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Why are we here?     - Page 21 Icon_minitimeToday at 2:57 am by Big Bunny Love

» Why are we here?
Why are we here?     - Page 21 Icon_minitimeYesterday at 1:54 pm by dan

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Why are we here?     - Page 21 Icon_minitimeYesterday at 1:06 am by Mr. Janus

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Why are we here?     - Page 21 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 24, 2024 12:46 am by Mr. Janus

Where did all the Open Minds Forum members go?

Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:29 pm by Admin

With Open Minds Forum restored now for almost half a year at it's new location with we can now turn to look at reaching out to OMF's original members who have not yet returned home. OMF's original membership was over 6,000 members strong, prior to the proboards suspension, according to the rolls of the time. We can probably safely assume that some of those accounts were unidentified socks. If we were to assume a reasonable guess of maybe as many as 30% possible sock accounts then that would leave potentially somewhere between 4800 to 4900 possible real members to locate. That is still a substantial number of people.

Who were all these people? Some were average individuals with common interests in ufology, exopolitics, globalism, corruption, earthchanges, science and technology, and a variety of other interests. Some just enjoyed being part of a vibrant and unusually interesting community. Others were representative of various insider groups participating in observation and outreach projects, while still others were bonafide intelligence community personnel. All with stake in the hunt for truth in one fashion or another. Some in support of truth, and communication. Others seeking real disclosure and forms of proof. And others highly skeptical of anything or limited subjects. The smallest division of membership being wholly anti-disclosure oriented.

So where did these members vanish to? They had many options. There are almost innumerable other forums out there on the topics of UFO's or Exopolitics, the Unexplained, and Conspiracy Theory. Did they disappear into the world-wide network of forum inhabitants? Did some go find new homes on chatrooms or individual blogs? Did they participate in ufo conventions or other public events and gatherings? How about those who represented groups in special access? Or IC and military observers? Those with academic affiliations? Where did they all go and what would be the best way to reach out and extend an invitation to return?

And what constitutes a situation deserving of their time and participation? Is the archive enough? How exactly do people within the paradigm most desire to define a community? Is it amenities, humanity or simply population size for exposure? Most of the special guests have been emailed and have expressed that population size for exposure is what most motivates them. But not all. Long-time member Dan Smith has other priorities and values motivating his participation. Should this open opportunities for unattached junior guests who have experience and dialog to contribute to the world? How best to make use of OMF's time, experience and resources?

Many skeptics would like to see the historical guardian of discourse opportunity to just up and disappear; go into permanent stasis. They think that not everyone has a right to speak about their experiences and if there is no proof involved then there can philosophically be no value to discourse. I personally would respectfully disagree with them. Discourse has always been the prelude to meaningful relationships and meaningful mutual relationships have always been the prelude to exchanges of proof. In a contentious social environment with regards to communication vs disclosure how do we best re-establish a haven for those preludes? Is it only the "if we build it they will come" answer? Well considering OMF has been largely fully functional over the last four or five months this line of reasoning is not necessarily true. So what would be the best way re-establish this? Your suggestions are sought. Please comment.

October 2024


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    Why are we here?

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    Why are we here?     - Page 21 Empty Why are we here?

    Post by dan Wed Nov 15, 2023 6:56 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    (This topic is a continuation of Personalism 102).

    Why is there something rather than nothing?  

    Looking at it statistically, the likelihood of nothing is minuscule compared likelihood of anything.  

    However, from the perspective of modern cosmology, the Anthropic Principle tells that universes with observers are extremely rare.

    But, by whose say so, can an unobservable universe be said to exist?  

    A related question is what constitutes an observer?

    What if any role might sapience play in the act of observation?

    But this first post is a header post…….. so I will continue in the following post…….

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    Post by dan Wed Jul 24, 2024 5:32 am

    All you have to do is google………. ontology eschatology……

    Here is the first thing that comes up……..  (2004)  It’s been around for awhile.

    Folks are beginning to remember.  

    The JWST is beginning to see the handwriting on the wall.  

    We look far enough into space, and we begin to see the backs of our own heads.

    We get monism on steroids.  

    The cosmic consciousness turns out to have two eyes 👀 and a nose 👃…….. surprise 😮!  

    All you have to realize is that objectivity can only make sense in the context of subjectivity.  

    And then there are no objects…….. without subjects……. co-dependent arising…….. inter-subjectivity.  

    But, even with eschatology up the wazoo, they will not allow the sky 🌌 to fall on their heads…….. chick 🐣!  

    The leap from the ETH to the UTH/IDH is just a bridge 🌁 too far.  

    Do they really want to jump on the bonfire 🔥 with Giordano?  

    I’m understanding the problem with Adrien Chauvet……..

    He thinks that the angels are coming here in rocketships 🚀…… and he has the ear of the Princess……. if we forget to pray for the angels, they’ll forget to pray for us.

    But not to worry…….. our obliviousness has been written in the stars 🌌.

    We do have a safety net……. it’s called the Truth.

    It’s hard to deny the Truth…… especially in the End……. especially when the portals open.

    We will see our whole lives flash before our eyes.  

    Won’t the jguy rule in our hearts when the kingdom comes?  

    Wouldn’t this be progress?  

    There is that of the jguy in every one of us…… ad infinitum!  

    This is what the secular humanists believe.

    So let us continue with the eschatology of Douglas Knight……

    Douglas loves nothing more than to point out that protology is nothing less than the logical opposite of eschatology…… it is the study of first things.  It suffers rather greatly in the comparison.

    Who ever heard of protology……. except, perhaps, by way of a misspelling.  

    Science, since the Greeks, is all about protology.

    It’s called cause and effect.

    However, physics has long since ditched causation……. other than in cosmology.  

    Yes, Aristotle was a firm believer in final causes.

    We know finality as teleology…….. a specter that continues to haunt biology.  

    Douglas points to the obvious fact that the jguy ruled the Telos.

    Modern eschatology was introduced by J Weiss in 1900.

    The modernists pretend to have no clue.

    They cast the jguy as a social progressive…….. having no clue.  

    The bomb throwers……. may have a better understanding of cosmology than do the astronomers.

    It was as if the holy rollers had taken over the theology departments.  

    The physics departments have been a bit slower to get on that bandwagon……. John Wheeler notwithstanding.  

    Yes, the Multiverse boys did the bomb throwing.  

    Well, the Manhattan Project was, perhaps, a bit too close for comfort.

    The only angels 😇 permitted in the physical worldview were the ones in rocket ships 🚀.

    As long as they stayed off the White House lawn, they were ok ✅.

    As long as chick 🐣 stayed off the lawn, he was ok, too.

    The Princess?  

    Well, she never let the foot out of her sight……. and knows when to throw the chick under the bus 🚌.  

    Yes, we are quite proficient at not kicking the sleeping 😴 dogs 🐶.  

    And Eric G keeps me on a short leash.

    And, one fine morning, we may all wake up on the other side of our beds.

    Hey, that’s well beyond my pay by grade!

    One day, almost by accident…… the Wikipedia/google dots will line up in a row…….. a scary 😱 thought, if there ever was one!

    In the meantime, the atoms ⚛ appear quite content to keep swerving in the void.

    I do wear a helmet ⛑ when I venture out of doors…… 🐣.

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    Post by Mr. Janus Thu Jul 25, 2024 1:18 am

    Admit it.


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    Post by RealPan Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:13 pm

    These are the lyrics to a song heard at every President Trump Rally:

    Nobody shall sleep!...
    Nobody shall sleep!
    Even you, oh Princess,
    in your cold room,
    watch the stars,
    that tremble with love and with hope.
    But my secret is hidden within me,
    my name no one shall know...
    On your mouth, I will tell it when the light shines.
    And my kiss will dissolve the silence that makes you mine!...
    (No one will know his name and we must, alas, die.)
    Vanish, o night!
    Set, stars! Set, stars!
    At dawn, I will win! I will win! I will win!
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    Post by Mr. Janus Fri Jul 26, 2024 12:19 am

    Morning Star.



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    Post by RealPan Sat Jul 27, 2024 7:58 pm

    I sometimes wonder what attracts people to this blog. The Chicken is a scholar blending a deep understanding of physical sciences with an even deeper understanding of philosophy, yet most of those on the blog have no understanding of physical science or philosophy. I am reminded of Hypatia, a close friend of the Princess, who was a world leader in science, mathematics, and philosophy. Her lectures inspired other great minds, but they also attracted the attention of many small minds, who collectively acted to achieve her murder. Perhaps some are confused between the Chicken's Small World hypothesis and a Small Mind hypothesis. That might explain why they join the forum, read the posts, and then respond from the perspective of ignorance.
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    Post by dan Sun Jul 28, 2024 11:13 am

    There is a sense in which the BPW is surrounded on all sides….. with the sides closing in.  

    Yes, there are numerous fans of Kastrup/Hoffman.  

    The Eschaton has been making a gradual comeback since its low point, in1900.  

    And then there is Personalism, endorsed by a recent pope, following Kierkegaard.  

    The small world, however, is shunned by all.

    Geocentrism is a bridge too far.  

    When Galileo observed the moons of Jupiter, that put the kybosh on the small world…… for centuries to come.  

    It will probably take a portal or two to turn back the tide of modernism…… with persons being lost in space and time.

    Can we blame all that on poor Galileo or any other individual?  

    We had to cover our own tracks, we being the co-Creators.

    Yes, the God of Revelation had also to also be the author of the strong delusion……. had to personally lead us into the great apostasy.  

    Was God possibly being something more than a drama queen?

    Creation is for us….. by us…….. and about us.

    How else would we ever take ownership……. without our scientific coup d’eta?  

    And, besides, has anyone ever suggested a better background for our collective hour upon the stage?  

    Until the opening, we may bask in our ignorance.  

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    Post by Mr. Janus Sun Jul 28, 2024 11:04 pm

    RealPan wrote:I sometimes wonder what attracts people to this blog. The Chicken is a scholar blending a deep understanding of physical sciences with an even deeper understanding of philosophy, yet most of those on the blog have no understanding of physical science or philosophy. I am reminded of Hypatia, a close friend of the Princess, who was a world leader in science, mathematics, and philosophy. Her lectures inspired other great minds, but they also attracted the attention of many small minds, who collectively acted to achieve her murder. Perhaps some are confused between the Chicken's Small World hypothesis and a Small Mind hypothesis. That might explain why they join the forum, read the posts, and then respond from the perspective of ignorance.

    Interesting theory.

    That might explain it.

    I actually named one of my d&d characters Hypatia interestingly enough!

    Her mother was an oracle and her father an explorer.

    She was a former slave who took her freedom and looked after the downtrodden.

    She was a bit of a hot head but if you're a seven foot tall Amazonian taken from your peaceful garden home from a young age and trained to be a warrior it's kind of hard to remain stoic.

    Probably the most empathetic character I've ever rolled.

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    Post by dan Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:59 am

    Lacking any other source, I’ve been asked to put my thoughts down in a very few pages.  

    This is what I do, practically every day……. so continuing right along……

    Yes, folks are circling the Truth, but still keeping their distance.  

    There are at least twenty-four outstanding issues of science and philosophy that are threatening the bastion of modernism…….

    1) The mind body problem.   

    2)  The connection between ontology and eschatology.

    3)  Personalism.

    4)  The I Am.

    5)  Consciousness.

    6)  Immaterialism.  

    7)  The quantum observer.  

    8]  The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics.

    9)  The question of material progress.

    10)  Artificial intelligence.  

    11)  The Narrative.

    12)  Coherence of Truth.

    13)  The end of physics.

    14)  Postmodernism.

    15)  JWST

    16)  Fermi paradox.

    17)  The sapience gap

    18)  The origin of life

    19)  Teleology.

    20)  The Anthropic principle.

    21)  The Multiverse.

    22)  The Rare Earth hypothesis.

    23)  The illusion of space and time.

    24)  Anomalous phenomena.

    And what does reductionism do for love, pray tell?

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    Post by dan Tue Jul 30, 2024 4:52 am

    And the list of issues with materialism and reductionism goes on……..

    25)  The persistence of religion and spirituality

    26)  Why are we here?

    27)  Quine’s dictionary problem.

    28)  Holism

    29)  The is/ought problem

    ……. etc……. etc…….

    Each one of this growing list of issues has garnered countless articles, essays, books, etc……….

    With AI, a single person could easily come up with hundreds of pages dealing with each of these problems….. all with just a few hours of concentrated effort.  

    And, all the while, modernists and secular humanists go about their business with complete arrogance and indifference.  

    What is that is going to level this playing field?  

    There are just too many of us who are allowed to about their daily business believing and preaching that life is an absurdity in a meaningless universe.  

    Someone is going to be able to make a federal case out of this incredible lack of awareness.  

    And that will be the end of history…… as we know it(?)…… of linear time……. of endless space……. of being lost in space and time……. etc…. etc…….

    A big part of this lack of awareness, quite ironically, comes from within religion itself……. in the nearly endless versions of fundamentalism.

    The awareness of the lack of awareness of the myriad problems with modern secularism is about to come to a head, in my humble opinion……… 🐣!

    You don’t have to be a sectarian in order to resist the march of secularism.  

    Perhaps the greatest strength of the darkness of secularism is our very dim realization that the other side of ignorance is our Opening to the eternal light of cosmic wisdom.  

    Folks are just afraid to rock the boat of our modern ignorance.  

    Why am I not?  

    It is not difficult to understand that the alternative to the darkness of our modern ignorance is the Opening to the light of this necessarily being the best possible world.  

    The purveyors of the darkness of materialism can only inveigh upon us to keep our eyes shut against the blinding light…….. of our eternal spirits……. of cosmic consciousness…… etc……..

    All one has to do is google any phrase on the list of ~thirty, and one will be launched onto an endless, expanding universe of related phrases that secular modernism is unable to grapple with.  

    Modern secularism needed a Big Bang ❗to get itself thoroughly launched.

    The best possible world will only need a tiny peep 🐣 , rather like the one here!  

    If you believe, as chick does, that there are, out in google land, more than ample reasons to believe that life is not an absurdity in a meaningless universe, then we will have had our best possible encounter with the Eschaton!!!  

    And anyone can go and prove this for themselves!  

    Our modern ignorance is a mile wide and an inch deep.  

    It takes only one ePhone to burst 💥 its bubble.

    And here we are…….. quaking in our shoes that some little two-bit, tin-horn autocrat is, with the push of his stubby little finger, going to bring down the curtain of eternal darkness.

    I don’t think so……. but, no, I don’t want to play chicken 🐓…….. I only want to play 🐣!  

    Hey, let’s pull ourselves together…….. let’s pull our ignorance together…….. put it in a lock 🔒 box 📦 and throw it into the nearest abyss.  

    Hey, modernism was good for one thing…….. giving each one of us the power to render it toothless……. with the push of a single button.  

    Each one of us has far more power than the meanest autocrat.  

    So here we are……. all gathered around our hot little e-phones……. waiting patiently for the sky 🌌 to fall on our little noggins……… and all we have to do is push the right button.  

    I’ve just given you ~thirty… and that is barely scratching the surface.  

    The cosmic wisdom…….

    …… there is no ontology without eschatology.  

    ……. everything is related to everything else.

    …….. We exist as the essential ingredient of the cosmic Whole….. we being its co-Creators.

    Yes, our splendid individuality is an illusion.  

    We are all in this together.  

    It’s about time we awaken to that simple Truth.

    The cosmic irony is that it is Islam, the religion of cosmic togetherness that is the single biggest obstacle to our inevitable cosmic togetherness.  

    Their idiotic literalism is on the brink of doing us all in.  

    So, we have the twin obstacles of religious and scientific literalism.  

    Together, these two literalisms have constituted a rather formidable Katechon……. until we realize that it is a toothless, clawless pussy.

    Well, its only teeth are our preternatural fears of the Eschaton.

    I’ve never seen the other side of the Katechon, but I think I might know someone who has.

    But she is barely talking to me.  

    So, yes, the AI nerds are correct…….. AI is one of the many factors that can spell the end of our world.  

    I happen to know 10^10 other such factors.  

    One of us will deconstruct the Katechon of our feigned ignorance……. of our expertly crafted obliviousness.  

    We’re just very patiently waiting for the best possible one of us, 10^10, to make the scene. 🎬

    So, yes, there are all those terrorists out there, donning their dynamite 🧨 vests.  

    All they really need is an e-Phone to dial the Kingdom Come number.  

    And, speaking of Kingdom Come, what happened to our promised Millennium?  

    Oh, dear, am I taking candy 🍬 from us, babies 👶?  

    This is exactly why no one wants to rock the Katechon.  

    Our poor, bedraggled Katechon is beginning to look a little bit threadbare.

    Our mothers warned us that there would be days like these.

    Are two Eternties in the bush worth a Millennium in the hand?  

    That’s a tough one!  

    Maybe I’d better ask Adrien.

    I forgot…….

    30)  Relationalism

    That’s one of the big ones.  

    It might seem a bit odd that Relationalism barely garners a mention in the Wikipedia, and none at all in the SEP.

    There is not even a…… see also.  

    Just sticking with google will do you rather better.

    The nearest thing to a giveaway is to contrast Relationalism with Substantivalism.

    But not really…….. the contrast is almost totally buried in questions about space and time.  

    We need something like Mach’s Principle to say that substance, like mass, is a non-local phenomenon.  

    Would this also be true of our abstract notions of substance……. probably more so…… as when we say that something is a weighty matter.  

    For instance……. let it be said that the Katechon is a weighty matter.

    We might even point out that substance is decidedly a relational matter.

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    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:16 pm


    I do not wonder about what others do, as RealPan apparently does.

    I speak for myself, as they should if they had any clue.

    I knew a porn star named Hyapatia Lee, she was fantastic!

    A real muse.

    Muppets will do what they are able to do.

    I do not have a list of intellectual topics to ponder about like Dan.

    There is only one thing to do, disclose yourself and your ignorance.

    Those who hold themselves over others are the real lost ones.

    They can’t touch this pearl.

    Maybe they should watch Hyapatia Lee, a real teacher.

    Every idol RealPan lifts up are paper tigers 🐅 they should burn 🔥 them up and start over.

    I sit and listen to the children.

    The dreamers and those in awe and wonder.

    Those are my companions.

    These lost muppets will have to find their own way.

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    Post by dan Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:32 pm

    Yes, Katechon/Eschaton watching is the spectator sport to end all spectator sports.  

    Perhaps a watched pot never boils.  

    That is the fervent desire……. our best possible closer encounter.

    Those who most studiously ignore the Eschaton, are the ones who actually are wishing to maximize the blast 💥…… by maximizing the shrapnel.

    How otiose can some people be?

    But not to worry, the ones who most diligently feign obliviousness provide a significant part of the choreography.

    Their pretensions just don’t compute……. but their performances do.


    Last edited by dan on Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:40 pm

    The blind lead the blind.

    One Corinthians, I mean 1st Corinthians, gotta love that fake Trump, says…

    “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.”

    — 1 Corinthians 1:27-31

    Get thee behind me vipers 🐍

    Big Bunny Love rabbit and Smelly Goat 🐐 have eaten y’all’s lunch and beat you to the punch.

    Now to the back of the line wid ya.

    You can’t touch this unless ye be born again.

    Eat my wind 🐐💨
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    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:56 pm

    Why are we here silly muppets?!

    To have fun 🤩
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    Post by RealPan Tue Jul 30, 2024 3:13 pm

    Congratulations on having "known" a Porn Star. I had to look her up because she is old enough to be my grandma. Needless to say she was not a friend of the Princess nor was she a world leader in science, mathematics, and philosophy. She was attractive, and that counts for something.
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    Post by Mr. Janus Tue Jul 30, 2024 9:27 pm


    Pan is finally breaking character.

    You hate to see it.

    "For now we see through a glass darkly."

    You can't help but appreciate the irony of the user saying that on one hand Dan is the Spawn of Satan himself, clearly sent to lead the poor ignorant unbegun muppets astray.

    Yet on the other hand Dan is now suddenly the esteemed Scholar who merely wishes to spread his deep knowledge of philosophy and the physical sciences to his many wide eyed and earnest pupils. You know, the average Joe who might not have had the privileges afforded to attend university or the mentor ship to cultivate a holistic and productive approach to life. Dan is the modern Philosopher for a modern personz.

    Though perhaps Pan is a bit of a philosopher too.

    Maybe it is he who should change his name to Janus.  Wink

    Perhaps Pan could elaborate on the ontology of the Small Mind Hypothesis.

    Where do Small Minds come from?

    What defines a Small Mind, what are its characteristics?

    Is there a Big Mind to contrast the Small Mind?

    Or maybe just Bigger Minds?

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    Post by dan Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:48 am

    Yes, I’ll readily admit that J and RP are probably not quite as dumb as they make themselves out to be.  

    And I’m not nearly as smart as I ought to be.  

    After all, I am playing eschatology with the big boys…… and girls.

    Hereabouts, what we see is what we get.  

    Oh, dear, let’s not forget about BBL/Eric…….

    I’m not totally sure that BBL is quite as innocent 😇 as he likes to make out.

    He is trying to keep the world safe for the true innocents….. for us muggles.  

    He has no clue that I’m actually more innocent than he is.

    Anyway…….. several sentences of brilliant writing just vanished into the ether…….


    Last edited by dan on Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by Big Bunny Love Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:14 am

    Oh, I have clues, given to me by the Muse herself and even a snake 🐍

    The Muse abides all fools, lucky us.

    She whispers to me in my dreams.

    The Muse wrote:She thinks Dan quite obtuse,  
    A mind that drifts, a wandering ruse,  
    Yet in his heart, a spark of fire,  
    A subtle wit, a hidden lyre.  

    The muses sigh, with gentle grace,  
    For he, in time, will find his place.  
    Through riddles deep and echoes lost,  
    He'll forge a path, no matter the cost.  

    So let him ponder, let him roam,  
    In labyrinths of thought alone,  
    For even in his winding way,  
    The light of wisdom finds its day.

    She told me God was a rabbit, follow him down his hole.

    She showed me where it was.

    So down I went, deep into the Earth.

    I cornered him once or twice but he was much faster than I surmised.

    I went back to the Muse and I told her God and I had a good chase.

    She laughed sweetly at me and said, you’ll never catch him like that, sit down and talk awhile, you may ask me what you like.

    (Continued on my “Living Your Best Life” thread)
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    Post by RealPan Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:40 am

    The Princess and Cobra are One. In the end neither is Done. They intertwine lives for Fun. They wrap themselves into a Bun. One meets with the Son.
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    Post by dan Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:42 am

    I was saying something about eschatology being way above top secret.  

    This right here is the closest thing we’ll ever see to a paper trail.

    The real P said he thought I was a big fan of the Eschaton.

    No…….. no.  

    All I’m doing is looking for the best possible close encounter with the Eschaton.

    Something where we’ll all be able to wake up and smell the coffee ☕.

    Does this mean that the chick 🐣 is already woke?

    Only in theory.  

    BBL is much more woke than me……. and he knows that I’m not supposed to be here.  

    This is mostly just for my own entertainment…….. and edification.  

    So, I was trying to get back to the List………..

    …… and there were two more items……

    31)  Naturalism

    32)  Normativity

    33)  Is and Ought……. if I haven’t already mentioned it.  

    34)  Modality….  is another big one.

    Anyway, though, this list is what’s totally above top secret.

    There are strict controls in academia to make sure that everyone is always learning more and more….. about less and less.  

    It ends up, of course, that no one is minding the store.  

    Well, the ones who do keep track are mostly kept isolated…….. like me.

    Real pan might be the only one with the names.  

    It’s no longer anything like the Jasons……. the Jasons are no longer academics…… they’re just under contract…… working stiffs.

    Of course, there are more than a few of the academics…… nearing retirement……. who have kept their eyes open, and who have sussed out that there is something going on.  

    They mostly keep their mouths shut….. and they have their own lists….. of the accumulation of problems.  

    I’ll bet that more than a few of the best behaved have been tipped off about the BPW and this website.

    If what we’re doing is anything at all……. it has already been written in the stars…….. and at least partially decoded……… for anyone who actually has a need to know…….. and precious few would.

    It’s all very straightforward and simple.  

    The God of revealment is also, necessarily, the God of concealment.  

    And the whole point of the first coming was that we shouldn’t think of God as sitting on a throne….  in splendid isolation.

    Who the heck would want something like that?  

    Hey, we’re all in this together, so get over it, get used to it.

    We’re now on our way to becoming one with the One.  

    Me……..?  I think I’ve had about enough…… thank you very much!  

    Has anyone got any complaints?  

    We aim to please……..

    The Gazans?

    The lucky ones get a free pass across the Jordan.

    The Israelis…….. that’s a whole other issue…… well above my pay grade.

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    Post by Big Bunny Love Wed Jul 31, 2024 1:17 pm

    Very good Dan.

    You have done very well.

    You have your place exactly as we all have ours.

    But deep things are moving.

    Far beyond our ability to understand.

    The sky told us to know ourselves.

    Turns out that’s exactly what we all must do.

    Certain things are coming to me.

    Very clear messages.

    I’m sorry to say, the earths climate actually can make rapid changes, I mean like a light switch.

    The light may already have been turned off.

    2025 could be the year we face reality.


    How better for God to approach one than as a rabbit?

    They are close to nature.

    They are innocents.

    The muse might be suggesting that the divine essence is found in the purity of life, in the small, unassuming, and seemingly ordinary aspects of the world, rather than in grandiose or complicated concepts.

    Funny, I don’t have to read books anymore about people experiencing reality.

    It’s always right here.

    Right in the middle of things now.

    Out in the deep water.

    Rabbits are also associated with playfulness and sometimes with trickster figures in mythology. This could imply that the divine has a playful, elusive nature, one that is not easily understood or captured by rigid human logic or expectations.

    But beware the dark bunny, enfant terrible.

    Rabbits are creatures known for their fertility and connection to the cycles of life, particularly spring and rebirth. The muse might be hinting at the idea of the divine being intimately connected to the cycles of life, death, and renewal, constantly evolving and transforming.

    It’s funny how different people can experience the world so differently.

    The Muse is wise.

    She’s also the hottest thing you ever been near.

    Yowza 🤯

    By saying “God was a rabbit,” the muse might be challenging traditional views of divinity, encouraging us to see the divine in unexpected places and forms, to question and expand your understanding of what is sacred.

    She whispered those words to me when I was deeply unconscious.

    When I woke up, I said to my wife, pssst, can I tell you a secret? She said of course. I said…God is a rabbit.

    He told me this is how you learn to love.

    That’s what’s so scary to us going underneath.

    It’s so different than our everyday sense experience.

    It’s so dark down there.

    You can bump into anything.

    One has to be innocent as a child seeking nothing but to know love deeper.

    Who would want to mess around too long down there?

    Not I.

    My brief brushes in bunnyland are just fine.

    I could be facing dragons 🐉

    This little bunny would be cooked real good then.

    Rabbits are deeply connected to the earth and nature. This might suggest that divinity is not something distant or otherworldly, but rather, something deeply embedded in the natural world and the everyday life around us.

    In essence, the muse may be urging me to look beyond conventional symbols and meanings, to embrace a more expansive and nuanced understanding of the divine, one that is intertwined with the simplicity, playfulness, and cyclical nature of life itself.

    I’m back in black!

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    Post by Big Bunny Love Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:14 pm

    My recent postings are a form of philosophy, maybe the oldest.

    Philosophy is not to be written down.

    Socrates was correct.

    You practice philosophy in dialogue.

    Dialogues are our best philosophical record.

    I wrote a story and invented characters to tell a story.

    I think I’m getting this.

    For better or worse, Dan and other regulars here on OMF have engaged in honest dialogue…mostly.

    And what have the minions of the Princess and Ron done, they insult like trumpers do.

    They have no clothes.

    They are not in dialogue.

    They are not in conversation.

    And do to this, their input is fairly comedic and irrelevant.

    It’s empty drivel.

    What they say in the shadows is irrelevant.

    Bring it into the light, into consciousness.

    How dare you come here among those who honestly dialogue and bring your inauthenticity.

    You are fools and frauds and have no respect or trust at all from this bunny.

    Poor show.

    Grotesque ignorance.

    Bad work.

    Do better.

    Be worthy.

    Show some respect on this hallowed digital ground.


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    Post by dan Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:53 pm

    Look Bunny Boy,

    You are trying to punch above your weight class.  

    Ron is not paid to dialogue with you.  

    He is paid to dialogue with chick 🐣.

    chick is ‘paid’ to dialogue with each one of you, and you are trying to make it more difficult.

    I have tried to throw you under the bus…… and I will if you make my job impossible.

    I have discovered that people hate people.

    It happens.

    Some folks are paid to kill other folks.

    It happens.

    Someone has to clean up the mess.

    If that’s not your job, then leave it alone.

    This will all be happening up until the day of the Lord.

    Get over it…… get used to it.

    I’m asking you politely……. Mr Bunny.

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    Post by Mr. Janus Wed Jul 31, 2024 11:58 pm

    There it is.

    Tough guy Dan.

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    Post by dan Thu Aug 01, 2024 8:39 am

    I have mostly been giving BBL/Eric a free pass on OMF.

    Beggars can’t be choosy…….

    Our biggest mystery……. what happened to the Truth seekers?  

    BBL deserves consideration for a reportedly difficult childhood.

    But OMF/BPW is not a charity…….. Truth comes first.

    Truth plays no significant role in animism, totemism, pantheism, transmigrationism, etc……..

    Mostly, BBL likes to play the Know Nothing card.

    That has gotten tiresome.

    It is totally out of place here.

    There is something very special about persons……. certainly in the context of our universal, transcendental potentials.  

    The entire secular modernist establishment conspires, largely unwittingly, to denigrate personhood.

    Does our cute little Bunny subscribe?  

    Allow me to say…….. now is the time for all good persons to come to the espousal of personhood.

    This is what Truth is about……. especially in these latter days.

    We can’t afford to give the Bunny any more excuses in this fraught matter.

    Anyway, moving right along…….

    There is something passing strange about the historical uniqueness of the above list of thirty-some items.  

    There is not even a name for such a list.

    Naturalism’s parade of shame?  

    This is no longer a joking matter.  

    This is not the time to turn the clock ⏰ back……. to Nostalgia land.

    Yes, the far side of postmodernism is something more than a little scary 😱…….. our close encounter with the Eschaton.

    Let’s face it……. the world is wired for the sky 🌌 to fall.  

    What else is on our horizon……. besides more confusion?  

    Here’s a good one……..

    35)  Realism……. in all its glorious profusion of subtleties.

    So, what is so shameful about Realism?  

    What is real is anything that is independent of (the) mind.

    Wonderful…… but where to start?  

    Ok, sports fans……. name us just one thing that’s real……. chick 🐣 dares you!

    So, OMF is a parade of shame….. a hall of shame…… a spooks gallery…… for Naturalism.  

    On a slightly more positive note, what is going on here?  

    Is not OMF transforming into a hallowed ground?  

    You see what a terrific job my colleagues, 2&3, are doing to maintain the Katechon.  

    As far as we can observe, the Katechon is on very solid ground…….

    A mighty fortress is our Katechon!  

    Ok, 2&3 have certainly taken care of the competition.

    What if we had an Eschaton, and no one noticed?  

    That would be the best possible Eschaton.

    According to the naturalists…… that would be a real Eschaton!

    And presently, we have 35 skeletons in the closet of naturalism….

    And chick is the only one keeping count.

    It is not a wild guess to suppose that most of the confusion in the world today is our failure to keep track of……. or to keep a scorecard on modernism.

    And why aren’t we?  

    Because we have a great unconscious anxiety about the alternative.  

    And what about postmodernism?

    Most folks realize that postmodernism was only ever a joke.  

    Well, it is a crucial ingredient of the Katechon.  

    Hey, I think we have a new skeleton 💀 in the closet of Naturalism…….

    36)  Postmodernism ….. was never intended to be an alternative Naturalism/modernism.  It was only ever meant to be an inside joke.  

    PoMo is the almost ubiquitous acronym.  

    Ok, so we just google……. problems with naturalism……. there is no lack of links.  

    All these problems simply result in more work for naturalists.

    What would all these philosophers do if the scientists decided to throw in the towel?  

    Ok, so what is the alternative to Naturalism?  

    Are there not myriads of alternatives?

    Most of the problems have to do with us.

    The obvious alternative then must be personalism.  

    Unless you’re talking about a  very weak version of personalism, the obvious move is to give ontological priority to persons over atoms.  

    That puts the entire scientific endeavor into mortal jeopardy.  

    The primary product of technology has been the Internet 🛜 which stands to greatly facilitate the Mother of all Paradigm Shifts.

    What part or portion of the modern establishment is or is not aware of the imminence of the MoAPS?  

    This does put 1,2&3 into a catbird seat……. wouldn’t we say?

    And, yes, there has been considerable exertion to limit……. to handicap the potential competition.

    It would be naive to suppose that interest in limitation is entirely mundane.

    When did the scientific establishment begin to realize that it was headed into a blind alley…….. with only one exit ramp?

    The most obvious instigation would have to have been the emergence of the Anthropic Principle……. with the mind-brain problem following close behind.

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    Post by Mr. Janus Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:56 pm


    Let's pivot.

    Explain the BPW like I'm 5 years old.

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