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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Buddha-jguy

    Post by dan Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:14 am

    First topic message reminder :

    I’m attempting to start a new thread 🧵.......

    The previous attempt.....  the ‘Bj-Gz’ thread.... can no longer be posted to, for some unknown reason...... only the existing posts can be edited.

    Perhaps this was a cosmic glitch...... called stop 🛑 the press.... while we consider the following possible flaw in the BPWH......

    Last edited by dan on Wed Apr 29, 2020 4:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by dan Tue Jun 23, 2020 7:10 pm

    Thanks 99,

    Anyway, we tried.........

    Yes, like a dog rolling in a cow paddie, Chivo rolls in his own obtuseness.  

    You really believe that the future is not already present........?  

    That is some act of faith, there, Chivo.

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue Jun 23, 2020 7:36 pm

    I believe and am certain of nothing.


    I don’t have names for it.

    You are welcome of course to your perspective and opinion.

    I wonder who sleeps better...the goat, of course.

    There is nothing on my mind.

    Free fall baby.
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by jofo Tue Jun 23, 2020 8:14 pm

    like buttons? wtf?
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by dan Wed Jun 24, 2020 5:17 am


    My reaction, too.

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by GSB Wed Jun 24, 2020 5:52 am

    Should we arrange for Dan to testify to the committee? ;-)

    Senators want the public to see the government's UFO reports
    "This issue has lacked attention from senior leaders," the Senate Intelligence Committee says.

    Now the Senate panel, chaired by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), is directing the executive branch to centralize all relevant information about such intrusions collected from a wide range of sources, including the Office of Naval Intelligence, the FBI, satellites or other technical means, and human spies.

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by 99 Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:42 am

    As for that bill that needs to be voted on by the full Senate… and considering that so many in the UFO community are Republicans and that, at this point in time, the Republicans are hanging by hardly not even a hair on their chinny chin chins to stay in control of the Senate after November, one would think that they would pass that provision of that bill to get those votes. No?
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by dan Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:03 am


    How do we spell...... October Surprise?

    It kinda looks like that’s what we’re setting up for.  

    I’m rather sure that most of the relevant parties 🎉 are aware of the degree to which foot 🦶 has been positioned to ride shotgun on this issue.  

    Many of those are also likely to be aware of chick 🐥, but who may well suppose that I’m just here for an additional layer of obfuscation.  

    Of course, they could be right....... but here’s betting that they’re not.  

    The ease with which Chivo has managed to keep chick 🐥 pinned down, for several years, lends considerable weight to the notion of a purely peripheral role.  

    ..... the Chivo phenomenon..... on top of the ‘apparent’ continuing obscurity of OM.  

    I, of course, continue to speculate that this is all part of a fiendishly clever coverup of the Truth, and why I continue to give credence to this as being part of a stealth strategy...... being played out, here, in ‘plain’ sight.  

    But there would be those folks who do have a need to keep an eye 👁 on chick 🐥, and who are able do so with considerable ease.



    Last edited by dan on Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Big Bunny Love Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:40 am

    My pleasure Wink

    Just another day for smelly goat.
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by dan Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:51 am


    Yes, Chivo does, certainly, help to keep the day trippers at bay.

    All this cover entails that chick 🐥 gets to have his cosmic cake 🧁, and eat it, too....... in quasi ‘public’.  

    chick 🐥 gets to continue speculating 🤔 to his heart’s content, without fear of a plethora of mostly uniformed second guessing.  

    Bolton, on Colbert, was speculating about the incredible shallowness of donny.  

    I’m quite willing to speculate that more than a bit of this ‘insouciance’ is a performance, which is also meant to misdirect folks from the utter seriousness of what is actually going on, and which, ultimately, is driving the show.  


    As to the ultimate intention of an October Surprise.......

    That’s much harder to say........

    However, once the surprise registers, events will come unglued, and take on a life of their own.  

    Any semblance of normal politics will be taking a back seat 💺.  

    Presumably, donny will be seeing a personal path forward..... of some sort.  

    If he is able to assert any sort of command of the new situation, his candidacy will be given a considerable new impetus.  

    The niceties of the electoral process would likely get sidetracked.  


    Does this mean that I would rethink my antipathy toward donald, if he managed to pull off an October Surprise, along the anticipated lines?

    It would be foolish for anyone to not reassess his past politics in the light of new information, but any change of heart would be highly unlikely. I cannot see how it would lead to a change in his politics of divisiveness. That style..... that basic impulse is only liable to prove more inflammatory in a more chaotic situation.

    The answer is that any such reassessment would likely cast Donald in a even more negative light.



    Last edited by dan on Wed Jun 24, 2020 3:45 pm; edited 8 times in total
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by hobbit Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:56 am

    dan wrote:Yes, Chivo does, certainly, help to keep the day trippers at bay.  

    One way ticket.

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by jofo Wed Jun 24, 2020 3:32 pm

    electoral process has already been sidetracked, no?

    at some level of your consciousness you are all there is; nothing to experience, nothing to relate to or with, an infinite level of aloneness.

    “All of the suffering you’ve ever experienced in your life is nothing compared to the infinite suffering our Creator experiences,” she said. “Your suffering is the gift you’ve given yourself to distract you from the infinite loneliness you experience as the full extent of what you are.”
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by jofo Wed Jun 24, 2020 3:33 pm

    “Everyone you’ve ever met, every situation you’ve ever experienced, and every relationship you’ve ever been in was created to serve you in your growth and evolution, while simultaneously distracting you from your own infinite existence,” she said.
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by dan Wed Jun 24, 2020 3:52 pm


    Well, I have implied something similar in suggesting that Creation is the response of the primordial I Am to her confrontation with the cosmic abyss.

    Whether that impulse was only out of a selfish desire to ameliorate the pain regardless of the subsequent suffering....... I don’t think we are yet in a position to make an informed judgment.  

    But keep in mind that the I Am has had all eternity to second guess herself.  

    Creation cannot be understood as any part of a causal chain.  

    Everything happens microcosmically...... sub specie aeternitas.  

    We’re talking about a whole other dimension of logic..... where Alpha = Omega....... etc......

    In other words....... every ‘decision’ we make today is, in some sense a review or a preview of the fateful, primordial decision.

    The cosmic entanglement is so great that the chances of our ever disentangling it are nil.

    But, at the same time, we are second guessing that event, every moment of our lives....... free will or not.

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Big Bunny Love Wed Jun 24, 2020 7:47 pm

    Not all of us are second guessing.

    Some of us have settled it.

    This just pisses the ones pushing things on the rest of us off.

    They have no control over us.

    Know Thyself was the original religion of Humanity.

    Know Thyself in the dark and the light, under the Sun and Moon.

    Our current religions are bastardized versions of those simple two words.

    So, if you want to know, look within, then you will know only yourself and be alone with the alone.

    If you don't want to know, stay distracted by the appearances and you will miss your greatest strength.
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by 99 Thu Jun 25, 2020 6:54 am

    As for donny’s plans for an Oct Surprise, there are two that come to mind… an introduction to a new coronavirus vaccine that he’ll take credit for that, in reality, is not yet ready for public consumption and the complete breakdown of our postal service due to non-funding.

    On the other hand, he could just nuke Iran, just for the sheer hell of it. He's crazy so anything is possible.
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Big Bunny Love Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:13 am

    Nothing happening in the world could compare to the joy of knowing thyself.

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Foot Mann Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:41 am

    Soon the Chicken will be in the Know. From there unclear where he will Go. In a video of disclosure he will Glow. The Chicken will all the world Show.
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Foot Mann Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:58 am

    Beginning on 20 June a surge of activity began emerging concerning Chicken Videos. Today for the first time more than 100 people viewed Chicken Videos. What are they looking for? Will they find it? A new Chicken Video will soon emerge.
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by dan Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:43 pm

    My understanding is that these videos would only be available to subscribers to the unspecified site.

    Pendragon was one of the first, whoever that is.


    It’s alleged that, in the next few days, chick 🐥 would get a briefing by a third party 🎉, and then a short video would taken.  

    What does any of this have to do with Schopenhauer?  

    Arty spoke of a cosmic will.  Then Nietzsche spoke of a will to power.  Then along came the third Reich.  

    Fred was close, but it was a will to love.  

    What is the difference between a will to power and a will to love?  

    If you woke confronting the Abyss, what would be your first thought?  

    If we wake from a vivid dream, there may well be a disorientation.  

    If the dream were not lucid, there would not have been an identity issue.  

    Upon awakening we do attempt to connect with the familiar.  

    Per hypothesis, this is a first off....... nothing familiar.  

    Imagine waking up in a sensory deprivation situation.  

    One would rapidly commence to hallucinate...... most likely.  

    But there would be no coherent memory to work off of.  

    Per hypothesis, there has been no self..... no sense of self.  

    Just out of the gate, there would be no I Am...... there would have to be some sort of We Are...... along with a desperation to remain connected....... such is love....... no?  

    Without companionship....... there is nothing to hold onto....... nothing beyond insanity.  

    The first thing the two could do would be to conjure a third...... the rest is history....... such is the Metanarrative....... such is time.  

    But who says it has to be the best possible Metanarrative?  

    I leave this as an exercise for the reader........


    Believe it or don’t, I’m just thinking 🤔 off the top........

    Very early in the construal process, the Telos would hove into view.

    The story starts with the little love........ it can only end with the Big Love. If you don’t believe chick 🐥, just ask Buddy.


    Last edited by dan on Thu Jun 25, 2020 6:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Big Bunny Love Thu Jun 25, 2020 6:17 pm

    Vids won't be better than ours Wink

    Hmmm, been looking for a new job, pinged by a stealth startup working on consciousness run by a Chinese billionaire.

    I have a feeling this is my next job.

    Working on new ways to do this:

    I think I can teach them a thing or two about consciousness Wink

    I spoke to the beast and asked it to show me what next.

    If you don't know Schopenhauer, you don't know much.

    We are the ones who think about what is in our little disassociated bubbles.

    This is getting fun.

    The plot thickens...
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by dan Thu Jun 25, 2020 6:25 pm

    Hmmm....... the plot thickens.......

    That looks like a ‘jinx’......
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Big Bunny Love Thu Jun 25, 2020 11:18 pm


    Everything I experienced on psychedelics was self deception.

    All that gnosis, just dreams in full color.

    My mind caught me.

    You can’t trust anything in there, but people have raised empires and religions over what they saw.

    If we didn’t deceive ourselves, there would be no appearances.

    Every story a lie.

    Senses just keep you on the crack.

    But when you focus on the gaps between your thoughts.

    💥 💥 💥


    It can be very absurd.

    That is my point of reference now.

    Not my story or experience.

    That gap.


    In the soup of esoteric images and aliens alien my mind served up on DMT, there was the voice.

    I remember the voice.

    It brought me to my self through the chaos.

    It spoke to me.

    It showed me it’s ok.

    It showed me there was no guilt or tears needed.

    Gnosis is a lie.

    A self deception.

    But these substances can show you what is beyond reason.

    They can show you parts of yourself outside of time.

    You can go through your life like a Rolodex and explore each scene.

    We are outside of time always.

    What the psychedelics do is suppress the mind filter that imposes time.

    You find a point outside of your narrative.

    And then you get the dreams of the beast mixed up with your life images.

    Very disorienting.

    What a trip.

    Why couldn’t I see this until now?

    I wanted to know what it meant.

    Those images don’t really mean anything.

    All those images and symbols, just a deflecting action.

    To give you something to 👀  at.

    I ate it up like candy.

    But it gave me a tummy ache.

    I did find my point of reference though.

    I see now what a gift and responsibility it is to be able to see and to go blind to this world.

    I feel much better now.

    I think seeing not seeing like this is the meaning.

    Once you flick the recursive switch, it strips all away to nothing.

    To the impossibly small nothing.

    All this self deception spun out from that point.

    Well, I’d say that clears it all up.
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by dan Fri Jun 26, 2020 8:10 am

    Nice try, Chivo,

    But you would make a good deflationist.

    Some are wont to ask why there is something rather than nothing.

    Apparently, Eric does not accept the premise.

    He falling back on his Buddha buddy.

    Now, don’t get me wrong, Siddhartha was the best possible Buddha.

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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by Big Bunny Love Fri Jun 26, 2020 8:36 am

    More self deception ^^^^^ from the finger tips of an ape.
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    Buddha-jguy - Page 23 Empty Re: Buddha-jguy

    Post by GSB Fri Jun 26, 2020 8:43 am

    "We know the future"

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