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Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Icon_minitimeToday at 2:35 am by Mr. Janus

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Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Icon_minitimeToday at 1:52 am by Mr. Janus

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Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Icon_minitimeYesterday at 6:13 pm by Big Bunny Love

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Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu May 09, 2024 11:52 pm by Mr. Janus

» Uanon's Majikal Misery Tour "it's all smiles on the magic school bus"
Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 19, 2024 1:13 am by Mr. Janus

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Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 02, 2024 10:41 pm by Mr. Janus

» Scientists plan DNA hunt for Loch Ness monster next month
Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 23, 2024 1:32 am by Mr. Janus

Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 16, 2024 12:01 am by Mr. Janus

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Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 04, 2024 1:04 am by Mr. Janus

Who's Disclosure is Disclosure?

Sun Apr 14, 2019 2:16 am by Cyrellys

The narrative war is in full swing. When there's a 100 different competing narratives, how is it possible to discern a disclosure?

Is it akin to which truth is Truth?

May 2024


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    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys


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    BANNED from TWITMO. 

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    Last edited by Cyrellys on Wed Jan 13, 2021 3:52 pm; edited 49 times in total


    "This is an indeterminite problem. How shall I solve it? Pessimistically? Or optimistically? Or a range of probabilities expressed as a curve, or several curves?..........Well.....we're Loonies. Loonies bet. Hell, we have to! They shipped us up and bet us we couldn't stay alive. We fooled 'em. We'll fool 'em again!" Robert Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

    Rue she said Protection
    Rooster's Crow Confusion
    One thing else to end the deed --
    A dog with no Illusion.

    ~ Walter Wangerin Jr., Book of the Dun Cow
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    Jake Reason

    Post Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:10 am by Jake Reason

    Cyrellys wrote:
    He totally missed my point even after I laid it out several times.  Dim seems to be an appropriate term.  Shrug.

    In the end what I had to say probably had zero effect in the greater scheme of things since I don't occupy any position that could realistically influence policy.
    Neither can they effect policy.  They think they can, but are alluding themselves to a youthful distant past when the PtB were looking for the brightest and the best.  What these older ones don't realize is that after the best had been snapped up in their youth, the remaining are not listened to anymore.  'Nostalgia' keeps the old boys communing.
    The real Population Policy makers don't have any time to listen to these "has beens".  They, long ago, moved on to communing with their fellow PtB.  People who have such enormous wealth and power, and access to the most advanced knowledge on earth, so vast that mixing with Professors and Little Millionaires is a useless waste of time.
    It took me many years to grow to this understanding.  Only in the last two years have I finally figured this out.  The REAL PtB world is entirely removed from the rest of society, including the Ivy league.  All they are good for, is reviewing potential manpower for use.
    I don't expect you or anyone else to believe this.  I would not have believed it just 3 years ago.  I used to think I had to be careful of what I said and posted on line.  That the PtB might not like something, or may come after me in the future for some reason as yet unknown.  I know now that I had been mistaken.
    The PtB operate in an entirely different world, completely removed from ours.  Even someone like Dan Smith and his family background, are peons.  Of no interest or any concern.  Fodder at best, if at all, and only for moments of time, to do a peon's chore.
    The PtB are not watching. Not even a teenie weenie bit.


    Post Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:42 am by Cyrellys

    Jake Reason wrote:
    Cyrellys wrote:
    He totally missed my point even after I laid it out several times.  Dim seems to be an appropriate term.  Shrug.

    In the end what I had to say probably had zero effect in the greater scheme of things since I don't occupy any position that could realistically influence policy.
    Neither can they effect policy.  They think they can, but are alluding themselves to a youthful distant past when the PtB were looking for the brightest and the best.  What these older ones don't realize is that after the best had been snapped up in their youth, the remaining are not listened to anymore.  'Nostalgia' keeps the old boys communing.
    The real Population Policy makers don't have any time to listen to these "has beens".  They, long ago, moved on to communing with their fellow PtB.  People who have such enormous wealth and power, and access to the most advanced knowledge on earth, so vast that mixing with Professors and Little Millionaires is a useless waste of time.
    It took me many years to grow to this understanding.  Only in the last two years have I finally figured this out.  The REAL PtB world is entirely removed from the rest of society, including the Ivy league.  All they are good for, is reviewing potential manpower for use.
    I don't expect you or anyone else to believe this.  I would not have believed it just 3 years ago.  I used to think I had to be careful of what I said and posted on line.  That the PtB might not like something, or may come after me in the future for some reason as yet unknown.  I know now that I had been mistaken.
    The PtB operate in an entirely different world, completely removed from ours.  Even someone like Dan Smith and his family background, are peons.  Of no interest or any concern.  Fodder at best, if at all, and only for moments of time, to do a peon's chore.
    The PtB are not watching.  Not even a teenie weenie bit.


    Hi Jake. Yes I know what you mean all too well. I've seen the seekers approaching the "best & brightest" in the high schools and colleges. In the high schools they get identified and usually physically approached in the college years unless there is a definitive reason for doing it earlier.

    And yes I know of them operating as a society removed from the rest. There are some exceptions but that is the general SOP.

    Mostly what you are dealing with is the third and fourth tier when you commonly think of policy makers so as you say their not really the policy makers their the third and fourth tier peons or gophers doing the ptb's bidding. Thing is, even the ptb are subject to information evolution. They only know what their gophers bring them. In the past they had enough control that they told gophers what to do and how high to jump...but as consciousness evolution affects third and fourth tier inhabitants for example, and those tiers become more aware, they gain the ability to pick and choose what information the upline receives...even with the top of the line technology in the hands of the ptb, the information can be manipulated.

    So who's the user and who's the tool?

    This is why they've created tools like the Southern Poverty Law Center to try to deal with the Liberty Movement and demonize veterans and the Constitutionalists. It's why the Constitution is dangerous to them. And why they strive to control the internet and are back-dooring through treaty (TPP trans pacific partnership) the control of copyrighting, i.e. information flow.

    Those efforts are about regaining the control they are losing through the lower tiers coordinating, info sharing, and proliferating concepts, acts, events, and intents.

    The evolution is resulting in their distance from the herd working against them. It is becoming a self-containing cage. The more control and influence they lose the more dangerous they become.

    I hear many cheering the alternative media and the successes where the Constitution is re-recognized like in Oregon where the fight has been hot and heavy:

    And I hear so many declare the successes and say we have "them" on the run. They are not thinking. Yes successes are good but that's just a fight in a greater conflict over control of our world. Too much counting chickens before the eggs have hatched. I say nice but you aren't done yet.

    Maybe I made enough of a stink about Taves concept that anyone thinking to use his concepts as a justification for some policy or conceptual advancement, but that doesn't mean some other well meaning person with big picture blinders on won't get used instead...and because I spoke up, they'll fortify against me coming in and doing the same or if I come within proximity, I might end up with a virus just because I did something previously and never know it had to do with some new guy about to get utilized.

    Where there are active projects is where the PTB or rather their minions are very much listening. And only where your speaking might have a profound effect on that pet project or the broader populations from which they may draw either people or resources will you run the risk of them swooping in. Removed they might be....but even they do not function in a total vacuum because the planet is the goal.

    They may proselytize among themselves all they like but the moment they turn to apply their constructs to the planet for purpose of control or benefit, there is opportunity for interconnection and while they will be on the offensive, they are exposed and vulnerable if you real in their peon and start checking the lines of command above the face plate in the lime light.

    If you are top of the food chain with the responsibility to protect against ALL enemies foreign or domestic, you don't ever let someone tell you, you have no need to know. The person who nail him to the wall and squeeze him for the name of his boss. You work your way up the ladder till you find each one that tries that little stunt without mercy. Because if you have no need to know, then neither do they!

    If you let him off the hook, you deserve the subservancy and whatever abuse they do to your trust. You don't deserve a chain of command in a secrecy paradigm...especially one so complex that it can hide the level of corruption, factionalization, and policy conscription we have today that ties the hands of those who are supposed to be employed for the People by the People.

    Inconvenient? Sure. But either we operate like a republic or we descend into tyranny. The fence no longer holds the weight of the corruption and is crumbling...soon there will only be one choice or the other.



    Post Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:05 am by Cyrellys

    Karl12 has posted a fantastic compilation of quotes on the subject of UFOs, sightings, the contact paradigm.  The focus is primarily sightings/ufos.  It spans three or four posts on the page.

    Post Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:53 am by Cyrellys

    America Conservative 2 Conservative via 
    10:48 AM (58 minutes ago)
    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Cleardot
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    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Cleardot

    Louie Gohmert Exposes Obamacare Secret Security Force
    by Dean Garrison,  
    Do you ever have those moments when you feel validated? I had one of those moments this morning. Finally someone is talking about the secret security force that is mandated by Obamacare. Representative Louie Gohmert (Republican - Texas - 1st District) dropped his bombshell last week on The Janet Mefferd Show. Paul Joseph Watson reports: [...]
    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Gohmert002_jpg_800x1000_q100
    Do you ever have those moments when you feel validated? I had one of those moments this morning. Finally someone is talking about the secret security force that is mandated by Obamacare. Representative Louie Gohmert (Republican – Texas – 1st District) dropped his bombshell last week on The Janet Mefferd Show.

    Paul Joseph Watson reports:
    Referring to a section of the gargantuan Obamacare law which discusses “the president’s own commissioned and non-commissioned officer corps,” Gohmert drew attention to the notion that under the pretext of a “national emergency,” such individuals could be used to impose some form of medical martial law.
    Under the Affordable Care Act, the Ready Reserve Corps is directed to “assist full-time Commissioned Corps personnel to meet both routine public health and emergency response missions.”
    “It says it is for international health crises, but then it doesn’t include the word ‘health’ when it talks about national emergencies,” said Gohmert.
    “I’ve asked, what kind of training are they getting....I want to know are they using weapons to train, or are they being taught to use syringes and health care items?” asked the Congressman, adding that “no clear answers” had been forthcoming on the issue.”
    Combined with the continued DHS arms build up along with the federal agency’s hiring of armed guards with “Top Secret” security clearances, Gohmert characterized the issue as “very disturbing”.
    I first reported on this in August after reading a sobering article in The Daily Mail. Why does Obamacare need its own police force? The IRS already has agents trained with a multitude of weapons including AR-15s.
    In the wake of Jeff Duncan’s reporting of IRS agents being trained with AR-15s I think we should be at least somewhat concerned with a breaking news story about the new “ObamaCare” Police. It would seem that the IRS implementation will not be the only strong arm of ObamaCare but that Health and Human Services will have a substantial number of investigative storm troopers as well.
    The Daily Mail reports:
    More than 1,600 new employees hired by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources in the aftermath of Obamacare’s passage include just two described as ‘consumer safety’ officers, but 86 tasked with ‘criminal investigating’ – indicating that the agency is building an army of detectives to sleuth out violations of a law that many in Congress who supported it still find confusing.
    On the day President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law in 2010, HHS received authority from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to make as many as 1,814 new hires under an emergency ‘Direct Hiring Authority’ order.
    We are going to need more hollow point bullets it would seem. Is anyone really shocked by the fact that we have a brand new enforcement branch of HHS? I doubt it. This seems to be the norm in Washington these days. Last week we featured the story of a retired Marine Colonel who claims that a domestic army is being built. And who could blame anyone for thinking that? It is happening right in front of us.
    Folks I made the comment at the beginning of this article about being validated because sometimes I feel really beat up by the “tin foil hat haters.”
    Do you think I wake up each day and want to write about things that will leave me labeled as a lunatic? No I do not. I really don’t like people calling me crazy. That’s not my goal in life. I try to report these things to you because they are the truth and very few others seem to want to report such stories. states that Obamacare, “creates the ready reserve of individuals who can be called up for service by the U.S. surgeon general in times of need.” These are not things that I pull from thin air.
    I have been screaming at the top of my lungs for almost a year that this stuff was happening and reaching dangerous levels. There is a police state being formed and your rights as an American citizen may soon be in dire jeopardy. I don’t know the time frame. But I do know it’s coming.
    You can keep laughing at me if you want. That is your prerogative. This stuff is in black and white for everyone to see yet some just don’t want to take it seriously.
    What I would kindly suggest is that you take a serious look at your self-defense capabilities. I am not really a prepper. My family is really in no financial position to stockpile anything. I would think that I am not the only one. The economy is horrible.
    So here is my take. Guns and ammo are the most important thing by far. If you have firepower then you can hunt for food.
    But good luck fighting off the bad guys with that freeze dried lasagna.

    I know the sentiment.

    Post Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:40 pm by Cyrellys

    American Provenance and Exceptional-ism:
    Things to be Thankful For this Thanksgiving

    From our first tenuous adventures beginning in May of 1607 at Hampton Roads with the settlement of Jamestown by the bold adventurers of the ships under Christopher Newport to our controversial struggles with the incongruent political factions in the Middle East and the arguments at home regarding unconstitutional overreach of power, systemic animosity toward religion, and acts of modern imperialism, our nation has emerged out of obscurity to experience the full scope of the nature of human history. We have explored the gambits of human development through development of social, economic and political institutions. And we have been played upon by most of those great historical forces and factors that have molded the modern world: imperialism, nationalism, immigration, industrialism, science, religion, democracy, liberty, and the rights of man. Because the impact of these forces upon society is more clearly revealed in our history than in the history of other nations, our provenance takes us into a journey of introspection unparalleled in histories of other nations.

    Our story is the story of the interaction of an Old World culture with a new environment and new opportunity. Our ancestors were not primative men but highly civilized and the products of culture centuries old. Yet what they built was not an extension of the old, but rather a carefully planned and anticipated construct entirely new to our intellectualism; a nation built around both opportunity and the idea that the human race is exceptional – endowed with natural rights, capabilities, and virtures of a heroic quality.

    Our development has been contrary to the predictions of European observers and commentators. It has been dramatic, picturesque, swift, and immense; without equal in modern history. Today that development stands in question. Today we teeter on the cusp of hard questions arisen from myopia and intellectual isolation from our self governance, constructed around us to incapacitate our exceptionalism and provenance. This creates an internal crisis on one hand and an introspective opportunity on the other. Such an opportunity provides us the ability to revisit those ignominy's we've been plagued by in the last century and most recently. It is within our ability to compare their roots to the roots of our provenance to rediscover that which we should be thankful for; to recognize the higher standards and values of our past; reconstituting that which is most excellent in a people, that it might once again be brought forth to instill a legitimate competency and potentiality in the mind of our people once more.

    Where once we witnessed irreparable damage to the social, economic, and moral fabric of our society as caught up in meaningless motions of day to day survival, we toil, discovering a new spark is possible. The cliff we face is one from which we might tumble into full dissembly or from which we might fly into a revitalized vision. This Thanksgiving Holiday, let us pay homage to our provenance and exceptionalism. Let us shed our disillusionment with ourselves and embrace a necessary rebirth; a far reaching vision based on that provenance and exceptionalism of our past applied to a planet in deep need of that dream. Let us find in it a sense of who we are, where we have been, and where we might go. Let us once again embrace high standards, a proud heritage, a dedication to surmount all challenges and crisis, and “an ardent response to our obligations to be vigilant against usurpations of power, more intelligent in settling the limits of power, and more magnanimous in its exercise”1 as we take this moment in time and history to once more spread our wings and rise to a restored course of our individual AND collective choosing; excellent and worthy of both our heritage and our potential.

    November 24, 2013
    1 Henry Steel Commager 1976

    ----  Permission granted to copy and distribute with full attribution.

    Post Sun Nov 24, 2013 4:29 pm by Cyrellys

    Oh how deeply our dissonance and self dissatisfaction with ourselves run.  I just read a story in which system inhabitants are bent over our culture and nature.  The question an individual and in questioning expose their fear and the cultural modification they've been subjected to.  They barely resemble the virtue embracing people of the last 200 plus years.  While we oppose their fear, we pity the lack of self confidence in our people that establishes that fear.  Cy

    To Steve Quayle,
    FYI. Was in a motor vehicle accident, stop light, rolled into vehicle, at 2 -3 mph.
    Exchanged info, a couple days later cops came to my house, to fill out form
    (Nevada State Police), as I was filling out form, one officer asked if I was a
    Christian, as I did not think about it, I just answered, 'yes' he then
    went on to other data collection, and it occurred to me, that he was
    collecting data. Two officers were there and worried about constitutionalists
    and people that expressed their rights. And thanked me for not giving them
    a difficult time. TAN

    Nov 24, 2013

    Post Sun Nov 24, 2013 5:10 pm by Cyrellys

    You are only outgunned because you are willing and enabled to make concessions.  The day you no longer are willing to choose peace over enforcing natural rights is the day you will come to the rescue of those already standing for it like Ernie.  The courts are a lost cause because they are operated by those educated by the system which was corrupted long ago.  They are now geared to diminish rights for control, laws for policy, and constitution for tyranny.  Agenda 21 is that the system owns now what you once did and you utilize it only in limited form for the benefit of the control apparatus.  You need to understand that the corruption you face will only recognize a greater power applied with a with a greater competency and outcome.  Singularly you are no match.  Together you become that greater power.  Allow nothing to divide you and do not settle for "no".  Do not allow system to have greater clout.  It is only process and process does not have a greater value than yourselves and life.  But to change it, might take great sacrifice.  You lose when you are not willing to walk the full course come what may.  This paradigm we find ourselves in cannot be resolved by half measures.  If a half measure is all you have to give you might as well bend knee and submit to servancy.  If a half measure is all you have in you be silent and watch helplessly.  If a half measure is all you are composed of, then love your memory of what you once were while you still possess it because before all is said and done, this corruption will strip even that from you.  In so doing half measures take from you your humanity.  That is the truth of this story, of which Ernie is a small but telling part.  Cyrellys

    I had not previously been made aware of this “battle”! Thank you for the “good read” of the former Constitutional America. It’s sad that we all are “out gunned” by the corrupt govt we Americans pay,to violate not only our NATURAL RIGHTS,but our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!

    Thank you for the update (and this should have been seen coming).
    The Battle of Athens comes to mind but instead of ballot boxes being recovered it should be Ernie Wayne Tertelgte.
    You can’t use logic or reason with psychopaths, they don’t have the ability for either.

    Food, in whatever form, be it natural, canned, handed out by FEMA is the ultimate control mechanism against the masses. It is imperative that we, mere citizens be disabused of the notion that you have the natural right to feed yourself, shelter yourself and protect yourself.
    Who was the judge presiding?

    NOV 23, 2013, 6:18 AMUncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Upvote Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Downvote Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Spam6Reply

    • Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 09bd15d954cd2a4df8134435fe5fd159b04b83f6Wake up America
      Same one he humiliated the first time… added her contact information and the video of her having him removed from the courtroom.
      NOV 23, 2013, 6:53 AMUncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Upvote Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Downvote Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Spam5Reply

      • Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Default_avatarWCS
        I can’t bring myself to watch this video as it will destroy my day, if not week. All I can really sat is NAZIS, all of them. But what good till that do other than show my level of distain for this government, nothing. I have been fighting this destruction of our Nation for over 4 years now, in every why I can except one and you all know what that one is. I feel so beat down now and alone. Other than a small hand full of you all hear, I do not think anyone cares about what is going on in this country as long as they get there free stuff. I’ve watched as our morals have withered to dust and our youth has become the enemy of the nation due to this thing they call common core. I have watched while our government has enslaved us and turned us on each other. Ernie, we have let you down, we have thrown you under the bus, we have killed you. Yes we, we the mob rule, we the coward, we the Judas, we the immoral, we the unjust, we the cruel, WE THE PEOPLE and I am ashamed. I am sorry for my compliancy, I am sorry for not having stood up a long time ago, I’m sorry I was to busy trying to get mine to see what was going on and I’m sorry I was not there for you in your hour of need.
        An American in shame!

    • UPDATE – Arrested For Feeding Himself Man Found Guilty! (Video)
      Saturday, November 23, 2013 5:49


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    • (Before It's News)
      By Susan Duclos
      On Thursday I wrote about Ernie Wayne Tertelgte, who insisted in court that the law had no right to try or arrest him for fishing without a license because he belongs under natural and universal law where he is entitled to feed himself and fend for himself.
      The comments and support for Ernie has been overwhelmingly in his favor, people called the courts, the papers, even some saying this man should be up for president because he “gets it.”
      Well, Ernie was brought back to court and they found him guilty, after having him removed from the court, in handcuffs, for objecting to the entire proceedings.
      In court, FWP warden Adam Pankratz said Tertelgte refused to give him his name when approached. He was fishing with his 11-year-old son that day and the warden told the court he and a Three Forks police officer repeatedly tried to stop the situation from escalating, but Tertelgte refused to comply.
      Tertelgte did not get a chance to cross examine witnesses.
      Once again, I am going to show his initial interactions with the cowardly judge that made him a hero throughout the internet, a video that has garnered over 465,000 hits.
      Here is a link to Montana’s judicial branch for those that want to have a word with them over their persecution of Ernie for demanding what amounts to blackmail just so he can feed himself.
      The judge was the same judge that Ernie humiliated in the first appearance shown below the first video.
      Wanda Drusch, City Judge
      206 Main; PO Box 187 Three Forks, MT 59752
      285-3444; 285-3431 fax

      Contacting the City by webform can be found HERE.
      [UPDATE]Watch them drag him out in handcuffs below


    Post Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:03 am by Cyrellys

    Ui Geibhendach welcomes Faochan and Eithne.

    Post Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:20 am by Bard

    Things have been a bit DEEP around these parts.

    Much pondering, as one could appreciate.


    Post Mon Nov 25, 2013 12:10 pm by Cyrellys

    MD02 wrote:Things have been a bit DEEP around these parts.

    Much pondering, as one could appreciate.

    Sooo true!

    Tremendous things going on everywhere I've turned to look.

    Just today:

    America Conservative 2 Conservative via 

    9:48 AM (2 hours ago)
    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Cleardot
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    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Cleardot

    U.S. generals now take action to watch Obama
    Posted by Karol Hancock 
    by:  F. Michael  Maloof @ WND
    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Bth_Obama-lol_zps45276c7c
    WASHINGTON – After one of them called  for  the “forced resignations” of President Obama and congressional  leaders in  response to multiple grievances, including the alleged  political purge of  hundreds of senior military officers, two retired U.S.  generals are creating a  citizens’ commission to scrutinize Obama  administration actions on national  security and economic issues.
    “America’s Provisional Leadership  Council” will look at major concerns, as  outlined by Army Gen. Paul E.  Vallely and Air Force Brig. Gen. Charles Jones, in  an eight-point paper  titled “The   Americans Project.”
    Vallely told WND he sees The Americans  Project as a “citizens’ commission” of  prominent Americans to provide  advice to legislative and executive branches of  government.
    America’s leaders, he said, will be  “held to high standards of performance to  solve the nation’s problems of  governing. We will scrutinize and provide  guidance to federally elected  officials on behalf of the citizens.”
    The Americans Project, Vallely added,  is a “movement, not a new party  necessarily. We want candidates to run as  Americans first before being a  Democrat, Republican or  Independent.”
    Vallely, who today is chairman of the  organization Stand  Up  America, served as the deputy commanding general of Pacific  Command.
    Jones, who is vice chairman of The  Americans Project of Stand Up America,  held numerous Air Force command  positions including a tactical fighter wing, a  strategic airlift wing and  a special operations group.
    In calling for the forced  resignations of  Obama and the leadership of Congress, Vallely outlined  suggestions for  nationwide rallies and said a peaceful “civil uprising is  still not out of  question.”
    The current crop of leaders, he  said, must face a “demand resignation”  process, which he explained  requires massive grassroots protests and social  networking which he  envisions can be undertaken through his organization. And  example of a  “forced resignation,” he said, was that of President Richard   Nixon.
    “Our federal government continues down  the path of destroying America,”  Vallely said. “Americans must now stand  up and put America back on the right  track.”
    Workable  solution
    Vallely and Jones in their paper say  “The Americans” leadership has developed  workable solutions to “help solve  and fix what has without question stunted our  nation’s ability to clearly,  legally and peacefully function as a constitutional  republic.”
    “Honest, selfless political leadership  is the first key to America’s economic  and debt recovery and secure future  for all citizens and their children,” they  say. “That means voters must  band together and vote for positive ‘America first’  leadership rather than  self-serving greed and corruption within the two major  political parties  that have for decades and are now rapidly tearing the United  States of  America apart.”
    In their paper, Vallely and  Jones call for adherence to the Constitution with  strict congressional  oversight of all executive actions.
    In an apparent reference to the  cutback in overall U.S. military readiness,  they call for a strong  national defense but stipulate that “in no way” would the  U.S. military  ever be used against U.S. citizens, a reference to a growing  concern among  many Americans.
    The paper decried the historic $17  trillion government debt, concerns over  continued unemployment and  excessive tax rates on businesses and citizens.
    Their solutions? Vallely and Jones call  for abolishing the Federal Reserve  and the Internal Revenue Service  system, the intended result of which would be  that “all political  plundering of the peoples’ wealth via taxation will be  stopped.”
    In abolishing the Federal Reserve  System, all U.S. government financial and  economic functions would be  turned back to the U.S. Treasury.
    The IRS would be immediately abolished  and replaced by a sales tax on  specified items for partial financing of  the U.S. government.
    The retired generals condemned the  illegal alien “invasion,” which they said  would be stopped with a secured  border double fence, calling for penalties on  employers who hire illegal  aliens.
    “There will be absolutely no jobs, no  social services, no welfare nor medical  services allowed to be provided to  illegal alien invaders,” they say, with the  exception of emergency medical  care only until the illegals can be deported.
    “American jobs are for U.S. citizens,  returning military veterans, part-time  high school students and the  elderly,” they said. “When U.S. employers cannot  find workers and can  fully justify seeking foreign workers, government  permission will be  granted for hiring temporary foreign workers.”

    I am toastmaster tomorrow so wish me luck I don't bungle the moving parts of a rock.

    Post Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:16 pm by Cyrellys

    Watching...this on the heels of the last.  Does this change the outcome?  Is it possible for two people removed by great distance to capture in the minds eye the targeting of American Exceptionalism?  I yesterday him today.  Or that I would 'notice' his imprint on the fabric mere hours before recognizing this entry?  Many deep questions and thoughts as MD02 said.  Patterning - no half measures.  That bronze bell is ringing in an etheric tone once more, ever so slightly.  Cy

    Gen. Paul Vallely: America Has Come To A Crossroads

    Posted on November 25, 2013 by TMH

    By MG Paul E. Vallely, US Army (Ret.)

    America is imploding and we are at a critical crossroads. It is now obvious; from the ObamaCare debacle, to the myriad scandals, to our ever burgeoning debt, to the neutering of our world power status, to the rise of our enemies, and the demise of our allies’ trust in America; implosion is imminent.

    Obama has taken the seeds of our demise, planted by progressives for over a century now, and amplified their growth at an astonishing rate. We are in a death spiral in terms of whom and what America is, was, and will become. Our ‘exceptionalism’ is the first casualty; we are imploding from within as past Soviet leaders predicted would be the only way we could be vanquished.

    How, or better yet, can America recover from it its economic, political, and cultural death spiral? It appears to many of us, at home and abroad, that the United States is in a continual downward spiral, but the challenges can be overcome and we can recover and reverse that death spiral!

    Even Hillary Clinton said in an interview with CNN [Saturday] that the world is now “de-Americanizing”; they don’t trust us anymore. Clearly she is separating herself from the very actions of the Obama Regime that she helped create but she should have also said that Obama is “de-Americanizing” the USA as well. In addition, Obama, through John Kerry has just now destabilized the entire Middle East with the newly announced P5+1 agreement with the Mullahs of Iran. The Sunni world, along with the Israelis, is now in more danger, not less.

    Here at home, the stakes are very high for us now as well. But for our forthcoming younger generations it is rapidly getting worse. Therefore, our youth need to be more involved, they need to be included, and they must become self-motivated to understand this critical intersection we have arrived upon. If not, we will implode, and it will be quick. But how do we get there, and what do we do collectively?

    The answer is leadership; people with vision and common sense, people who are not politics first, rather they are America first. They are needed more than ever to chart a new roadmap for America, both domestically and internationally. They need to be cultivated into leadership.
    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Delays
    Having had the opportunity to meet with many members of our younger generations over the past year, I am encouraged by their changing vision of America. To steal a part of a phrase from a past television show, I call this group the “thirty-do-somethings”(25 -40 years of age), they are the future of this great country. There is a catch though. If they are to be the new leaders, they cannot be the “Kool-Aid” drinkers of the current leadership. They must become intimately aware and knowledgeable of the true intent of our founding fathers, not people who blithely couch talk of the Constitution, twisting and torturing its tenets to persuade people to buy fraudulent ideas like ObamaCare.

    Encouragingly, I notice a more serious discussion of our country’s dilemmas and concern for their future and that of their children. I am not an alarmist by nature, but when I turn on the TV each day and watch the news, I see and hear very few positive reports of our government leadership and their stark inability to solve the nation’s problems. But now, alarmingly, I worry more than any time in my life. The amount of TV/radio and newspaper interviews that I do per month forces me each day to keep up with the national and international news more than ever.

    The most serious questions I get are variations on a few different themes:

    • Are we approaching the end of the United States as we have known it, as it was designed?
    • Can we ever recover, how do we recover, and how long will it take?
    • Are we fast becoming a ‘statist’ nation, a ‘mob-ocracy’ of centralized control?
    • Can we overcome the current establishment two-party politics, where party comes first instead of “We the People”?
    • Where do we stand in the global political sphere now?

    America is asking these questions more regularly and with more urgency and anxiety. These are not normal times and the stakes ARE VERY HIGH and time is of the essence. Just in the past few weeks, with the unveiling of all the lies and deceptions, I can feel the temperature rise among listeners asking these questions of me. They are deeply fearful now, though I have been trying to warn folks for a long time, they are now feeling the heat and it’s not a pretty picture, for millions. That number will be rising as many predict, now that people see the harm, to themselves and their young ones.
    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Harry-Reid-150x150

    Harry Reid, Majority Leader of Democratic-led Senate
    The Constitution requires that all laws ‘be faithfully executed’, but far too many are not by the Executive Branch. In fact, the ‘rule-of-law’ and the ‘balance of powers’ has for all intents and purposes been cast aside by an executive that picks winners and losers. They decide which laws to enforce, and which to ignore. In fact, they legislate from the executive pen and bench; rule by fiat is now the norm. In fact, it has also spread to the Senate where one man, Majority Leader Harry Reid has effectively become the sole Senator. Dare not cross the man from Nevada, or be labeled and neutered.
    In addition, the ‘oversight power’ of Congress has been neutered as well. In the House of Representatives, it is no longer about enacting legislation, it is all about investigations. Why, because they have been overwhelmed by the Executive Branch with an almost unquantifiable amount of scandals. The hearings are so numerous, yet achieve so little, even with the power of the subpoena. Why, because witnesses stone-wall, they claim no knowledge, they hide under the Fifth Amendment, and the documents they receive are useless so often because of redactions or they just are not provided. What do the other party’s representatives, supporters of Obama do instead; they claim it’s all just politics. At some point, we need to understand that a lie is no longer just a political tool, it’s a crime.
    Overwhelming the system is now the standard and there is no way to ensure that Executive Leadership faithfully enforces our laws or is held accountable. These self-serving political failures have become destructive to the well-being, liberty and happiness of most American citizens. It must be recognized that “New Guards” for future personal safety and National Security must peacefully be put into place by citizens beginning with votes at the ballot box. Failed leadership can no longer stand if the Constitution and the Republic are to be preserved for our children and all future generations.
    Cicero said it best:
    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.
    But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
    For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
    He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
    The facts (factoids – like Obamacare) are now becoming more recognized with the most recent dastardly additions of: countless political deceptions, lies, national economic destruction, manipulation of statistics, purposeful job-killing, and the demise of America’s middle class.
    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Obama-constitution-burningThere is no Administration help for the massive unemployment of Black Americans, and the politically purposeful illegal alien invasion of the United States is killing us all. With over forty percent of the people within the fifty state borders now receiving food stamps, we have become a nation of ‘entitlement’. If you add up all these facets, the only conclusion is treason; treason to the sovereignty of each separate state and to the citizens within the several states, all perpetuated by the elected and appointed inside the Washington DC beltway.
    An extensive analysis has been undertaken into the several national crises by Stand Up America US and its “Americans Project”. We who care greatly about the Republic, the People and the Constitution know now that action must be taken immediately. Necessary and workable solutions have been developed to help solve and fix what has without question stunted our Nation’s ability to clearly, legally, and peacefully function as a Constitutional Republic.
    To begin the process of reclaiming America, we are establishing the ‘American Leadership Council’. The idea is to identify twelve people who hold America’s interests first, not their own. These must be people from proven leadership positions, not ‘talking heads’ and ‘community organizers’. These must be people who have led large businesses and/or held military positions of consequence. These must be people who hold loyalty, fealty, and love for this country first, and most of all, they must be trustworthy.
    I intend to begin the process by acting as the inaugural chairman of the council under the banner of ‘The Americans Project’ and I am currently talking with people with these critical characteristics to join us. Our goal is to provide an alternate core of leadership to that which governs us so badly now, in both major parties, across all levels of government. We want you, the people, to have another choice, a place to go that you can trust.
    A place where fellow constitutionalists, young and old, inclusive of all races and creeds, can go to ask questions, knowing the answer will not be some political primrose path or Potemkin village. It will be the place where prospective candidates can come for the best advice, and if they fit the mold, they will gain our blessing and backing. Independent constitutional leadership, selected by ‘American Leadership Council’ will be that leadership.
    The council will have a set of goals based upon the key national issues that must be solved if the United States of America are to become economically solvent, remain peaceful, to once again become nationally secure, and to reclaim our standing on the global stage. When the council is fully populated, we will then post position and policy papers that address these issues:

    • Constitution of the United States – The Constitution as it was originally established and amended in the Bill of Rights must remain in absolute and total effect. We must get back to this first before we can attend to any single issue.
    • National Defense – A strong national defense of well-trained Active Duty, Guard and Reserve Forces must be reconstituted and realigned with readiness, technology, and speed as its core. Posse Comitatus shall be the backbone and social experimentation must end.
    • Economic Issues – Government is not the cure, it is the problem. Big government’s days must end now. The Federal Reserve must be abolished and big banks must be broken up just like Standard Oil was long ago. All economic functions will be turned back over to the US Treasury including the power to coin and to print and issue currency.
    • Internal Revenue Service – The IRS must eventually be abolished. How? We must revisit and abolish the 17thAmendment and employ a “fair” or “flat” tax system where all have skin in the game. Income taxes are a control mechanism, not a wise device to fund the government, anywhere in the USA.
    • Immigration – The illegal alien invasion of the United States will be stopped with secure borders finally established where no one can get through illegally. Our visa system must be revamped with more thorough vetting and tracking. Severe penalties (financial and criminal) for employers who hire illegal aliens must be enforced and there should be zero services provided other than emergency medical care, then deportation.
    • Homeland Security – The DHS and FEMA have both grown far beyond the intentions of reasonable and responsible leadership control. Law enforcement shall be a state, county, or local function only. The DHS will be disbanded and certain functions will be merged into other departments more suited to the task.
    • Energy – The Department of Energy must be abolished and certain specified oversight functions would be moved to the Department of Commerce and/or to the States. No more ‘crony green capitalism’ and ‘junk science’ fear tactics that enrich charlatans.
    • Education – The Department of Education must be abolished (Along with “Common Core” or any other foreign born design) and its functions and all funding responsibility will be returned to each individual state, territory and the District of Columbia.
    • EPA – The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must be abolished with responsibilities and functions to revert to each individual state. Conflicts will be resolved at the Department of Commerce while working with the states. “Regulation Nation” must end because the law of diminishing returns is crushing our economy.
    • Federal Agency Locations – Selected Agencies will be moved from the ‘beltway’and disbursed into the interior for cost-effective and long-term security reasons as well as seeking more diversified hiring of highly qualified civilians.
    • Federal Property – All unused or unneeded federal facilities must be re-purposed in the redistribution of agencies to the interior and special attention must be paid to areas in decline. All other facilities shall be sold to the highest bidders. All federal lands will revert to the state except for the park systems, national security, and military bases.
    • Entitlements

      • ObamaCare – The partisan and destructive Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care ACT (PPACA, aka ObamaCare) will be repealed and replaced with a market based system that crosses state borders. Tort reform shall be a priority.
      • Medicare and Medicaid will revert to pre-2009 status.
      • Social Security – Necessary changes and revisions will be made to the existing Social Security System to ensure self-funding.

    • Public Service Employee Unions – The Executive order that allows unions to exist in government will be rescinded. Government unions must be made illegal through Legislative action.
    • The United Nations – The United States must reduce its funding levels commensurate with an egalitarian system. The US should then work to move the UN to another nation and consider withdrawal in full.
    • Department of Defense – Begin a systematic process to reorganize the Department of Defense into an organization of National Security that can prepare us for today and tomorrow with “forward strategies” that secure America. Redundancies must be removed, reunification of branches must be investigated, and all security aspects of Foreign Service protection shall fall back into the DoD.

    Enough is Enough.
    Our national call to action requires all of us to get our country on back on track, join us today!
    God save the Republic!


    • To contact MG Vallely or the SUA staff, please use the following email:
    • To set up an interview with MG Vallely, contact Scott W. Winchell via email:

    This entry was posted in ConstitutionHistoryMilitaryPoliticsSurvival. Bookmark the permalink.


    Post Mon Nov 25, 2013 4:02 pm by Cyrellys

    And one more necessity in need of critical attention.  While we attend to retrieving our nation from the brink of oblivion, we need to energize on the issue of food production.

    See this:

    MY SISTER IN LAW is the main produce buyer for 'A NATIONAL SUPERMARKET CHAIN'S' Stores west of the Mississippi. She buys every bit of produce in the San Joaquin Valley she can get her hands on. Pine Flat Reservoir - a main water provider for Central Valley farmers - is at 16% water capacity and dropping by the day, with no rain/snow in sight. She's telling me if they don't get a substantial amount of rain this winter we can expect massive shortages of fruits and veggies come May, perhaps sooner. Many farmers are already talking about planting, then discing up their land and making crop insurance pay for it and not even bothering to try and produce a crop. This is an area that has already been devastated by the EPA, and only averages around 6" per yr. A massive amount of rain would be 10'-12", which still won't be enough. Most water comes as snow in the Sierra's and flows to the reservoirs. And it's just not coming. ~ Quayle Alerts: regular listener.

    We need to take all shackles off home gardening and small livestock production.  We need produce our own food and restore our capacity for seed production and local produce.  

    To be point blank blunt, it is time to bring back the Victory Garden within our communities.  

    One half of the focus needs to be production of local food stuffs to fill the commercial gaps and ease stress on the existing commercial system,

    While the other half needs to focus on SEED PRODUCTION!

    We need replacement seed.

    Should efforts to restore our nation fall into conflict, current seed stores will be in jeopardy and it is likely that some to all could be lost as targets of control.  Food security can be strengthened and spread among communities if they are producing not only food but seed once more.  The fancy yard grass has to go folks.

    Post Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:40 pm by Cyrellys

    Via Email
    FROM Duncan Roads
    5:03 PM (5 hours ago)

    to Nexus
    Duncan Roads posted in Nexus Magazine
    Duncan Roads
    Duncan Roads 6:03pm Nov 25

    Heads up. The NSW govt is trying to assert that anyone who criticises mainstream medical practices is being irresponsible and that it should be a punishable offence. You can thank the Greens and the skeptics, both of whom actively hate and oppose all alternative health for aiding and abetting this restriction of freedom of expression. Don't let these people set a precedent on behalf of the drug companies - who are actively funding this covert campaign targeting non-mainstream medicine. And don't think that because this is in Australia, that they won't try it in the UK, NZ, Canada or the USA. In the UK they are having a go at banning websites that contain 'esoteric' material. All this is part of the push to turn science into a religion, where to challenge it is considered an irresponsible heresy. All Aussies who support freedom of speech should make the effort to nip this insanity in the bud. petition:
    Avaaz petition:

    Post Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:50 am by Cyrellys

    Been thinking on the article I quoted above by Vallely.

    In particular I've been thinking about the responses.  So many taking the situation in a fatalistic theosophical stance.  It occurs to me, that if the only perspective you allow yourself to hold is the apocalyptic, then you do neither yourself nor the needs of the situation justice because you effectively tie your hands from the ability to formulate or enjoin possible solutions and then move to act in favor of any acceptable solution.

    What is the point and purpose of foresight if it is so set in stone it is hopeless and useless to do anything about a negative image or negative expected outcome?  

    Tell your prophets to shut their yaps if there is not hope for creating a more positive, harmonious alternative because you are imbued with the benefit of foreknowledge!  There is no point in knowing if it is pointless trying to achieve differently...apocalyptic certainty is like socialism and marxism.  It is just as bad as those, because if it is certain, then it creates the same character in the student.  Uselessness.  Incompetency!  Your plate of fate is assured, so why lift a finger on your own behalf to become something better?  Just sit there and take it, for you are natural imbeciles and deserving of idiocy!

    I disagree with the common Christian belief that Revelations is certain and you should do nothing but wait to be rescued by God; that everyone should resign themselves to horrific fate.  And yes I'll even argue with God on this point if it is true.  But somehow I suspect someone got that matter wrong.  Foresight is to empower actors toward a better alternative.

    Therefore those who say things like the quotes below are part of the problem not the destined and deserving beneficiaries of God's mercy and good will.

    "Americans need to get on their knees and cry out to The Lord Jesus Christ. There is no other hope but for all Bible believing Christians to pray. God bless America."

    "Prepare your hearts and minds for the coming destruction and accept Jesus as your savior before it is too late, the day if His second coming."

    "American the Mystery Babylon. God’s will IS being done. We are watching it all unfold now. The time for a political overhaul was in 1963. It failed. America is now being judged for her sins. Prepare, get spiritually right with Jesus Christ and inform others. Mr. Vallely, your work is highly respected and very well thought out. Unfortunately it is a few decades late in my opinion. May God be with you sir! Ephesians 6:12"

    "Malachi 4:1 For, behold, the Day cometh, that shall burn like an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the “I AM” Lord of hosts, that it shall leave of them neither root nor branch (nothing)."

    "America is going down ..correct….there’s a way out…No"

    "We are well past the point of arbitration !…………….”Keep your powder dry” !"

    Geez guys.   Think just for just one optimistic moment in your beleaguered existence, that there is a possibility I might be right. Yea, keep your powder dry, but while you whine and twiddle in misery and decry the oncoming train wreck, plow the road for the RAIL MAN!  He elects to dive for the track switch!  

    Sit not in despondency for there is still a minute left on the game clock and the truth every quarterback knows about games is it is in actuality an eternity in which the seeming impossible can happen -- if the team rallies for one last ditch effort.  What is the value of that one seemingly inconsequential minute?

    You breathe do you not? Or are you here merely taking up SPACE!

    If you can only believe in an absolute then the classroom is useless for you.  You will carry nothing away from it about yourself.  You will create nothing while you are here.  You will be no benefit to the Source/God!  Why should or would God act to punish you if your destruction is assured anyway because you're doing a great job sliding off the cliff all of your own nonreactive devising and you will not act to alter that fact?  What would be the point? He doesn't even have to lift a finger because you are your own worst enemy before the trigger is even pulled!  

    Where is your potential?  I'll tell you where. You treated it with disdain; left it set upon the dung heap as if what God endowed you with was worthless!

    I disagree about apocalyptic sentiment.  If this was intended to be a situation you were meant to fail you would not have been warned about it.

    No game is over till the fat lady sings.  You are still here! The stroke of midnight is not yet behind us.  Now get off your whining arses, Buttercups, and get that road plowed!  Quoting scripture is like sleeping - you can do it when you're dead. Quote scripture when you've earned it!

    Post Tue Nov 26, 2013 10:56 am by Cyrellys


    Post Tue Nov 26, 2013 3:50 pm by Cyrellys

    Well I survived being Toastmaster of the Day for the first time and no one ran howling in horror from the room!

    One of the members said something interesting. He pointed out our exceptional-ism is evident when you look at American patents. He said if all that we do is not exceptional then why is it the other nations of the world go nuts stealing the content of those patents and copying the products they construct?

    Good point.

    And then just a little bit ago, Glen Beck points out how he dislikes Edison. He describes Edison as corrupt, in bed with big business, and surrounded by people who were corrupt. He points out that Tesla, a seeming nobody has left us with a greater more profound impact in his work and research and yet he's barely recognized in the history books.

    Way to go, Glen! You are so right. Nice to hear someone on T.V. acknowledge that openly.

    Patents....representations of the things we've created for ourselves and our world. And the world wants a piece of their action.

    Oh those American's are no darn good...fat...lazy...stupid....and arrogant, so say those beholden to the feudal and corrupt corptocracy's vision and versions of truth.

    Whose paradigm do you prefer?

    Post Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:08 am by Cyrellys

    VK5REX D-Star Repeater: A new Raspberry Pi & DVAP Dongle enclosure!

    "I saw a post for this amazing looking product on the Rasberry Pi D-Star Group. I'm always encouraged when I see development for third party D-Star hardware.

    What you see here is the D-HAP (D-Star Ham Access Point) designed and built by Hardened Power Systems who are well known for their portable battery power systems.

    The D-HAP is a small, rugged, self contained enclosure/power supply for a Raspberry Pi and DVAP Dongle. "

    Pictures, video, and more at link.


    Post Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:16 am by Cyrellys

    I hear the Macey's Day Parade balloons are endangered by the possibility of winds over 30mph.  The Weather Channel say's it'll be close.




    A necessary point.

    I don't think much of real value emerges from universities these days.  I qualify that statement from observing the product which seems more akin to a pirate's green and yellow parrot with a letter of marque to sing, and to sing only a certain tune or two.

    From the universities to the courts -  Anyone care to tell what Maritime law is?

    Conscription and alteration of our intellectualism doesn't exist you still say?

    American Conservative2Conservative wrote:6th Grade Mississippi – “Only Do This Assignment In Class” and “Don’t Tell Your Parents”...
     by sundance
    6th Grade students given a rather concerning political identification assignment they are only allowed to do “in class”, along with an instruction “not to tell your parents about it”. Of course one of the Rebel Alliance members snuck the assignment sheet out of class and specifically told their mom/dad. Hence, you are now getting to review it.  “Are You A Democrat Or Republican”?
    (Tupelo Mississippi) While it is unclear if this is explicitly a Common Core assignment or not, a group of students today in Tupelo, MS had quite an interesting assignment. The sixth graders at Milam Elementary were given an assignment to do in class, and they were not to discuss this assignment with their parents.
    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 School-assignment
    [...]  students are asked a battery of questions (Abortion, Gun Control, Healthcare, Taxes, Military, Death Penalty, Prayer In Schools, Gay Marriage, Pollution, Flag burning) each answer contains a (D) or an (R) next to it.  Ultimately students have their answers tallied up by the teacher and are graded as either (D) or (R).  Click Here For Hi-res Image
    Naturally, telling a group of kids between the ages of ten and eleven to not tell their parents about an assignment is probably the surest way for them to tell their parents. In fact, it is typically a way to ensure a student sneaks a copy home.
    The reason why this is so concerning is that Tupelo prides itself on data driven instruction. Now, data is nice if it helps you figure out if a student needs extra help in a particular area. However, what if that effort is aimed at monitoring the political views of a student? What if there is a shift in student opinion to say, the wrong opinion on gun control or say the wrong opinion on right to life issues? Is the school collecting data toward that end to monitor the political beliefs of these young children?
    As you check out the school district’s video on data driven instruction, ponder for a moment where does monitoring education end and monitoring indoctrination begin? (continue reading and see the video)
    awful lot of cataloging, list making, and other seemingly innocent activities going on....same guys overseeing it as the ones putting up purchase orders for hollow point bullets.  Nothing to see here this Thanksgiving....move along.

    Sure no sweat.

    Too much of a good thing, is a good thang!
    Feelings like this can't be wrong
    Too much of a good thing, is a good thang!
    We've got a good thang going on.

    Country music  Thanx Synch.

    ****** wrote:
    Free Resource of the DayUncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Learn_28
    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 Thanksgiving
    Daniel Webster's Plymouth Oration
    Daniel Webster's famous Plymouth Oration did much to establish the Pilgrim's as the forefather's of America. After this speech delivered in 1820, the journey of the Pilgrims to Plymouth, Massachusetts became the nation's founding myth, and by 1863 Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day which has been celebrated ever since. This historic speech is available on MP3 download and streaming audio directly through
    Daniel Webster's Plymouth Oration
    Also today we offer another free audio download directly through
    Download this free 8-minute audio book by iMinds on the story of Thanksgiving. In this audio book we are told about why the Pilgrims made their trek to Plymouth Rock and what the origins were of the first Thanksgiving. The audio book also tells legacy of Thanksgiving and how it became a national holiday in the United States. Learn about this holiday with this free audio book graciously offered from iMinds.
    And for one more Thanksgiving-related title listen to Sir Winston Churchill's "America's Thanksgiving" address delivered November 23rd, 1944. This is available on our YouTube channel:
    Winston Churchill's "America's Thanksgiving" Address on the LearnOutLoud YouTube Channel 

    Post Wed Nov 27, 2013 10:43 am by Cyrellys

    • And So It Begins: New York Sending Out Gun Confiscation Notices 
    • And So It Begins: New York Sending Out Gun Confiscation Notices 
    • Western Montana stores' payment system hacked by thieves 
    • Is your TV spying on YOU? It sounds like science fiction but many new TVs can watch you - telling advertisers your favourite shows or even filming you on the sofa. And there's no off switch! 
    • Feds’ 3 Tentacles in the Common Core (Part 3) 
    • Montana Plaintiffs Appeal to U.S. Supreme Court Validating the Firearms Freedom Act:PRAY FOR GARY MARBUT TO PREVAIL! 

    And Does Anyone Rmember Mr. Garrow?

    "November 27, 2013
    The Common Sense Show
    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 8 People-running-300x168
    I have been in possession of certain information, provided to me by two separate sources, and confirmed by multiple sources, which have clearly laid out a horrific set of events coming our way. This article will culminate with a description of these events.
    The Validity of Insider Sources
    In my role as a talk show host and writer, I have been approached by many individuals who claim to have “insider information” about what is going on and what is coming. According to these individuals, what is coming is very bad. Most credible, insider sources demand complete anonymity, and with the passage of the NDAA, most whistleblowers have to be more cautious as compared to the past. As a result, I have found myself in a position to try and evaluate whether to write about and broadcast some very controversial information that I am frequently given.
    If I cannot partially collaborate the information I am given by another source, or through circumstantial evidence, I don’t generally publish the information. However, if the source has proven to be a trusted source, I am more likely to take what I am told at face value because, sometimes, my insider information turns out to be stunningly accurate as evidenced by the Chris Stevens murder story which was spot on in which I identified a military rescue attempt which was foiled by the Obama forces. On that story, I was 5 months ahead of Glenn Beck. My information on the Aurora Batman shootings  was also proven to be very accurate. Therefore, when these sources tell me what is coming, I am inclined to listen because of their past track record.
    Before revealing what I have been told, I am still looking for some measure of independent collaboration. I cannot think of any better places to look for independent confirmation that three individuals who are also getting the “correct” word out than Steve Quayle, Doug Hagmann and Jim Marrs."
    More at link ~ Yes John you are correct Nano Domestic Quell.  The docs presented describing it are keenly interesting.  Cy

    Post Thu Nov 28, 2013 11:45 pm by Cyrellys

    New York, 3 October 1789

    By the President of the United States of America, a Proclamation.

    Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor– and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.

    Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be– That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks–for his kind care and protection of the People of this Country previous to their becoming a Nation–for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of his Providence which we experienced in the course and conclusion of the late war–for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed–for the peaceable and rational manner, in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted–for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed; and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which he hath been pleased to confer upon us.

    and also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions– to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually–to render our national government a blessing to all the people, by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed–to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shewn kindness unto us) and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord–To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us–and generally to grant unto all Mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best.

    Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.

    George Washington

    and a modern echo:

    From the Sagen Series (part) - The Pale Blue Dot

    Post Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:50 pm by Cyrellys

    A Transformation agent worth keeping up on:

    Fred Burks

    Author of 10 Reasons for Hope and Optimism.
    I've been a reader of his work since late 2008.  He knows his stuff.

    "Fred Burks served for 18 years as a language interpreter with the U.S. Department of State, eventually interpreting for Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and numerous other world leaders. Late in his career, he stumbled down a deep rabbit hole where he discovered intense levels of global deception and manipulation. His courageous whistleblowing was reported on the front page of the Wall Street Journal"  from

    "Executive director of PEERS (Public Education and Empowerment Resource Service), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading inspiration, education, and transformation. PEERS manages 12 websites which support individuals and groups in personal and global transformation."  from

    Post Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:55 pm by Cyrellys

    Jake Reason

    Post Tue Dec 03, 2013 2:23 pm by Jake Reason

    Cyrellys wrote:A Transformation agent worth keeping up on:

    Fred Burks

    Author of 10 Reasons for Hope and Optimism.
    Found it. Thanks

    Below is a list of 10 most inspiring trends showing that we are not screwed, that despite the challenges, there are many great reasons for hope and optimism. These inspiring trends suggest that we are in the midst of a huge shift that could very well lead to a much more rich and enjoyable world for all. For each reason listed below, several links are given to verify the inspiring material presented and to dive deeper into it. Behold, 10 reasons to become hope-mongerers!

    Reason #1 : Humans Are Not Lemmings! Global Population Leveling Off

    Reason #2 : Solar Power Soon Cheaper Than Coal, Gas, and Oil

    Reason #3 : The Internet Miracle – Unprecedented Networking, Information Access

    Reason #4 : Children More Loved, Supported Than Past Generations

    Reason #5 : Violent Crime Dropping Dramatically, Wars Much Less Vicious

    Reason #6 : Focus Shifting from Left vs. Right to 99% vs. 1% to the Human Family

    Reason #7 : Man Behind the Curtain Exposed – The Global Power Elite

    Reason #8 : Interest in Personal Growth, Consciousness Expansion on the Rise

    Reason #9 : Love and Cooperation Are Rockin' Our World!

    Reason #10 : You Can Be Master of Your Own Life Now!!!



    Post Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:17 pm by Cyrellys

    You're Welcome Jake.  And thank you for the vote of confidence on Dan's thread the other day. 

    We've had blizzard like weather here and our first temps at around the zero mark for the year.  It's given me some trouble fully loading pages and I haven't been able to reply to many emails or posting here.  Satellite gets icy.  Weather cleared a bit ago so I thought I'd best take advantage of it.

    Post Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:52 pm by Cyrellys

    Book:  Download, Read, or Buy

    High Magnetic Field Science and Its Application in the United States:
    Current Status and Future Directions (2013)

    From National Academies Press

    Committee to Assess the Current Status and Future Direction of High Magnetic Field Science in the United States; Board on Physics and Astronomy (BPA); Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences (DEPS); National Research Council

    The Committee to Assess the Current Status and Future Direction of High Magnetic Field Science in the United States was convened by the National Research Council in response to a request by the National Science Foundation. This report answers three questions: (1) What is the current state of high-field magnet science, engineering, and technology in the United States, and are there any conspicuous needs to be addressed? (2) What are the current science drivers and which scientific opportunities and challenges can be anticipated over the next ten years? (3) What are the principal existing and planned high magnetic field facilities outside of the
    [url= National Academies][...][/url]


    EXTRA: Invitation to a Workshop: Sustainable Infrastructure for Life Sciences Communication
    The National Academy of Sciences invites you to join other leaders from the life sciences community and research organizations, either in person or by webcast, at a workshop on December 9-10, 2013 in Washington DC to explore the barriers to public communications in the life sciences. At this workshop, participants will explore some challenges life science professionals face, including intellectual property issues in industry, policy restrictions in government, and lack of incentives and adequate support structures at the university level.  Ideas and opportunities for improving communications will be discussed. Visit the Public Interfaces of the Life Sciences Roundtable website for more information and to register.

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