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» Why are we here?
Why are we here?     - Page 19 Icon_minitimeYesterday at 1:54 pm by dan

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Why are we here?     - Page 19 Icon_minitimeYesterday at 1:06 am by Mr. Janus

» Uanon's Majikal Misery Tour "it's all smiles on the magic school bus"
Why are we here?     - Page 19 Icon_minitimeYesterday at 12:12 am by Mr. Janus

Why are we here?     - Page 19 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2024 11:38 pm by Mr. Janus

Why are we here?     - Page 19 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2024 12:47 am by Mr. Janus

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» Updating the Book
Why are we here?     - Page 19 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 24, 2024 1:29 am by Mr. Janus

» Disclosure - For U by U
Why are we here?     - Page 19 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 24, 2024 12:46 am by Mr. Janus

» Livin Your Best Life
Why are we here?     - Page 19 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 23, 2024 11:33 pm by Mr. Janus

Where did all the Open Minds Forum members go?

Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:29 pm by Admin

With Open Minds Forum restored now for almost half a year at it's new location with we can now turn to look at reaching out to OMF's original members who have not yet returned home. OMF's original membership was over 6,000 members strong, prior to the proboards suspension, according to the rolls of the time. We can probably safely assume that some of those accounts were unidentified socks. If we were to assume a reasonable guess of maybe as many as 30% possible sock accounts then that would leave potentially somewhere between 4800 to 4900 possible real members to locate. That is still a substantial number of people.

Who were all these people? Some were average individuals with common interests in ufology, exopolitics, globalism, corruption, earthchanges, science and technology, and a variety of other interests. Some just enjoyed being part of a vibrant and unusually interesting community. Others were representative of various insider groups participating in observation and outreach projects, while still others were bonafide intelligence community personnel. All with stake in the hunt for truth in one fashion or another. Some in support of truth, and communication. Others seeking real disclosure and forms of proof. And others highly skeptical of anything or limited subjects. The smallest division of membership being wholly anti-disclosure oriented.

So where did these members vanish to? They had many options. There are almost innumerable other forums out there on the topics of UFO's or Exopolitics, the Unexplained, and Conspiracy Theory. Did they disappear into the world-wide network of forum inhabitants? Did some go find new homes on chatrooms or individual blogs? Did they participate in ufo conventions or other public events and gatherings? How about those who represented groups in special access? Or IC and military observers? Those with academic affiliations? Where did they all go and what would be the best way to reach out and extend an invitation to return?

And what constitutes a situation deserving of their time and participation? Is the archive enough? How exactly do people within the paradigm most desire to define a community? Is it amenities, humanity or simply population size for exposure? Most of the special guests have been emailed and have expressed that population size for exposure is what most motivates them. But not all. Long-time member Dan Smith has other priorities and values motivating his participation. Should this open opportunities for unattached junior guests who have experience and dialog to contribute to the world? How best to make use of OMF's time, experience and resources?

Many skeptics would like to see the historical guardian of discourse opportunity to just up and disappear; go into permanent stasis. They think that not everyone has a right to speak about their experiences and if there is no proof involved then there can philosophically be no value to discourse. I personally would respectfully disagree with them. Discourse has always been the prelude to meaningful relationships and meaningful mutual relationships have always been the prelude to exchanges of proof. In a contentious social environment with regards to communication vs disclosure how do we best re-establish a haven for those preludes? Is it only the "if we build it they will come" answer? Well considering OMF has been largely fully functional over the last four or five months this line of reasoning is not necessarily true. So what would be the best way re-establish this? Your suggestions are sought. Please comment.

October 2024


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    Why are we here?

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    Why are we here?     - Page 19 Empty Why are we here?

    Post by dan Wed Nov 15, 2023 6:56 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    (This topic is a continuation of Personalism 102).

    Why is there something rather than nothing?  

    Looking at it statistically, the likelihood of nothing is minuscule compared likelihood of anything.  

    However, from the perspective of modern cosmology, the Anthropic Principle tells that universes with observers are extremely rare.

    But, by whose say so, can an unobservable universe be said to exist?  

    A related question is what constitutes an observer?

    What if any role might sapience play in the act of observation?

    But this first post is a header post…….. so I will continue in the following post…….

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    Post by dan Sat Jul 06, 2024 5:40 am

    There was a meet up but not a follow up…….. not when I was attending.  

    The meeting coordinator was Adrien Chauvet.  

    His invitee was Mohammad Thaqiyyudheen.

    It was Mohammad’s article……. Extra-terrestrial life: Can Aliens Be Muslims?……. that was put forward for discussion.  

    Here is a quote from Mohammad’s article…….
    ……so Muslim literally means ‘the one who had surrendered to Allah’, and Islam means ‘submission’. Therefore, in every intelligent society, no matter where they are, there will be Muslims

    This is where Mohammad and I have to part company.  

    I submit only to the Truth, ultimately…….. in the meantime I do obey traffic regulations.  

    And……. What is the Truth……. as Pontius Pilate famously asked….. and which the jguy famously did not answer.  

    In fact, he had already said that we, then, could not bear to hear the Truth.  However, the Spirit of the Truth would come….. eventually.  

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    Post by RealPan Sat Jul 06, 2024 11:19 am

    As the new kid on the blog, I was cautioned to be respectful, so I respectfully urge you to repent and surrender to God. As the Son of Satan, you blaspheme with your defiance of God revealing your alliance with Satan whom you falsely decree as Truth. You crawl up from Hell and request an audience with the Princess. You seek to hear from the Wise Men. You even blaspheme about the reunion of the Angels with the Creator. May God strike you down before the Opening so that you have no opportunity to sneak through a crack into the New World.
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    Post by dan Sat Jul 06, 2024 11:35 am

    Dear Fake Pan,

    If you wish to persist on this blog, please choose your own handle…… and you are quite welcome to use your actual name, as do I.  

    As with most folks who adhere to a particular religion, you have a poor grasp of the Truth.  

    For instance, presumably as a Christian, you are wont to forget that Jesus proclaimed of himself…….
    Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


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    Post by RealPan Sat Jul 06, 2024 11:49 am

    Jesus did not have to verbally answer Pontius Pilate, because the great Roman Governor had already become Christian. Jesus and the Governor understood that the surrounding Jews who condemned Jesus could not accept the truth, but those who could had already understood. You dissemble even with respect to those on your blog using true name for handles. I proudly hold the baton as the RealPan, the only true son of Hermes.
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    Post by dan Sat Jul 06, 2024 12:01 pm


    I do not believe that you are the one who created the handle or the password.  

    If I am wrong about that, please correct me.

    But that is a minor detail compared to our understanding of the Truth.  

    There is no one who cannot understand and accept the Truth.  

    The has been much confusion as to the nature of the Truth, ever since we first separated from the Source.  

    It is the Truth that will guide us back to the Source.

    I’m not a Christian, but, based on my life’s experience, I have come to believe that Jesus was the first to incarnate the Truth among us.

    Furthermore, I believe that the Truth is personal…… and ultimately will be inter-personal.  

    If we don’t understand the historical role of Jesus, we are going to have considerable difficulty understanding the rest of history.

    Particularly, we are going to have difficulty understanding the Second Coming.

    Is Jesus God?

    Well, I am a trinitarian but not a Trinitarian.

    I do equate Jesus with the I Am…….. Jesus being the incarnation there of.

    And so is every one of us.

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    Post by RealPan Sat Jul 06, 2024 12:34 pm

    I hold the baton of the RealPan. I was not the Creator, nor will I be in this role through Eternity.
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    Post by dan Sat Jul 06, 2024 12:44 pm

    Ok, so, you admit that you are here under the auspices of Ron P.

    But, historically, Jesus holds the pride of place.

    We are here mainly to discuss the Second Coming.  

    It is generally believed that the Second Coming will be in glory……. it will fulfill the prophecies of the advent of the Messiah, for instance.  

    My argument with many of those who call themselves Christians is that they don’t understand the historical, incarnational role of Jesus.

    Instead, they have become Bibliolators…….. they put the Bible before the Incarnation.

    Thus do they disavow the cosmic Mystery of the Person.  

    They may well be Darwinists, for instance.  

    The Muslims, in particular, fail to understand the metaphysical role of Jesus.  They can only see him as another prophet……. along with Mohammed, although they take Mohammed to have been the Seal of the prophets.  

    In Truth, the Holy Ghost is intended to be the Seal of the prophets.  

    The Holy Ghost is also known as the Comforter, the Spirit of the Truth, etc………

    From the Trinitarian view, the Spirit of the Truth is the third person of the Trinity.  

    Most Christians see the advent of this Spirit in the Pentecost…… the descent of the tongues of fire 🔥.  

    I’m fine with that, however, I believe that there is more to the Truth.  

    In particular, I believe that the Second Coming and the incarnation of the Spirit of the Truth will be….. may well be….. synonymous.  

    If someone were to come along and open a portal, let’s say, what would be the significance of that?  

    According to chick, that event could, and really should, be sufficient to trigger the Eschaton……. by bringing the sky down on Modernism.

    The alleged objectivity of atoms is replaced by the inter-subjectivity of persons.

    The big, objective world of science is replaced by the small, personal world of the I Am.

    We can think of this as the mother of all paradigm shifts, if we choose to.

    We are on our way back to being one with the One.

    three wants no part of one……. minor detail….. oft times the devil is in the details.

    Mohammad Thaqiyudheen, S/o Abdul Jaleel Hudawi Vengoor and Adrien Chauvet are both supersessionists……. holding the opinion that Christians, among others, should roll over and play dead.

    chick 🐣 does not share this opinion.  Rather, chick believes that Muslims fail to appreciate the special nature of personhood….. that there is that of God in every one of us.

    We, persons do not submit to Jesus…… rather we take Jesus into our hearts…… big difference!  

    Not being able to make sense of our small, personal world, they have no clue about the Eschaton…… the Rapture….. the coming of God’s Kingdom……. our becoming one with the One.

    Without understanding personhood, they can have no understanding of our geocentric, anthropocentric, Christocentric world.  

    It’s not rocket science, sports fans.  

    (cont…….. )
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    Post by dan Sun Jul 07, 2024 5:47 am

    But there is something akin to rocket 🚀 science…….. that’s being able to see the world from every perspective.

    It is not difficult to see Christianity as an abject failure, from various perspectives…….. particularly from the perspectives of modernism and Islam.

    Christianity is in severe decline in the modern world.

    From the perspective of Islam, modernism is purely secular and is largely atheist…… particularly as seen in popular culture, where decadence and atheism may be seen as in ascendence.  

    Islam is seen as the last bastion of faith.

    Yes, viewed from the perspective of any organized religion, the West appears largely irreligious.

    Those who declare themselves spiritual but unaffiliated barely show up on the radar screen.  

    It would be virtually impossible to prove, but what could be on the increase is introspection of a spiritual nature.  

    As scientific materialism loses its luster, people do search for alternative visions…… something to capture the imagination.  

    No small degree of desperation may be witnessed in the various toutings of the future of artificial intelligence.  

    I’m simply pointing out that there may well be a depth of the universal psyche which is being widely perceived but which is not registering in any public fashion.

    Buddhism and Christianity both point to such unplumbed dimensions.

    With Buddhism there is no historical context…… the context is highly individualized……. the inter-personal dimension being minimized.

    In my own case, I have found that there is a considerable correlation in  the quest for truth whether it be scientific or spiritual.  

    In the West, much of that motivation stems from the same ground of the psyche.  

    Science makes every effort to deny and downplay our quest for meaning.  That motivation still lurks…… in the depths.

    Any prophetic tradition is anticipating a messianic event.

    Islam, in its early conquests, came nearer than the others.

    Over the centuries, that hope has not diminished.

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    Post by Mr. Janus Sun Jul 07, 2024 10:54 pm


    You are still a Theosophist.

    And your Messiah is Crowley.

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    Post by dan Mon Jul 08, 2024 6:45 am

    Mr J,


    Aleister Crowley was Satanist.  I’ve been accused of being a Satanist….. I guess it’s for saying that we are, each one of us, potentially equal to God, and that ultimately we will be one with the One.

    Technically, I am an atheist, by being an ardent pantheist/Quaker……. there is that of God in every one of us…….. we are the direct descendants of the original/final I Am……… and there is no God but us, sub specie aeternitatis…… ultimately we are one with the One.  

    The Christians and the Buddhists come closer to Anthropocentism than any other traditions.    

    But the Buddhists see our co-Creation (maya) in a negative light….. as if the world were our Limbo-land….. our purgatory

    And that is true…… in some sense.

    The world is definitely our best possible school room.

    And what’s the matter with school…… aren’t we all perpetual students?  

    And if you want a crash course in reality, you can volunteer to distribute food in Gaza.  

    It does seem that science has succeeded in decimating the spiritual dimension.  

    I say that is a relatively superficial appearance.  

    The human mind is capable of going much deeper than any artificial intelligence that we might concoct.

    But, if we’re the co-Creators, why can’t we re-create ourselves?  

    We remain beyond our own reach.  

    We remain a mystery to ourselves.  

    If we are God, why can’t we see into our own hearts?  

    I submit that we’re not quite there, yet.  

    I’m sounding like the AI folks……. hey, we’re almost there!!

    So basically the promised land comes with the demise of science?

    Talk about negativity!

    Stated more positively…….. the Truth will set us free.  

    Am I saying that science is fake news?

    The Big Bang ❗ is fake news……. just go to the JWST.  

    I’m saying that we don’t come from the monkeys……. the monkeys come from us……. from our best possible angles……. from the I Am…… from the We Are!  

    When we make it back to the One, we will know ourselves for the first time……. we will see right through our hearts!  

    Am I saying that the Truth will save us, not Jesus?  

    Jesus is alleged to have said of himself……. I am the Truth, the Way and the Life.  

    Is chick 🐣 disputing this?

    Isn’t chick saying that he is potentially the Spirit of the Truth?

    But I do subscribe to the Filioque……. the Spirit comes from the Father and the Son.  

    It’s impossible to imagine any sort of chick without the Son.

    Am I a Trinitarian?  

    It is logical that the Metanarrative has a personal Alpha and Omega.

    In that respect, I’m a Binitarian.  

    But I believe that Alpa = Omega…… so that would make me a Unitarian.

    But I am a gender lender…….. like yin and yang ☯……. so go figure!  

    It can be just as complicated or just as simple as you like…….

    The correspondence theory of truth (CorTT) is very impersonal.

    The coherence theory of truth, is quite the opposite.  

    The CohTT reminds me of the notion of the seminal word…… the Truth can be condensed to a single word, such as Love.

    The Truth/Word/Logos can be incarnated, and it will be by each and every one of us.

    This incarnation may equal the Omega of the meta/Narrative.

    Mohammed is claimed to be such a one….. the Seal of the prophets, for instance.

    IMHO, our realization that our minds are universal and irreducible…… in the image of God…… will lead to understand that mind comes before matter, ie. that reality is mental rather than material.

    The universal unity of mathematics, along with its unreasonable effectiveness (E Wigner) is one strong indicator of the inter-subjective nature of reality.

    The universality of our sapient consciousness is a strong indication that we all partake in the one cosmic consciousness.

    The historic ascendancy of scientific materialism strongly distracted most from Truth and into facts.

    Perhaps we are on the verge of being able to transcend mere facts.

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    Post by dan Tue Jul 09, 2024 1:56 pm

    Kastrup and Hoffman discuss their theories of immaterialism……  

    Donald is a bottom up sort of guy, relying almost entirely on mathematical modeling…… modeling dissociation.

    Bernardo is supposed to be top down, but I have no clue as to what the top might be.

    They are quite frank about avoiding the notion of design.

    The unstated presumption with Bernardo is that he is avoiding any association with theism or personalism.

    They would not touch the untouchable with a ten foot pole.

    But they both embrace Darwin, even though they both agree that time is an illusion.

    Almost at the end, Bernardo is about to explain the paradox.  

    He does mention teleology.

    There is something outside of time that corresponds to evolution inside of time.

    Anyone for the Metanarrative?!  

    “Evolution points to something outside of time that isn’t trivial.”

    Truth is so near, yet so far.  

    Staying away from the small world, with its eschatological implications, would seem to be the primary motivation for both them.

    This avoidance is so ingrained that it may barely be conscious.

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    Post by Mr. Janus Wed Jul 10, 2024 12:37 am


    You are Illuminati.

    You are of an elite hegemony.

    You look down upon the common man and their struggle.

    And your messiah is not only Crowley but also Blavatsky

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    Post by dan Wed Jul 10, 2024 5:08 am

    Illuminati? Crowley? Blavatsky?

    It seems that there is misinformation.

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    Post by Mr. Janus Wed Jul 10, 2024 10:31 pm

    How so?

    Are you not exactly how you appear to be?


    Dan Smith and Ron Pandolfi are placeholders for slavemasters and ruler priests.

    They think they are better than the common persons and horde secret knowledge so that they might lord it over them.

    Their game is so transparent it hurts.

    Every post they make is an inside joke of their own and their way of spitting in your face and laughing at you, dear reader...

    I guess I took a page out of their book.

    All artists find inspiration where they can.

    Disclosure is truly a clown show in the end.

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    Post by ak Thu Jul 11, 2024 12:56 am

    Dan blogs and Ron composes and sends out emails in an attempt to share what can't be shared

    I was/am just a random commoner who happened to stumble onto this stuff during a midlife crisis and they both treated me like family

    In all my interactions with Dan and Ron I never got a "spit in your face and laugh at you" vibe, not even close

    So are'nt fooling anyone Mr J


    "Normally if a stranger walked into my station talkin' this kind of crap, he'd be lookin for his teeth two blocks up on queer street"
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    Post by Mr. Janus Thu Jul 11, 2024 1:38 am

    Hey brother.

    Let me make myself clear.

    I don't give a fuck.

    If it quacks...

    Ron Pandolfi and Dan Smith are both Aviary and appear to run interference for a vast international criminal black ops

    So the story goes.

    Maybe I'm mistaken.

    That being said.

    I've spent enough time here.

    And left enough of a Footprint.

    There's no piece of evidence in the entire world that justifies your VIIIIIBEEEE Dooder!

    No one cares how nice those guys might be to you.

    By all means continue to enjoy your midlife crisis.

    But you are right.

    I'm not fooling anyone.

    I speak from the heart, little one.

    And I'm still a fool.

    To challenge these people.


    Moron wrote:  Normally if a stranger walked into my station talkin' this kind of crap, he'd be lookin for his teeth two blocks up on queer street  

    whats the supposed to mean? OMF isn’t a place for threats, we don't do that here, that’s a core rule.

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    Post by ak Thu Jul 11, 2024 1:59 am

    story shmory

    the only story here is the one that doesn't add up


    you speak from the ass and are a liar
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    Post by Mr. Janus Thu Jul 11, 2024 2:00 am


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    Post by Mr. Janus Fri Jul 12, 2024 2:11 am


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    Post by Big Bunny Love Fri Jul 12, 2024 2:51 am

    Silly rabbits 🐇

    Buy a ticket, take the ride.
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    Post by RealPan Fri Jul 12, 2024 6:26 pm

    The Chick sees the fun, and the fish grabs the gun, and the big bunny has a good run. I took the rains of the choo choo trains, that are carrying all the big brains. Now the Son is about to come up, with his hand on the head of my pup, it is about time for me to go sup, so let the Chick do his job spilling evil from his cup.
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    Post by Mr. Janus Fri Jul 12, 2024 9:37 pm

    You know what, you win.

    It's all bullshit anyway.

    Each day I see it more and more. A look from a stranger, a chance meeting at a bar, a pool party, a bookstore, flea markets, the movies, it doesn't matter. There is a structure to this thing but the worst part is when it alludes you, when you think you can just reach out and grasp something and it just slips away. It's funny when you meet someone who's a total stranger to you that they have this familiarity to them. Like you've already known them but they just has to actually meet you is all. It's strange, just yesterday I was at a book store and sitting on top of the shelf was a book called Looking for the Mahdi, how odd, how very very odd indeed. Whether destiny is a tyranny or we liberate ourselves with free will, we still can never know what this thing actually is. This conscious state, this living sleep. Every now and then you might meet someone who just jolts you out of your programming that like a bolt of electricity sends Shockwaves throughout your entire body. Wakes you up. Makes you think you can have something more. That maybe the version of life you're experiencing now was unintentional, that there was more of a divine plan and if not divine still a plan that had much more of an ambition for you but somewhere along the line that train was diverted. Perhaps you can get on the track again or perhaps not. Maybe forge a new one I don't know. It's funny how words interact with the world. Take disclosure for example, when I hear it reminds me of closure, that being of course the opposite of such. Wherever these spirals lead they seem to just take you back inside. I've said what I said half a hundred ways and at this point it's just the spinning of wheels. It was fun getting the poison out but eventually it's time to move on. I wish I had the self control to say I will but I don't know that. Maybe catching a ban would be an easier solution, take away the temptation, your call.

    Ultimately our path leads to the stars because like the weirdo said, every man and woman is one.

    I'm tired yall and I'm my own worst enemy.


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    Post by RealPan Fri Jul 12, 2024 9:49 pm

    Perhaps you should read Dune, this time with care. Upcoming will be a meeting of the Wise Men on Dune. It was inspired by history and from the perspective of those in the future.
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    Post by ak Sat Jul 13, 2024 8:15 am

    The movie version is all messed up

    They got Chani all wrong

    Not to mention the other noble houses reaction to Paul’s ascendancy

    But of course Hollywood needs more draw for the next installment

    Hawk Tuah!

    Gotta milk that cow 🐄


    As far as the Old Man is concerned

    I will elaborate

    Imagine watching Sagan’s Contact

    Then afterwards making the claim that the others in the form of her father basically spit in her face

    What can be concluded in all of this

    Mr J has a spit fetish

    Hawk Tuah!
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    Why are we here?     - Page 19 Empty Re: Why are we here?

    Post by dan Sat Jul 13, 2024 8:33 am

    Maybe someone will explain to me in which part of the best possible world we might find Dune.

    It sounds like something we might find in Limbo land, on the way back.  

    It occurs to me that much of sci-fi comes from a mixture of aboriginal Dreamtime and residues of our blue sky dreams…….. of a kind that are liable to manifest in our Wayback(machine)/Limboland.  

    Our post Omega/Eschaton experience is going to have to recapitulate pertinent parts our Dreamtime experience, moving backwards where (narrative) time comes into the picture…….. but now with an admixture
    of our futuristic space operas.  

    All this is combined with our near death and afterlife experiences.  Can we throw some psychedelic experiences into the pot?  

    We need to keep focused on the inter-personal aspect, and to what extent those aspects will voluntary.

    In our close encounter with the Eschaton, our world will become more porous…….. space and time becoming decidedly non-linear.

    Some of these worlds will be more difficult to escape than others.

    In our geocentric world it is almost impossible to escape, except by means of what has already been written into the Narrative.


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