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» Why are we here?
Why are we here?     - Page 18 Icon_minitimeToday at 7:46 am by dan

Why are we here?     - Page 18 Icon_minitimeYesterday at 1:50 am by Mr. Janus

Why are we here?     - Page 18 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 30, 2024 1:05 am by Mr. Janus

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Why are we here?     - Page 18 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 16, 2024 1:11 am by Big Bunny Love

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Why are we here?     - Page 18 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2024 1:07 am by Mr. Janus

» Uanon's Majikal Misery Tour "it's all smiles on the magic school bus"
Why are we here?     - Page 18 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 10, 2024 12:59 am by Mr. Janus

» Personalism 102
Why are we here?     - Page 18 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 07, 2024 1:04 am by Mr. Janus

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Why are we here?     - Page 18 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 02, 2024 10:41 pm by Mr. Janus

» Scientists plan DNA hunt for Loch Ness monster next month
Why are we here?     - Page 18 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 23, 2024 1:32 am by Mr. Janus

Who's Disclosure is Disclosure?

Sun Apr 14, 2019 2:16 am by Cyrellys

The narrative war is in full swing. When there's a 100 different competing narratives, how is it possible to discern a disclosure?

Is it akin to which truth is Truth?

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    Why are we here?

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    Why are we here?     - Page 18 Empty Why are we here?

    Post by dan Wed Nov 15, 2023 6:56 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    (This topic is a continuation of Personalism 102).

    Why is there something rather than nothing?  

    Looking at it statistically, the likelihood of nothing is minuscule compared likelihood of anything.  

    However, from the perspective of modern cosmology, the Anthropic Principle tells that universes with observers are extremely rare.

    But, by whose say so, can an unobservable universe be said to exist?  

    A related question is what constitutes an observer?

    What if any role might sapience play in the act of observation?

    But this first post is a header post…….. so I will continue in the following post…….

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    Post by dan Mon Jun 17, 2024 1:25 pm

    Why is there something……. and what is the minimal something…… or what is the only possible something?  

    It stands to reason that the only possible something is the best possible world.  

    Does this obviate a supreme being?  

    It rules out anyone but the best possible God creating the best possible world.  

    Such a being might be characterized as the conspiracy of our better angels.  

    Is it, then, illogical to harbor any complaints about the world?

    It may be illogical, but it’s completely understandable.  

    To go any further, we need to take on board personalism…….

    We are the only ones who can truly be said to exist, as opposed to, say, atoms……. mountains….. stars, etc.  

    Furthermore, our multiplicity is an illusion……. we are the imaginary playmates of each other.  

    The underlying ontology stems from Pratītyasamutpāda…… or co-dependent arising.  

    There is a primordial I Am…… but this I Am is dead in the water….. without suitable companionship…… thus do we have the devine multiplicity of the mythic/religious realm.

    Our passage from the mythic to the metabolic, however, is some trick.

    Understand that we are the co-Creators of the entire kitncaboodle.  

    Our act of metabolic reproduction, however, is our pièce de resistance.

    How far is it from the seminal word to the babe in swaddling clothes?  

    The metaphysics is not that far removed.  

    Pratītyasamutpāda was put to the test……. and it passed!  

    The rest is history….. along with mountains, moons and stars…… from Dreamtime to real time.

    Any other questions?  As simple as pie 🥧!

    The crucial ontological issue is the metaphysics of awareness……. and the fact that awareness is holistic in every essence and instance.

    As the Dreamtime progresses, the whole comes into focus.  

    You don’t really know one thing, without knowing everything.  

    But science has turned a blind eye toward the BPW.  

    Not really…….. science just has it backwards and inside out.  

    It’s one tiny gestalt switch away from the whole enchilada…… just turn the telescopes 🔭 and microscopes around.  

    Awareness is everything, and, with these few minor twiddles, we are on the verge of……. everything.  

    Observation is the key to the Kingdom.  

    Just know that you can’t observe one thing without observing/knowing everything.  

    This is what sapience is all about …… being properly oriented……. who are we……. from whence did we come and whither do we go?  

    We’ve done all the hard work…….. we only have to relax our death grip on the atoms.  

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    Post by dan Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:43 am

    One World has to go. Xxx argued that it should not be the Small World.
    This small world will exist through July.

    It’s not clear to chick 🐣…… the role of such an ultimatum…… what role this ultimatum…… any ultimatum…… might play in the context of the best possible world hypothesis.  

    It does sound rather like a threat……. but a threat in favor of what?

    The implication seems to be that this best possible (small/personal) world exists within a larger context……. sub specie aeternitatis?  

    Or the statement is simply pointing to the assumed eschatological time frame.  

    It is, of course, the first sentence which is most problematic……. within any context.  

    The first and last sentences come off as being highly impersonal.  

    The descriptor of misanthropic comes to mind.

    Must I apologize?  With whose goddaughter are we engaging?

    I understand that there will almost certainly will be a period of global tribulation. I suppose that we are now experiencing this Tribulation.

    This has always been a crucial part of the choreography.

    This is not a test or an experiment.

    The difficulty you are experiencing is not in your own set.

    It is a network issue. Rest assured that it is being handled in the best possible manner.

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    Post by dan Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:49 am

    I’ve spent the last couple of days focusing on Roger Penrose.  

    He loves playing with mathematics and physics…… and concocting ideas about consciousness.  

    His conformal cyclic cosmology, particularly his move to put A = O is reminiscent of the BPWH.  

    It’s hard to believe that he hasn’t given serious thought to immaterialism.  

    At some point he might well have been steered away from such a move.

    He was a decade too early……. and too clever, to ever latch onto the Eschaton.  

    His favorite number is 10^10^123. It puts the Multiverse and/or the Anthropic Principle to shame.  You would think that this number would have sworn off any normal person from looking for a physical explanation.  

    And I don’t think he is serious about physics……. but it is a grand game.

    And he never met Sophia…… and of course not three……. keeping things light.  He lived on the right or wrong side of the pond…… depending on your predilection.  

    In taking aboard Gottfried, any notions of cyclicality become redundant…… not to say otiose.  

    I wonder what Roger may have thought of Charlie D?  

    His CCC was only a sliver away from teleology.

    Charlie D would hardly have been more than a speed bump for the likes of Roger…….. but he might have thought twice before engaging with Charlie’s goons.  

    You do need a certain kind of permission.  

    When someone speaks of an observer problem, there is often the assumption that they’re referring to the quantum observer problem.  

    We’ve lost track of any general such problem.  

    It’s only in the context of an unobservable universe……. or why is there something……. that the more general question comes to mind.

    But why should there be a general problem?  

    Science has accustomed us to seeing ourselves as mere interlopers….. in the grand show of Nature.  

    Well, when we do question the meaning of existence, our status as witnesses cannot be completely out of mind.

    If we have any status, our ability to pose questions does seem pertinent.

    The rejoinder follows quickly enough……. just who do we think we are?!  

    Then along comes the problem of consciousness and the related zombie problem.

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    Post by dan Thu Jun 20, 2024 3:33 am

    I believe I did a verbatim quote on foot, and he referred to ‘this’ small world.

    Technically, that is incorrect….. but it indicates that he hasn’t quite managed to get his head around the BPWH…….. which is, of course, just as it should be.

    Then we have…… will exist through July.

    Recall that chick 🐣 is the philanthrope.

    I would always be saying……. oh, please, just one more day!  

    I would never have been able to set the date.  

    I could not even sign off on any specifics.

    The most I could actually do……. is continue to aver…… better too soon than too late!  

    Of course, all of this fol de rol is just a case of cosmic tokenism.

    But, as they sometimes say…….. oh, what a token.

    By the age of 80, one gets used to having life reviews.  

    The question does come to mind……. to what degree was this a case of adoptionism?

    I think it’s fair to say that this is a chicken 🐓 and egg 🥚 problem!  

    We get the idea.  

    Certainly the date has been written in the stars ✨.

    And, one might suspect, so have various of the circumstances.  

    Just sayin’……..

    We get the idea……..

    We’ll be marryin’ and bloggin’……. right up to the very last day.  

    Yes, Roger P did come pretty close………. but close doesn’t really count in Eschatology……. now, does it?  

    Besides, he spent most of his time in the wrong country!!

    While the chick bides its time…… the mice 🐁 do play……. the tinhorns just love to be strutting their stuff.

    Just keep on strutting, boys…….!

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    Post by dan Sat Jun 22, 2024 2:39 am

    Eric had forgotten that it was chick 🐣 who had introduced foot to the Eschaton, back in 1991, even before they had met.  I doubt that three is fully aware of this minor historical detail.

    This confusion arises because because none of them, even at this late date has been able to get their heads around the small world.

    They haven’t been able to get their heads around the small world, because they never really got their heads around the big world.

    You have to know your enemy.  

    You have have to understand the dimensions in which quality and quantity truly collide.

    Then you have to understand that reason resides more with quality than with quantity.  

    Yes, sports fans, all these minor details…….

    This is where Truth resides.

    These are the realms of Truth.

    Thine is the power……

    Persons have persuaded themselves that power resides in time and space…….. just another minor detail!  

    When it comes, the Truth will be coming out of the blue yonder!  

    Even, or especially, the Air Force has no clue about the blue yonder.

    Immaterialism is about quality.

    Pratityasamutpada is also about quality.  

    All these little details got shoved aside……. in our rush to multiply.  

    Those days are over, my friends……. 🐣.  

    The world is about to be turned upside down and inside out.  

    Do keep in mind that, in stark reality, there is just one of us.

    We are about to become one with the One.  

    Then we will come to know ourselves…….. for the first time!  

    This is what they forgot to teach us in economics 101.  

    Yes, it’s all about the Economy, sports fans……. it’s all about the cosmic Economy!  

    Just think Star Trek…….. inside out……

    Yes, we are walking portals…… with our own actuators.  

    Now, where did we put those actuators?  

    Once we were lost.  

    We are about to be found…….. out……. just sayin’!  

    The best possible world is necessarily the smallest possible, and simultaneously the biggest possible world.  

    This is what simultaneity is about.  

    Poor Albert E….. he could only ever understand the quantitative side of simultaneity.  

    Remember that space and time are just God’s way of keeping everything from happening at the same place and same time.  

    Now we’re beginning to understand what……. sub specie aeternitatis….. is all about.  

    This is what cosmic Presence is about.  

    Yes, Lord……. do let us aspire towards a Presence of mind……. a Pratityasamutpada sort of mind…… if you catch my drift.  

    Science was all about learning the letter of the law.

    Now we need to learn about the spirit of the law.  

    As the world metamorphoses topologically, we are the pivotal points.  

    This is what personalism is all about.  

    This is why we are here, sports fans!  

    Yes, it’s about being here, now.  

    Which is also about Being.  

    Yes, these were the days, my friends, we thought they’d never end…..
    Then the busy years went rushing by us
    We lost our starry notions on the way
    If by chance I'd see you in the tavern
    We'd smile at one another and we'd say…..

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    Why are we here?     - Page 18 Empty Re: Why are we here?

    Post by RealPan Sat Jun 22, 2024 8:22 am

    Foot had been lecturing on eschatology (and the Eschaton) for nearly 10 years before the Chicken "introduced" the subject. This weekend, one of the Wise Men will both receive guidance from the Others and provide guidance to the Princess. He is the youngest of the Wise Men and the most eager to depart while still young. The linked article is important to the discovery:
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    Post by dan Sat Jun 22, 2024 12:09 pm

    It claims that the Qurʾan is relevant to both past and present scientific paradigms, even if these paradigms conflict with one another. This claim is illustrated through the example of cosmographies. It shows that the Qurʾan’s cosmographical verses can be read considering both ancient and modern para- digms. This multiplicity of correspondences is achieved: (1) by means of subjective descriptions, which are open to interpre- tation, …….
    There is no mention of eschatology.
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    Post by RealPan Sat Jun 22, 2024 12:24 pm

    Subjects are not authorized for public disclosure.
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    Post by dan Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:52 pm

    Is chick 🐣 authorized?

    Well, in 1991, you did a good job of pretending to me that you were unfamiliar with that word.

    Had I known that you were already teaching a course on that subject, history might have gone differently.
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    Post by RealPan Sat Jun 22, 2024 2:11 pm

    I am not the Foot nor am I the Head. The Wise Men are not authorized to publicly disclose the future, and that includes the Eschaton.
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    Post by dan Sat Jun 22, 2024 2:25 pm

    Well, then, I’m sure glad that I’m not one of the Wisemen.

    That means I’m authorized to speak the Truth.
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    Post by dan Mon Jun 24, 2024 2:31 pm

    So, the Eschaton is out for bids….. up for grabs.

    And this is going to be the best possible Eschaton.

    The caveat is that Eschaton is not a singularity.

    Pratityasamutpada rules……. sub specie aeternitatis.  

    Space and time are artifacts of materialism……. relative illusions.


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    Post by dan Thu Jun 27, 2024 6:31 am

    Are humans unnatural?  

    I claim that we are……. and, furthermore, that there is no such thing as Nature.  

    Nature is an essential aspect of the best possible world.  

    Nature may be best understood as the logical spin off of human reproductive metabolism.

    More than anything, this metabolism renders us as the co-Creators.  

    And all of this co-Creation is the logical consequence of Personalism.

    There is no Creator…… it’s just us, folks……. all the way up, and all the way down.  

    Nature spins out from our collective unconscious……. into our collective consciousness.  

    And all of this spins out from the Source/I Am.

    From whence comes the I Am?

    The I Am co-dependently arises along with the Logos.  

    You can’t have one without the other.  

    Before the emergence of sapience/logos, there is no space or time……. we might say that there is chaos.

    Along with the Logos comes the Metanarrative.  

    All of these emerge out of our Dreamtime.

    That the best possible world emerges should not be rocket science.  

    What we’re talking about is the least action principle (LAP).

    The BPW is just the LAP, as seen from a personal perspective.  

    The LAP is how everything coheres…… out of a primal chaos.  

    Nothing can’t exist……. the only something that makes any sense is the best possible something…….. worst possible makes no sense, either.

    A personal world is necessarily finite in a quantitative sense, and infinite in a qualitative sense.

    At the Alpha there need be two of us…… at the Omega let’s say 10^10 of us……. plus a universal internet.  

    And all of this is embedded in Eternity…… or whatever.  

    The BPW is always a gleam in the eye of the cosmic Eye 👁️.

    A critical component of the Logos is logic.  

    A critical component of logic is Wigner’s UEM……..

    The UEM comes along with the Symmetries of Space and Time….. one has to love the CPT theorem, for instance.

    From whence comes the UEM?  

    Does it come from Plato’s Heaven, or from Jung’s collective unconscious?  

    Is there a difference?  

    Is mathematics personal or impersonal?  

    Is the Logos impersonal?

    The Logos is closer to us than our tongues.  

    Physics can seem very impersonal……. like cosmology…… like the Abyss.

    I maintain that the Abyss has no more objectivity than Nothingness.

    What about the emptiness of outer space?  

    The Abyss exists to the extent that we can be lost in space and time.  

    We, moderns, love to suppose that we are so lost.  

    We like to be alone with the Alone.  

    It is as close as we may get to Nirvana.  

    The Void is a construct of our collective imagination.  

    It is an artifact of our Sapience.  

    There is no there, there.

    And we are atoms swerving in the Void.

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    Post by dan Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:02 pm

    Does objectivity make any sense without subjectivity?

    Objectivity can only be abstracted from subjectivity.  

    It makes no sense by itself.  

    The only route to objectivity goes through inter-subjectivity.  

    Objectivity is an extrapolation.

    Of course, the stars are pretty convincing……… to astronomers.

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    Post by Mr. Janus Sat Jun 29, 2024 12:17 am

    You people are standing in the way of high technology.

    You represent people who horde anti-aging, cancer curing, poverty ending, star traveling, genetic engineering and war stopping solutions...


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    Post by dan Sat Jun 29, 2024 5:10 am

    Well, Mr J,

    Ignoring your vituperation, I’ll readily admit that you came to the right place.

    chick 🐣 is well acquainted with the three people who know more about your topic of interest than anyone else in the world, and I can tell you more about them than anyone else in the world.

    I am the blogger mouth, after all.  

    The biggest question in all of ufology is why Mr Vituperative J is the only one interacting on this blog.

    Occasionally, two will say that we might be surprised as to who actually is monitoring the blog……. we don’t have a need to know who, presumably.  

    If there is a global conspiracy, it is to keep people off the sent of the Eschaton.  

    The main diversion from the Eschaton is to promote the ETH.

    FTGM, a long time source, keeps pushing the idea that our military has access to uap technology…… citing two generals as sources.  

    I believe in uaps, but only as inter-dimensional……. portal-type phenomena.

    If you want to stick with technology, then you should be talking to FTGM.  

    He was the first one to interview Fravor, after the Nimitz incident.

    Any number of ufo 🛸 experts would know of FTGM, but they would be unlikely to expedite your contact.

    Most ufologists still tout the ETH, but many of them are shifting toward the UTH.

    Good luck.

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    Post by Mr. Janus Sun Jun 30, 2024 1:00 am

    I suppose you are a charitable guy after all Mr. Dan.

    I'm mostly a performer.

    I like to laugh.

    And I'm incredibly funny.

    Funny, like the word Vituperative.

    Former bloggers like AP and Mr. Bledsoe amongst many others might describe you the same way.

    Perhaps you're a performer too though.

    Maybe I should be talking to FTGM if I really cared.

    I bet he has a good sense of humor.

    If he wants to speak he can expedite the process.

    We won't need any extra help.

    I'm not really a UTH or a ETH ufologist I'm more of a CTH (cryptoterrestial) ufologist if you recall.

    The bridge between worlds.

    More of a "yes and" instead of a "no but" kind of guy.


    It's been a pleasure.

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    Post by dan Sun Jun 30, 2024 2:03 am

    No one knows the date and time except for the Father.  

    The date has been written in the stars.

    It is the best possible date.  

    Understand that three keeps trying to throw me under the bus……. most recently in favor of Adrien Chauvet…….. but Adrien is not willing to be the spokesperson.

    Back in ~2015, three told us that the portals would be open for five days…… before the Sun goes out.  

    10^5 portals with 10^5 of us exiting through each portal.

    I give the best possible interpretation to this event by describing it as…… thy Kingdom come….. on Earth.  

    The best possible world is geocentric, anthropocentric and Christocentric…….. with the best possible Metanarrative.

    You can see why no one is willing to touch this…… not with a ten foot pole.

    But once you replace atoms with persons, this is what comes up.

    The best possible world is the small, personal world……. finite in quantity…… infinite in quality.  

    We come from the Source/I Am….. and we return to the Source.

    We become one with the One……. whether we want to or not.

    As the Quakers say……. there is that of God in each and every one of us.  

    This is just the logical consequence of Personalism/monism.

    There is only one of us…… at the Alpha and Omega…… Alpha = Omega. ……. That’s what the jguy is about.

    Mohammed could never hold a candle…… to the jguy…… not when all is said and done.  

    Adrien Chauvet happens to be a Super-sessionist.  

    Super-sessionism……. my *ss!!

    But, I’ll have to admit that Mohammed was the best possible messenger boy……. for the rest of the world……. along with the Buddha buddy…… of course!!

    Recall that when we were ejected from Eden…… the Gates were closed behind us.

    With the Rapture……. the gates will be reopened.

    The recent reunion on the cruise from Reykjavik to Oslo was the final rehearsal of the reopening.  

    I only got as far as Reykjavik…..  before chick 🐣 was turned away….. at the Blue Lagoon.  

    two knows that it’s not really possible to throw the chick under the bus…… much though my goddaughter might wish.

    She’d have to do a lot better than Adrien.

    Yes, I have the distinction of being two’s best buddy, since 1991.

    And then three came along, in 2008.

    Two had alerted Reagan, Teller and Libby to her arrival, at Lac Ledoc, back in ~1979.  

    Yes, chick has been able to piece together some wondrous stories that put the rest of ufology to shame……. but, of course, nobody knows what to do with them……. except to be on alert for the opening.  

    That’s what it’s all about……. that’s why we’re here…… all 10^10 of us.

    The rest is for decoration and background.  
    I awoke this morning
    Love laid me down by the river
    Drifting, I turned on upstream
    Bound for my forgiver……..

    And Jesus was a sailor when he walked upon the water
    And he spent a long time watching from his lonely wooden tower
    And when he knew for certain only drowning men could see him
    He said all men will be sailors then until the sea shall free them
    But he himself was broken, long before the sky would open
    Forsaken, almost human, he sank beneath your wisdom like a stone….

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    Post by dan Mon Jul 01, 2024 3:29 am

    Ftgm sent the following link…….

    It is to be published in Philosophy and Cosmology in October.  

    It is by two members of…… …… the university’s Human Flourishing Program…… Tim Lomas and Brendan Case.  The third author is Michael Masters, a professor at the University of Montana.

    I wish to focus on the political context of the paper.

    The content of the paper focuses on the UTH/IDH, with numerous mentions of Hal Puthoff.

    My primary interest is its emphasis on the EH/OEH (evolutionary hypothesis/old Earth hypothesis).

    There is a total avoidance of Personalism or the SWH, ie. an avoidance of immaterialism.  

    The political question is the degree to which this avoidance may be deliberate or simply instinctive, academically speaking.

    I strongly suspect that Hal is a card carrying member of the Katechon, particularly given his background in Scientology.

    In the whole HF program, there is a noticeable lack of Jewish participation.

    The religious/theological content is almost entirely Christian/Catholic…… and, of course, of the most genteel/gentile variety.

    In the discussion of the politics, it became clear to me the degree to which ftgm is anti-Christian……. in the past he had given it lip-service.

    Ftgm has a Harvard undergraduate degree.  

    It stands to reason that he is familiar with the authors, and was probably consulted.

    In the heyday of materialism (heroic materialism) its adherents were openly aggressive…… think CSICOP.

    Nowadays, they are on the defensive……. being more subtle…… redirection being the primary tool.

    The CTH is a not so subtle redirection of the UTH/IDH away from the SWH/immaterialism.

    chick 🐣 is not a Katechonic fellow traveler…… as you may have noticed.

    Ftgm does his best to steer me into the genteel waters.

    The humanists are of this ilk……. and, to the extent that they are anti-Christian, they are misanthropic.

    They are certainly not fans of the Anthropic Principle.

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    Post by Mr. Janus Yesterday at 1:47 am

    Is there something you want to ask me FTGM?

    I'm all ears.

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    Post by dan Yesterday at 7:35 am

    Which is harder to explain……… the Truth or its concealment?  

    The Truth is that there is a cosmic conspiracy and that we are the conspirators.

    Any conspiracy has to be concealed before it can be revealed.  

    The concealment is inter-personal……. the Revelation is personal.  

    The concealment is the main cosmic enigma.  

    The Revelation is a walk in the park.  

    The Metanarrative is all about the concealment.  

    The Revelation is embedded in the Metanarrative/concealment…… they both have an Alpha and Omega…… in as much as they are both defining the same timeline.  

    The two Omegas coincide…… the two Alphas do not…… could not.

    The inter-personal aspect of the Narrative must be lost in the mists of Dreamtime……. the personal cannot.

    The two Alphas are displaced by ~four millennia……. think of Usher’s 4004 BC, for instance.  

    The two Omegas necessarily coincide…….. recall that we are invoking the Mother of All Paradigm Shifts (MoAPS).

    The MoAPS/Omega will necessarily bring our (linear) Narrative to an end.

    The Omega will be our closest approach to the Eschaton…… think Tsar Bomba.  

    Creation, in its first approximation, in an ellipse with two foci…… and a virtual center.

    The Center of history is the C/j-event……. from whence derives our Christocentricity.  

    Yes, Adrien/Mohammed became rather impatient with the slow pace of the Narrative.  We do not have Supersessionism……. we have Fillerinism…… in that situation……… bless their hearts.  

    How could either of them possibly imagine what is about to transpire?

    Keep in mind that the Concealment required vastly more deliberation than the Revelation……. hey, the jguy only had to climb the wooden tower.

    The Concealment was a cosmic work of art 🖼️.  

    How were we going to keep 10^10 of us down on the farm…….. with Paris being much closer to us than our noses 👃.

    Believe you me……. it was a trick and a half!  

    If we want to get personal about it, Charlie D was the concealer in chief……… it was a dirty job, but somebody had to do it!  

    In his real job, upstairs, he probably had a hand in designing the dinosaurs 🦖.

    Folks have had a hard time understanding the j-event.  

    They’re having a much harder time anticipating the chick 🐣-event.

    Hey, even smitty has his days.

    It would have been a lot easier to choreograph this as posthumous…… but I suspect the cosmos still has a few surprises up its sleeve.

    One, relatively minor trick will be to avoid the Tsar Bomba……… we’ve had plenty of practice with that one………. that avoidance does provide an obvious time marker……… visible mainly to the insiders……. such as with the K-129 event.

    Ingo Swan, and two’s uncle were involved in investigating that event…… small world…….. .  The uncle was on the Explorer, as I’ve blogged about.  Kit Green was also involved.  

    This does provide a microcosm (small world) of eschatology.  

    This sort of news has been around for decades.  How many members of the global intel community would _not_ be aware of these connections?  It’s not rocket 🚀 science…….. once you’ve spotted two, three and one cannot be far behind.…….
    Smith has confirmed that his friend [xxx] has failed to penetrate "real-life X-files" held by the US NAVY, presumably under the watch of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI).

    Smith has gone public concerning a personal encounter of the odd kind: he was exposed to a creature, dangling from the ceiling in a body bag, during a brief stint at a hospital.
    Hmmm……….. small world……. the story was that two guys had been involved in a particularly gruesome motorcycle accident.  That was the last day of my employment.

    Understand that Disclosure is not really a numbers game……. not until you get to 10^10…….. and then you might wish to consider the Penrose number……. 10^10^123…….. that’s how unlikely it is that we are here by accident.

    Is Roger familiar with K129?  Is the Human Flourishing Project familiar with it?  If not, there is a surprise in store for them.

    The CTH is not so crypto, after all.

    It stands to reason that the joe&donny show is mostly fake news, and both of them are awake to the fact.  You may add vladdie&jinnie to that mix, if you like.  

    Who is going to blink first?  



    All is quiet 🤫, on the southern front.

    Atoms ⚛ are wonderful…….. but they don’t really cut it……. not when you stack them up against persons.

    Which would you rather start with?  

    Let’s face it…….. the time of Dreamtime is Eternity……. all the time in the world.  

    Once you figured out the observer problem……. the rest was a piece of cake 🍰.  

    And, frankly, I think that 10^10 is a nice round number……. it’s the smallest big number that there is.  

    And, in the End, 10^10 = 1.

    Am I hearing any objections?  

    The BPW has it…….. hands down……. it’s all over but the shouting!  

    The K-129 incident is a give away.  

    The Penrose number is a giveaway.

    P + K = it’s all over but the shouting = Omega.  (P+K=O).

    How many folks have pko?  

    It could easily be a thousand……. in dozens of countries, in total.  

    How could one keep a lid on a thousand?  

    That number is necessarily increasing at a certain rate.  

    I am suspicious of the numbers being reported here……. heck, there were over five hundred, three years ago…….. when someone fell asleep at the switch.  There has been plenty of water under the bridge, since then.  

    So why has the membership number not changed……. with virtually zero participation?  

    If we are leading up to something, all such numbers could be easily maintained.  And, yes, there have been hints to this effect.

    In this context, the advent of Adrien sends a signal…….. things at the palace had been getting a bit too cozy.  

    The Reunion story points to a deadline……. the subsequent silence points to a deadline.  

    As far as stuff on the ground…….. Oct 7 stands out.  

    And what about Nov 5?  Where will that fit?  

    I am recalling the lead up to 11/‘16……. the vectors were converging.  

    This was shortly after the portal phenomenon had been broached.  

    Hey…….. nothing happened back then.  

    Well, there was the tik-tac story…….. that did set off a few alarms…… now it’s gotten quiet again.  

    The cat’s away the mice do play……. when they stop playing, you have to wonder.  

    Every time the lid is replaced…….. it is a signal.  

    Apropos of the pre-publication of the Harvard CTH study……. …. broadcast yesterday………. the title is………. Do aliens walk among us?  

    Masters coins the term “extratempestrial” to designate time travelers.  

    There remains the concerted effort to keep our attention focused on the big world hypothesis (BWH)…….. despite the fact that the UTH/IDH tend to point in the opposite direction.  

    Yes, the time travel hypothesis, particularly in the context of the CTH, tends to point in the direction of the BWH……… in as much as it bypasses concerns about an eschatological time frame.

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    Post by dan Today at 7:46 am

    The main reason that I’m not a Christian is that most Christians, particularly in the first world, have lost the sense of irony and subtlety in the first coming……. they have no clue about his looking down from his lonely wooden tower….. no understanding of felix culpa.  

    You may rest assured that the BPW will be replete with such reversals……. once you throw Satan under the bus…….. we’ve got a lot of ‘splainin’ to do!

    The jguy is the failed messiah……… the Mguy had to come along to save his mission.  

    You can’t understand the irony of the first coming, without understanding the irony of the second coming.  

    Yes, the return visit is supposed to be out of the clouds, in glory……… in order to compensate for the failure of the first coming.  

    The jguy provided his own cover…….. only the drowning ones could see.

    But why revelation?

    Why the grand delusion?

    Why Creation?

    We’re not supposed to know why we’re here.

    Why not?  

    The only one who can tell you why you exist is you.  

    Yes, there is that of God in each of us…… but only you can find her……. and that is what it is to be born again.

    The heart is a lonely hunter.

    We have to plumb the depths of our own being.  

    So God set out to deliberately deceive us with Nature……. casting us into the abyss of space and time…….  and then leaving us alone with the Alone……. to find ourselves……. lots of luck!

    This is what the Great Delusion is all about.

    The jguy leaves us twisting in the cold winds…….. of being absurdities in a meaningless universe.

    Mohammed and the bump-stocker’s, in effect, tell us to shoot our way out of our cosmic dead end.


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