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Is it akin to which truth is Truth?

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    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys


    Posts : 2251
    Join date : 2012-04-25
    Age : 53
    Location : Montana

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    Last edited by Cyrellys on Wed Jan 13, 2021 3:52 pm; edited 49 times in total


    "This is an indeterminite problem. How shall I solve it? Pessimistically? Or optimistically? Or a range of probabilities expressed as a curve, or several curves?..........Well.....we're Loonies. Loonies bet. Hell, we have to! They shipped us up and bet us we couldn't stay alive. We fooled 'em. We'll fool 'em again!" Robert Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

    Rue she said Protection
    Rooster's Crow Confusion
    One thing else to end the deed --
    A dog with no Illusion.

    ~ Walter Wangerin Jr., Book of the Dun Cow
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    Post Tue Oct 29, 2013 10:49 pm by Cyrellys

    Well we rapidly approach Samhain, that day of memorium when once great bonfires en-pattern dotted the landscape of Old Eire as beacons for those who did not return home with the Dannan in the great ships.  

    The bonfires are barely remembered now, but we still enjoy the night view of our modern cities from space gained images.  Is there any hope they occasionally think of how it might have been different had they not stayed, but instead came home too?  Or has their memory faded as ours has over the many millennia?  The hearth fires are not even relit any more from Tara.  

    But in a small corner of the Pacific Northwest (USA), and now in Montana, a candle is still lit and placed in the window, and a jack-o-lantern on the doorstep.  It is doubtful the descendants of the long lost would recognize such gestures, but in hidden places the glimmer of memory is yet grasped.

    Meanwhile, gleeful miniature raiders of sweets don their colorful and fanciful costumes within the modern mythology that has grown up around truth.

    Even the exopolitical community seems to have trouble grasping that once we were not limited by earthly boundaries, instead attributing all accounts of technological prowess to our kindred.  Is it important enough to protest?  Not really.  History revisits all unfinished business.  Especially where memory fails.


    Post Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:55 pm by pman35

    Boo , bet you thought I had gone away , nah no chance i'm part of the furniture Smile

    Anyways guys just thought I'd bring you some good news on the omg website Smile its now fully workable and still a few minor things to do li8ke add all the images back , but that will be a walk in the park after all the hard work.  A few other tweaks need to be done but in general its all good to go , of course there maybe some errors , and for this I ask you to let me know if you come across any.

    This link i'm giving you is whats left to work on so please ignore it Smile , the main link is still accessible here

    Post Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:46 pm by Cyrellys

    Someone add the US Navy to the list of American organizations in need of rescue....they've just been overrun by the lunatic fringe in the White House in DC....

    "When he asked why the flag was changed, one SEAL said he was told, “The Jack is too closely associated with radical groups,” The Caller reported."

    SERIOUSLY?  So being a believer in the rule of law, the Constitution, limited government, and fiscal responsibility, and international peace, is something "Obama's military" as he calls it now, is something he don't want them associated with?

    What was that about the military having taken an oath to protect our nation against all enemies foreign and domestic?

    Seems to me that anyone who is NOT a believer in the rule of law, the Constitution, limited government, and fiscal responsibility, not to mention international peace too comes awfully darn close to sounding like something our military should NOT be associating with....especially when it is the definition of an anarchist.

    Someone add the US navy to the list of government departments in need of rescuing because they've just been overrun and probably don't even know it.


    Edit to add:  

    Hey 10th Fleet!  Bet you never thought you'd see the day arrive when you'd watch your brothers be ordered to remove the patch that binds them heart and soul to the founding of their own nation....

    Ah but nothing is interconnected right?  Do you not remember being warned years ago?  You laughed then.  Are you still laughing or was that grin just wiped off your face by the experience?

    Little things....they have big impacts, and even bigger meaning.  It all matters.


    Will they remove it from their uniforms as ordered?  Or will they follow the same call that once brought their pre-uniformed predecessors in to the colonial coasts on the run, where John Paul Jones then set the example to follow?  

    System blindness is much like what Anne McCaffrey of Dragonhold Eire once called "hide-bound".  Let's see if they can escape their bindings.


    Post Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:59 pm by Cyrellys

    I just ran across this at BIN.  It is a remarkable quote of someone Lyn (a regular BIN author) says is someone calling himself Daniel, and that Daniel says he's only 12.  Two points I'll mention but I DO NOT mean to say this either detracts or validates, only that it is interesting.  After reading through the speaker's message, I can say this doesn't sound like a 12 year old speaking or writing.  The verbage style is very adult like.  The other point is that this person is exceptionally well informed.  Most of the info is only well known by very professional like researchers or insiders again not something you'd see in a 12 year old roaming the net.  

    It is what it is and I'm putting here so I can keep track of it as it can be difficult to find BIN articles after they've fallen off the current article index page.

    Lyn Leahz | Before It’s News | 11-4-2013
    I received this comment tonight on my post HERE. It seems this “Daniel” is very knowledgeable. I do believe him, but must point out, it sounds like we are also being set up for an alien Messiah, just as Tom Horn and Cris Putnam (Exo-Vaticana, Petrus Romanus) have warned us. His message is indeed very disturbing. Please check it out and take heed, because the things he says will happen are happening!
    It is as follows:
    I have posted at Beforeitsnews under different usernames. On youtube my name can be found under allondaniel. I am 12. For five months I have been posting exactly what they are, who they are, where they come from. All I get from you adult humans are arrogant responses like “what kind of pot do I smoke”, “am I insane?” and other stupid comments. 
    I told you all ISON would be redirected and it was. Never in the history of astronomy has this happened. It was confirmed by Russia, China, Great Britain and then NASA. NASA redacted this the next day and added that they suspected there may be other beings in unknown craft traveling with ISON. ISON has had two ships traveling with it for three months redirecting it away from earth. This was also confirmed.
    I told you all there is nothing to fear from these ships. They are here to help. You are clearly not ready for the truth even though your President Obama was suppose to disclose the truth to you-He failed in this as in most other missions. The Vatican was also suppose to make an announcement but they feel their money coffers and believers will stop believing and they will lose control over you. The fact is your ELITE have royally screwed up. ISON would have been a cataclycmic event to earth had we not intervened. Now it will not be such an event. This is why the DUMBS were built.
    They planned to ride out the cataclysm while the average joe american met his death. This was not our agreement when we gave you the tunnel boring advanced technology to create your underground cities. You were suppose to allow the average man and animals entrance in to the underground cities and you did not. There is no Nibiru, no mini solar system. You can believe that if you want but they do not exist.
    Your problem is you in the USA especially have a very corrupt leadership who only cares about themselves, their power and control. This will not be allowed anymore and we are here to see to it that changes are made. For many many years we have tried to deal with your adult government leadership to no avail-THEY ARE BEYOND CORRUPT AND REDEMPTION!
    You have taken the technology we gave you for good purposes and turned them in to weapons you are not ready for and are using them for death. This will not be allowed any more. Your USA Government is in the process of “culling” your population.” They refer to you as “useless eaters.” We call them parasites of earth. We will not allow you to destroy our earth. We were here thousands of years before you and this will not be allowed anymore. We will now deal with your elites. Then we will groom intelligent children of earth to become the future leaders of earth.
    This is what they have planned for you. There are many plans but here are the main items:
    (1) Devalue the US Currency (2) Create civil war (3) create WWIII in Syria and Iran (4) Poison your major water supplies (5) Shut off your food supply (6) Quaranteen your cities so you will fight it out and terminate each other while they wait outside the cities while you fight each other for food, gas and water to survive. This will all be done in the dark as they planned on using ISON as a red herring which they planned on blaming a massive CME to knock out the grid when in fact they plan to detonate an EMP. (7) They also plan on eliminating all of the populace on the Eastern and Western Coastlines by detonating underwater tsunami nuke bombs. (This is how they came up with the future Navy Map of the USA you all like to look at so much). In addition, they planned to do the same in the Indian ocean and Pacific Ocean where all of W. Europe populations on the coast would be eliminated.(Cool If that isn’t enough for you they have in their arsenal a pandemic which would finish any remaining humans leaving 5% of the world’s population still alive to carry on as their slaves.
    We told you there were thousands of these ships. NASA and others reported UFO ships docked on the back side of the moon. This is true. It is also true both the Moon and Mars have been colonized for hundreds of thousands of years. There are even some trusted humans there but not many as you can’t be trusted. Look at the BP oil spill which has contaminated the Gulf, The Gulfstream and even slowed the Gulfstream almost to a stop in N. Carolina.
    Look at Fukashima. The earthquake was no accident. It is all part of the ELITES as you refer to them, part of their grand plan they have for you. We have been warning you for years and warning you in very great detail for a year but you do not listen. You wait for your rapture. Now, I will tell you as a messenger delivering a message that one person told me was fantasy while he digs underground and builds bunkers for people who can pay his fee to ride out the storm like the ELITES-you just have to have the money first. For the last time we are telling you this is their plan for you.
    Either do something about it or don’t come to us after it is too late. We will save earth. Whether we help you adults is a different story all together. We are tired of your irresponsibility, arrogance and “non acceptance to us and to human who may be different than you. These are their plans. You can challenge me or you can look at all the Executive Orders which if enacted will unlawfully take away all of your rights as people of your country and of earth. Add it all together and see if what we are saying makes sense to all of you. Find former military leaders who have been dismissed because they stood up for the Constitution of your country and for you. Go to them and ask them to make a plan NOW as time runs short. We have already stopped many detonations. You must help yourselves before we will help you any more.

    Post Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:42 pm by Cyrellys

    Ah what a day in know you learn some interesting humor when teaching really simple concepts like first grade math.  For example...what do you get when you have eight apples and eat eight apples?  Answer:  a rather substantial stomach ache.  So much for subtraction.

    And then there are the math riddles like: what do you get when you have nine red apples and you subtract one green one?  Redneck IQ test.


    And envision this...three students ages 7 and 6 listening to the history story of George Rogers Clark....eating a snack and in the best tradition of the Movie Transformers, commencing a rather noisy re-enactment of crossing the drowned lands of the Wabash and laying siege to the fort at Vincennes.  It also entails chasing the "hair-buyer" Hamilton through the house with a lot of gleeful screeching and mock explosions.  Not quite how it went down but more memorable than most public school kids get to do with their history lessons.

    Gives all new meaning to the question, are we having fun yet? Now to complete the picture, understand how sound reverberates through a house with hardwood floors, large rooms with plaster walls above wood paneling and wood trim everywhere including on ceiling beams, and very high ceilings. Amid the reenactments throw in my Spielberg wanna be with a penchant for adding a good deal of what I could swear sounds like opera as part of the sound effects and well you get the idea.

    History and math have met their match. When you're 7 and 6 it's all larger than life and fair game. At least it was all indoors and far from the site of the original events - there was no need to worry they'd scare any alligators into waddling north to New York.

    Last edited by Cyrellys on Mon Nov 04, 2013 8:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Post Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:54 pm by Bard

    Quick comment.

    Where/is there direct link to "Daniels" Post? I was unable to locate it....

    Post Mon Nov 04, 2013 8:07 pm by Cyrellys

    MD02 wrote:Quick comment.

    Where/is there direct link to "Daniels" Post?  I was unable to locate it....
    Hi Md

    As I understand it, she received it via messaging rather than a post on the article. It was in regards/response to the article she linked to. She'd probably be willing to give a date & time copy of receipt if you asked her.


    Post Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:02 am by Cyrellys

    My 2nd speech in Toastmasters was on Monday.  I had a hard time deciding in the end what to speak on because as I was composing it, there was news that the Navy had given orders their guys were to remove the "don't tread on me" naval jack from their uniforms because it was also a banner held by those the corrupt within the system see as extremists.  Liberty concepts not being popular or desired when operating under dissonance.

    I changed my mind however and decided it more important to stick to my original topic and in an odd way the issue with the banning of the naval jack is symptomatic of what I composed.

    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 7 250px-Raising_the_First_Naval_Jack

    Anyway, the subject of my speech was an excerpt of the following transcript.  It was a dialogue on truth and secrecy.  The full script of Rendering the Dream was written for a paradigm audience rather than a group on the cusp of paradigm awareness, and I did mention that at the outset.  While the equipment for the visual aids refused to work as designed, the speech itself in its much diminutive form was still very well received and applauded.


    Full script:

    Dialogue:  Rendering the Dream
    by Cyrellys
    November 4th 2013

    We are making the transition from Type 0 civilization to Type I civilization. Our efforts however, are causing the implosion we sought to prevent.

    As the Eve of Unambiguous Contact approaches we dream of a stable transition.

    Our current state of conflict between secrecy and truth is detrimental to the establishment of responsible and ethical character in the presence of extraterrestrial contact.

    Choice, Ideals, & the Reality

    Let's talk, a moment, about what we might choose in an ideal world. Those choices might include:

    • Our choice of population character

    • Our choice population intellectual competency

    • Our choice of prepositional readiness

    Reality is none of this is ideal. We are starting off making every imaginable mistake, particularly with ourselves.

    Two Views of the National Security State: intellectual snobbery vs security.

    (Heavy is the Crown that's always hidden....)

    Our paradigm is governed by the highest secrecy classification possible beginning at SCI/TS. To accomplish a near century of secrecy our management has built an apparatus which now maintains a death grip upon our society. And it has become so complex that it now operates with little additional input of our own exhibiting what is termed having taken on a Life of its Own.

    There are two competing views over the value of the National Security State Apparatus between the aware parties of our paradigm. That held by those located externally to the system is generally seen as it being a matter of profiteering and intellectual snobbery. Meanwhile most within have been led to believe that what they do in its name falls under the heading of leadership and necessary acts to maintain stability in the face of the fantastic.

    But is it truly necessary? Truth matters: Ptah-hotep's observation a 5th century Vizier of an Egyption pharoh wrote about intellectual snobbery, necessity, and leadership.

    He said, “be not arrogant because of your knowledge. Take council with the ignorant as well as the learned for the limits of art cannot be reached, and no artist is perfect in his skills. Good speech is more hidden than the precious greenstone, and yet is found among slave girls at the millstone.”

    This means even the least among us possesses truth and is capable of dealing with it.

    To this Ptah-hotep added advice on leadership. He said, “If you are a leader, commanding the conduct of many, seek of every good aim, so that your policy may be without error. A great thing is truth (maat) enduring and surviving; it has not been upset since the time of Osiris. He who departs from its laws is punished.”

    How might we become punished? By establishment of dissonance, darkness with character, and vulnerability.

    Resolution is our inherent character, and courage has never forsaken us. Where now, what is it we want? Why do we hesitate? From tyranny we can expect nothing but ruin!

    What we have today is not the values of our forefathers in action. We are living in denial of those values – in 2008 at the first gathering of the working groups leadership, this was not our intention. And yet it is resulting in a new moral order. Being that certain things roll down hill, and that there is always an element of villainy to be found somewhere if you seek hard enough, there was a time when the dark side of governance worked to accomplish by craft and subtlety in the long run, what it cannot do by force and violence in the short one...not anymore. Our paradigm places villainy on steroids. Now we meld craft and subtlety to the glee of the distasteful operators who act most willingly with unexplained preparations for force and violence as time grows short because fear says a nightmare will happen if we do not align in this way.

    (Stripes always looked good on me whether or not I'm really there...)

    It is our values that define us. Either we embrace the journey or lose ourselves. What good is survival if we are not ourselves – the best of what makes us ourselves, in the final result?

    Faced with Karmic Judgment.

    Karma is not merciful. Philosophers have long known this. Solon commented on crafty souls and empty fools cautioning us about foolishness and implying a karmic judgment.

    Many of the acts and choices we make today is nothing new. Only the impetus is different. Solon pointed to those long used options. He said, “the hardest thing of all is to recognize the invisible mean of judgment. You dote upon the words of a wily man. True, you are singly each a crafty soul. But altogether you make only one empty fool.”

    Villainy is sooner called clever than simplicity or good. Men are in general proud of the darker foolish version of clever and ashamed of simplicity and justice.

    Traces of uncorrectable injustice and unfairness are the result of our foolishness. And in the open we will claim we cannot find any such traces which some complain of, in the use of law and policy, which leadership says is excellent and necessary to produce National Security, but truth proves less so for justice.

    This handling is altering the standing view of Man and the System. The further we travel in secrecy the further we go from our goal of preventing implosion. Every act of proposed or fulfilled tyranny which actors hoped would protect and preserve us, compounds in the eyes of the victims and we become what we have proclaimed to hate.

    The external body of the people first ask what view of man and the system does this character of national security give us? Those within the system ask this less frequently or not at all. Horse blinders are worn to ensure the ability to achieve the goals set. And the system so fueled takes on a life of its own.

    Far from idealism, we justify our empire of control both at home and abroad under the guise of National Security solely on the grounds of power – power which accepts no limits from any of the once limiting factors. It will not be tempered by religion, justice, or even pity.

    Government admires the specter of control in operation and as far as human wisdom will permit, desires to advance it further until control is eternal and invincible. Is this wise to trade risk for outright tyranny?

    Despotism of the Collective Mind

    (Maybe any place outside of Wonderland is not for me my friend...)
    It all begins in the mind. This is the birthplace of inequity.

    External observers are well versed in the results. Truth comes only in riddles. Giggle Factor infects all media and discourse. Justified over-reach of power in human affairs is seen running rampant. The uninformed populace is subjected to false images of happiness to maintain blindness and passive states. And the function of the collective is impaired. The end of the rope being a lowering of the nature within, which we experience in the rise of criminal behavior and an inability of portions of populous to deal with the restrictions, insanity of the system and loss of opportunity.

    You might say in rebuttal to my points that this is not only necessary but minimally harmful. I would however reply as the Melian's did to Athens in 416 BC. “We have no objection to your reasonable suggestion that we should put our respective point of view quietly to each other, but the military preparations which you have already made seem inconsistent with it. We see that you have come to be yourselves the judges of the debate, and that its natural conclusion for us is slavery if you convince us, and war if we get the better of the argument and therefore refuse to submit.”

    Surely this is a no-win situation to be avoided?

    (The world is never as mad as it could be...)

    Secrecy is the rational mean between Control and Fear.

    There are 2 Irreconcilable principles which have been brought to conflict: Might & Right; the system fears implosion, but in the effort to avoid that event, the system has become the creator of implosion.

    What better place to see this than where unreasonable laws are made to contain the population in tight corrals as if cattle or sheep, further shorn by policy treated as law, while those with money, position, and influence profit from their misery?

    All inhabitants in-system and without are to be left to think they are well provided with a false material happiness and manufactured virtue, but the System will never bestow upon you the most valuable gift of all until it has consulted commissions and attorneys within this new Heaven, to ensure it is the first and foremost beneficiary.

    Such an aim as we have here seems indeed to show us what a good life is from its first signs of power to its final consummation. Can it be said National Security wipes out evil with good, and does our people more good than it does harm in private or under the table? Since when is it right or good where rascals fair better than citizens? And this is done because of fear not reason. Fear paints “what if” pictures full of electrifying thoughts that create more in an ever increasing spiral until the creation has a life of its own. Does not the system now have a life of its own?

    Continuing the Secrecy Paradigm means governing by emotion rather than by reason. An irrational system is an a system moved by emotion.

    The natural tendency of most people is to be swayed not by a sense of shame for having embraced a dissonance, but by fear, and to refrain from acting basely not because it is disgraceful, but because of the sway of emotion governing under punishment it brings; living under sway of emotion rather than the rational and clear minded. Governance by emotion becomes a vicious circle, seemingly impossible to escape. And there is little to prevent it from acting basely or disgracefully, especially when fear alters its original imperatives to demand it act basely or disgracefully and punishes those who do not apply or adhere to the new imperative and design claiming it is for the greater good! How does one achieve a greater good when it was created by the worst of conduct?

    (Hard and flash shines the grin we all flash, but there's a vulnerable strip or two on me...)

    Necessary Parts of the State, Collective, & the Individual

    If we are to rectify this situation at this late date, a conscious and mutually held definition of “good” in every part (state, collective, & individual) must be reconstructed, then employed - one which is congruent in the eyes of the experience-rs. This is to build a mutual purpose for unity and support across constructs and other boundaries. This level of change can not be accomplished alone.

    We must also justify the dissolution of the self-sustaining construct, the national security state, for it having taken on a life of its own will take no half measures in temperance!

    Doing so will enable us to know ourselves in a new way. We will release not only truth but history, and introspection.

    The bonus will be making the return to excellence & virtue as policy.

    The End Result: Escape from governance by emotion.

    What does this all take? What will we be required to invest to accomplish it? There are no current avenues for it, you say?

    There are some things we have forgotten how to do.

    In Conclusion: Rendering the Dream

    When there are no avenues of preconditioned asphalt, we walk upon the grass of the mind. It bends beneath our weight and grows denser; fuller. We cut through the inequity and insanity with the scythe of our own hands.

    For centuries we've pondered and dreamed of the good human and what makes a good civilization.

    We have learned secrecy does not make for good civilization or good people.

    And we have learned that the closest approach to true wisdom and harmony comes with the least possible intercourse or communion with governance by emotion.

    It is commonly held that a state exists for the sake of a good life. We must once again extend the definition of a good life to include the definition held by the governed for that establishment of institution has faltered. It is a two-way street, agreed. There is risk involved. To live a life of self-control and tenacity is not pleasant for most people. The solution to establishment of understanding the need for self-control and tenacity is truth, and not only communication but rather dialogue and mutual design.

    If we cannot conduct governance in a manner congruent with a good and honorable life regardless of circumstance, fear, position or perspective, then how can we claim the purpose of the state is to promote and maintain the well-being of its citizens?

    Tyranny is not a mere accident, a tool, or a side effect. It is a lover of pain. It is agnostic and a chronic cynic on the potential of man. It rejects the values and conventions of our society. There are none who believe the deeds of control are the result of chance.

    It becomes necessary to justify the need for trust between all of our many parties within this paradigm, to apply ourselves to a freshly enhanced and increased horizon. Tyranny fosters no trust.

    This experience is a test under which we are asked to keep ourselves pure of bodily nature until Synchronicity is pleased to release us. Achievement rids of a great quantity of foolishness, and frees us to converse in an equitable manner with other pure bodies, to know ourselves in a clear light everywhere in a restored excellence and opportunity toward virtue. These are goals not of the physical but of the Soul.

    These goals are the necessary part to be embraced and played by the state, whose laws and policies provide the most effective training and environment for the formation of ethical character. And they are necessary to every part, not just the state. The collective and the individual are not exempt!

    As it currently stands, some would call us to be citizens of the world and beyond, without any dialogue in this new society built by the twisted components of the old, and have us believe our preparations are a shining example of sufficiency!

    Instead I would ask the alternative. Can we once again be swayed by what is noble?

    Post Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:57 pm by Bard

    As I try to ponder you giving this speach to a group from your area - perplexed I am. Was the group 'informed' as to the nature of the enigma from you previously or with prior knowledge?  

    You truly do your best work when you allow your more 'tempered-down' personna to led the way.  I would love to have seen the powerpoint.

    This arrived last night prior to needed slumber.

    Post Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:14 am by Cyrellys

    MD02 wrote:As I try to ponder you giving this speach to a group from your area - perplexed I am. Was the group 'informed' as to the nature of the enigma from you previously or with prior knowledge?  

    You truly do your best work when you allow your more 'tempered-down' personna to led the way.  I would love to have seen the powerpoint.

    This arrived last night prior to needed slumber.

    The group is informed as to the current conduct of governance. Some know that I include contact as part of the paradigm. But they are not informed to the degree we are. I did preface that the speech was written for those within the paradigm not on the cusp of examining it.

    The demographics were mostly adults in their late forties and early fifties with a few older, and about eight college students all biology majors. The adults come from all walks of life but all have lives that generally involve leadership, upper management, run from business ownership, banking, education, insurance, to retired government employees, and two retired from law enforcement. Not a low degree of intellectualism or situational awareness wrt the external effects of governance.

    I had 5-7 minutes for the delivery and at the outset it was plagued with a technical glitch. I think my laptop's security was not letting the projector interface. There just wasn't enough time to resolve the problem so I had to do the speech which in the more diminutive form of the full version I posted here, was designed to be accompanied by a small visual aid. I ended up running a minute over time as a couple of the younger college students were getting a bit lost and I paused to include a quick definition here and there. Like I said it wasn't written for complete greenhorns.

    It might help to understand here, that concerns of governmental overreach of power, and constitutional conduct are common discussions in Montana. Therefore, particularly with the older generations, who more traditionally participate in open discourse, most of the conceptual argument is not wholly unfamiliar or unrecognizable.

    Younger generations have more difficulty, particularly the college age/post high school as communication for them is usually composed of small digestible snippets of information like what is garnered from facebook posts. Imagine an entire generation that speaks as if in Haiku, and it paints the picture. So the speech and powerpoint had some key one liners incorporated into it to produce the intended emphasis.

    I'll send you a copy of the powerpoint a little later. I'm on the other computer this morning.

    ...also, the group was not provided a full copy of the original speech. In retrospect it would have been nice to have been able to give a handout of it at the outset.



    Post Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:36 pm by Cyrellys

    "The fact that they are doing it is proof that they are the sort of people who might use it in the way I described. In the country I live in, they also claimed it was for the safety of the people." A quote, from a darn good story.

    The story:
    A good look into what it looks like to be on the inside of a surveillance state that has already gone where our government is headed

    Post Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:14 pm by Cyrellys

    ZenGardener wrote:So what are the things they are looking in to? Here is a quick list from TSA and the New York Times.

    private employment information to include who you work for
    vehicle registrations
    travel history
    property ownership records and what property you claim
    physical characteristics
    tax identification numbers and tax history
    past travel itineraries
    law enforcement information
    “intelligence” information (the key word list used by the NSA)
    passport numbers
    frequent flier information
    other “identifiers” linked to DHS databases (including web history and information, critical speaking of the government)
    It has gotten so far out of hand that people came to the New York Times to get the information out.

    I think the best way to look at it is as a pre-crime assessment every time you fly,” said Edward Hasbrouck, a consultant to the Identity Project, one of the groups that oppose the prescreening initiatives. “The default will be the highest, most intrusive level of search, and anything less will be conditioned on providing some additional information in some fashion.”

    - See more at:
    and with TSA now operating at football games, and UTAH doing the unspeakable to drivers of automobiles, I wonder just how long before you have to go through the precrime assessment and vaginal exam/anal exam to be admitted to sports events, court houses, train stations, or shopping malls...or how about Walmart?

    Gotta tell you, I don't fly or ride trains.  And I don't go to sports events.  But the day they do it over shopping, is the day I hand hubby the shopping list and say, 'you said this was all just a figment of my go imagine in the middle of their procedure and don't forget the peanut butter.  I quit.  No more shopping for me.  You're turn Mr. Mom.  Have fun and hope they change their gloves each victim, cause I told you so.'

    Post Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:55 pm by Cyrellys

    sheesh, back once more...

    I just had a "what the BLEEP!" moment.  

    So here's the question....what does the best and worst ways to conduct executions with chatter on things like guillotines, seriously have to do with Business?  I mean other than maybe a pencil-pusher's morbid fascination?  Or maybe its thought insemination?

    I don't know.  Your guess is probably as good as mine.

    Guillotines...let's see how many whispers have we had now over the last decade about the manufacture and distribution of the contraptions to locations around the US?  I've lost count.  Coincidink?  Not likely.  But go ahead show me the logic for this being the focus of a business article.

    What the BLEEP is up with that?  Something along the lines of the Homosexual guy in the news last week in Australia claiming all fertility should be physically halted by law and enforced by government for thirty years because he believes the world is over populated?  Yeah I noticed that news byte.

    That's like guessing guillotines in America might be in the manufacturing process because they might be used in animal slaughter.  Ha!  Seriously?  It was a comment I read on the subject once I happened to remember - it stuck in my walnut sized brain because I couldn't believe there was someone out there with a shell that held fewer marbles than mine.


    Post Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:41 pm by Cyrellys


    Last edited by Cyrellys on Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Post Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:01 pm by Cyrellys

    Ah  Synchronicity, between Tir na mBeo and here we weave the connection between the past and the future; between courage and the dream.  How I love watching you in action.

    Mystery and truth and metaphor and optimism...and crows. 

    Scéal duibh,

    óig dar mhuir 
    A tale for you, 
    youths across ocean...

    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 7 Meeting-of-ancestors

    An exquisite gestalt o rosc!

    ir im a toctad

    iri mo thochtadh
    you bestow my silence


    Post Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:52 am by Cyrellys via
    3:53 AM (0 minutes ago)

    to batr

    What is the first thing that comes to mind when the term NGO appears? Well, many will respond, the United Nations. Directly from a UN site is their definition for Non-governmental organizations. How uplifting and benign the altruistic effort, the deep-seated purpose and intention of such associations, frequently projects that noble endeavors need to enhance the governance process. The term governance essentially is a loaded political concept that benefits a model of economic activity that requires a managed society as opposed to a free, independent and individualistic economy.
    Read the entire article on the Negotium archive page

    Post Wed Nov 13, 2013 10:04 am by Cyrellys



    Army intel official: Increasingly, 'to make colonel and higher is all politics'
    Published: 13 hours ago
    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 7 F.-Michael-Maloof_avatar F. MICHAEL MALOOF 
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    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 7 Pentagon
    WASHINGTON – The extraordinarily large number of senior military officials being relieved of duty during the Obama administration – nine generals and flag officers this year alone and close to 200 senior officers over the last five years – is part of the creation of a “compliant officer class,” according to a U.S. Army intelligence official.
    Since WND’s ongoing coverage of what some top generals are openly calling a “purge” of senior military officers who run afoul of Obama or his agenda, some military personnel have been speaking out.
    According to a veteran Army intelligence official who spoke to WND on condition of anonymity, there is within the armed forces a major concern that a “compliant officer class” is being created by the Obama administration. So much so, he said, that it’s becoming harder and harder to find “senior officers with a pair of balls in there [the military] now that would say no to anything.”
    “Maybe at the rank of major or below, and possibly there are some in SOF (Special Operations Forces), but to make colonel and higher is all politics,” he said.
    To underscore this concern, the official said almost no public concern was expressed by officers to the recent repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy or the decision to allow women into front-line combat.
    “I didn’t read one piece of resistance to the DADT repeal, and I haven’t seen one peep about females in the infantry,” he said.
    His comments echo those of retired generals who have expressed alarm over the high rate of dismissals of high-ranking officers in the Obama administration.
    Retired Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, a recipient of the U.S. military’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, told WND Obama’s agenda is decimating the morale of the U.S. ranks to the point that members no longer feel prepared to fight or have the desire to win.
    “There is no doubt he (Obama) is intent on emasculating the military and will fire anyone who disagrees with him” over such issues as “homosexuals, women in foxholes, the Obama sequester,” said Brady, former president of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society.
    Not only are military service members being demoralized and the ranks’ overall readiness reduced by the Obama administration’s purge of key leaders, but colonels – those lined up in rank to replace outgoing generals – are quietly taking their careers in other directions.
    Retired Army Lt. Gen. William G. “Jerry” Boykin, who was a founding member of Delta Force and later deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence under President George W. Bush, says it is worrying that four-star generals are being retired at the rate that has occurred under Obama.
    “Over the past three years, it is unprecedented for the number of four-star generals to be relieved of duty, and not necessarily relieved for cause,” Boykin said.
    “I believe there is a purging of the military,” he said. “The problem is worse than we have ever seen.”
    Boykin said the future of the military is becoming increasingly concerning because of the departure of its leaders who decline to jump onto Obama’s agenda, which critics have described as socialist.
    “I talk to a lot of folks who don’t support where Obama is taking the military, but in the military they can’t say anything,” Boykin said.
    As a consequence, he said, the lower grades therefore have decided to leave, having been given the signal that there is no future in the military for them.
    Regarding compliance with the new social order in the military, the Army intelligence official told WND that as far as women in combat is concerned, he is “pretty sure” Army officers will “cheat to make sure one gets through basic training, as opposed to the Marine Corps which tends to be the last to lower its standards.”
    As a consequence, he said, the Army is reevaluating physical fitness test standards that will “accommodate all genders, meaning lowering the standards.”
    The point has been debated hotly as Obama moves women into all parts of the military. Obama supporters call for equal effort assessments for women and men doing the same physical stress tests., while critics call for equal results, which is crucial in war.
    “Without going too far down the rabbit hole,” he said, “I can tell you, having been in the infantry, that basic training isn’t a big deal. Where the females are going to get damaged is during the field training exercises and/or combat deployments.”
    He also pointed out that the Army is pushing to “get rid of ‘toxic leadership.’ They’re even talking about a 360-degree evaluation system for officers, where the troops get a say on the officers’ performance.”
    He indicated that this type of evaluation could portend the departure of many more officers, many for questionable reasons.
    He said “toxic leadership” has been viewed as a result of the wartime environment where people were promoted too fast, or their performance wasn’t scrutinized very closely.
    “I guess that’s the long way of saying probably a lot of officers need to be relieved,” he said.
    That concept was outlined in a 2005 “Strategy Research Project” paper at the U.S. Army War College at Carlisle Barracks in Carlisle, Pa. It examined the issue of “destructive leadership styles,” which apparently the Army believes continues to exist in the officer ranks and would be subject to purging.
    The paper, authored by Col. Denise F. Williams, identified characteristics of toxic leadership to include incompetence, malfunctioning, maladjusted, sense of inadequacy, malcontent, egotism, arrogance, selfish values, avarice and greed, among others.
    The Army Times recently cited “toxic leadership” as referring to cases of misconduct and abuse of authority by military leaders, which have “proliferated across the services in recent years.”
    In one case, which it called bizarre, a Navy commander was fired after subordinates complained that he poked them in “appallingly inappropriate places with his flashlight.”
    A retort from one reader was that, “I would never make it in this kinder, gentler Army. I wonder what happened to mission first. We won our war and a war hasn’t been won since. The only thing toxic in my day was gas.”
    Boykin has told WND that the rate of dismissals has approached 200 in the past five years and that officers were dismissed on suspicion of disloyalty or suspected disagreement with the Obama administration on policy or force-structure issues.
    He added that a number of officers have been relieved of duty for no given reason.
    “Morale is at an unprecedented low,” Boykin said.
    “Officers want to train for war but are not allowed to” because of other distractions such as allowing openly homosexual personnel in the military, the integration of women into the infantry and rules of engagement that favor “political correctness over our ability to fight to win.”
    This sentiment was echoed by a Coast Guard Reserve member who told WND he will be retiring soon.
    “I spend most of my ‘drills’ doing online training on things like ‘diversity’ and ‘preventing sexual harassment’ these days,” he said. “It’s becoming a joke. This country is in trouble.”
    WND for weeks has reported on the problems with, and threats to, the nation’s military chiefs.
    Those reports include confirmation from Elaine Donnelly of the Center for Military Readiness, who says Obama has done “great damage” to the military by taking away resources and imposing “heavy burdens of social experimentation.”
    “But most flag and general officers are following orders, keeping their heads down and, in my opinion, letting down the troops,” she said.
    During the Reagan administration, Donnelly was appointed by Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger to the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services. And in 1992, Pres. George H. W. Bush likewise appointed her to the Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces.
    There have been nine cases this year alone of commanding officers and generals being removed from their posts. Several retired generals have accused the Obama administration of a “purge” and have linked the removals to political and social agendas.
    Former Florida Congressman Allen West also has expressed alarm over the exit of top-level military officers and now is calling for congressional oversight hearings into what he calls an “alarming trend” of dismissals and firings of high-ranking military officers by the Obama administration, firings that in a number of cases appear to be political.
    West, who as congressman served on the House Armed Services Committee, said he recently had been in contact with Committee Chairman Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon – calling for hearings “to determine exactly why” so many officers, especially senior officers, are being given the boot.
    “McKeon needs to look at this problem,” West told WND. “There needs to be transparency. It is important to get the truth.”
    Others have even stronger feelings.
    In a recent interview with WND, Retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, who was the deputy commanding general of the Pacific Command, similarly accused Obama’s close adviser, Valerie Jarrett, of orchestrating the imposition of “political correctness” throughout the military, affecting everyone from top generals to the ranks of the enlisted.
    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 7 Valerie_jarrett3
    Valerie Jarrett
    In pinning the blame on Jarrett, reportedly Obama’s closest and most influential adviser, Vallely suggested her far-left, politically correct influence is forcing senior officers to watch everything military personnel say and do.
    According to Vallely, Obama is “intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.”
    Vallely served in the Vietnam War and retired in 1993 as deputy Commanding General, Pacific Command. Today, he is chairman of the Military Committee for the Center for Security Policy and is co-author of the book “Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror.”[/font][/color]


    Post Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:37 am by Cyrellys

    View this pic of comet ison:  in the viewer enlarge the part with the comet then darken it three or four times to see the core.

    Post Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:47 am by Cyrellys


    and then there is this:
    Jake Reason

    Post Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:52 pm by Jake Reason

    Happy Nov 14th. The lights are on and all is well so far. Cool 

    BTW, tremendous effort in your debate with Taves....stop at two. I read it all but choose not to jump in as I felt I wouldn't say very nice things. I see it turned out that he his isn't nefarious after all. Just dim.

    Your China clip is apropos. Wink 

    It is very sad.

    Post Thu Nov 14, 2013 6:45 pm by Cyrellys

    Jake Reason wrote:Happy Nov 14th.  The lights are on and all is well so far. Cool 

    BTW, tremendous effort in your debate with Taves....stop at two.  I read it all but choose not to jump in as I felt I wouldn't say very nice things.  I see it turned out that he his isn't nefarious after all.  Just dim.

    Your China clip is apropos.  Wink 

    It is very sad.
    Hi Jake!

    Yeppers, the lights are still on.  I consider that a plus.  If they had anything planned, it is possible all the stink raised about a possible false flag helped alter the plan.  Who knows?

    Thanks on Taves.  The point I was trying to make with him is that there are others in the shadows who use the efforts of individuals like him to justify proposals or policies for doing things like what China has been doing.  He totally missed my point even after I laid it out several times.  Dim seems to be an appropriate term.  Shrug.

    In the end what I had to say probably had zero effect in the greater scheme of things since I don't occupy any position that could realistically influence policy.   I suppose for me the attempt to reason is more a matter of just needing to try.  Just something I can't let slide.  The good fight, just in case such fights still matter somewhere.

    One can hope.  And there's the principles to be upheld.

    It wasn't a loss in the wider range of things however, as I did make a new friend among the observing wood work.  One that most certainly is as if not better informed than myself and which person is refreshingly intelligent and a good conversationalist to boot.  That made it all very worthwhile in itself.


    Post Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:05 pm by Bard

    Cyrellys wrote:

    You have a Raven's Knowledge!  Raven, raven, we dream three...peace my friends.  All things in good time.  There are none who do not play a part in the story of a child's coming of age.

    The goal is restoring the sacred, re-enchanting the soul.

    The acronym, FíOS, forms the old Irish word for Vision, Memory and Dream, the knowledge which is available by oracular and inspired means, rather than by written or theoretical sources. Fíos is also the modern Irish word for Knowledge and is pronounced FEE'us

    Oh Eildon!
    Calling from the hills
    How many names would you fear
    When I, that wears the lrye!


    Post Sun Nov 17, 2013 12:10 pm by Cyrellys

    From West Kittery named for Catterick ancient Caltraeth, that began on the Newichannock as Great Works west of Strawberry Banks in New Hampshire there toiled a remnant that later traveled farther still to a place in Willamette named Yamhill.  They, one part in many, of ancient clannad, a fam of the Novant, where once Aneirinnod trod.  Their son's once stood with Gododdin against a greater force of Saeson and fell in their bravery, till their cries rang even the halls of Tara and south to deep Mumhan Duns.  Eildon to Eola, those hills live on still.  Innumerable their names feed the lyrs of past and present if any care to discern the strains.  Up cry "remember Badon yr Dux Bellorum!"  lay it before the peace of Rex & Righs hidden in the shadows of sophisticated cloaks and modern facades.


    Post Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:55 pm by Cyrellys


    Post Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:58 pm by Cyrellys

    Powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake strikes Scotia Sea
    by The Extinction Protocol
    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 7 Scotia-sea-nov-17
    November 17, 2013 – SOUTH AMERICA - A powerful 7.8 magnitude undersea earthquake struck in the Scotia Sea, a remote region in the far south Atlantic near Antarctica, US earthquake monitors reportedSunday. The quake struck at 0904 GMT in the ocean some 893 kilometers (550 miles) southwest of Grytviken, South Georgia, and 1,140 kilometers (710 miles) southeast of Ushuaia, Argentina, said the US Geological Survey, which monitors earthquakes worldwide. This is the second major earthquake to strike the region in 24 hours. Today’s earthquake was preceded by a 6.8 magnitude earthquake. –The News, TEP

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