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    Post by dan Fri Jun 15, 2018 7:25 am

    First topic message reminder :

    (‘first topic message reminder.......’)

    Once again, I attempt to bring the conversation back to Personalism......

    Disclosure is simply going to underscore the infinite worth and potential of every sapient creature, ie, person.  Anything other than that is simply false.

    (Please keep in mind the links given in the fifth post on this thread...... )

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    Post by AtomicBrando Sun Jul 08, 2018 6:37 pm

    I’ll do you a few better Dan, from Hess...

    We are the ones who allowed phonomena to touch us in time and we love the old and take it into us so that we can carry it across the abyss into the new.

    I ate all the old myths, as everything without is a reflection from within and in so doing I have unlearned my self and seen a little of how I formed my Self across time.


    you aren’t a pest
    you are just looking for a meal
    and a place to rest

    Somebody once told me that the person who irritates you the most is your greatest guru, that what you dislike in someone else is what you're doing out of your awareness.

    Hesse from Demien, recognizes the importance of "every man's story:"

    [page 2] But every man is more than just himself; he also represents the unique, the very special and always significant and remarkable point at which the world's phenomena intersect, only once in this way and never again. That is why every man's story is important, eternal, sacred; that is why every man, as long as he lives and fulfills the will of nature, is wondrous, and worthy of every consideration. In each individual the spirit has become flesh, in each man the creation suffers, within each one a redeemer is nailed to the cross.

    The person speaking through Hesse is Emil Sinclair who is telling his story in the first person throughout the novel. He says that his story is not a pleasant one, "it is neither sweet or harmonious, as invented stories are; it has the taste of nonsense and chaos, of madness and dreams — like the lives of all men who stop deceiving themselves." In a few words, Hesse has laid out the principles of Carl Jung's depth psychology, that "each man's life represents a road toward himself," a striving ever to discover what is unique and separates him from the rest of humanity, however much such a separation is unsavory or fraught with danger. On page 46, Emil says, "I realize today that nothing in the world is more distasteful to a man than to take the path that leads to himself."

    I have not met one, but many egos who can be harmonious in voice. They fight and fight as we are fractured and then a bridge appears and we heal our trauma as we go back in our lives into the deepest depths of our psychology.

    Then we can trust thought again with the Master again head of the house.

    Dan, there are many scary dreadful things and luminous sublime beauty in the depths.

    It is seeking to come forth and overlay this world.

    It will destroy anything not floating.

    It is a roaring wind.

    So any who can steal it and bare it shall have it.

    Anyone can do that.

    I agree to not ever need to agree or disagree.

    That is a sign of a fractured mind.

    I have observed Jim Morrison who channeled gods from deep within our psyche.

    I feel we are better for facing the chaos. I have to face it head on.
    There is wholeness here and I offer it to any who can bare it.

    This is a dance with a playful Darkness, it can’t agree really or disagree, it just need to be.

    page xii] Toward the end of the book (the time is 1914) Demian says to his friend Sinclair: "There will be war. . . . But you will see, Sinclair, that this is just the beginning. Perhaps it will become a great war, a very great war. But even that is just the beginning. The new is beginning and for those who cling to the old the new will be horrible. What will you do?"

    The right answer would be: "Assist the new without sacrificing the old."

    The best servitors of the new - Hesse is an example - may be those who know and love the old and carry it over into the new.
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    Post by GSB/SSR Sun Jul 08, 2018 7:14 pm

    Getting up close and personal with anomalous activities ...

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    Post by mion Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:21 pm

    dan wrote:Please refrain from posting random videos in this thread.  If it pertains to issues of personalism, be obliged to explain.

    each and every one is an expression of personalism.  they aren't random expressions unless your stance is I'm a random person observing random comments on OMF.  it's a thread within a thread.  Oh, well.  I guess I've been a barnacle riding on the belly of a whale. I create these videos personally, usually triggered by the comments on the OMF.

    Concisely explain the meaning of personalism and the purpose of this thread. I'll try and refrain from making a random video about it.


    Last edited by mion on Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by dan Sun Jul 08, 2018 11:46 pm


    I take off from the dictionary definition .....
    a system of thought that maintains the primacy of the human or divine person on the basis that reality has meaning only through the conscious mind.
    This is the starting point.....

    As an immaterialist, the logical corollary is that ontology acquires its structure only through the application of sapience, ie. under the aegis or agenthood of persons.  

    As a monist, there can be only one reality.  Therefore, reality is geocentric and anthropocentric, and history is necessarily Christocentric..... Jesus being the primary historical vehicle of personalism.  

    From this, it is only a small step to the view that we must be the coCreators of our world, along with our Source.  

    Yes, mion, this is a pre-Copernican, pre-Darwinian view.  

    I’m taking the concept of the Logos rather seriously.  

    Did you have no clue?  

    No one else, that I’m aware of, has ever been able to wrap their heads around this rather straightforward piece of logic.  

    So, now you know, mion.  

    You are welcome to argue against this position.  

    You are not welcome to ignore it..... not on this thread.  

    Owen Barfield’s ‘Saving the Appearances’ provides the best introduction to the BPWH/SWH/CTC.  

    If you wish to be other than a day tripper, you will follow the links in the ‘topic reminder’, above......

    John Wheeler’s ‘participatory universe’ is another touchstone.  

    Also it is mandatory to be versant in the distinction between the Coherence v the Corespondence theories of truth. Failure to make this distinction is the single greatest obstacle to grasping the BPWH.


    Last edited by dan on Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by mion Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:47 am

    thanks. logos, word. in terms of the particle/wave duality, a monist take the position of the particle. yet there are waves. it depends on how you look at it. in this analogy, particles and waves would co-create. in terms of the logos, is there one reality or many? does the best possible world have an opposite?
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    Post by dan Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:55 am

    Guess what, mion, I don’t take waves seriously........ and particles just crack me up.


    Not really, but ask yourself, mion, why there is something rather than nothing...... get your head around that question.  This is the logical starting point of the path to the BPWH.

    By the way, the upshot of the CohTT vs. the CorTT is that the truth is within...... imagine that, mion!

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    Post by ParanoidFactoid Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:19 am

    dan wrote:


    Please refrain from posting random videos in this thread.  If it pertains to issues of personalism, be obliged to explain.  

    The random videos are not so random. They're often pop references in context to discussions on-hand.

    It's your forum though, Dan.
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    Post by ParanoidFactoid Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:25 am

    GSB/SSR wrote:Getting up close and personal with anomalous activities ...

    Gary, I like your blog a lot. I've been reading it for years. Wish you posted more often these days. But those clickbait top 10 type lists are pure cancer for Youtube.
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    Post by dan Mon Jul 09, 2018 7:11 am

    Thank you, PF, for clueing me in.  

    I’m afraid I’m not on top of the pop scene, and would appreciate a dummies guide to pop culture.  

    My pop culture pretty much ended with 70’s, sorry.


    I don’t think the fire drills are going to quit.......

    The story line continues.......

    Joe was almost ready on the 4th, but not quite.  

    John S is giving Kevin and Joe a fifteen day extension.  So, as per protocol, AP is having his team remote view the 19th, just in case something untoward might be coming down...... remote influencing it not to.  

    Whatever it is, not necessarily the rattling cage, it won’t make the news, but it might make the blog.  I report all this, as per our long established protocol.  That’s all.  Thank you for your patience.  

    The only one who is actually getting an extension here is me.  They’re taking bets at the office that I will never get one person to believe the BPWH....... heaven forbid.  

    If that one person actually showed up, my sky might fall..... I would get a sore head.  

    See, what’s really going on at the Pond is that Joe is engaged in reverse alchemy........

    We are transmuting modern tech back into the philosopher’s Stone..... the prima materia...... a portal, if you will, a scrying stone, a crystal ball.  

    See, we have portals within portals....... portal extensions.  

    We are all walking portals.  Our cosmic cocoon is steadily being worn thinner.  Yes, it’s like a balloon that is being constantly inflated.  And we have quick response teams to plug any potential leaks.  Eventually, the entire balloon is just one big patch.  

    I’m reminded of the story of the little boy and the submarine.  He was on patrol duty off the coast of Maine, protecting the coast from the German subs.  He would row his little boat out to the submarine rendezvous point, and he’d wait for a periscope to come up.  Whenever he he saw one, he would race over, get his paint brush out and paint it green.  The captain, thinking they were still submerged would order more buoyancy.  Eventually they’d start pumping in the hydrogen.  When the sub was high enough in the sky, the boy would get out his slingshot.  The sub would burst into flames and crash back into the sea.  

    This is just the reverse of the story of the little Dutch boy with his thumb in the dike.  

    How do you like my slingshot?  


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    Post by AtomicBrando Mon Jul 09, 2018 8:58 am

    Nothing can be born without first dying.
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    Post by whoknows Mon Jul 09, 2018 9:49 am

    ParanoidFactoid wrote:
    dan wrote:

    If you took a poll, at least 90% of us would vote to stop the world..... we want to get off.  


    In that 10%! (raises hand) lol

    I still don't know what a 'portal' is though.

    I to raise my hand.

    As Dan has said this is the BPW, but only because it has to be. But it doesn't have to be as it is.

    It's all imo part of learning who we are, and to be able to handle who we are to become.

    We can not separate our selves from what we came.

    But we are, I think, distinctly individual, purposely. To what purpose I am not sure. But from what I perceive at this point that is what has the most continuity.

    I just can not see collapsing back into the a singularity to have much of a purpose as that singularity already knows us down to the atom. This is a longer game, an eternal one.

    Last edited by whoknows on Mon Jul 09, 2018 9:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by mion Mon Jul 09, 2018 9:55 am

    dan wrote:Guess what, mion, I don’t take waves seriously........ and particles just crack me up.

    What??? Ok, how about another metaphor: one and the many.  don't take the many seriously???

    dan wrote:why there is something rather than nothing.....

    yes, duality. you say something, I say particle.  you say nothing, I say wave. As smelly would say, language is play.

    what came first? Dan or the egg?? Smile
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    Post by AtomicBrando Mon Jul 09, 2018 10:45 am

    No purpose.

    It was a laugh that made the Cosmos the old myths sing.
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    Post by dan Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:02 pm


    I agree with smelly.  There is no goal.  The End is not the goal, any more than the Beginning.  One contains the other, and both are personal.  The j-man is the Alpha and the Omega.  He’s got us, coming and going.  

    How many times do smelly and I have to tell you, wk, that time is an illusion? History is an illusion, as is everything else.  It just happens to be the best possible illusion, when you take it all together.  

    Taking it all together is what we do in the End...... our collective near death experience in the End.  But you don’t have to take my word for it.  That’s why we have Disclosure portals.  We get individual test runs.  We get to kick the tires of Eternity.  

    Every instant of every life is a microcosm of Eternity.  Every instant contains the Eternal Present.... the Shining Presence.  Yes, the Kingdom is within.  The Millennium is designed to allow us to relax into Eternity.  We will have all the time in the world, wk.  

    The world is now wired for this eventuality.  It is right under your nose, and at your fingertips.  Hallelujah......

    The ‘longer game’ has been waiting patiently, right inside you.  It’s waiting for us to wake up to our transcendental potency.  That’s all.  

    Are we going to lose our personality, when we jump into the Singularity/Omega at the end of the world? No, we transcend every idiosyncrasy. We become one with the Source..... with the j-man. Can you think of a better ‘fate’? The Omega is simply the beginning of Eternity.

    We are here voluntarily. If you would like to come back as someone else, feel free. But we have already been everyone else. We just forget. We cross the River Lethe. No biggie.

    Would you rather there had been nothing? I’m sure that some do. They get to choose their next lives. In the end, there is only one customer. Rumor is that she is reasonably satisfied.


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    Post by AtomicBrando Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:21 pm

    Kick the tires of Eternity.

    Good one.

    Thought and Time cause fear.

    We are cleansing our Mind of Accumulated Time.

    “Under ever stone and leaf, that which is eternal exists.”
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    Post by mion Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:37 pm

    dan wrote:This is the logical starting point of the path to the BPWH.

    if Dan wrote a novel, it would begin with this: "It was the best of times."

    If Dan wrote a play, it would have Hamlet say, "To be."
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    Post by whoknows Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:43 pm

    OK I can grok all of that.

    So what are we doing here. This is all useless waste. Personally I'm constantly transcending. illusion delusion what's the diff. Thing is I find myself changing incrementally, illusory. I have a past history and a future in this Illusion.

    Not hangin around waiting for you guys much longer.
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    Post by dan Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:46 pm


    Before you check out on us, you might want to check in with smelly.  

    Just a thought.......


    I am a Monist.  I subscribe to the Parmenidean One.

    I also happen to subscribe to the trinity, as the three ages of history, as first pointed out by Joachim da Fiore.  We are finally entering the Age of the Spirit...... none too soon, and none too late.  

    And which came first...... the chicken or the egg....?

    Which came first, logically.....? I don’t believe in the Big Bang. I don’t believe in deep space or deep time.

    I believe rather in a second dimension of time..... logical time, eternal time, if you will.

    In eternal time, the potential for chickenhood always exists. It’s realization comes through historical time. Can you really say that you’ve lived, if you haven’t tasted Kentucky Fried?

    The potential for dinosaurs always existed. We conjure them to life through their fossils. That way, we get the best of both worlds. We get our pet dinosaurs and Jurassic parks, we just don’t have to live with them, thank you very much. Dinosaur meat..... it just tastes like chicken.... or so they tell me.


    Last edited by dan on Mon Jul 09, 2018 1:21 pm; edited 2 times in total
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    Post by whoknows Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:49 pm

    dan wrote:wk,

    Before you check out on us, you might want to check in with smelly.  

    Just a thought.......

    Sorry I think I'll pass on that one. I hate boredom so he would be nowhere on my bucket list!
    It will be a while but whoknows? But that passing will not be illusory me thinks. As a matter of fact I think I already have many time. That is an illusion.
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    Post by hobbit Mon Jul 09, 2018 1:09 pm

    Big moon.

    Things I detect are going wacky, to say the least.
    it most probably has to do with where the moon is.

    Friday the 13th.

    Unlucky for some?

    The flows of consciousness are at times nonexistent, at best very low( akin to a drought)
    We are electrical vehicles plugged into these flows, if they dry up?????

    Persons not in the substance of love will struggle badly.


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    Post by dan Mon Jul 09, 2018 1:28 pm

    No, hobbit,

    They will struggle goodly.  


    smelly not on your bucket list......

    Well, I guess he was on mine.  He loves to watch me struggle.  Kind like the ant at the other end of the kid’s magnifying glass..... or the mouse in front of the cat.
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    Post by AtomicBrando Mon Jul 09, 2018 1:43 pm

    wk, settle it for your self.

    Only you can.

    Of course wk turns his head away.

    He’s a dumb muppet, smelly’s view Wink

    Awww, he doesn’t like my taste, of course he wouldn’t, bahahahaha.

    It’s in his face and he denies it.

    His egos have him firmly handled and confused.

    He is very boring.

    Your irritation is your guru wk, good luck.

    I do love watching you all struggle or get frustrated.

    To see us all struggle with chaos is fun.

    I accepted IT, try acceptance and not ego for awhile, hands off rudder.
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    Post by mion Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:09 pm

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    Post by Big Bunny Love Mon Jul 09, 2018 6:28 pm

    Dan, I shared everything on OMF in a certain way to filter out types like wk who are not at all tuned in to their inside.

    They laugh, scoff, say how boring you are.

    They want to do anything to discredit and dehumanize you and Awareness.

    If they are not smart enough or too smart to see through the puzzle, oh well, their loss, become more like children.

    Thy are scared and automatic robots mostly.

    I figure something may stick, but I doubt it.

    I share as I feel to and it is for ME.

    I’m happy to take all arrows and beat the shit out of the dumb ones.

    It’s hella funz.

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    Post by Guest Mon Jul 09, 2018 10:52 pm

    smelly wrote:

    I’m happy to take all arrows and beat the shit out of the dumb ones.

    It’s hella funz.

    If you didn't know that smelly was from the Bay Area, now you do! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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