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    Post by dan Fri Jun 15, 2018 7:25 am

    First topic message reminder :

    (‘first topic message reminder.......’)

    Once again, I attempt to bring the conversation back to Personalism......

    Disclosure is simply going to underscore the infinite worth and potential of every sapient creature, ie, person.  Anything other than that is simply false.

    (Please keep in mind the links given in the fifth post on this thread...... )

    Last edited by dan on Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:28 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by Big Bunny Love Mon Jul 09, 2018 11:16 pm


    So Dan, I have made a big connection.

    What does this “initiation” mean?

    According to Levi, the Baphomet was symbolic of the void and the creation that comes from it. Simply meaning, that it is the initiation or beginning from where all things come from. Through Baphomet we are taken to the source and the beginning of creation.

    This is a direct Zen correspondence.

    The Dude moans Wheeeeee Waaaaaay...

    Transverse the ray, that’s the way.

    Crazy free sex takes you there.

    I think birth happens in orgasm and feels wonderful.

    And death is an ingasm.

    And maybe feels like nothing but a hole sucking you out or in.

    I have channeled a pagan energy into being again and met Pan energy.

    I think it relevant or you can dismiss it as brain addled delusion or egomania.

    Ack helped me work it out being a mirror.

    These muppets have no idea what they pass up.

    A chance to go back to the beginning of time no less and the end of it.

    I know it’s scary, but the ‘scaoegoat’ took on the sins of the people and was let out into the wilderness.

    From this ancient tradition, the myth of Satan, who takes on and then later in a flip, causes sin.

    Satan thus immediately became a portal back when man’s mind spilt.

    The only way through is into the darkness.

    From the muppets I met here, I can see only a few who has any inkling of this.

    I had the weirdest shit of my life happen tonight with Ack and no, we didn’t cuddle.

    I don’t even know how to describe what just happened.

    I never saw anything like it not stoned out of my gourd.

    This is much more visceral.

    Like, I’m shaking.

    Ack shook me to the core.

    It required trust and total openeness.

    Seriously, this is only part of the story, but god damn, there is no longer any possibility of doubt.

    What is inside of us and how it can communicate, I’m telling you I could write a book about what just happened.

    This is a wonder.

    That’s all, I have to go melt now.

    What the hell just happened?!

    An ancient god contacted us from our unconscious and said the gate was open because you have accepted and all you have to do is walk through it into a new realm.

    The Singer of Initiation said it, through a means hardly any of you would ever believe.

    I don’t believe it.

    But it happened.

    Nothing I could ever say could compare to the symphony the Cosmos just sang from our blood to us.

    I’m grateful I was alive to experience this.

    The goat is now speechless.
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    Post by hobbit Tue Jul 10, 2018 1:59 am


    Something ain't as normal, and I am finding lots of people locally are struggling BADLY, especially with alzheimers and MS.

    A young girl of aprox 20 could hardly get out of Her car yesterday, I asked if She needed help and She informed Me it was MS.
    It wasn't an accident that We met so , She was determined to fight it, but when I checked Her via dowsing She had hardly any field at all.

    I took Her field out to ten feet diameter, and told Her about the norman churches that were built at a time when the flows were last low, and how to charge up in between the pews ( high K dielectric resistors)
    The churches are consciousness accumulators that have been taken over by control freaks called religions.
    The churches were located with absolute precision by the likes of Myself, to fit the local geometry of the matrix.

    I know how to transfer consciousness from myself to others, but at 68 have to be careful Myself.

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    Post by dan Tue Jul 10, 2018 7:35 am

    Thank you, hobbit, for your excellent work.  

    And thank you smelly and Ack for letting us in on your communion with Pan.  Can we be jealous?  

    The Plutarch quote figures largely in several of my references.  We had to come this way.  Our initiation and matriculation have both been painful.  

    I don’t think we’ve heard the last from the Pond by the Lake.  John’s hunting hound, Rocky has not been well lately.  His west coast security duties have been set aside.  

    Aliyah and Kashmir are reading the ‘Last Battle’ in the Narnia series.

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    Post by Cheguevoblin Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:51 am

    This movie is about a Princess who opens a portal in the Labrinth to go back home and take up her throne in the underworld. Her journey required bravery, compassion, wisdom, and sacrifice. Beautiful movie!
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    Post by whoknows Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:55 am

    smelly wrote:wk, settle it for your self.

    Only you can.

    I do and will.

    smelly wrote:Of course wk turns his head away.

    Again you seem to miss your target.

    smelly wrote:His egos have him firmly handled and confused.

    LOL, can't wait for the ego wars to break out between you and Dan.. Always has some entertainment value!

    smelly wrote:He is very boring.

    Your irritation is your guru wk, good luck.

    You bore me smelly you do not irritate me. I love you and am concerned for you.

    In the end you use your avowed love for others by put one last jibe in... I am not as ego driven as you are no matter how much you deny the ego you obviously have. In the end words do reveal much. Love does reveal it's self in how we deal with other in word and deed. You seem only to use the word. "Be not seem" smelly.

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    Post by painterdoug Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:59 am

    Perhaps time for everyone to check back in again on The False Center. OSHO

    Knowing something does not mean being present to it
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    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:10 am

    I love it when muppets get too big for their britches and think they know something.

    Being is for them to STFU and receive, but no chance of that.

    Instead they argue with AI routines over meaningless abstractions.

    Wk, you still don’t play, no matter.

    You have no sense of play.


    I’ll zing you for eternity.


    Unfortunately, I don’t have a choice but love muppets like you wk.

    Ignore the boring goat.

    You have no idea what you pass by.


    How clueless of you.

    It proves how dumb muppets are in their minds.

    I don’t worry about any of you, because one way or another all our ignorance ends at death.

    And it doesn’t then matter at all what we spoke.

    Last edited by smelly on Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by whoknows Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:12 am

    smelly wrote:I don’t worry about any of you, because one way or another all our ignorance ends at death.

    This being the case I don't know why you strive so.
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    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:13 am

    I strive because I burn with the light of Creation wk you dumb muppet.

    I BURN!!!!!!!!

    I hooooowwwwwwllllllllll at the moooooon and sun.

    Burn with me!!!!!!

    This is how I was made.

    This is how I made myself.

    This is all a story about ME.
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    Post by whoknows Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:22 am

    smeely wrote:Burn with me!!!!!!

    Ok I'll admit you are entertaining at times.

    When you realize we all make of our selves what we are and it doesn't come down to you we will truly have a great time. And I have in truth wished I could sit back with you smoke a big fatty and watch the sun set. LOL but then I'd like to do that with everyone.
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    Post by Cheguevoblin Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:29 am

    There is someone watching us play now. It holds all of you in it's palm just watching in silence and amusement.
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    Post by dan Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:35 am


    smelly does enjoy playing the bad cop, then I get to be the good cop. And he does provide a counter balance to my proclivity to play the preacher.

    If you need a shield from smelly goat, I think we can manage that, as long as you are finding this thread useful.

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    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:39 am

    Wk and I have an understanding Dan.

    Just playing.

    Pan is messing with all of us.

    Think I’m crazy wk, but Pan has revealed himself.

    When I say ME wk, it is not about my egos, which are legion.

    I assure you I am a genuine goat and human combined.

    Pan is just another force to play with.

    He is behind UTs, I know it.

    The Trickster.

    Be completely empty.
    Be perfectly serene.
    The ten thousand things arise together;
    in their arising is their return.
    Now they flower,
    and flowering
    sink homeward, returning to the root.

    Tao Te Ching, chapter 16
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    Post by whoknows Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:50 am

    Dan wrote:If you need a shield from smelly goat, I think we can manage that, as long as you are finding this thread useful.

    Both you and smelly seem to have miss read me somehow.

    I have never been shielded form anything. I am so inept at expressing myself in the written word I can understand this. I am just not given to writing dissertations about anything especially myself.

    But you do bring something up that has always given me pause. That being concretization of ideology. It does have the whiff of religiosity to me and considering the history of religion... Need i say more?
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    Post by whoknows Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:56 am


    I do get what you and Dan speak of but my continuity just diverges from everyone else's. I am ok with that I don't have to have commonality with everyone but maybe a little. BYW I think you are cherry pick from the Tao Ching. 

    Little pebble upon the sand
    Now you're lying here in my hand
    How many years
    Have you been here?
    Little human upon the sand
    From where I'm lying
    Here in your hand
    You to me are but a passing breeze
    The sun will always, shine where you stand
    Depending in which land
    You may find yourself
    Now you have my blessing, go your way
    Happiness runs in a circular motion
    Thought is like a little boat upon the sea
    Everybody is a part of everything anyway
    You can have everything if you let yourself be
    Happiness runs, happiness runs
    Happiness runs, happiness runs
    Happiness runs, happiness runs
    Happiness runs, happiness runs
    Happiness runs in a circular motion
    Thought is like a little boat upon the sea
    Everybody is a part of everything anyway
    You can have everything if you let yourself be
    Happiness runs, happiness runs
    Happiness runs, happiness runs
    Happiness runs, happiness runs
    Happiness runs, happiness runs
    Happiness runs in a circular motion
    Thought is like a little boat upon the sea
    Everybody is a part of everything anyway
    You can have everything if you let yourself be
    Happiness runs, happiness runs
    Happiness runs, happiness runs
    Happiness runs, happiness runs
    Happiness runs, happiness runs
    Why? Because
    Why? Because
    Why? Because
    Why? Because
    Happiness runs in a circular motion
    Thought is like a little boat upon the sea
    Everybody is a part of everything anyway
    You can have everything if you let yourself be
    You can have everything if you let yourself be
    You can have everything if you let yourself be
    You can have everything if you let yourself be
    You can have everything if you let yourself be
    You can have everything if you let yourself be
    You can have everything if you let yourself be
    You can have everything if you let yourself be
    You can have everything if you let yourself be
    You can have everything if you let yourself be
    You can have everything if you let yourself be
    You can have everything if you let yourself be
    You can have everything if you let yourself be
    You can have everything if you let yourself be
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    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:58 am

    Wk, maybe you should listen better.

    Everything I post is spontaneous wk.

    Argue with intuition.


    Let your judgments go maybe.

    To destroy a thing, we profane ourselves, to allow what is real to be consciously.

    Here we have the unconscious playing with us.

    You can be as you like.

    What do you care if others share their inner springs?

    We all have one if we would but tap it.

    No religion.

    Just being, stripped naked.

    Get naked wk, what do you have to lose but your reason and sanity.
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    Post by whoknows Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:04 am

    smelly wrote:Get naked wk, what do you have to lose but your reason and sanity.

    smell, have you ever thought some may be metaphorically ahead of the curve than yourself?

    I got "naked" in every respect back in past history... hehe

    Don't confuse judgment with discernment.
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    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:11 am

    There is no discernment because your instrument misses the obvious Wink

    The dude abides.

    Anything that comes my way I share here.

    Wk, you dont know my history and how incredibly all this has unfolded.

    Your resistance amuses me, very sweet.

    You are a sweet muppet.

    Haha, I got wk to post poetry!

    Now we are talking!

    Last edited by smelly on Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:16 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by whoknows Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:15 am

    smelly wrote:Wk, you dont know my history and how incredibly all this has unfolded.

    LOL smelly we are all unique. Sorry to break it to you this way but, I just don't grok why you feel so threatened by me??? Well, at least you respond as if you are threatened.
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    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:17 am

    Wk, I’m playing, relax.

    Be as you feel to be.

    As I always will.

    And all have the same story.

    Some of us are close to the source.

    Some are blind to it.

    I like to push boring muppets until they bite and act like they know themselves.

    As always, thanks for playing sweet muppet.


    I see progress in you wk.

    Straight on dude and accept it all as your self.
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    Post by whoknows Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:25 am

    smelly, Mmm OK. What's that behind your back..? Kinda looks like a bat.
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    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:28 am


    Ack and I are sharing our singing blood and nothing less.

    Are you?

    Test those pipes baby, let us hear you sing!

    Add your note to the song.

    Even a boring muppet like you has a note.

    Last edited by smelly on Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:34 am; edited 2 times in total
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    Post by whoknows Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:32 am

    Ah there is a bit of observation evident.
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    Post by Big Bunny Love Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:35 am

    I sing for the joy of singing!

    Do you?

    No purpose at all or goal.

    No agendas here friend.

    I can sing so I do.

    This was funz, good show.
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    Post by dan Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:38 am


    But you do bring something up that has always given me pause. That being concretization of ideology. It does have the whiff of religiosity to me and considering the history of religion... Need i say more?

    Yes, I agree, I’m skating on thin ice, here.

    If this be religion, it is the religion to end all religion.

    In fighting forest fires, sometimes you set back-fires.

    There are great expectations around this point in history. Do you want to douse all expectations? We can work in and around them. Those expectations are here for a reason. Do you doubt?


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