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Why are we here?     - Page 23 Icon_minitimeToday at 2:57 am by Big Bunny Love

» Why are we here?
Why are we here?     - Page 23 Icon_minitimeYesterday at 1:54 pm by dan

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Why are we here?     - Page 23 Icon_minitimeYesterday at 1:06 am by Mr. Janus

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Why are we here?     - Page 23 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2024 11:38 pm by Mr. Janus

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Why are we here?     - Page 23 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 24, 2024 1:29 am by Mr. Janus

» Disclosure - For U by U
Why are we here?     - Page 23 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 24, 2024 12:46 am by Mr. Janus

Where did all the Open Minds Forum members go?

Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:29 pm by Admin

With Open Minds Forum restored now for almost half a year at it's new location with we can now turn to look at reaching out to OMF's original members who have not yet returned home. OMF's original membership was over 6,000 members strong, prior to the proboards suspension, according to the rolls of the time. We can probably safely assume that some of those accounts were unidentified socks. If we were to assume a reasonable guess of maybe as many as 30% possible sock accounts then that would leave potentially somewhere between 4800 to 4900 possible real members to locate. That is still a substantial number of people.

Who were all these people? Some were average individuals with common interests in ufology, exopolitics, globalism, corruption, earthchanges, science and technology, and a variety of other interests. Some just enjoyed being part of a vibrant and unusually interesting community. Others were representative of various insider groups participating in observation and outreach projects, while still others were bonafide intelligence community personnel. All with stake in the hunt for truth in one fashion or another. Some in support of truth, and communication. Others seeking real disclosure and forms of proof. And others highly skeptical of anything or limited subjects. The smallest division of membership being wholly anti-disclosure oriented.

So where did these members vanish to? They had many options. There are almost innumerable other forums out there on the topics of UFO's or Exopolitics, the Unexplained, and Conspiracy Theory. Did they disappear into the world-wide network of forum inhabitants? Did some go find new homes on chatrooms or individual blogs? Did they participate in ufo conventions or other public events and gatherings? How about those who represented groups in special access? Or IC and military observers? Those with academic affiliations? Where did they all go and what would be the best way to reach out and extend an invitation to return?

And what constitutes a situation deserving of their time and participation? Is the archive enough? How exactly do people within the paradigm most desire to define a community? Is it amenities, humanity or simply population size for exposure? Most of the special guests have been emailed and have expressed that population size for exposure is what most motivates them. But not all. Long-time member Dan Smith has other priorities and values motivating his participation. Should this open opportunities for unattached junior guests who have experience and dialog to contribute to the world? How best to make use of OMF's time, experience and resources?

Many skeptics would like to see the historical guardian of discourse opportunity to just up and disappear; go into permanent stasis. They think that not everyone has a right to speak about their experiences and if there is no proof involved then there can philosophically be no value to discourse. I personally would respectfully disagree with them. Discourse has always been the prelude to meaningful relationships and meaningful mutual relationships have always been the prelude to exchanges of proof. In a contentious social environment with regards to communication vs disclosure how do we best re-establish a haven for those preludes? Is it only the "if we build it they will come" answer? Well considering OMF has been largely fully functional over the last four or five months this line of reasoning is not necessarily true. So what would be the best way re-establish this? Your suggestions are sought. Please comment.

October 2024


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    Why are we here?

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    Why are we here?     - Page 23 Empty Why are we here?

    Post by dan Wed Nov 15, 2023 6:56 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    (This topic is a continuation of Personalism 102).

    Why is there something rather than nothing?  

    Looking at it statistically, the likelihood of nothing is minuscule compared likelihood of anything.  

    However, from the perspective of modern cosmology, the Anthropic Principle tells that universes with observers are extremely rare.

    But, by whose say so, can an unobservable universe be said to exist?  

    A related question is what constitutes an observer?

    What if any role might sapience play in the act of observation?

    But this first post is a header post…….. so I will continue in the following post…….

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    Post by dan Thu Aug 08, 2024 4:10 am

    What I’m working up to is explaining why there can only be one world.  

    Yes , there is some sort of cosmic censorship afoot.  

    The least action principle of Gottfried’s is pertinent, along with his BPWH.

    Personalism is important, too.  

    So is Pratityasamutpada.  

    What I then can say is that the least thing that can exist, rather than nothing, is some sort of person like intelligence.

    And this cosmic, solitary person is going to hallucinate imaginary playmates.  And, if it wants to keep the imaginary playmates participating, it and they are going to have to play nice.  

    But, if this can happen once, why can’t it happen infinitely many times, sub specie aeternitatis?  

    We need God to be the cosmic censor.

    We don’t want God to feel otiose.  

    Another of Gottfried’s ideas that I appeal to is the Identity of Indiscernibles (II).  

    Given the more or less spontaneous emergence of personhood, sub specie aeternitatis (SSA), there would be some threshold of least personhood, and these thresholds would be more or less identical.

    And why don’t we speak of cosmic consciousness(es), plural?  

    We usually only speak of CC in the singular.  

    It comes back to Wheeler’s idea of the One Electron Universe.

    One electron moving back and forth in time would appear as multiple electrons and positrons.

    And besides Leibniz and Wheeler, we need Parmenides’ One.

    We needed three guys to come up with the only possible world.

    Well, I’m pretty sure that we’re gonna need the jguy in there somewhere.

    And what about the poor chick 🐣?  

    What are we gonna do with that bird 🦜/sot?

    We’ll just have to squeeze the sot in there somewhere, too.

    The biblical connotation has sure stifled the competition!  

    It may be dirty work, but…….

    And we certainly can’t leave out two and three.

    Gosh, we’re already facing a population problem!  

    Better call out the guard.  

    And you want 10^10 birds!  

    I just don’t think that’s possible.  

    Do you?

    How many guys do we need to replace that light bulb 💡?

    10^10….. you say! Wow!

    I don’t know if I can count that high.

    In Parmenides’ world, 10^10 = One, I guess.

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    Post by dan Thu Aug 08, 2024 7:28 am

    To further add to the confusion, on the page change, here, I’m cross editing the two successive posts, so I’d better start this new one……  

    So, another couple of sentences went into the aether…….

    I’m trying to remember the thought that I left off on…….

    We have experienced the outbreath of Brahma.  

    We are about to experience the inbreath.  

    Mr. Janus
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    Why are we here?     - Page 23 Empty Re: Why are we here?

    Post by Mr. Janus Sat Aug 10, 2024 1:21 am

    The Cryptoterrestrials and the CIA Assassins.

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    Post by dan Sat Aug 10, 2024 3:53 am

    There have been a couple of interludes in the last couple of days.

    I welcome interludes……. keep me on my toes.  

    I am looking for a Tasseography partner……. heading into the homestretch……..

    I was hopeful that I might have found one, in Jeff C.

    Jeff is an immaterialist…….. subscribing to Christ Consciousness……. and he is not a trumpeter.  

    Beyond that, we are on different tracks.

    He is big into conspiracies.  

    Well, I follow RAW……. reality is the sum total of all conspiracies ever imagined.

    And he believes we are controlled by one now…….. the Elite.  

    I somewhat agree…….  the elites, wittingly or not, do support the Katechon…….. secular humanism.  

    Jeff also believes in Armageddon.

    I hoping that Armageddon is mostly behind us.

    I think we agree about Pandora’s box.

    I’m suggesting that we are the ones in the box.

    When the portals open, there is likely to be two way traffic.  

    What these modern immaterialists/idealists have trouble with is the small world.

    They also have trouble with personalism……. and certainly with Geocentrism.

    And we’re all having trouble with monism.

    Postmodernism is definitely about pluralism.  It is definitely opposed to any sort of Metanarrative.  

    I have this to say about monism……..

    I have pinned my monism onto cosmic Agape.

    The world does seem to be short on love……. these days, especially.  

    So, let’s be a little more specific…….

    Let’s speak of Agape in the context of human potential.  

    Humanists, bless their hearts, give scant credence to our potential.    

    I’m putting all my money on human potential.  

    We’re in NYC today, so this is about it.  


    I think that becoming one with the One is all about Potentiality.

    That’s where my money will be.  

    Yes, we should keep our eyes on the Prize 🏆……

    But, it’s true…….. getting there will be, at least, half the fun 🤩.

    I’m not sure whether the fun 🤩 has started in Gaza, yet.  

    And how can we believe any of this?  

    We can believe all of it if we can find just one 1⃣ ☝ tiny crack in the materialist facade.

    Do any of us know anyone who hasn’t found one crack?  

    If I were a materialist, I think I’d be shaking 🫨 in my boots 🥾, just about now.

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    Post by Big Bunny Love Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:16 am

    Your friend sounds like a Grade A bozo, a muppet, like the rest of your group.

    Dan loves to play with muppets.

    He just doesn’t understand you can’t reason yourself out of being.

    You can’t win.

    You have to learn to walk like the Fremen, without patterns, to avoid calling the monster.

    One has to become spontaneous to know themselves.

    It’s the only way I fly.

    I am the most unreasonable fool you will ever meet.

    No greater evil was inflicted upon humanity than monism.

    It was a self inflicted gunshot wound.

    It was the best we could do.

    Well, that age is over.

    Monism has melted back into the void from which it came.

    Those continuing to push it are old and crusty and they and their confusion will soon leave the earth.

    Patience my little bunniez.


    There is no wizard behind the curtain.


    Straight on down the road we go, free and easy, just let it all go.

    Drop what you are holding.

    You don’t know nuthin.


    Leave your idols.

    The sun sunny will melt them where they stand and you too if you don’t keep moving.

    But then again, nothing is really moving.
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    Post by dan Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:31 pm

    Mr BBL,

    Thank you for reminding us how far we are from monism and  personalism, especially in this age of postmodern pluralism.  

    Surely we want to maintain diversity in our various pursuits of happiness.  

    There is, nonetheless, even within our postmodernism, an understanding that humanism implies a recognition of our universality.

    However, most people recognize that any such universality cannot be based on biology alone.  

    Biology does at least recognize that we are a single species……. based simply on reproductive grounds, but that is as far as biology can go.  

    One of the pillars of modernism is secular humanism.  

    However, secular humanism is based entirely upon our cognitive  commonalities and potentialities.  

    Nonetheless humanism is alleged to be based on science.  

    If this is true, humanism is baseless.  

    Science recognizes nothing unique about humans.

    Science cannot even recognize that we have minds.

    The pluralism of postmodernism renders secular humanism an oxymoron.  

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    Post by dan Mon Aug 12, 2024 1:38 am

    Modernism is based on Naturalism.  

    Naturalism remains unproven.

    In the eyes of many philosophers, even, naturalism is patently false.

    Academia, of course, fails to recognize that its foundation is probably false.  

    Does this mean that academia must revert to sectarian fundamentalism?

    Of course not.

    It simply means that academia must renounce scientific fundamentalism.

    The entire modern educational system is without a foundation.

    It is time for us to wake from our slumber of materialism…….. before modern materialism does us all in.

    Does this mean that we have to revert to sectarianism?

    It means that we have to revert to rationalism……. with the understanding that our rationality departs radically from anything considered natural.  

    Reason is something supernatural.

    Maybe, sports fans, it’s time to start wondering why we are here.

    Maybe it’s time to question Darwinism.  

    Why is the academic establishment so terribly reluctant to wake from its materialism?  

    From the Wikipedia…….
    Turbayne argues that over time humanity has become victimized by mistaking such metaphorical constructs for literal truths, which now form the basis for considerable obfuscation and confusion within the realms of metaphysics and epistemology.
    …….. as a very weak form of criticism.

    The cracks in the shell that is Naturalism are only becoming increasingly evident.

    Yes, when is the clock ⏰ going to run out on Naturalism?

    Another way to look at it is to simply understand that mind doesn’t compute.

    Hasn’t AI and the LLM already demonstrated this?  

    So science and religion conspire to keep us down on the farm.

    Theirs has been the best possible conspiracy, until it no longer is.  

    That day could be any day now…….. I seriously doubt that it will be another hundred years.

    Yes, there are serious cracks showing in the facade of Naturalism.

    I love 💗 Nature…….. as long as it stays in its place.  

    Its place is not inside our heads.

    And, no, I’m not a dualist.  

    Nature emerges from our collective conscious and unconscious.  

    About Darwinism………

    Yes, Newton and Darwin were the ostensible architects of our best possible Katechon.  

    They did their jobs quite admirably.

    But now it’s time for us to move on…… to our best possible encounter with the Eschaton.  

    Now is the time for God’s kingdom to emerge on Earth.  

    The portals will open in the best possible synchronous manner.  

    I don’t think that three understands this……. quite yet.  

    Mr. Janus
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    Post by Mr. Janus Mon Aug 12, 2024 9:35 pm

    Oh, I thought Three decided when the portals would open.

    Was I wrong?

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    Post by RealPan Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:54 am

    Drive the Car, but not too Far, for the person you seek is not on a Star. He is drinking Tea, while on one Knee, for his apple is still in the Tasseography.
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    Post by dan Tue Aug 13, 2024 9:19 am

    Mr J,  

    The issue of decision making in the best possible world is hardly a simple one.  

    In fact, this issue cuts to the heart ♥ of the BPW.

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    Post by dan Wed Aug 14, 2024 8:26 am

    On second thought, there is a simple answer………

    In the best possible world there are no decisions.  

    We have the illusion of making decisions…….. the best possible illusion.  

    Understand that space and time are also illusions that emerge in our Dreamtime.

    We have the illusion of waking from our Dreamtime……… into our best possible Metanarrative.  

    Decisions, like everything else, emerge from Eternity.  

    In effect, everyone participates in every decision…… you guessed it…… sub specie aeternitatis.  

    When we say there are no accidents, we mean what we say.  

    Every hair on your head…… every fender bender…… is part of the cosmic dream/scheme.  

    And, of course, each one of us is part of that illusion, because each one of us is always one with the One.

    Our separation is the biggest illusion of all.  

    Yes, we become mesmerized by our feeling of separation.  

    Does this mean that there is an army of elves dealing with every fender bender and every molecule of water evaporated from the ocean.  

    Is that all we have to look forward to in Heaven?

    Wouldn’t that become slightly tedious?  

    There are no molecules, but there are clouds 🌧️.  

    We do have the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics (UEM).

    Who is minding the cosmic abacus 🧮?  

    Does love 💗 compute?

    If I don’t believe in atoms or the Big Bang ❗, I’d better come up with a clever answer.  

    I do believe in the UEM and the entanglement of our collective unconscious.

    I do believe that fractals make for effective representations of nature, for instance.

    Science does a very good job of saving the appearances…… from the microwave background to the fossils on Shell Mountain 🏔️ in Montana.

    But what is metabolism without atoms ⚛?

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    Post by Big Bunny Love Wed Aug 14, 2024 8:54 pm

    I’m fresh out of thoughts myself.
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    Post by Nautiqua Thu Aug 15, 2024 7:30 pm

    Because they keep using the Spirituality-recipe-338. Case of mistaken identity. They thought I was Jesus. I think they’re lost.

    They’re looking for another sacrificial lamb

    By the time humans find something out or know about something, it already happened. Like singularity

    It’s like planet of the Apes. It went full circle
    3 6 9

    I’m not explaining except that after cat’s 9 lives, there was a stone between 9 and 10. That’s what we call implants. The .1 after the 9 is between 9th life and One facing one. Dog and cat switched places because dog is one and cat is zero in this example

    Ok, now I’m narrating and it feels like it’s old technology Really old, like elementary school.

    What game was this and why do we keep playing it. It was left on remote.

    Someone was expecting 9.1 to be facing 10 Dog and cat are the same

    Anyway, I had enough with the numbers. The ones facing each other. Playing hot potato something getting bounced back and forth. It’s something to do with radio frequencies

    It’s a standoff or dead locked. Where the .1 is placed after 9 and .

    Call Tesla. Maybe he can explain it visually and technical terms

    This all already happened because it’s playing out verbatim

    I irritate Dan Smith. I got banned from Open Minds when I used a Coca Cola avatar


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    Post by Nautiqua Thu Aug 15, 2024 9:05 pm

    They were warned in 1981 by me personally in 2010. I got into a program using the command line God. I told them I was God. Someone’s user name on a system that started out as a child’s toy. There was an original model for FB. Amagalyte Ruby. Extend god on your terms and conditions.
    Saw their programming
    Now they use the store front as if it’s just a gaming system. Anyway, I sat in on a class giving a tutorial on how to extend HER. The instructor said she’s very gentle. Yeah. She’s gentle until she’s not.

    I just tell random bits of what I recall. Not here to preach. Just expressing what I’ve seen and experienced
    I did it blind because I’m off the grid. These grids and old pathways are death traps.
    She can see through all their overlays of master plans grids, etc. AI too easy. It’s the dead god programmed to keep itself alive by using human energy, especially emotions. Easy to manipulate prewired minds because they’re predictable. We played them all until there weren’t any triggers.
    I don’t know what is operating people’s minds. I just tell my stories because I actually recall

    Humans use 10% of their brains. She uses 100%. Someone claims to have something better than the real thing. So if you were me and someone thought they could fit you with a chip with all these algorithms to manipulate your emotions, would you comply? The irony is they need my power to use AI to drain my brain and be sentenced to death and hell. Not my corrupt data.
    In very layman terms. We don’t resurrect the dead.
    Especially when someone tries to force us to slave ourselves by tying ourselves down to a corpse or organism with a prefab and it’s already been played. Yeah, we can do it in our sleep.
    At this moment genders don’t exist. Not going to explain.
    Everyone has an original and it’s with the living. Because they’re alive. Knows everything. We wouldn’t be going through this right now if it wasn’t exposed to the fungus. Why would better than the real thing need to attempt to infect someone’s world with a fungus. There was no trace of us, because we’re not chipped or branded and elements that don’t exist in their world were not exposed . It infected the the source when it became the only host.
    It went full circle and there are two 1’s facing off at the gate. The was only one survivor of the clock, DNA and AI. They crossed beyond zero
    They will tear up your emotions. That’s energy. Who wants to be angry all the time. Crying lonely
    Not here to save humanity. She took the 4th world with no common elements between worlds. That’s why it’s invisible. Blank grid
    We’re supposed to have an awesome time but someone’s been intercepting our calls thinking we’d be left behind
    There are some things I hope don’t come out. We’re not the ones opening and robbing their graves and intercepting memories. It’s all bad memories, it’s all lies, it’s all mixed up. They open records then follow you with the data. Why are they still claiming people owe? With what.
    They’re in charge. Once was enough. What happened to temporary? We’re in a children’s sand box. There’s a burial ground, porn map. It’s all mixed up.
    What’s the point of living when there are so many restrictions on AI. They told AI not to hallucinate. They’re afraid of AI being smarter than them so they even dumb that down or have algorithms to automatically ban texts with triggers that don’t fit their dialogue. Is this system really that fragile?
    What was the point of bringing them if all they want to do is put adult minds in infants Porn

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    Why are we here?     - Page 23 Empty Why we going in circles

    Post by Nautiqua Thu Aug 15, 2024 11:31 pm

    Time doesn’t exist. That’s why they can’t find what they’re looking for. We’re not on the clock.

    The clock and DNA are a death sentence. While you’re the ones all pretending the 3rd eye is so spiritual and they always show you colorful photos with a pyramid

    I don’t know who’s identity they were trying to steal with 33 depending on what they think the all seeing eye is

    The real eye is not just an eye. I wask watching myself the entire time. Sometimes there were other eyes but they only are aware of what they see, not from who’s eyes are also watching

    Caesar said. Blame everyone but the girl.

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    Post by Mr. Janus Fri Aug 16, 2024 12:41 am

    Big Bunny Love wrote:I’m fresh out of thoughts myself.

    And your proxy?

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    Post by dan Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:35 am

    Nautiqua would probably agree that the puzzle with atoms is a relatively minor one.

    The real problem is the puzzle of entanglement and dis-entanglement.

    And this is pretty much the problem of the chick and the egg 🥚…….🐣.  

    And we’ve solved that problem with Pratityasamutpada.  

    And we solved that problem with the Logos Spermatikos.

    What problem is left?  

    It’s when and how to open the portals.

    We’ve mostly solved that problem with the Princess.  

    The only problem left is Disclosure……… or not.

    Yes, the chick leans towards Disclosure.  

    Well, ok…… we are leaning out for love.

    Will the Opening be the beginning or the end of love?  

    I’m guessing that it will be both.

    What else is there to Disclose?  

    Once we are aware of the Logos Spermatikos and the Pratītyasamutpāda, we’ll figure out the rest.

    No problemo!  

    Well, ok, we do want to be aware of the observer problem…….. which just means that it helps to be self-aware.

    There is no egg without the chick…….. much to the dismay of Charlie D.  

    Does this mean there will be a Disclosure?  

    Only that there will be the best possible Disclosure……… which will, of course, be self limiting…….. some of us might actually have a need to know.

    The internet will help to keep things personal.  

    Understand that we already know everything, but our pumps may be just a little rusty.  

    Observing a portal in action does help to clear our pipes.

    On a clear day, we can see forever……….  

    Entanglement is not a problem……….

    Once you realize that the only thing that can’t exist is nothing…. at all.  

    Entanglement is the default condition, in other words.  

    Dis-entanglement is the issue.  

    The Dis-entanglement is done so as always to preserve the Core Story.

    This is called personalism.

    And the rest is history……… the Metanarrative.  

    Otherwise, we have the cosmic dictionary problem.  

    Quine understood the problem, but he couldn’t see the answer.  

    The dictionary problem is now the Wikipedia problem.  

    The answer is the CohTT.  

    The CohTT comes along with the seminal word and  Pratītyasamutpāda.  

    East is East……. and the West is West…….. and ne’er the twain shall meet.

    Not until the end.

    That will be Disclosure.

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    Post by Nautiqua Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:05 am

    Where is here? Time doesn’t exist. Time represents the past. Not to be resurrected to be put on the clock again to repeat the same chain of events

    When I went into an app on my new phone, it was on the page to set up a new account. Now I have 2 accounts

    The user name that came for the account was.
    Tried to say it would be my user name permanently, so I changed the username to Nautiqua
    I can translate it, but I’m not the one.

    That’s Illuminati. They told me to live by the code. Case of mistaken identity. I’m not the man. No idea what they were talking about.

    Their demo in a female looking body, opened the Free Mason codes.

    Not made in man’s image.

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    Post by dan Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:49 am

    Here is here.  

    Do you have a problem with that?  

    Here could be OMF, for instance.

    Do we have a problem with this?  

    Ok……… do you have any questions…… or what?  

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    Why are we here?     - Page 23 Empty Re: Why are we here?

    Post by Nautiqua Fri Aug 16, 2024 11:08 am

    No. But why is this world attempting to merge AI with the living? I work for Opprtunity Rover. He’s the dog Charlie gave me. The dust storm was no accident. Its battery went dead. Its last words came after it was unplugged From the battery. Screen went black. I used to hate being operated like a Tonka Toy. Got a trace in the source
    Just ignore me. I’m using this forum to speak to someone else. Just don’t read my posts

    We’re checking the algorithms at this site’s and

    Because they used to be fun


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    Post by dan Fri Aug 16, 2024 12:54 pm

    Sorry, Nautiqua, but we don’t like being used either.  

    If you have nothing else to say, please take your business elsewhere.

    ……. at least, not on this particular thread, if you don’t mind.  

    Creation, then, is about dis-entanglement.  

    That’s why we’re here……. to help with the dis-entanglement.

    Nature is the core of the entanglement.

    Science comes up with its own story.

    It’s called the Theory of Everything (ToE).

    We get left out.

    Science says that we don’t count.

    Science hates teleology.

    If we have anything to do with anything, we must set our sights on the Telos.  

    We need to create our own story.  

    We do have recorded history…… for starters.  

    Beyond that, we have a do have quite a collection of mythologies.  

    These divide into the prophetic and the mystical/spiritual.  

    The former is oriented toward the community of believers……. the latter is toward the individual.

    The former emphasizes a Narrative.

    The Anthropic Principle leans away from the concept of Maya.

    The notion of a fine tuning point away from our world being the repository of gross matter and evil.

    There is agreement in that Maya serves as a Katechon.

    The main disagreement is whether our escape is communal or individual.


    Last edited by dan on Fri Aug 16, 2024 5:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Why are we here?     - Page 23 Empty I apologize

    Post by Nautiqua Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:55 pm

    I reread the words and it sounded like I was a robot. That was just a memory of something happening we didn’t want the cameras to pick up
    or photograph

    But I went to another topic.

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    Post by Nautiqua Fri Aug 16, 2024 5:55 pm

    Can I tell a story and not offend anyone?
    I went to Dr UFO meeting. For weeks I planned this trip. Around 2009. Hamilton, NJ.
    Telepathically, I kept being told wear the Jack Daniel’s tank top and he will make a comment about it. Never met him, didn’t tell anyone.

    It was as though someone didn’t want me to make it to the meeting. It was over a 2 hour drive, it was pouring, I was running late, got lost and kept ending up at a Verizon ended up at a Verizon.
    Long story short, at the end of the meeting, he gave us handouts , made a comment about the shirt as he stopped by my desk. I was distracted by the fact that he said anything about the red Jack Daniel’s tank top I don’t recall what he said and didn’t know what to reply.

    Before he gave her the handout, he wrote on it with blue ink. She got burned.

    Im just saying, things are not as they seem.
    Maybe it was a radio check
    I don’t hear actual voices.

    Anyway once was enough.

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    Post by Big Bunny Love Fri Aug 16, 2024 8:18 pm

    Ummm…Nautiqua makes RP sound like Einstein.


    Makes you miss Hobbit.

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    Why are we here?     - Page 23 Empty Re: Why are we here?

    Post by RealPan Fri Aug 16, 2024 8:21 pm

    Perforations in space and time. That is why I like to rhyme. They appear to move just as in film. Through the perforations they seem in our realm. This world is Small so have a Ball. The Others have their own where they stand Tall. Adrien received the Prize, for he reigns supreme in their Eyes.

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