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Who's Disclosure is Disclosure?

Sun Apr 14, 2019 2:16 am by Cyrellys

The narrative war is in full swing. When there's a 100 different competing narratives, how is it possible to discern a disclosure?

Is it akin to which truth is Truth?

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Buddha-jguy

    Post by dan Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:14 am

    First topic message reminder :

    I’m attempting to start a new thread 🧵.......

    The previous attempt.....  the ‘Bj-Gz’ thread.... can no longer be posted to, for some unknown reason...... only the existing posts can be edited.

    Perhaps this was a cosmic glitch...... called stop 🛑 the press.... while we consider the following possible flaw in the BPWH......

    Last edited by dan on Wed Apr 29, 2020 4:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue May 12, 2020 12:30 am

    I have Wild Unknown, a fav.

    They have Wild Unknown Animal Spirit and Archetypes, round cards.

    I have em all, haha.

    I like the Marseilles and Thoth Decks, you might like Thoth, trippy.

    I have Wildwood Tarot, a fav.

    And one, Mystical Cats, that always spanks me hard.

    The decks each have a strange vibe.

    If you spend a lot of time with them, it gets weird.

    I slept with my decks under my pillow.

    If you are gonna learn, go for it I say.

    It is a powerful tool for fun.
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by GSB Tue May 12, 2020 5:46 am

    Interview with the "anti-Dan" ;-)

    Testing the "universe splitter"

    Which one of you are you?

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by GSB Tue May 12, 2020 6:09 am

    "Multiple universes are the standard model"

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by GSB Tue May 12, 2020 6:21 am

    Once cosmic inflation starts it doesn't stop at one universe ...

    Oh, he picks up Gideon's Bible
    Open at page one
    I thank God he stole the handle and
    The train — it won't stop going
    No way to slow down

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by U Tue May 12, 2020 8:44 am

    El Chivo wrote:Chance isn't blind.

    alien farao jocolor
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by dan Tue May 12, 2020 10:17 am


    I wonder about Gary and his obsession with many worlds.  

    This is our modern Obsession.  

    Do we believe in many worlds, because we want to, or because we think we have to?  

    To believe in the small world is to run the risk of being considered soft in the head by everyone else...... or of just being a troglodyte.  

    In this case, Gary gets to represent the rest of humanity...... the allegedly sane world..... as measured by the modern standard of sanity.  

    Do keep in mind, however, that Gary is an experiencer.  That’s why he’s here, in the first place.  

    I believe in many worlds, too...... but they are of the inter dimensional variety....... many mansions..... worlds of the hive.... on the other side of the portals.  

    Why suppose that the Earth is somehow central in the cosmic scheme?  

    I suggest that the Earth is pushing the boundaries of the personal.  

    I suggest that the other worlds are considerably smaller than ours...... rather more specialized...... as with cheetahland, for instance..... as with Jurassic Parc, etc........

    Ours is the Rare Earth.  The stars are our ornaments...... meant to entertain astronomers, and to allow us to believe ourselves to be lost in space...... to be anonymous..... to cut our apron strings with the cosmic mind..... with the Source....... to venture out on our own...... to not realize that every hair on our head has already been numbered.  


    The best possible world is necessarily small and personal, but it has to have the illusion of being infinite....... it has to keep the astronomers and cosmologists entertained for centuries...... not to mention every other scientist and technologist.  

    God must have loved atheists, otherwise she wouldn’t have created so many of them....... along with a world apparently so conducive to their apostasy...... bless their hearts..... bless her heart.  

    And she knew, the big mama in the sky, that, once we figured out that we were the coCreators, it would go to our heads...... our heads would explode.  No wonder that we love to kick the Disclosure can down the road.  

    No wonder we are so timorous, when it comes to anything smacking of the Truth.  

    Isn’t that right, Gary...... bless his timorous, experiential heart.  

    And, to blow the lid off of the impersonal cosmos, all we have to do is open our eyes 👀 to the cosmic Now..... to the shining Present.  

    Brightman also spoke of the illuminating Absent.

    And, if we go a step further, we realize that the shining present contains a personal Presence.

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue May 12, 2020 2:47 pm

    Until they prove Many Worlds, speculation is a waste of time, like string theory.

    It was all because they couldn't accept this world was tuned.

    Sure, we ended up here by chance, like a storm blowing through a valley leaving a 777 behind randomly.

    Is that how we live?

    No, we see lights in the sky, but no 777s just popping into existence.

    So much debate about it, if you are not a physicist or mystic, I'd say stay away from many worlds, fractal territory.

    The illuminating Absent...yup, that's how the Harmony works.

    Go with the harmony and many worlds just evaporate.

    Now open your eyes, POP, now you are here, in the best possible place for your muppet asses.

    Enjoy it and never speak of many worlds again.


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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by whoknows Tue May 12, 2020 3:46 pm

    Chivo wrote: I have Wild Unknown, a fav.

    Just ordered, Wild Unknown and had to agree with you on the Toth, I think I get the books with each.

    thanks for the nudge, and advice ☮

    OH also went with the procreate app even though I had to pay for it. Now all I need is a destruction manual.
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by U Tue May 12, 2020 7:27 pm

    Maybe not many worlds.

    Maybe many timelines.


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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue May 12, 2020 8:58 pm

    We will never know, so that makes it irrelevant for me.

    I mean, I’m not taking my eyes off of this.

    I have it in my sights.

    We are locked in a death gaze.

    Many worlds?!


    No one knows this one!

    Anyway, just my opinion.

    Who listens to smelly goats?

    Imagine being one.

    As long as I can find some flowers, I’m good.

    But if a time came when the flowers left, so would I.
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by U Wed May 13, 2020 6:41 am

    dan wrote:I suggest that the other worlds are considerably smaller than ours...... rather more specialized...... as with cheetahland, for instance..... as with Jurassic Parc, etc........

    See, now this is interesting. A while back in one of the few interviews you did with AP you mentioned the concept of "dinosaurs from other dimensions" and nearly sent this old boomer you were arguing with into a conniption. Would you mind elaborating a bit on this concept and I'll see if the interview is still around? For example why would we find fossils on this world? Do these creatures occasionally slip into our dimension? How and why would scientists have become aware of this dimension and decide to present an alternative explanation for the existence of these creatures?
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Big Bunny Love Wed May 13, 2020 11:57 am

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by dan Wed May 13, 2020 4:54 pm

    Let’s consider the possibility that there will not be a Disclosure.......

    In other words, the MoAPS will occur along parallel tracks, with varying degrees of insider and outsider lineages.  

    What are the likely lineages........?

    There will be an intelligence community lineage revolving around the espionage potential of parapsychology.

    Branching off of this activity will be espionage activity specifically related to portals.  

    In parallel with government espionage, various secret societies and/or religious groupings will be perusing their own agendas and be actively overlapping with the various governmental initiatives.

    In the meantime, there will continue to be various entertainment and communications initiatives in the public and quasi-public spheres, particularly on the internet, the ‘dark web’, etc.......

    Concomitantly, there will be an accelerating breakdown of the scientific paradigm.  These breakdowns will be occurring independently, in the specialized fields, leading eventually to a synergistic combination and takeoff of the independent paradigms.

    As to what the independent trajectories may ultimately coalesce around.........

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by GSB Wed May 13, 2020 7:32 pm

    OK, I suspect that somehow this is connected to (paranormal?) activity on this forum ;-)

    Massive Herd of Goats Makes a Mad Dash for Freedom to Show the Town Who Is in Charge

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by GSB Wed May 13, 2020 7:36 pm


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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by GSB Wed May 13, 2020 8:38 pm

    Dan: "Branching off of this activity will be espionage activity specifically related to portals.  

    In parallel with government espionage, various secret societies and/or religious groupings will be perusing their own agendas and be actively overlapping with the various governmental initiatives.

    In the meantime, there will continue to be various entertainment and communications initiatives in the public and quasi-public spheres, particularly on the internet, the ‘dark web’, etc."

    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch: WARDING OFF AN ANCIENT CURSE (Season 1) | History

    Concomitantly, there will be an accelerating breakdown of the scientific paradigm.  These breakdowns will be occurring independently, in the specialized fields, leading eventually to a synergistic combination and takeoff of the independent paradigms.

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Big Bunny Love Wed May 13, 2020 9:55 pm

    That skinwalker show is a joke as is all History channel bullshit.

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Big Bunny Love Wed May 13, 2020 9:56 pm

    GSB wrote:OK, I suspect that somehow this is connected to (paranormal?) activity on this forum ;-)

    Massive Herd of Goats Makes a Mad Dash for Freedom to Show the Town Who Is in Charge

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Big Bunny Love Wed May 13, 2020 10:11 pm

    Dan, I don't think you have that right.

    I think the MOAPS occurred long ago and the lineages are already firmly established.

    If science figures out gravity or fusion, they will win it all I think.

    The viruses will then be like governors meant to keep them from prolonged focus maybe, but they could actually spur innovation.

    It is what it is.
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Big Bunny Love Thu May 14, 2020 2:55 am

    Fun with Tensors, the facts of the Universe. I am wading into some crazy math for me. But I kinda get it. I think it related to our discussions here. So just hear me out.

    Nature has given me a voracious hunger for learning and I use that to stay employed and usually I am pretty far out at the front when I focus.

    I am hyper lexical. The opposite of dyslexic. I have some cheat skills it seems.

    I'm a pretty good engineer nearing the sunset of my career, or zenith, time will tell. I'm better at it now than I ever was.

    It isn't raw logic or math ability, there is a power that comes from self consistency and keeping your head when things are crazy. People respect craftsmanship. I won't compromise quality, even when pressed with company collapse, so be it, but I won't do shit work or accept anyone else's shitty work.

    That is the mark of a good, maybe great engineer, great person.

    One makes an art out of compromise and selling bad news as an opportunity.

    People notice and value poise.

    All the engineers I work with now are under 30 mostly.

    They are a stoic bunch, who channel their fear into action and good, but brutal humor.

    The smelly goat can play that game very well.

    Quality, or Love of wisdom, turns fear into action.

    Fear is part of the gas.

    Fear should not be feared, but respected.

    Fear is a bad master, but a great ingredient in doing your best. Shaping and channeling and banking off of it.

    I am in awe of my coworkers raw abilities, truly humbled.

    But in some ways they are in awe of me I find out.

    And I think I have a sense why.

    I wanted to know why.

    I didn't see myself the way they did.

    I don't quit, I think OMF is evidence enough of that.

    I mean this. I create meaning meaning it Wink

    I love my work and do it joyfully the harder it gets.

    So many kids, so much smarter than I, but how do I continue to excel?

    Ultimate potential. We each can access what we like, if we work at it. Some don't have to work very hard and I think they miss something.

    I think you should master the most difficult thing you can master.

    The quality and insights that brings to you are astounding.

    Being a craftsman is better than genius, coupled with self consistency.

    I recently completed a project only I had the vision for and I delivered and it has allowed our small company to scale.

    It was satisfying sticking to my guns and seeing it through.

    I saw the vision and I kept at it, I shared it, I lived it, I inspired the team.

    I loved what I did and I let them know I loved doing it with them.

    We came to trust each other deeply in my little foxhole.

    My best work ever, with the best team ever, at the best time ever.

    Like WOW, all doing what I felt to do and loved to do.

    It is not always just about the facts.

    In fact, reason is very closely related to emotions. We reason with more than just facts.

    Now I feel, what's next, give me a harder problem.

    So the hardest thing for me in life is Maths and emotions.

    I think Math and emotion are related, Tensors showed me that better.

    I am learning data science. I can do this. I know I can. I'm doing it.

    At the small scale, what one does can have incredible impact.

    You just follow your will and passion artfully. That kind of work and living ripples.

    This is such a key realization for me.

    You can shift gravity around you this way.

    At this point, I wish I had 200-500 years to explore all my interests. Now, there seems so little time left to my small expression of being. So, keeping it simple, I look again what nature has brought me and inspired in me.

    I am seeing strange new horizons I never considered before. Perhaps my multiverse selves are assisting me Wink

    Whatever Nature is, absent and appearing, fuck is it smart, beyond any human standard.

    But one also feels Nature's wisdom, its quality seen in its beauty and complexity, all from simple patterns competing.

    And fuck does my unconconscious seem much smarter than me.

    It is all natural actually, you just have to find the way you learn best and keep at it.

    So that led me wondering, well, what has nature given me?

    Truly, all we have are gifts, which can be a curse if you are not self consistent.

    You must rise to your own greatness.

    Another insight.

    It's great to engage with people much smarter than yourself, but I have found that developing a personal philosophy and exploring logic and using reason with emotions, one is pulling off quite a number of magic tricks.

    If I have the power to reason using logic, I will wonder about my reason for being.

    I have asked nature, through myself, what is my reason?

    My raison d'être.

    Sure, we figured out how to take things apart, which I associate with the gap between original and final participation, but what can we make from this greatness in all of us.

    I would love to find out with enough time.

    Vectors and Scalars, oh my.

    I cannot meet Dan or accept his prognostications, I know the folly of doing such.

    He is a man and the princess is a woman like you and I.

    We are what we appear to be.  

    While Dan is focused away from now it seems to me, he nods to being here, but he doesn't demonstrate this really imho.

    Does he act like this is the BPW?

    No, he feels things are left yet to do and I say all is done as it should be.

    Maybe I am being to hard on the ole man.

    But I demand nothing less from anyone else in my life.

    And that raises all boats and inspires others to dig deeper.

    Dig or sink deeper.

    I won't compromise myself for a dream or a fear or a lie or a lust.

    I have focused on how best to be here, how best to live.

    That will always serve you better than guessing the future, which you can do pretty well if you connect it to the past.

    Wherever you go or whatever you do, live in your greatness.

    Do you believe you are nothing, irrelevant, not valuable?

    Those are lies and the system that propagates such lies is a sham.

    Just throw those lies out, start over exactly where you stand and watch, this world is yours.

    Don't give it away, live in it, love it, put your mark on it.

    You are here.

    You think Mozart didn't know he was the best?

    Be best as Melania says.

    Be heard, never stop trying to be a better communicator by being honest with folks, yourself first.

    Level with them.

    This is what is happening in high fidelity.

    I'd pay attention and look at the whole enchilada you are living in and how you are living in it.

    Do your best for no one but yourself, cause you know you can do better.

    The rest will work itself out.

    This I know as a fact.
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by dan Thu May 14, 2020 9:22 am


    God is totally present everywhere..... every time.  

    We should put on blinders, if we wish to be more like God.  

    Yes, that is one approach...... it might be the best approach, but it’s not the only approach.  

    If we know the past and the future, we can discount both of them.

    Time preference is how we distribute our utility function over time.  

    Chivo advocates..... the Bible advocates..... that we totally discount the past and future and live immersed in the Now.  

    Chick 🐥 just adds one more option....... we can have our future, and eat it, too.  

    This is just another path to Godhood.  This is another way to make time disappear.  

    I don’t recommend this for most........ Chivo’s path is best, in general. We all end up at the same place, regardless.   

    And don’t forget...... there is only one person, anyway....... recirculating in time...... as in the one electron theory.  

    Monism has been the default..... the go to..... philosophy, from the beginning.  

    Pluralists only wish to enshrine their idiosyncratic.... ontological  confusion...... foist it on the rest of us.  

    How could there be two separate things?  Who could ever count them, unless there were a three way interaction?  But once two things ever interact, how can they be separated?  How can they ever be disentangled?  

    Ontology is, just naturally, a very sticky business.  

    Before you go postulating Hell, you might want to check if there are any strings attached.  

    Rumor has it that there are.  


    To know the future is to discount the future..... is to make it present 🎁.

    Is this just slightly counterintuitive?

    In the beginning, life was golden, until it was nasty, brutish and short...... but, still, ‘we’ were clamoring to participate. We clamor today.

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Big Bunny Love Thu May 14, 2020 12:18 pm

    "The essence of greatness is the perception that virtue is enough.” ―Ralph Waldo Emerson

    If you study yourself you will find fear and facing it is the hardest thing you will ever do. Aware of it or not, if you dig into yourself, you will find it staring at you. We can learn to live with it and make peace with it. It is natural. Not evil, but evil hides behind fear.

    The virtuous man hides behind nothing.

    Kindness flows from his lips like honey. He has all he ever needs and is the best in any situation and this is his greatness, for he will inspire greatness in others. Our natural state is greatness. These are the things I meditate on. I don't waste my time playing games, though I like a good game. I spend my time deepening myself. I let go things I can't control. And I live in the middle of my life, because nature has brought all things to me.

    The least I can do is be GREAT, this is what we are!
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by dan Thu May 14, 2020 1:51 pm


    Yes, we are unified in our greatness...... in our common cosmic destiny.  

    You know this instinctively, as do most of our comrades.  There are, however, skeptics.  

    I preach to the lost sheep.  In forty years of preaching, I’ve convinced no one, except possibly myself.  

    There are many ways that we will be able to subsume and consume time...... retrieving it back to the Present, from which it emerged.

    Some of us need to learn this the hard way..... knowing how difficult it is to unlearn the rigors of science.  

    We need not fault our fellows for the degree of difficulty they may encounter on their journey back to our original state of mind.  

    Yes, we are running a maze, and some of us will take the maze more seriously than others. We should rejoice that some of us are able to take our game of hide and seek so much to heart.

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Big Bunny Love Thu May 14, 2020 6:20 pm

    I do not fault anyone my self.

    As you say, I could only face my fear myself for myself.

    I attempt to be as transparent and honest about the experience of this.

    I certainly am not certain really of anything really.

    So really, there isn’t anything more I could do with integrity but live this naked in my own style.

    Do not mistake my antics.

    I am a provocateur.

    I demand greatness Wink

    By living greatly.

    The words are superfluous really.

    The thing about skeptics, as I am myself am skeptical at times, is they are not wrong, they are right about what they don’t know.

    I say to any skeptic who does not esteem quality, adjust your dials.

    Skepticism, can become a hiding place.

    You know me, I do not hide.

    Yes, I am more verbal than some may be comfortable with, but I am not really making any declarative points.

    I’m speaking about the experience of this, which is all I can honestly do.

    I don’t really care what anyone thinks about me or anything, but I can play the social game.

    I see the greatness in them and I speak to that.

    I have gotten through to a few, I didn’t care if I did or not.

    If they aren’t smart enough to see the quality in being, shrug.

    If they are distracted, shrug.

    I know this will to truth rises in us like a hurricane and it can be all consuming.

    But most people are totally full of shit and I do enjoy playing with that.

    It doesn’t matter who accept their greatness really, but it would make life so much more...great if they did.

    I will not obstruct anyone, but I can abide the obstructions, no one can hurt me.

    This dude is just fantastic, I imagine his mind is my mind. He is of my kind.

    “When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous and surly. They are like this because they can't tell good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own - not of the same blood and birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me. No one can implicate me in ugliness. Nor can I feel angry at my relative, or hate him. We were born to work together like feet, hands and eyes, like the two rows of teeth, upper and lower. To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are unnatural.”

    —Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

    I ain’t ever given up on people.

    Because I won’t ever give up on myself.

    I know what they are.

    I’m not separating myself off.

    What would Marcus think of me then if I did that!

    He would think I was a swine, an animal.

    But we can rise higher than that.
    Big Bunny Love
    Big Bunny Love
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 8 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Big Bunny Love Thu May 14, 2020 7:16 pm

    I give you a lot of credit Dan for trying.

    Yes, the pluralists do try to force their confusion on us.

    I nod and grin, they know not what they are missing.

    They are children.

    They do not know good and evil.

    They would settle for anxiety and control.

    One must invest in oneself and teach oneself.

    One can only free oneself.

    Oneness will challenge you.

    This is the most fun part, to be at play in the mind of God, of Nature, our Nature, with nothing between u.

    Who knows that but the One?!

    We are invited to participate.

    Drink this deeply, why would you not set yourself free?

    Why would anyone ever settle for anyone else's word.

    Because we don't mostly know any better.

    I am not, nor are you confused Dan.

    You are a credit to the race.

    I think you are a fine gentlemen.

    Though I dance and twitter around you, it is because of your quality.

    I am brutal with those i love most.

    I have a sick sense of humor.

    I understood this is also God's mind here.

    You need nothing from me and I need nothing from you, but here we are, all together.

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