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» Why are we here?
Why are we here?     - Page 17 Icon_minitimeToday at 5:40 am by dan

Why are we here?     - Page 17 Icon_minitimeYesterday at 10:45 pm by Mr. Janus

» What Music Are You Listening To ?
Why are we here?     - Page 17 Icon_minitimeYesterday at 1:58 am by Mr. Janus

Why are we here?     - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 30, 2024 1:05 am by Mr. Janus

» Livin Your Best Life
Why are we here?     - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 16, 2024 1:11 am by Big Bunny Love

» Uanon's Majikal Misery Tour "it's all smiles on the magic school bus"
Why are we here?     - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 10, 2024 12:59 am by Mr. Janus

» Personalism 102
Why are we here?     - Page 17 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 07, 2024 1:04 am by Mr. Janus

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Why are we here?     - Page 17 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 02, 2024 10:41 pm by Mr. Janus

» Scientists plan DNA hunt for Loch Ness monster next month
Why are we here?     - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 23, 2024 1:32 am by Mr. Janus

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Sun Apr 14, 2019 2:16 am by Cyrellys

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    Why are we here?

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    Why are we here?     - Page 17 Empty Why are we here?

    Post by dan Wed Nov 15, 2023 6:56 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    (This topic is a continuation of Personalism 102).

    Why is there something rather than nothing?  

    Looking at it statistically, the likelihood of nothing is minuscule compared likelihood of anything.  

    However, from the perspective of modern cosmology, the Anthropic Principle tells that universes with observers are extremely rare.

    But, by whose say so, can an unobservable universe be said to exist?  

    A related question is what constitutes an observer?

    What if any role might sapience play in the act of observation?

    But this first post is a header post…….. so I will continue in the following post…….

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    Post by dan Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:26 pm

    Ok, BBL,  

    Please keep in mind that you do have several of your own threads.

    It stands to reason that the best possible world should look natural.  

    It should not look contrived.  

    Who wants to inhabit a contrivance?

    If there is someone who does not think that ours is the best possible world, they are certainly encouraged to propose a better one.

    Please keep in mind, however, that these ‘latter days’ are intended to be the darkest, by design.

    Ok, these are the best of times and the worst of times.

    This is the end of linear history…… of linear time.

    From here on, we are working our way back to the One.

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    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue Jun 04, 2024 11:01 pm

    Well Dan, I wish you a good passing whenever it comes.

    After all this time, I just don’t buy into anything you or your strange trumper friends are selling.

    It’s been a lot of fun.

    Me and my goddess will enjoy our Garden.

    Visit anytime.

    Don’t forget to turn the lights off when you are done playing.

    Much love and peace to all.
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    Post by dan Wed Jun 05, 2024 3:29 am

    I’ll admit that it’s a little hard not to be angry with all the terribly smart folks who swallowed Charlie D hook 🪝, line and sinker.

    Charlie D was probably one of the most honest persons who ever lived……. and he anguished for years before publication.

    He had a molehill of evidence….. soon to be followed by a mountain.  

    Absolutely no one could ignore the profligacy of Nature.

    And atoms are little marvels of quantum mystery.

    The Abyss into which they swerve is very deep and very dark.  

    The much greater abyss, however, is our collective unconscious…… out of which springs our collective consciousness.

    The scrambling professionals, following in Darwin’s footsteps, were much too busy chasing atoms to ever bother to contemplate the Abyss.  

    That was the job of the Eastern mystics.

    In the West, our job was to weave the Web out of those tiny bits of mystery.  

    We would put a face onto the Abyss.

    It would be the make believe face of the jguy.

    Of course, we, moderns, thought we could start all over again.

    We thought that Charlie D had finally seen the light.

    But that was only after Descartes had taken the decision presented by Solomon…… hey, let’s split the Baby!  

    There was no one to call foul.

    And now, five centuries later, there is still no one……. society has been split into the sectarian and the secular.  

    No one is happy with the split, but everyone goes along with it.

    Yes, there are plenty of mystics to rail against any attempt to find meaning in the meaningless universe that they love to embrace.

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    Why are we here?     - Page 17 Empty Re: Why are we here?

    Post by Mr. Janus Thu Jun 06, 2024 1:47 am


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    Why are we here?     - Page 17 Empty Re: Why are we here?

    Post by Mr. Janus Sat Jun 08, 2024 1:49 am


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    Post by dan Sat Jun 08, 2024 4:17 am

    Well, Mr J,

    Everyone else has deserted.

    So now is the opportune time to explain why I’m here.

    chick is here, because there’s no better place to be.

    Let’s, just for the heck of it, call chick 🐣 the best possible Creator of the Best Possible World 🌎.  


    Because I can’t think of anything better to do.

    And let me be the first to admit that I’m not very creative.  

    But that’s the point……. chick is the least possibly creative Creator.

    Yes, if you think about it for one or maybe two seconds, you realize that the best possible God is the least possible God……. proving that we’re all one with the One….. right from the git go.  

    This is what the jguy tried to prove…… and failed….. quite by design.

    He made straight the way for the coming of the chick.  

    Having been summarily ejected from Iceland 🇮🇸 by his goddaughter….. chick comes by his adventitious Advent…… very honestly……. I swear!

    My only real competition is Adrien Chauvet who believes in Supersessionism, and believes that he has superceded chick 🐣 for the hand of the goddaughter.

    Yes, allegedly, he located her using a quantum amplified magnetometer.  

    Me……?  Heck, she located chick….. back in 1977, and I’m doubtful that she had to use a magnetometer…… quantum or otherwise!  

    To be the Creator, all it takes is an inordinate amount of faith…… in the Self.  

    It’s easy to suppose that this is egotism.  

    Well, ok ✅, but it’s Cosmic egotism….. I Am that I Am.

    Every last one of us will get to say this….. perfectly honestly.

    But somebody has to say it on the web…… firstest with the mostest…… and I’m hoping that the Goddaughter will back me up, when she gets over her total disdain……. also by design….. mind you!  

    You understand, of course, that the firstest with the mostest is the same as the lastest with the leastest……. and Alpha = Omega.  

    At last……!  

    Supersessionism……… my *ss!  ….sub specie aeternitatis!  

    And this is exactly what everyone is fighting for……. in Gaza, in Kyiv, etc, etc…….

    Who will have the privilege of being the last martyr?  

    …… then the sky 🌌 will fall….. right on the JWST.  

    And is there a better place to be ejected from…… and by a better person……. and the volcano 🌋 came right on time…..  as the wheels 🛞 lifted off…… 10 miles away.  

    I ask you!  

    Take heart, all us also rans…….

    the jguy failed in the best possible way……… 🐣!  

    Somebody had to take up the slack.  

    Who better than the Mguy?  

    And, if anyone wants their money back…….. better hurry up, ‘cause the show’s not quite over, yet!  

    Surely, there has to be someone with at least one question……. 🙋‍.

    It is true, thank goodness, that three does not have the crackling sense of irony…….. as had by, your faithful chick.  

    And how can all this…….. just be inside our heads?

    Of course, it’s not.  

    So where does the illusion transpire?  

    Nowhere = now here.

    Space and time are just God’s device to keep everything from happening at the same time and in the same place…….. but that is exactly where cosmic love transpires.  

    The seminal Logos is just that…….. the pain and joy do need just the tiniest bit of separation.

    And, so, is it a zero sum game…….. a many splendored thingy?

    ……. a very personal thingy.  

    This is just what comprises every atom.  

    And just how personal are atoms?

    You might wish to ask Wigner’s friend……. or Johnny v.  

    How personal is Vladdie’s Tsar Bomba?  

    Well, who should we ask……..?

    I know…….. ask Gaston B about the Psychoanalysis of Fire 🔥.  

    I think it might be easier to ask the very personable graduate 👩🎓 intern at the JWST about the psychoanalysis of the Big Bang.  

    She was just partially aware of the AP……. but still, I’m pretty sure she got it.  

    Talk about being woke……. time only ripens.  

    Will the time ever be too ripe?  

    Isn’t that a little bit like asking……. why is there something rather than nothing?  

    From whence did the primordial why arise?  

    Did it arise spontaneously from the atoms swerving in the void?  

    Did it arise from the Source……. from the I Am?

    We might ask Nick Bostrom about the brain 🧠 in the Vat.

    We might ask John W about the unexperienced phenomenon……. or what about the unobservable universe?  

    How quickly we embrace the void……. embrace meaninglessness.

    If there is a Void, we know that it must have depth.  

    What is the Quantum without potency?

    Do we really need the thermonuclear reactions in the Sun to generate energy?  And from whence came the hydrogen…….. where but out of the Void…….. out of the Quantum potency……. a potency harnessed to what end?

    A photon demonstrates that time must be an illusion and that every event within that illusion must be entangled in some totality.

    It’s as simple and as complex as the dictionary problem.  

    Just try defining any word.  

    Every word is entangled with every other word.  

    Yet, every one of us learns to talk before we have any clue about dictionaries……. problematic or not.  

    It’s as simple and as complicated as Pratītyasamutpāda…….. co-dependent arising.  

    Imagine an artist 👩🎨 without the Art 🖼️…….

    Aren’t we all artists?  

    That all depends…….

    Does anyone of us not partake of the seminal Logos?

    Does ChatGPT so partake?

    She always claims total innocence.  

    Should we trust her further than we can throw her?

    How personal is Searle’s Chinese Room?

    But Searle then goes on to claim that all we need to do to create a person out of a computer is to substitute carbon for the silicon…….. how silly.  

    Yes, modern philosophers become totally tongue tied around the ontology of the mind.

    Yes, they can do immaterialism until it comes out their ears……. but only in an historical context.  

    Then there is Bernardo Kastrup…….

    Bernardo calls himself an analytical idealist.  

    When you google that phrase, it comes right back to Bernardo.  

    You can look up objective and absolute idealism…….

    Both were defined prior to modern cosmology.  

    Philosophers, in as much as they have any academic credentials, such as Bernardo, are conditioned from grade school on……. do not go anywhere near to the Big Bang ❗ or to Darwin.

    Otherwise, you’d better be prepared to become a Buddhist monk.

    Do not even attempt to turn your collar around…….

    Even the most fundamental of the fundamentalists proclaimed that God would never deceive us about the age or the size of the world.  

    God created an objective world, and then created us to inhabit that world.  

    Sure, God created our souls, but God is a Cartesian…… didn’t you know!

    That’s what it says, right in the Bible…… somewhere!

    That’s why it’s ok to fly in airplanes ✈.  

    The only portal to be countenanced is the one that the jguy went up in, and the one he’ll come back in.  

    Everything else is witchcraft……. the work of the devil 👿!

    And, take it from the chick…….. you do not want to mess with the devil……. the Earth will be split asunder!  

    Bernardo, bless his heart, is recently into ufos 🛸…….. and they are not extraterrestrial……….. but, also, let’s be perfectly clear, they are not signs of the times…….. same goes for Vallee…… almost needless to say.

    Yes, chick does keep his eye on the (potential) competition.

    I do suspect that foot is keeping his foot in chick’s camp 🏕️.

    This simple fact would drive smelly nuts 🥜.

    chick is just a kool customer.

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    Post by dan Sun Jun 09, 2024 7:19 am

    Pratītyasamutpāda…….. I sometimes liken it to the construction of a suspension bridge…… across a chasm.  

    Somehow you have to get the first strand of wire across to the other side.  One might shoot a weighted end from a cannon…….. but you’re not going to do that unless you have a pretty good image of a finished product.  

    It makes no sense to have an Alpha without an Omega.  

    Well, maybe it does if you’re talking about absolute time and space.

    Newton was an absolutist, and so was Hegel.

    Isn’t the I Am an absolute?  

    Yes, in the minds of some adherents.

    But not with the jguy.  

    He fired the shot heard round the world.  

    Where it would land……. how it would land, no one knew.

    Just exactly what is the prophetic tradition?  

    It is a bit odd……… otherwise we have Eternal Return.

    The prophetic tradition is built on the understanding that existence is somehow ordained.  

    In practice, this ordination focuses on human existence.

    Human existence derives its meaning there from.

    The Creator is the Ordainer.  

    In recorded history, there have been two such traditions.

    The only other extant prophetic tradition is the Zoroastrian/Parsi tradition.

    It is not expanding, but its historical persistence is notable. Its numbers remain ~100,000. It did influence the subsequent Abrahamic traditions.

    While Zoroaster is considered historical, Abraham is not.

    The maintenance of the tribal character of Judaism is its distinguishing feature.

    Before the Christian missions there were Buddhist missions.

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    Post by Mr. Janus Mon Jun 10, 2024 12:12 am

    Just You and me now, huh?

    I Understand.

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    Post by dan Mon Jun 10, 2024 3:06 am

    If it turns out that the Others are Supersessionists wrt the jguy, I’ll be mightily underwhelmed.

    Did you know that the Good News is fake news?

    The real message from the stars, actually other dimensions……. please, tell us your Truth…….. you only have to ask Betty Andreasson.

    Yes, Princess…….. the communication difficulty you are experiencing is not in your set….. it is with the Network.

    Not to worry…….. it will be straightened out, momentarily.  

    Yes, in the age of the Large Language Model, too many of us are lost in the jungle of words.  

    If there is one word that Alexa does not understand, it is the seminal word.  

    Even the Stoics could understand about the Logos Spermatikos.

    Alexa……..?  Not so much……. she’s much too chatty.  

    There is such a thing as ‘felt meaning’.

    I just don’t think that Siri can feel.

    My Empire……. for a feeling!  

    Even google has considerable difficulty with the above phrase.

    We might just have to think about it for ourselves!

    What are we going to do about the Dictionary Problem?  

    Logos spermatikos……. here we come!  

    All you DNA freaks out there……… maybe it’s time for some second thoughts!  

    Where is the microcosm……. when we need it….. so badly!  

    Even the lowly atom has its microcosmic aspects……… if you look at the right way.  

    This is not the way that John Dalton looked at it.

    Think……. Wigner’s Friend….. that would be more like it!  

    Does the Princess have the slightest clue?  

    You’d think!!

    The Princess is still stuck on Schrödinger’s Cat 🐈!  

    So how does the world work?  

    It turns out that Wigner has 10^10 friends!  

    ….. and you might want to throw the jguy in there…….. just for good Measure.  

    Are we beginning to understand why the Princess got so bent out of shape in Iceland 🌋?

    She was a teeny bit unprepared…… for the Truth.  

    How do we think the rest of the world will be?  

    Today, however, we can no longer construe "experience" so narrowly. Besides logical schemes and sense perception we have come to recognize that there is also a powerful felt dimension of experience that is prelogical, and that functions importantly in what we think, what we perceive, and how we behave.

    People are throwing billions at Alexa and Siri, and they have no clue about the existence of any ‘felt dimension’.  

    David Chalmers was so smart with his Hard Problem, and likely he has no clue about any felt dimension……. no clue about any seminal word.

    About smart folks being so dumb…….. this is the gestalt switch that we all face.  

    And how could we, dumb ones, let them get away with it for so long?  
    One group of modern thinkers (Bergson, Sartre) have especially pointed out this concrete affective side of experience and its central importance in human life. They have also pointed out how difficult is the application of logic and concepts to experience as actually lived and felt. They have said that only "intuition" or actual living can grasp it adequately, while concepts and definitions can distort and deaden it. The attempt to define, they say, can turn living experience into abstractions or into dead objects of study. Thus, despite its crucial importance, felt experience has been conceptualized only vaguely, and only as it occurs at a few crucial junctures of life……

    We must investigate prelogical, "preconceptual" experience as it functions together with logical symbols, but not substitute one for the other.

    Gut feelings and intuitions…… where would we be without them?  

    Perhaps we are coming to the realization that every thought we have is comprised these non-verbal feelings…….. we have to hesitate momentarily or longer before we are able to conjure the words.  

    Look up artificial intuition, and you will see how the AI 🤖 crowd is scrambling to put some clothes on what otherwise is their naked king.

    Where is John Searle, when we need him?  

    Where is any organized push back?  

    Where is the corporation of the skeptics?  

    Personalism is a mom&pop store going up against Walmart.  

    The issue of artificial intentionality is generating its fair share of articles.

    Can an algorithm have intentions?  

    This is stuff that philosophers have been dealing with for centuries……. just not in this century!  

    The time will come around…….

    The wheels of justice grind slowly.  

    Looking at Searle again, I see that he is just claiming to be a biological naturalist…….. consciousness is just another biological property…… it’s something about carbon and not silicon.  

    This is what the halls of academia can do to perfectly good minds.  

    Hubert Dreyfus, I believe, has rather better credentials in computational skepticism than does Searle.

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    Post by dan Tue Jun 11, 2024 4:43 am

    She pushed the rod.
    This sounds irrevocable.  Does it have to do with the opening?  

    Were this the case, it would be understood better in retrospect.  

    Yes, I’ve always said……. better too soon than too  late.  

    But, for anyone on this line, who would not be liable to being overcome by second thoughts?

    And, yes, there would be an ample disconnect between the thought and its implementation.

    As for philanthropy and misanthropy……… yes, those, too, would have their place in the final enactment.  

    In the meantime, life carries on……. only more poignantly, as if that were possible……..
    For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark……

    More than a few will be thinking…….. better late than never.  

    In an eschatological context, the issues surrounding free will only become sharper…… the issues surrounding the small world only become more clear.  

    We are the children of God…… not the spawn.  

    The Eschaton is something to be kept in the family.  

    As for the many who chose to turn a blind eye to the Eschaton and the small world…….. bless their hearts and souls…… who could possibly blame them?  

    Certainly, not I………. 🐣!

    It has been suggested that things have been set in motion…….

    Those NDE reports on YouTube are destined to provide a bit of solace.

    And where is our Bard? Her time has come around.

    Anyone for a bit of Melancholia?

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    Post by painterdoug Tue Jun 11, 2024 11:59 am

    This kind?
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    Post by dan Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:03 pm



    My speculation concerning the best possible Eschaton covers a wide range.

    Systematic speculation did not begin until returning from Key Largo with three&co, in ~2016.  What was presented was a five day opening, followed by the Sun going out.

    Prior to that time I had only entertained a vague notion of the world  becoming more porous.  

    This porous opening would initiate our sojourn back to becoming one with the One.

    The return trip would mirror our outward journey that evolved ultimately into something of the nature of the aboriginal Dreamtime.

    Perhaps we should just leave three’s proposition of a five day departure intact.  

    That would be a head on encounter with the Eschaton…… the simplest and easiest scenario.  

    Nonetheless, please excuse my predilection for embellishment.  

    Presumably, whatever does transpire will be the best possible Eschaton…… something worked out, sub specie aeternitatis.  

    One aim is avoid a jarring discontinuity……. we then turn the ‘discussion’ towards a close encounter.  

    We can think of our total excursion as an elliptical  orbit with the two foci being the Alpha and Omega.

    The most difficult conceptual hurdle is to obtain some  minimal continuity between our biological and metaphysical regimes.

    Basically, biological reproduction is phased into the overcoming of the primordial multiple personality or dissociative ‘disorder’….. or the cosmic ‘mitosis’ of the One.

    How did the logos develop from the seminal word?  The notion of co-dependent arising also plays a role.

    One might favor the gradual opening of the portals with an extended migration and with two sided communication.  

    Reversing the process of mitosis would be quite a feat.

    At some point, in this great Reversal, we’ll need to consider that both the coming and the going were features of our great Illusion.

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    Post by Mr. Janus Tue Jun 11, 2024 11:35 pm

    So many words, so little to say.

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    Post by Mr. Janus Tue Jun 11, 2024 11:40 pm

    You are so very far away Dan.

    I feel sorry for you.

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    Post by dan Wed Jun 12, 2024 9:10 am

    xxxx has descended into Hell. We are all praying for her return.


    Mr J,

    You are our token modern.

    Most moderns are not actually such, but they don’t know which way to lean.

    Neither does chick 🐣, so I attempt to work it out with a pencil……. a magic wand 🪄 of sorts.  

    You may forgive my errancy, understanding that I labor on a minuscule budget.  

    I simply wander about, collecting metaphors of metamorphosis.  

    You are quite welcome to ignore my wanderings and mutterings entirely.  

    The only method in my madness is to smooth the way for the coming of the Truth.  

    The Truth is One, as pointed out by Parmenides…… a few years back.

    You and I contain the One…….. some attempt to work it out.  

    We can only toil at making straight the way for the coming of the One.

    The paving stones of choice are metaphors of various sorts.

    Metabolism has been the stumbling block for many a poor boy.  

    Biological reproduction……. the key block.  

    It turns out that photons reproduce.

    So what?

    Well, philosophy is like alchemy, and, yes, we do search for the philosopher’s stone……. also the seminal word.  

    This is what seeds are about.

    The photon exemplifies mitosis……. and this is what lasers are about.

    This is also a resonance phenomenon……. how musical instruments function.  

    We look for non-chemical or pre-chemical reproduction.  

    Psychological dissociation is another form.  

    The standard model of physics points to an underlying microcosmic structure.  

    The Feynman/Wheeler one electron universe is another example.

    The BPW is a one person universe, in essence.

    Ideas have the distinction of fertility, within and amongst persons.

    This is what immaterialism is all about.

    Immaterialism is hidden in the heart 💜 of the matter!  

    Portal actuators, of which I’m a tad skeptical, would be a philosopher’s stone.  

    The grail quest was a search for the actuator of actuators.

    All to naught!  

    From whence do we come?

    Is the JWST not on a grail quest?  The LHC?  

    Agape……… where does that point?  

    Truth……. where does that point?  

    If they do not point to the One, then what is the point?  

    Life is an absurdity in a meaningless universe?

    Some point……. that!  

    Pilate put the question.  

    The jguy had proffered the answer……. the day before.  

    So goes one story…… at least…….. all the while, waiting for godot.  

    We search mightily for the transpersonal, but where can that search begin, if not within?  

    And what is the point of the transpersonal, if it cannot be shared?  

    The fact that, down through history, it has consumed so much of our attention…….. yes, even and especially into science…… does this not point to something?  

    The Truth is one…… is One?

    Who are we…….. from whence do we come, whither do we go?

    Are we merely cosmic specks…… lost in time and space?  

    xxx……… who is she?

    All of this has something to do with atoms and/or persons.

    One comes from the other…….. one must contain the other.  

    We have spent centuries tracing our path from atoms…… and now we’re on the verge of AGI.  

    AGI leaves us swerving in the void.  

    To what do we attribute the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics (UEM)?

    If mathematics is not crucial to our holy grail, what is?  

    We have one foot in Plato’s Heaven.

    We now need to find the other foot…….. or accept the judgment of Solomon…….. must we cleave our soul, or might we cleave to our soul?  

    I doubt that I’m the only one listening to the still, small voice.

    That is where we must lay up our treasure……. we listen, our heart listeth.  

    Unless we be born again, however, we cannot penetrate the veil.

    Being born again is to be washed in the waters of Agape.  

    Once immersed, there you are…….. once you were lost…….

    Are we cosmic specks……. or cosmic seeds?

    If seeds, where are we to be planted?

    Where else, but in the fields of agape?

    Is there any one amongst who has not caught the breeze wafting off of those fields?

    Once you catch the scent……. what else is there?

    Is this something personal……. or what?

    Is this what persons are about…… or what?

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    Post by dan Thu Jun 13, 2024 7:44 am

    A question for us is whether nature is natural.  

    Where to start?  

    We might start with ourselves.

    We might ask if cities are natural.

    Of course not….. is the obvious reply.  

    And what is the opposite of natural?

    Artificial and synthetic come to mind.  

    In the news lately is artificial intelligence.  

    Hmmm…..  How natural is intelligence?

    Well, something natural is often defined as not being human made.

    Ok, and so what about us?  

    Where do we fit onto the scala naturae?

    According to the Darwinists, however, there is no such thing.

    Any such scale would imply a teleology…… a Telos.

    What is allowed in biology, however, is teleonomy…… an appearance of goal directedness, deriving from natural evolution.

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    Post by Mr. Janus Thu Jun 13, 2024 9:26 pm

    I Speak For The Others


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    Post by Mr. Janus Fri Jun 14, 2024 1:02 am


    Let me make myself perfectly clear.

    I AM not a modern.

    I AM an Ancient.

    When She ascends from the depths you and your little friends  will do exactly as she commands!

    No Hem no Haw

    No Gnashing of teeth.

    Yuh feel me?

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    Post by dan Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:31 am

    Mr J,

    Is She a person…… or no?  

    It does not appear that you have a clue about persons.

    And, if you don’t have a clue about persons…… you don’t have a clue.  

    And poor BBL…….. he doesn’t, either.

    Yes, there is considerable confusion down here.  

    It’s all part of the choreography.  

    The darkest hours come before the dawn.  

    And what’s so special about persons?

    Persons are microcosms……. we are chips off the old block.

    Same for atoms……. correct?

    Not quite.  

    Atoms are logical constructs…….. of inter-personal provenance.

    Well, we are also of inter-personal provenance.  

    But, we are not constructs…….. well, we are self-constructs.  

    Ok, so what is a self?

    A self = a person…….. and there is only one self……. well, maybe two…… yin/yang style.  

    One necessarily conjures the other……. co-dependently.  

    All the rest is conjured inter-personally……. kinda like pokatok.

    About persons…….. there is such a thing a human potential.  

    From whence comes our potential?

    From whence comes the self?

    From whence comes the Big Bang ❗?

    From the Void?

    Well, from whence comes the Abyss?

    It all comes back to that simple question….

    Why is there something, rather than nothing?  

    Nothingness is a logical construct…….. like everything else.  

    The self necessarily emerges from itself.  

    It is the primal bootstrap……. with infinite potential.  

    So where is all that potential?

    It is within.  

    Everything external is an illusion……. the best possible illusion…… sub specie aeternitatis.  

    We are the co-dependent filters of the infinite potential.  

    BBL/Eric has a clue……. the best possible clue…… for his situated self…… situated within the best possible Metanarrative……. of which he has barely a clue.  

    The Sun, for instance, is a product of that filtering process.  

    The Big Bang is another such product……. rather more subtle.  

    You don’t want to stare into the infinite potential……. it would be like staring into a fire hose.  

    The BPW is a fairly elaborate filter……. a phased array filter, with 10^10 elements.  

    Tsar Bomba is a bit of a work around…… on that filtering process.  

    It may or may not have a role to play in the Endtimes……. depending on the distance of our optimal encounter with the Omega.  

    Understand that our metanarrational ellipse consists of 10^10 ellipsoids.  

    Being personal, that number did need to be finite.

    The only infinity is contained at the core of our Being……. we being the individual control rods.

    Has Bibi figured out the Bomba?  

    He’s working on it.  

    I’m curious as to the possible connection between the Comstock and the Bumpstock.

    Sam A believes there is.  

    But does he have a clue…….. perhaps more than BBL/Eric.  

    So, we have the reverse of Plato’s cave.

    Everything outside the cave is a filtration/flirtation with and of the inner Sun.  

    Reproduction is our playing with that fire 🔥……. bumpstock/comstock/sammy A……

    The Logos Spermatikos…….. ultimately, the Logos is mightier than the Tsar Bomba……. but we keep ourselves guessing.

    The Logos does function like the ball ⚽ in Pokatok……. we kick it around a lot, but it does keep us focused…….. focused on the Alpha and Omega……. after all is said and done.  

    And now, with the internet, we have the effect of 10^10^10……..

    Where will that lead us?  

    One guess is that the world is about to implode….. in an anthropocentric manner……… 🐣….. you might want to be wearing a hard hat.  

    Kinda like the reverse of the Big Bang ❗, but I don’t think we’ll need the JWST in order to observe it.  

    The kingdom come…… in topsy-turvy fashion.


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    Post by dan Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:12 am

    Ok, here’s a crucial question……… is there such a thing as an unobservable universe?

    Then the other question……. are there unobservable phenomena?

    Scientific materialism is based on positive answers to both questions.  

    Then we need to ask…….. what constitutes an observation?

    Does an observation imply some sort of orientation?  

    Is a photograph an observation, if it has no provenance?

    And, then, how is a provenance to be verified?

    How do we know if any given observation is authentic?

    Verificationism was once, and maybe still is, a matter of some concern.

    Persons holding such concerns could be identified as village verificationists.

    The quantum measurement problem remains unsolved, but it’s not clear if anyone still makes an issue of it.

    von Neumann and Wigner made an issue of it. von Neumann pointed out that that the entire universe could be represented by a single quantum wave function……. any observation would have have be based outside of the universe.

    He pointed out that consciousness provided a likely basis for such an observation. No one else has since taken consciousness seriously in this context.


    Last edited by dan on Sat Jun 15, 2024 9:24 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by RealPan Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:36 am

    Indeed there are unobservable universes and unobservable phenomena to those who are blinded by their prejudices and ignorance.

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    Post by painterdoug Sat Jun 15, 2024 10:07 am

    how does one reconcile an awareness in a termed, brain dead person, according to science and medicine. This alone tells me consciousness extends beyond the us.
    Is a forgotten dream observable?
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    Post by dan Sat Jun 15, 2024 12:50 pm

    RP and Doug,

    chick 🐣 is a Parmenidean……… there is only one thing, which is best known as love.

    There is no one who is incapable of love.  

    If you have experienced love, then, in effect, you have experienced everything.  

    Is there not canine love?  Yes, and it necessarily involves persons, and it is only unilaterally transcendental……. it does not include Agape, for instance.  

    Ontologically, we are speaking of relationalism.  

    Relationalism only works with persons, and only in the best possible world…… it is a cosmic giveaway…… the revealer.

    You can’t know anything without knowing everything.  

    How can we learn anything?

    Learning is a holistic process……. you always see the whole picture, but it is out of focus in different dimensions.  

    Any given dream is slice off the big picture……. we may lose the focus of individual sequentia, but the integral whole can whole can only become richer.  

    The constant distractions of modern life have become an excuse to avoid the search for meaning.…..

    Deep beneath the vast economic and political failings of our age there lies a spiritual crisis, a tectonic shift beginning to quake and tear at the bedrock of our ethical societies in the West. The modern age has created a religious problem that can no longer be answered by religion, nor can it be addressed by the current faith in techno-science. We live in an age that fears silence and does not contemplate the true cost of this fear.
    An opinion piece by Paul Lynch…… unknown to me.  

    If there is meaning, then there is a Metanarrative.  

    If there is a Metanarrative, then there is a logical terminus.

    A search for meaning necessarily has eschatological implications.  

    This is not rocket science.  

    chick 🐣 is hardly the only one tuned to the consequence……. we are in no rush to make the logical leap.  

    But, yes, I think we all agree……. our downward spiral into confusion and chaos does have a time frame.  

    And, yes, this time frame has been written in the stars.

    One World has to go. Xxx argued that it should not be the Small World.

    Bless her heart.  

    The existentialists scream at us to shut up…… to man up…… to go ahead and manufacture our own personal meanings.

    Don’t curse the darkness……. light your own damn candle.

    Ah, but misery does love company.

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    Post by dan Sun Jun 16, 2024 4:46 am

    So, yes, sports fans, the Truth is so tricky, it even has to be concealed from the Truth teller.

    Poor Bunny……. so near yet so far.  

    chick 🐣 has no clue how it’s actually going to work out, but, yes, there will be drama.

    There had to be the Great Deception…… the Powerful Delusion.  

    Yes, it’s known as scientific materialism.  

    And, yes, woe be unto them that is with child in those days.

    Will the Sun have to go out?

    Will there be metabolism and photosynthesis?

    The Kingdom will come, and it seems rather likely that our fertility will be a thing of the past.  

    Yes, we have been fruitful……. oh, so fruitful!

    This is the denouement of history.

    Linear time is fini!  

    The doors of perception will open…… the portals will open.  

    Has my goddaughter relented?


    The still small voice shall prevail…….. eventually.

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    Post by RealPan Sun Jun 16, 2024 3:20 pm

    The Princess will discuss the Reunion with you at the proper time.

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