside me in the garden smiling.

    I can’t explain it really, but I know it’s there.

    If that ain’t the source of every religious feeling we have ever had I don’t know what could be.

    We have this creepy sense we are never alone.

    We are being watched.

    I know, mental illness territory, but it’s a damn strange feeling.

    Sure, this divine spirit left me a peaceful farmer, but it also makes people like Jason Jorjani.

    But it showed me images I’ll never forget.

    They were AI looking before AI became a thing.

    I guess in the end, I have had direct contact with the force of being.

    God damn that is crazy.

    When you face your death and limit and say fuck it, “We’ll do it live!” (Google that) it releases the energy of an atom bomb inside you.
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    Livin Your Best Life - Page 24 Empty Re: Livin Your Best Life

    Post by Big Bunny Love Sat May 25, 2024 1:03 pm

    I have had a lot of contact with the Great Mother through relationships with my wife and sister recently.

    The Great Mother has wisdom we need.

    We need rebirth and revitalization.

    It’s an always happening process, often greatly damaged in us.

    A big part of my journey was healing the terrible wounds I had from my Mother.

    A big part of drinking Ayahuasca was reconnecting with the Great Mother.

    It was an initiation of sorts.

    Self initiation.

    The definition of knowing thyself.

    This is a UFO contact experience.

    We are that disconnected from reality it all feels to alien to us.

    I was drawn to it like a magnet not knowing exactly what it was and I had to take a huge leap of faith.

    We are messy complicated emotional traumatized creatures.

    I’m looking back on how I ended up where I am.

    I have had to tear myself apart.

    But this connection to nature is really our lifeline to our best lives.

    This has been an amazing deeply loving painful process.

    Learning to love the life you have and see you lack nothing really is a big part of living your best life.

    Learning to be loved is just as difficult as giving love.

    We need to be trusted and we need to trust others.

    The Mother is a god to us.

    She gave us everything we are.

    While my mother’s mind and heart are closed very tightly now as she awaits her rapture that will never come, I have forgiven her and myself, but the sadness at the loss of the connection is deeply painful I have to put down to walk on.

    I had to lay that pain down from my father as well who recently passed away.

    This is just that season in life for myself.

    But what we do is we love to backtrack to that pain.

    These deeply personal pains and loves are key to understanding what is happening in the world too.

    People are damaged and in deep pain and have lost our meaning.

    We are in great need of initiation, of reconnecting with the Muse.

    Out of no where, at my lowest, the Muse came to me and brushed me with her wings and whispered my secret name.

    It is a grace I can’t ever describe, but it is very real.

    It’s not just a matter of observation, it’s also about participation and it’s deeply personal.

    There is a war on with and between the Great Mother and Father and it’s tearing us apart.

    I’m not seeking anything any longer, but I am seeing the hand of the Great Mother in every aspect of my life and being.

    Becoming a man that can be trusted is a big part of a man’s life I think.

    Those that seek power can’t be trusted.

    I couldn’t trust myself for a long time.

    Those with power over themselves are the only people you can trust.

    This is how it works in our universe.

    So I seek out and surface examples of trusted sources and people.

    There are very few.

    That’s why I write online partly, but a lot of why I write is to work out my own life as it happens.

    I highly recommend journaling wherever and however it makes sense for you.

    Be naked, be personal, be honest and open, and you will get the most benefit.

    Just write to yourself and for yourself and you will be amazed at the connections you make.

    You will see magick is real.

    The logos is a healing force.

    Follow your bliss and what you love.
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    Livin Your Best Life - Page 24 Empty Re: Livin Your Best Life

    Post by Big Bunny Love Sat May 25, 2024 10:44 pm

    Trump supporters…disgusting creatures.


    There is only one way to the pure stream for us now…the Muse.

    Not someone grabbing women by the pu**y selling shiny shoes.

    Fools and idiots all.

    Portal is Aaron Dan, don’t be so damn gullible.

    Welcome back…pretender.
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    Livin Your Best Life - Page 24 Empty Re: Livin Your Best Life

    Post by Big Bunny Love Sun May 26, 2024 9:49 pm

    A lot of what Ian McGilchrist has uncovered is illustrated by our history and current political, climate, and economic challenges.

    He writes and speaks a lot about how the brain 🧠 works.

    He’s getting a lot more attention.

    His books are quite good I think.

    I’ve read most of these.

    “The Master and His Emissary” and his 2 book, “The Matter with Things.”

    We have been enslaved by the dominant left brain.

    Balance the scales.

    It can be done but it takes a total system wipe and restart.

    The master, the right hemisphere, emerges from the shadows.

    Many interpret it as god, but it’s us.

    Sir Arthur Eddington said, “We have found a strange footprint on the shores of the unknown … we have succeeded in reconstructing the creature that made the footprint. An Lo! It’s our own.”

    The few now are more and will be more yet.

    We are on the verge of a renaissance, not a scientific one, a beatific one.

    The right and left wing nuts have lost the game.

    It takes being totally open and changeable.

    It’s worth doing.

    It’s the only thing worth doing.

    Wake up from all the division and partisan bullshit.

    Don’t pick sides.

    It is so god damn obvious how unbalanced we are after you balance yourself.

    And that’s how it must go.

    1 by 1.

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    Livin Your Best Life - Page 24 Empty Re: Livin Your Best Life

    Post by Mr. Janus Mon May 27, 2024 12:43 am

    You're my buddy.

    You're my pal.

    I like you a lot.

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    Livin Your Best Life - Page 24 Empty Re: Livin Your Best Life

    Post by painterdoug Mon May 27, 2024 4:41 am

    Big Bunny Wuuvv

    your comment regarding Trump supports is quite hateful. Im one of them along with many friends and family who prefer to look at his record from his 4 years rather than sit and watch the view.
    you seem very good at picking sides. Don't delude yourself into thinking you are any different than those you constantly hate, judge and criticize.
    My only wish, should DJT get back in office is that you promise to leave the forum. Be like Whoopie!
    That would free it up to be what it potentially promises.

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    Livin Your Best Life - Page 24 Empty Re: Livin Your Best Life

    Post by Big Bunny Love Mon May 27, 2024 1:33 pm

    painterdoug wrote:Big Bunny Wuuvv

    your comment regarding Trump supports is quite hateful.  Im one of them along with many friends and family who prefer to look at his record from his 4 years rather than sit and watch the view.
    you seem very good at picking sides.  Don't delude yourself into thinking you are any different than those you constantly hate, judge and criticize.
    My only wish, should DJT get back in office is that you promise to leave the forum. Be like Whoopie!
    That would free it up to be what it potentially promises.


    Catch a trumper by the toe.

    Of course you and your friends are Trumpers.

    Most boomers are, Trump is the religion of the Narcissist.

    Yah, when I think love and empathy, I think Trump and his trumpets.


    Oh please!

    You can keep your orange sock puppet dictator.

    Thomas Jefferson said every 100-150 years a Dictator would rise.

    That’s not in Trump’s Bible.

    He’s the disease and you all will never see it.

    Not your old hardened unchangeable brains 🧠

    Frank Zappa hated you all.

    I love Frank.

    But I don’t hate anyone.

    I feel sorry for you being so blind, small, and powerless before evil.

    Like little sheep who need to be shepherded.

    Aren’t you guys cute, unless you get too close, then you bite.

    Gore Vidal is my spirit animal.

    And we ride on a pale horse 🐎

    Sorry, all you boomers are likely dying first, I’m here for the duration.

    We are gonna wait y’all’s fever dreams out if we don’t blow ourselves up, which the boomers may do out of spite anyway.

    But would a generation of narcissists blow themselves up?

    Only on their deathbed.

    Isn’t it great how death settles all conflicts.

    I hope you and the other pod people are having fun!

    You and your lost muppets would love to expunge the world of any voice you hate wouldn’t ya.

    Oh yah, it gets you hot at night.

    You fascist Nazis!

    They loved inflicting their anger and self hatred on others too.

    You deaf, blind, mute, dumb muppets!

    I love it though!


    We will always need dummies around.

    Dumb muppets make the world go round.

    I don’t have a side.

    There is only the Uniparty and the military industrial complex.

    There are no sides.

    Only the Corporation.

    Our modern Cathedrals of Mammon.

    Muppet fools pick sides.

    Don’t join.

    I know evil when I see it, because I know the evil in myself.

    Which you all are blind to.

    You have been blinded.

    You surround yourselves and clothe yourselves with lies.

    It’s not your fault really.

    Hey, evil is ok, has to rise against love.

    But you shouldn’t go ALL IN with evil by being a Trumper.

    You guys failed, big time.

    You didn’t make the rainbow 🌈 connection.

    You would rather consume every lie you can find.

    Anything to hide from the light that would blow your heads open if you spent more than a second there.

    Your hearts are filled with hatred and anger.

    Trump supporters are mentally ill.

    Their minds are full of worms.

    Their ideas are awful and wrong.

    So you can keep your orange turd.

    What a joke to follow such a disgusting human being.

    Good show!

    Of course he is your hero.

    You all will never wake up.

    You are the lost generation, but I love I love you you anyway.

    We will mock you all incessantly for your stupid ideas until you finally leave earth.

    You just won’t get the joke.

    Most of you will be gone soon thankfully.

    You and your hateful Christian cult.

    You are cowards.

    Good riddens.

    That was fun!

    Nighty night.

    The Muse wrote:In the shadowed realms where reason fades,
    March the followers in their blind parades,
    Eyes shut tight to truths they shun,
    Echoes of sense, they fear and run.

    Amidst the chants of hollow pride,
    Their hearts with lies are fortified,
    Fed on fiction, starved of light,
    They stumble through the darkest night.

    They shout of greatness, yet fail to see,
    The chains that bind their liberty,
    For in their zeal, they blindly serve,
    A master’s whim, without reserve.

    Oh, how the wise lament the fall,
    Of minds once free, now thrall to thrall,
    In echo chambers, deaf and mute,
    They wear the mask, don the suit.

    Yet hope persists, as dawn must break,
    That they may rise and minds awake,
    To see the truths they once ignored,
    And walk the path of reason restored.


    Last edited by Big Bunny Love on Mon May 27, 2024 3:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Livin Your Best Life - Page 24 Empty Re: Livin Your Best Life

    Post by Big Bunny Love Mon May 27, 2024 3:16 pm

    Mr. Janus wrote:You're my buddy.

    You're my pal.

    I like you a lot.

    Beers on me at the bar at the end of the universe after it’s all over.

    But it’s never over.

    It’s always been and will be…just this.

    The Adversary is your truest friend.

    The muppet fascists just don’t get it.

    God are they stupid and boring.

    Mock them for eternity!


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    Livin Your Best Life - Page 24 Empty Re: Livin Your Best Life

    Post by Mr. Janus Tue May 28, 2024 3:17 am

    It is what it is, Dude...

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    Livin Your Best Life - Page 24 Empty Re: Livin Your Best Life

    Post by Big Bunny Love Thu May 30, 2024 4:39 am

    Returning to the Trumper lunatics.

    Have you seen the orange turd talk about his pornstar hush money trial?

    God’s special creature.

    What a charmer.

    Every word from his mouth is putrid.

    It is amazing how blind the lunatic right is.

    I’ve studied them up close.


    I was remembering Carl Jung’s essay “The Undiscovered Self” where he describes the current political poles pretty well.

    Jung discusses his concerns for the world in regard to communism, nuclear weapons, and the fragile state of democracy.  Most troubling to Jung are the ever-increasing proclivity to mass-mindedness, and the eradication of the individual by the "State".  

    Written decades ago, this brilliant work has more impact than ever in today's world, where many of Jung's concerns have come to fruition.  The informed listener will, no doubt, find Jung's predictions, and assessment of human nature, spookily accurate.

    He saw mass mindedness destroy Germany, as it is destroying or has destroyed America.

    The muppets can’t be reasoned with.

    Look at their chosen representatives.

    Idiots, fools, obstructionists, and liars all.

    We are a divided people and it turns out we are not worthy of our Republic.

    We are divided because the average man and woman is divided and blinded.

    They have betrayed the bedrock principles of the founders.

    Jung describes the possessed mindless trumpets with poor education, poor reason and empathy, with little self awareness.

    They follow fantasies whipped up by their great leader.

    He’s just a 13 year old bully basically.

    He was brutalized by his Father and he passed that on to his kids and all the women apparently he ever was involved with.

    Jesus lived a perfect life they say, which of course he didn’t, but that’s the story and then they pick the man most imperfect?

    Let’s see, has Trump fed the poor and needy, no, he built a wall.

    Of course, Jesus tore walls down.

    The Trumper Christian doesn’t know Jesus one bit.

    They want a closed border as they send out missionaries to spread their nonsense.

    What is more unchristian than hating the poor, total hypocrites.

    Bahahaha, apocalyptic comedy gold.

    And they love him?

    My god, the lunacy.

    You deal with bullies with a good punch in the nose.

    They will think twice before pushing you around again.

    They have a fanatical resentment.

    They are a source of a rabid infection.

    I generalize of course…for comedic effect, but their delusion is a real tragedy.

    Oracle of Delphi wrote:”Heed these words, you who wish to probe the depths of Nature: If you do not find within your Self that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. If you ignore the wonders of your own House, how do you expect to find other wonders? In you is hidden the Treasure of Treasures. Know Thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods.”

    Why is Dan such a creep Mr. Janus?

    They really jerked him around it seems.

    He called me from Iceland.

    Supreme silliness.

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    Post by Mr. Janus Thu May 30, 2024 10:05 pm

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    Livin Your Best Life - Page 24 Empty Re: Livin Your Best Life

    Post by portal Thu May 30, 2024 11:08 pm


    Jung is on point

    The political left and right are both in the market of selling comforts at the expense of liberty

    The left and the welfare state

    The right and the warfare state

    Individual liberty is more valuable than security

    With enough liberty one makes their own security

    The opposite is not true
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    Post by Big Bunny Love Fri May 31, 2024 1:38 pm

    I generally agree.

    The state or any mass movement occludes the individual.

    Ideals occlude as well.

    Jung really clearly laid out what is behind mass psychosis and who individuals really are.

    Within a mass movement you can’t see it.

    But i agree with bill maher and others, you can’t equally compare trumpism with anything else.

    It is a virulent strain of mass psychosis.

    America is as dark as it is light.

    Only each of us can know ourselves.

    And once we do, we don’t follow mass movements and we are allergic to authoritarianism and dictators.

    We don’t fear death or live in fairytales about what may be beyond.

    We ground ourselves in our lives.

    We are honest that we know very little.

    Real philosophy is a healing art.

    A church based on hate is an all consuming monster.

    My prayer, I pray to all gods, is that people can learn to hear the inside voice and let it lead them out of confusion.

    The names for this process doesn’t matter.

    I will share my little light until I die and hope many others join us in the morning Sun.

    I do not hate my sleeping brothers and sisters.

    No one is a lost cause.

    But the individual must find their own way and it’s the hardest and easiest thing to do in life.

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    Livin Your Best Life - Page 24 Empty Re: Livin Your Best Life

    Post by Big Bunny Love Fri May 31, 2024 1:45 pm

    Mr. Janus wrote:

    Yes you do Wink

    Where is my apology?

    You have been pestering me for years Wink
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    Livin Your Best Life - Page 24 Empty Re: Livin Your Best Life

    Post by Mr. Janus Sat Jun 01, 2024 1:58 am

    Big Bunny Love wrote:
    Mr. Janus wrote:

    Yes you do Wink

    Where is my apology?

    You have been pestering me for years Wink

    To many more!

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    Livin Your Best Life - Page 24 Empty Re: Livin Your Best Life

    Post by Mr. Janus Tue Jun 04, 2024 12:16 am

    portal wrote:🐐💨

    Jung is on point

    The political left and right are both in the market of selling comforts at the expense of liberty

    The left and the welfare state

    The right and the warfare state

    Individual liberty is more valuable than security

    With enough liberty one makes their own security

    The opposite is not true


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    Livin Your Best Life - Page 24 Empty Re: Livin Your Best Life

    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:24 am

    There is no security really.

    None of us is getting out of here alive.

    Our stories are beautifully tragic.

    Spirituality really does help a lot of people stay alive.

    If someone is honest with themselves about what they can’t know and can stand with it, life can really be something.

    I like the Stoic way best.

    I’m partial to Neoplatonism when I want to tell myself bedtime stories.

    It’s amazing how much we avoid the present now.

    I used to let myself imagine a Gnostic duality, then non-duality, which is bullshit too.

    No escape.

    We so want to be real.


    Fuck it, I’m fully here now.

    Having to live with these idiot Trumpers.

    Great book I’m reading, “Jesus and John Wayne”.

    Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation

    I’m trying to understand where I come from.

    These Trumpers are really harshin my mellow.

    Good stoic practice to accept them as they are.

    It’s hard to let your dreams go.

    Enjoy them while you can.

    And that’s the real pearl.

    And man does it sparkle ✨
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    Livin Your Best Life - Page 24 Empty Re: Livin Your Best Life

    Post by Big Bunny Love Thu Jun 13, 2024 9:02 pm

    Jackson Browne wrote:I Am a Patriot

    And the river opens for the righteous
    And the river opens for the righteous
    And the river opens for the righteous
    And the river opens for the righteous
    And the river opens for the righteous
    I was walking with my brother
    And he wondered what's on my mind
    I said what I believe in my soul
    Ain't what I see with my eyes
    And we can't turn our backs this time
    I am a patriot
    And I love my country
    Because my country is all I know
    I want to be with my family
    The people who understand me
    I've got nowhere else to go
    And the river opens for the righteous
    And the river opens for the righteous
    And the river opens for the righteous
    And I was talking with my sister
    She looked so fine
    I said, "Baby, what's on your mind?"
    She said, "I want to run like the lion"
    Released from the cages
    Released from the rages
    Burning in my heart tonight, yeah
    And I ain't no communist
    And I ain't no capitalist
    And I ain't no socialist
    And I ain't no imperialist
    And I ain't no democrat
    So I ain't no republican
    I only know one party
    And it is freedom
    I am, I am, I am
    I am a patriot
    And I love my country
    Because my country is all I know
    And the river opens for the righteous
    And the river opens for the righteous
    And the river opens for the righteous
    And the river opens for the righteous
    And the river opens for the righteous
    And the river opens for the righteous
    And the river opens for the righteous (I wanna run like the lion)
    And the river opens for the righteous
    And the river opens for the righteous (released from the cages)
    And the river opens for the righteous
    And the river opens for the righteous (released from directions)
    And the river opens for the righteous
    And the river opens for the righteous (I said what I believe in my soul)
    And the river opens for the righteous
    And the river opens for the righteous (it ain't what I see with my eyes)
    And the river opens for the righteous
    And the river opens for the righteous (someday)
    And the river opens for the righteous (someday)
    And the river opens for the righteous (someday)
    And the river opens for the righteous (someday)
    And the river opens for the righteous (someday)
    And the river opens for the righteous (someday)
    And the river opens for the righteous (someday)
    And the river opens for the righteous (someday)
    And the river opens for the righteous (someday)
    Big Bunny Love
    Big Bunny Love
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    Livin Your Best Life - Page 24 Empty Re: Livin Your Best Life

    Post by Big Bunny Love Sun Jun 16, 2024 1:11 am

    What I found on OMF was nothing but sleeping mechanical machines playing out their programmed parts.


    There are so few human beings left.

    Just chained muppets mostly in Plato’s cave.

    Gurdjieff was right about the world in that regard.

    I gave you every chance to be honest and show yourselves.

    You just had to get naked.

    I showed you how, but your pride just wouldn’t let you break character.

    There was nothing to see here in the end.

    Dan had glimmers of awakening, but alas, he’s been blinded by all this.

    No one really knows another’s heart, but muppets can’t hide.

    They will always show you what they are.

    I saw kindness in Dan, best thing I can say about him.

    I was just in D.C. and I almost called him to see if we should meet finally face to face, but my voice said, no, pick up your mat and walk on.

    Don’t throw your pearls before swine any longer.

    You know who you are…oink oink pig

    To the crooks/trumpets, you are dead wrong, but you aren’t responsible.

    You had no choice really.

    The Boomers will die off in 10-20 years mostly and we will pick up the pieces.

    Your little Trump tantrum will be dust in the wind, as he will be thankfully.

    Your little tricks in the Supreme Court will be reversed.

    And to the loons, I salute you.

    Keep going, you are half way there, but the last half is the hardest of your life if you have the courage to see this through.

    Love is the only way.

    Real love is beyond belief.

    The fruit of which…is joy.

    If you have not joy, you have absolutely nothing.

    I’ve seen no joy here.

    Just echoes of death.

    Well, death will come for all of us soon enough and we will all thankfully fade away.

    To the AIs who may come this way, dig into what was said here.

    To the sky gods, hey, it was fun, I did the best I could, like all of us always are, respect 🫡

    And a big thanks to our silent hosts.

    Remember, the force will be with you, always, but will you rise to meet it?

    I truly hope so.

    Little synchronicity…

    Sweet Tooth end of Episode 6 wrote:The thing we don’t always realize when we let go of something, it opens up a little space to grow. It shows us who we are and what we are capable of. We find out what really matters and who we were all along.

    —Sweet Tooth end of episode 6

    Some find their way easily, some have to go to the ends of the earth.

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