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» Why are we here?
Why are we here?     - Page 20 Icon_minitimeYesterday at 1:54 pm by dan

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Why are we here?     - Page 20 Icon_minitimeYesterday at 1:06 am by Mr. Janus

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Why are we here?     - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2024 11:38 pm by Mr. Janus

Why are we here?     - Page 20 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2024 12:47 am by Mr. Janus

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» Updating the Book
Why are we here?     - Page 20 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 24, 2024 1:29 am by Mr. Janus

» Disclosure - For U by U
Why are we here?     - Page 20 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 24, 2024 12:46 am by Mr. Janus

» Livin Your Best Life
Why are we here?     - Page 20 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 23, 2024 11:33 pm by Mr. Janus

Where did all the Open Minds Forum members go?

Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:29 pm by Admin

With Open Minds Forum restored now for almost half a year at it's new location with we can now turn to look at reaching out to OMF's original members who have not yet returned home. OMF's original membership was over 6,000 members strong, prior to the proboards suspension, according to the rolls of the time. We can probably safely assume that some of those accounts were unidentified socks. If we were to assume a reasonable guess of maybe as many as 30% possible sock accounts then that would leave potentially somewhere between 4800 to 4900 possible real members to locate. That is still a substantial number of people.

Who were all these people? Some were average individuals with common interests in ufology, exopolitics, globalism, corruption, earthchanges, science and technology, and a variety of other interests. Some just enjoyed being part of a vibrant and unusually interesting community. Others were representative of various insider groups participating in observation and outreach projects, while still others were bonafide intelligence community personnel. All with stake in the hunt for truth in one fashion or another. Some in support of truth, and communication. Others seeking real disclosure and forms of proof. And others highly skeptical of anything or limited subjects. The smallest division of membership being wholly anti-disclosure oriented.

So where did these members vanish to? They had many options. There are almost innumerable other forums out there on the topics of UFO's or Exopolitics, the Unexplained, and Conspiracy Theory. Did they disappear into the world-wide network of forum inhabitants? Did some go find new homes on chatrooms or individual blogs? Did they participate in ufo conventions or other public events and gatherings? How about those who represented groups in special access? Or IC and military observers? Those with academic affiliations? Where did they all go and what would be the best way to reach out and extend an invitation to return?

And what constitutes a situation deserving of their time and participation? Is the archive enough? How exactly do people within the paradigm most desire to define a community? Is it amenities, humanity or simply population size for exposure? Most of the special guests have been emailed and have expressed that population size for exposure is what most motivates them. But not all. Long-time member Dan Smith has other priorities and values motivating his participation. Should this open opportunities for unattached junior guests who have experience and dialog to contribute to the world? How best to make use of OMF's time, experience and resources?

Many skeptics would like to see the historical guardian of discourse opportunity to just up and disappear; go into permanent stasis. They think that not everyone has a right to speak about their experiences and if there is no proof involved then there can philosophically be no value to discourse. I personally would respectfully disagree with them. Discourse has always been the prelude to meaningful relationships and meaningful mutual relationships have always been the prelude to exchanges of proof. In a contentious social environment with regards to communication vs disclosure how do we best re-establish a haven for those preludes? Is it only the "if we build it they will come" answer? Well considering OMF has been largely fully functional over the last four or five months this line of reasoning is not necessarily true. So what would be the best way re-establish this? Your suggestions are sought. Please comment.

October 2024


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    Why are we here?

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    Why are we here?     - Page 20 Empty Why are we here?

    Post by dan Wed Nov 15, 2023 6:56 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    (This topic is a continuation of Personalism 102).

    Why is there something rather than nothing?  

    Looking at it statistically, the likelihood of nothing is minuscule compared likelihood of anything.  

    However, from the perspective of modern cosmology, the Anthropic Principle tells that universes with observers are extremely rare.

    But, by whose say so, can an unobservable universe be said to exist?  

    A related question is what constitutes an observer?

    What if any role might sapience play in the act of observation?

    But this first post is a header post…….. so I will continue in the following post…….

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    Post by Big Bunny Love Sat Jul 13, 2024 10:32 pm

    RealPan wrote:Perhaps you should read Dune, this time with care. Upcoming will be a meeting of the Wise Men on Dune. It was inspired by history and from the perspective of those in the future.

    My friend, The Adversary, struggles a bit with the game.

    It’s ok brother, life is hard, for every human being.

    But it can be sweet at times.

    We remember those when we die most.

    He should read Dune.

    I’ve read the whole series 3 times in my life.

    I’ve almost memorized it.

    There are no wise men alive.

    Just us wild rabbits rabbit we have the script now.

    Robert Bly wrote:To be wild is not to be crazy or psychotic. True wildness is a love of nature, a delight in silence, a voice free to say spontaneous things, and an exuberant curiosity in the face of the unknown.

    The sleeper has awakened indeed.

    Each must know themselves now.

    That’s the only respite from the coming tyranny.

    I don’t curse the tyrannical.

    They help us become stronger.

    Nothing can penetrate the inner sanctum.

    You have to open the door yourself.

    The only way to close it is to know yourself.

    Though the darkness and storms may pound and pound at your door, don’t open it to anyone or thing you don’t trust and know as yourself.

    This is the age of the Jedi rabbits 🐇 while everywhere gnashing of teeth can be heard.

    Trump is the face of Wetiko, the great hungry monster.

    It has countless names in our history.

    It’s stalked the Dreamtime forever.

    You can’t kill it.

    If only it was that easy.

    It has 10000 faces.

    Search your heart.

    If you serve anyone or thing, you are of the Wetiko spirit.

    All with power over others serve Wetiko.

    They have no idea.

    Love never seeks power.

    It lifts everything, while Wetiko destroys everything.

    Its goal is to devour the earth 🌎 and itself, like a black hole 🕳

    The invisible 🫥 beast at the bottom of the pit.

    You can stand against it kind of.

    Let it pass through you, like Obi-Wan did.

    It’s a strange feeling to be brushed by its invisible wings 🪽

    You can only have power over yourself.

    Within yourself, the best you can do is balance between death and life.

    Don’t serve, STAND!

    The nameless/faceless doesn’t need your loyalty, only a heart of love I love you will make it through the barrier.

    We are all Kings and Queens 👸🫅

    Anyone claiming authority over anyone or thing is a liar 🤥

    Deny all claims.

    It’s very important to do this or you won’t ever know where you are.

    Remember who you are.

    Click your ruby heels 👠 3 times if you have to.

    No one or book can tell you or show you.

    Only you can show yourself.

    Good luck gamers!

    Last edited by Big Bunny Love on Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:58 pm; edited 7 times in total

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    Post by Mr. Janus Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:11 pm

    portal wrote:The movie version is all messed up

    They got Chani all wrong

    Not to mention the other noble houses reaction to Paul’s ascendancy

    But of course Hollywood needs more draw for the next installment

    Hawk Tuah!

    Gotta milk that cow 🐄


    As far as the Old Man is concerned

    I will elaborate

    Imagine watching Sagan’s Contact

    Then afterwards making the claim that the others in the form of her father basically spit in her face

    What can be concluded in all of this

    Mr J has a spit fetish

    Hawk Tuah!

    Only for you, baby!


    Samsara is Nirvana

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    Post by dan Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:08 am

    Well, I’m glad that BBL and Janus seem to be getting along.  

    I’ve had words with RealPan…….

    My understanding is that the real P has posted on that account, from time to time.  

    In any case, he has given the present poster the password.

    He said he would ask the present poster to stop using that particular handle, which is deceptive.  

    Evidently RP has forgotten to pass the word…… or maybe RP is just lurking.  

    I have given the last poster my phone number, in case he would like to explain himself.  

    RP did give me his name, which I immediately forgot.  

    Back to business………

    Yes, it feels like I might be getting a better handle on the O/E/R event.  

    Recall that, according to three, the default or zeroth approximation was that the portals would open for five days, and then the Sun would go out.  

    Our exodus would be mostly zombie-like, and that one third of us would exit on the first day…… Piedpiper style, let’s say.

    I did the math and figured that we might have 10^5 portals, with 10^5 of us exiting through each portal, over the five days.  

    Where we went after that was clearly not the concern of three.

    As I say, that is the fall back plan.

    Is that the best possible exodus?  

    Clearly not.  

    Understand that when I first broached this topic with three several years ago, on St Catherine’s island……. I was connecting the few dots that I had, and suggested that the Rapture would be us exiting through the Hive, of which she was the queen.

    She evidenced considerable displeasure over the fact that 10^10 of us would suddenly be trampling through her hive.  

    That was then, and donny had just been elected, and the two actuators were being delivered from the Island 🏝️ to Trump Tower.

    Now, we can afford to take a few steps back.  

    Here’s perhaps the biggest outstanding data point that, somewhat surprisingly, only recently came to my attention…….

    It’s the Our Father……… on Earth 🌎, as it is in Heaven!  

    The Hive, for instance, is not mentioned.  

    And, let’s face it, three will not be remembered as a philanthrope……. at least, not up to this point.  

    And, let’s face it further, there is a bit of competitive tension between us.  

    On the other hand, I’m always wondering who knew what, and when did they know it?  

    Relevant to this question might be the question of seniority……. of which I have my fair share.  

    We each have different kinds of channel, relative to the Truth.  

    My channel may not have much amplitude, but, on the other hand, it may not have as much static, either.

    Between two and three, it may have less political static.  

    Ok, so, back to the opening……

    There’s really only ever one question that matters…….. what’s the best possible……. opening?

    Well, why can’t we adjoin heaven to earth……. the angels could just come and join us down here.  

    Why not just reconstruct Eden down here?  

    That might not be so bad, but there are liable to some logistical issues…… such as 10^10 ==>> the One.  

    That’s liable to be a pretty big issue…….. of which three is, evidently, well aware.

    By opening the gates to two way traffic, I think we get a better handle on the number’s problem…… and the numbers problem has always been a sore issue.

    Yes, we’ve been fruitful and multiplied.

    How do we implement the best possible division strategy?  

    And, yes, we have dissociative identity disorder……… and what is the opposite?

    What is the treatment for DID?

    Hey, it’s talk therapy!

    chick 🐣 suggests that we start talking!

    Several folks hereabouts seem opposed………. often viscerally.

    So, recently there have been two reunions that I’ve been associated with…….. one went better than the other, on my part.

    There was a northern reunion and then a Missouri reunion.

    With the latter, I’ve not yet been thrown under the bus.

    And there might be a third one, coming up.

    Both of the last two involve cousins……. in-law and out-law……

    And, with each of the first two, there was a 39 year hiatus.

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    Post by dan Tue Jul 16, 2024 3:06 am

    Get this……… coming right out of google……

    Yes, the truth will set you free…… but not until it’s finished with you!  

    You’ve gotta love it.  

    This is what I learned, coming out of the Branson 39 year reunion.

    Coming back is the guy with the hoodie sitting in front of me with the shade down and the seat back. The flight attendant had just been through, and had asked him to put his seat up.

    Because the seat was back, it was ever so easy to tap him on the shoulder……. he then turned around and spoke to me….. hard of hearing.

    I asked him to say it again……. don’t touch me…… much more distinctly.

    Because he had turned around, my son noticed, in all the darkness, his face was tattooed.

    I would have loved to push the call button.

    My son pleaded no.  

    I made him agree to have a beer 🍻 when we got off.

    Another thing I learned was that, when you get to OT8, you learn that L Ron teaches that the jguy is a pedophiling faggot…… again thanks google and AI.

    And all this is essential to this being the best possible world.

    Yes, sports fans, the Truth will set us free……. when it’s done…..

    And I’m learning a little more about portals……. in Branson…… at 39.

    Yes, put together Scroop, Karnes, Vaughan and Cole, and who knows what you’re liable to get……. chick 🐣.  

    The name of Leroy Brown does come to mind…….. was a guy who talked a big game and was feared by the rest of the regiment.

    Hey, Leroy and chick might go somewhere…… oooops!…… a bit too close to home 🏡.  

    Leroy was the first one off that plane.

    And, let me test my portal skills…….. because the jguy was such a namby-pamby, we needed the Mguy to put a little spine into the Truth.  

    Is it working?  

    It might just need a pinch of the special sauce……. along with two (2) masters degrees in physics, of course……. 2&3……. and then all those portals on the far side of Omega…….. check out Dune and the journey to the center of the Earth.

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    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue Jul 16, 2024 4:37 pm

    I’ve been scripted to tell you that you are utterly clueless Dan along with your know nothing Aviary and Princes and especially your RP.

    The author is laughing in my ear right now saying he put the SoT in the gas 💨 of a smelly goat 🐐


    Please do exit via your portals.

    Can’t wait for y’all to leave.

    Don’t forget to take your big orange pumpkin head 🎃 with you.

    I hope you all have eternity together.


    Once you are all gone, just us wild rabbits and flowers left, woo hoo!

    Party time 🥳 after all the creeps leave.


    P.S. Jesus was a pedo. Christianity is a kiddie porn ring.
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    Post by RealPan Tue Jul 16, 2024 5:26 pm

    Mormons consider God a sex offender; Scientologists consider Jesus a sex offender; but according to their respective theologies, none committed the evil acts of our Chick. One reason that the Chick defends God and Jesus is that relative to the Chick, they lived moral lives. As a student philosophy, I enjoyed the story of the Chick assaulting the poor man on the plane, then seeking the protection of his son in a pitcher of beer. That said, I would have enjoyed the virtual conversation between the Chick and the Flight Attendant. "I assaulted the man siting in front of me, and twice he asked me to not assault him a second time. Let me demonstrate now by again assaulting the man in your presence."
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    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue Jul 16, 2024 6:04 pm

    All religious people are clueless muppets.

    God, the lunacy of the muppet.

    And to the clueless RealPan(s), you don’t study philosophy, you live it.

    Disclose your own darkness.

    Anyone who has been hit by the light knows exactly what I mean/don’t mean by that.

    You ain’t no Pan or Green man at all, I’ve read your dumb posts.

    Sigh, you are just a machine RP, a product of the system.

    The worst thing to do is go to a modern university.

    I’m a happy bunny so I won’t shred RP like smelly the goat 🐐 would have.

    💋 clueless know nothing, do better, unlearn all you know and try again naked. Pretender.
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    Post by dan Wed Jul 17, 2024 1:25 pm

    BBL and RPX,  

    Paradigm shifts…….. they happen……. rather like gestalt switches.  

    The jguy was, say, half human.

    The chick might turn out to be 100% human.  

    And her only job is to demonstrate that humans are 100% divine.

    You just have to consider the alternatives.

    Do we need a second coming?

    If so, of what sort?  

    Many folks would cancel the prophetic traditions……. have only science……. or something else.

    Some would cancel everything and have us still in caves.

    Or, better yet, cancel humans!

    If you decide you want a Narrative, what narrative do you propose, and what sort basis or background would you propose?  

    Yes, our default condition is to sit around and curse the darkness.

    If you don’t like any teachings on offer, you can swear them all off, or you can come up with a new one.

    The only folks who feel called upon to communicate here are the ones who prefer nothing or something that cannot or need not be verbalized.  

    And, of course, there are those who can’t stand to have anyone tell them anything……. as if they were being fenced in.

    What about the hand writing on the wall or in the sky 🌌?  

    Maybe that would have worked better.  

    This is very clearly a work in progress……. so chick is playing the role of a Tom Sawyer painting the fence.  Can anyone think of something less offensive?  

    And probably most folks would be anything except one with the One.

    That’s what Hell is for……..  to throw Leroy off the plane, or for Leroy to throw smitty of the plane.

    How can the Kingdom come, with all the bozos still here?  

    Do we all have to become Quakers?  

    Shouldn’t salvation always be a work in progress……. sub specie aeternitatis?

    But you don’t have to watch much YouTube to realize that there are a lot of folks trying to figure out how to add a grain of salt 🧂 to scientific materialism.

    And there are more than a few of us who are trying to reinvent immaterialism.  

    But, so far, they refrain from swinging for the fences.

    And I guess I should apologize more often, but that gets both tiresome and trite.

    There are probably one or two in this game who are just as happy to let smitty take the knocks.  

    And none of this is rocket 🚀 science.  

    It’s just some fairly serious cherry 🍒 picking, and then connecting the dots.  

    It has to end up being as simple as pie 🥧.  

    If you find this offensive, someone was gonna have to do it sooner or later.  

    Consider yourself fortunate to be able to complain to the source.  

    What is there not to like about the best possible world?  

    If, for instance, some kind of chicken little is not the best possible spirit of the truth, then let someone please take this cup……. and ask for a refund.  

    But is chick 🐣 complaining?

    Well, let’s see……. I do sometimes wish that my goddaughter would stop throwing me under the bus……. but, hey, there have been worse punishments.  

    All the complainers on OM hardly add up to three 3⃣.  

    And she might well be right, but I keep doing the math 🧮, and it keeps adding up to the bpw.  

    Sorry, everyone.  

    I know no other……. I can do no other…… and I seriously doubt that the chick is much longer for this world.  

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    Post by RealPan Wed Jul 17, 2024 3:43 pm

    I was asked to read Dune, and based on what I read evaluate the veracity of the Best Possible World Hypothesis within the context of the Small World. I will present my views at the upcoming Tasseography.
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    Post by dan Wed Jul 17, 2024 4:15 pm

    Ok, so probably you’ve been talking with three.

    Then maybe you could provide some insight into her throwing me under the bus.

    Does she really think that chick 🐣 = Satan?

    It stands to reason that two 2⃣ is of a similar opinion.

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    Post by RealPan Wed Jul 17, 2024 4:25 pm

    As a lowly philosophy intern, I would never request such information. I do know that you remain on top of the list of philosopher advisors, but that your status has been greyed indicating you are neither accessible amongst the living or the dead with advisors from both groups scheduled to participate. Should you take the time to read Dune, I am certain you would be resurrected for this upcoming meeting.
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    Post by dan Wed Jul 17, 2024 4:35 pm


    You only need to hum a few bars and I will get the tune.

    I don’t care if someone has not read a single post…… I can be explain the bpw in three sentences.

    Yes , there is a Princess who is the narrator.  

    I only need to know what the Princess believes and why.  

    It would make much more sense for her to tell me herself, and then we could discuss.  

    If she refuses to discuss, then you and I can discuss.  

    Are you afraid or something?  

    All you know how to do is complain……. just like everyone else on here.  

    Hey, just step right up…..    

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    Post by RealPan Wed Jul 17, 2024 8:12 pm

    You cannot achieve resurrection by humming a few bars. You need to read, digest, evaluate, and interpret. Only than can you interact with Adrien and the other Wisemen under he authority of the Princess. Big Bunny would have more to contribute.
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    Post by dan Thu Jul 18, 2024 12:46 am


    You know what, you are seriously chicken.  

    Even two is seriously underwhelmed by Adrien……. and that is saying something.

    Adrien has a magical magnetometer.

    The only magic I do is that I can think straight.

    I’ll listen to someone when they show they can think straight.

    I know, for instance, that there is that of God in Leroy, two and three.

    I seriously doubt that you or Leroy has a clue.

    two and/or three might.

    I’ll read Dune with a fine tooth comb, when someone can show me just one clue.


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    Post by Big Bunny Love Thu Jul 18, 2024 11:08 am

    RealPan wrote:You cannot achieve resurrection by humming a few bars. You need to read, digest, evaluate, and interpret. Only than can you interact with Adrien and the other Wisemen under he authority of the Princess. Big Bunny would have more to contribute.


    I have nothing to contribute.

    I’m useless and hopeless.

    Dan, my eschatological friend, there will be no second coming, because there was no first coming.

    Only those who know they don’t know are free.

    Dead bunny hopping.

    Amor Fati.

    My friend smelly 🐐 did have magic farts 💨 but he’s retired now.

    I like being used to shame Dan.


    Death is coming for both of us.

    This is the only truth I can agree with anyone about.

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    Post by Mr. Janus Fri Jul 19, 2024 12:04 am




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    Post by dan Fri Jul 19, 2024 3:42 am

    Mohammed was a monotheist.  

    The jguy was not.  

    The jguy was…… is a personalist.

    Every person qualifies to be……. will be….. God.

    That’s just who we are.

    Reality begins and ends with persons.

    Atoms ⚛ are epiphenomenal.  

    Materialists have said that mind is epiphenomenal.  

    Immaterialists have returned the favor……. with considerable interest.

    Objects exist only by being embedded in our Narrative…….. they exist by way of co-dependent arising…….. well, let’s amend that slightly……. there are no objects without observers……. dreaming them up….. as we dream up each other.  

    Dune…… and all such narratives…… suppose that we are the spawn of God.

    We are the children of God.

    Who gets to have the last word is significant.

    Understand that the jguy and whoever turns out to be the chick 🐣 are co-dependently arising.  

    one, two and three are co-dependent, whether we know it or not.

    Do we have any other questions?

    Trust the chick…….. obliviousness is an essential ingredient of the Katechon.  

    The Katechon is not over…… until it’s over.

    Has anyone seen Bernardo K push back against the Big Bang ❗?

    I’m sorry, berny, but the bb and immaterialism are simply incompatible…… incoherent.  

    But maybe bernie doesn’t want to be the chick.

    He may not be the only one……. but what’s a body to do?  

    Recall that we can blame the bb on Mach and Olber……. there is only one way to save the one possible appearance.  

    Those in academia who wish to put mind over matter will have a tough time getting beyond cosmic consciousness and panpsychism.  

    Geocentrism will be tough to resurrect…… and that’s putting it mildly.

    Not until we, very reluctantly, arrange for a portal to open for even a limited form of inspection, will the rest of us be able to let go of being lost in the abyss.  

    We have Mach’s Principle and then we have Fermi’s paradox. We just have to put them together in a slightly creative manner.

    Is that asking for too much?

    Big Bunny Love
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    Post by Big Bunny Love Fri Jul 19, 2024 5:51 pm

    I think nothing has done more damage to our being than monotheism.

    Just awful stuff.


    Muppets follow strong men and women.

    Muppets have saviors.

    Muppets belong to political parties.

    Muppets believe in their own personal god.


    Life is so much more multi-faceted and colorful than our small minds allow.

    Big hearts live life best.

    No prophets/saviors needed or wanted.

    Save yourself.

    Prophecies are for the small minded.

    None of that is allowed in the Garden.

    On my world there are no such things as eschatologists.

    The real key to life is through the heart where I live.

    I have no idea what Dan is talking about or where he lives.

    I don’t live anywhere near the earth he and his birds occupy.  

    Many worlds indeed.

    8 billion of them.

    He doesn’t know my language.

    We have had a profound failure to communicate.
    Mr. Janus
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    Why are we here?     - Page 20 Empty Re: Why are we here?

    Post by Mr. Janus Fri Jul 19, 2024 11:33 pm

    8 billion of them say you?


    Dan sayz and sayz Dan every personz is a portal!

    Every man and woman is a star.

    You two seem to communicate just fine.

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    Why are we here?     - Page 20 Empty Re: Why are we here?

    Post by dan Sat Jul 20, 2024 9:14 am


    I agree that BBL loves nothing more than to exaggerate our differences.

    Others have noted that I lose interest, if anyone agrees too much.

    BBL pretends to be a radical postmodernist.

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    Why are we here?     - Page 20 Empty Re: Why are we here?

    Post by RealPan Sun Jul 21, 2024 11:04 am

    A special guest will Arrive. He will be travelling through the Hive. He will speak but remain Unlive.
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    Why are we here?     - Page 20 Empty Re: Why are we here?

    Post by RealPan Sun Jul 21, 2024 1:31 pm

    At the upcoming Tasseography, special guest will buzz like a Bee. While the wisemen will sip their tea, the guest will set them Free.
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    Why are we here?     - Page 20 Empty Re: Why are we here?

    Post by Big Bunny Love Sun Jul 21, 2024 7:46 pm

    dan wrote:J,

    I agree that BBL loves nothing more than to exaggerate our differences.  

    Others have noted that I lose interest, if anyone agrees too much.  

    BBL pretends to be a radical postmodernist.  



    True, we aren’t really that far apart.

    I just like to add some dramedy 🎭 now and then.

    Our tasseography is strong Dan.

    I’d put us up against any muppet on earth.

    Few have been deeper or higher.

    But there is no need to see the future.

    No peeking now.

    Isn’t a surprise so much better?!

    And if there is nothing else when your eyes close for good, we won’t know it.

    Now that is the best of all possible worlds!

    That’s living with no net!

    Love it!

    That’s the only way this bunny rabbit hops, clueless to the end.

    Those trying to scry the future are lost in time.

    Poor lost muppets.

    I like to hear the whisper right as I put my foot down to take the next step.

    That’s living!

    I’m up in the mountains 🏔️ Dan.

    I’ll call ya sometime when I come down from Heaven.
    Mr. Janus
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    Why are we here?     - Page 20 Empty Re: Why are we here?

    Post by Mr. Janus Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:00 pm

    I see, then I suppose that you must find me very interesting Dan.

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    Post by dan Mon Jul 22, 2024 4:04 am

    Well, I am finding John Horgan interesting.

    He was clearly seeing the end of scientific materialism.

    He is subsequently picking up on rational mysticism.

    His focus on individual mystical experiences puts him rather close to picking up on personalism.  

    Actually, it may have been his personal mystical experience that put him on to the end of scientific materialism.

    By the way, I’ve not had such an experience….. but I find the ones I hear about to be rather compelling.

    It’s fair to say that I’ve had a cosmic gestalt switch.  

    Well, I came up with the Anthropic, prophetic Narrative……. leading up to a cosmic gestalt switch, five years later……. with a full blown Eschaton……. well, kingdom come!  

    That was when I was able to embrace a full blown personalism……. and geocentrism……. there logically had to be a Sun and a round Earth with a night sky…….

    There had to be something in the night sky 🌌, besides the Moon…….. it was about Mach and Olber.

    I can wonder how close John H has ever come to the small world.

    I truly don’t understand the block that BBL and Mr J have on the small world.  

    Mysticism is totally epiphenomenal in the big world.  

    Mysticism should be the royal road to personalism and geocentrism.

    Personalism goes nowhere without a Narrative, evidently.

    You would think that mysticism, on its own, might bring on a small world.

    But no, the jguy is essential.  

    That is the poison pill that the mystics choke on……. but that is the historical source of all personalism.  

    Otherwise you get lost in pantheism.  

    Pantheism has never gone anywhere.

    Does humanity need to be saved?  

    You betcha!  

    We need to be saved from our fascination with the material world.  

    That fascination is the misdirection of our mystical Being.  

    Without that fascination, we could have had no Narrative.

    Who needs a Narrative?  

    10^10 of us definitely needed a Narrative.  

    With a small world, we do need a big Narrative…… with a kingdom Come……. to be one with the One.

    The illusion of our individuality is essential.

    The mystic understands that illusion like none other.  

    That’s why our Buddha buddy was also essential.

    Think of the notion of Buddhahood.

    That is a rather serious personalism.

    The jguy gave us the Alpha and Omega……. our cosmic orientation….. the whole point of our Sapience!  

    Our sapience is a bitter pill 💊 to swallow.  

    The jguy told us how……. and why…….. and when.  

    Wait for it…….  🐣!!

    We had to be truly lost, before we could be truly found.  

    It was gonna take every second of two thousand years.  

    Yes, John Horgan definitely keeps the mystical dimensions at arm’s length…….. and that makes his writings all the more compelling.  

    It’s not clear, however, whether the notion of a geocentric world ever even occurs to him……. difficult though that may be to believe.  

    Then we have……… Between Being and Time: From Ontology to Eschatology.  (2018)

    In the Introduction…….
    “Who will lay hold on the human heart to make it still,” Augustine asked, “so that it can see how eternity, in which there is neither future nor past, stands still and dictates future and past times? Can my hand have the strength for this? (Gen. 31:29). Can the hand of my mouth by mere speech achieve so great a thing?
    Hmmm 🤔……….  🐣?
    ……….  Alpha = Omega……. Omega necessarily contains the Alpha.

    See particularly the book of Hebrews.

    This is what relationalism is all about……. being strongly biased towards the future……. past time being illusory.  

    This is what faith is about.  

    Do we become slaves to the future?  

    We become slaves to Faith.

    Everything is a microcosm…… everything contains the Omega.

    Certainly the Logos does.  

    How then do atoms?  

    Atoms take their substance from the Anthropic Principle.

    This is how the Measurement problem is resolved.

    How then do we make sense of entropy?

    Entropy is where we land when we fall off the path…… the Abyss.


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