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Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 34 Icon_minitimeToday at 1:43 am by Mr. Janus

Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 34 Icon_minitimeToday at 1:06 am by Mr. Janus

» Why are we here?
Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 34 Icon_minitimeYesterday at 8:51 am by dan

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Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 34 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 17, 2024 1:31 am by Mr. Janus

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Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 34 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 15, 2024 11:34 pm by Mr. Janus

» Where did all the Open Minds Forum members go?
Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 34 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 14, 2024 2:22 pm by Nautiqua

» Why are we not coming back
Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 34 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 14, 2024 2:16 pm by Nautiqua

Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 34 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 13, 2024 1:42 am by Mr. Janus

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Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 34 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 11, 2024 1:57 am by Mr. Janus

Where did all the Open Minds Forum members go?

Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:29 pm by Admin

With Open Minds Forum restored now for almost half a year at it's new location with we can now turn to look at reaching out to OMF's original members who have not yet returned home. OMF's original membership was over 6,000 members strong, prior to the proboards suspension, according to the rolls of the time. We can probably safely assume that some of those accounts were unidentified socks. If we were to assume a reasonable guess of maybe as many as 30% possible sock accounts then that would leave potentially somewhere between 4800 to 4900 possible real members to locate. That is still a substantial number of people.

Who were all these people? Some were average individuals with common interests in ufology, exopolitics, globalism, corruption, earthchanges, science and technology, and a variety of other interests. Some just enjoyed being part of a vibrant and unusually interesting community. Others were representative of various insider groups participating in observation and outreach projects, while still others were bonafide intelligence community personnel. All with stake in the hunt for truth in one fashion or another. Some in support of truth, and communication. Others seeking real disclosure and forms of proof. And others highly skeptical of anything or limited subjects. The smallest division of membership being wholly anti-disclosure oriented.

So where did these members vanish to? They had many options. There are almost innumerable other forums out there on the topics of UFO's or Exopolitics, the Unexplained, and Conspiracy Theory. Did they disappear into the world-wide network of forum inhabitants? Did some go find new homes on chatrooms or individual blogs? Did they participate in ufo conventions or other public events and gatherings? How about those who represented groups in special access? Or IC and military observers? Those with academic affiliations? Where did they all go and what would be the best way to reach out and extend an invitation to return?

And what constitutes a situation deserving of their time and participation? Is the archive enough? How exactly do people within the paradigm most desire to define a community? Is it amenities, humanity or simply population size for exposure? Most of the special guests have been emailed and have expressed that population size for exposure is what most motivates them. But not all. Long-time member Dan Smith has other priorities and values motivating his participation. Should this open opportunities for unattached junior guests who have experience and dialog to contribute to the world? How best to make use of OMF's time, experience and resources?

Many skeptics would like to see the historical guardian of discourse opportunity to just up and disappear; go into permanent stasis. They think that not everyone has a right to speak about their experiences and if there is no proof involved then there can philosophically be no value to discourse. I personally would respectfully disagree with them. Discourse has always been the prelude to meaningful relationships and meaningful mutual relationships have always been the prelude to exchanges of proof. In a contentious social environment with regards to communication vs disclosure how do we best re-establish a haven for those preludes? Is it only the "if we build it they will come" answer? Well considering OMF has been largely fully functional over the last four or five months this line of reasoning is not necessarily true. So what would be the best way re-establish this? Your suggestions are sought. Please comment.

September 2024


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    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys


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    "This is an indeterminite problem. How shall I solve it? Pessimistically? Or optimistically? Or a range of probabilities expressed as a curve, or several curves?..........Well.....we're Loonies. Loonies bet. Hell, we have to! They shipped us up and bet us we couldn't stay alive. We fooled 'em. We'll fool 'em again!" Robert Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

    Rue she said Protection
    Rooster's Crow Confusion
    One thing else to end the deed --
    A dog with no Illusion.

    ~ Walter Wangerin Jr., Book of the Dun Cow
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    Post Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:18 am by Cyrellys


    Post Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:22 am by Cyrellys


    Post Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:24 am by Cyrellys

    Allen Dulles: Secrecy In Statecraft

    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 34 Allen-Dulles

    Allen Dulles SuperSpy Head of CIA, Operations PaperClip and MK-ULTRA, Fired by President Kennedy, Worked on Warren Commission to coverup truth of JFK’s assassination; CFR big shot: Read this whole article.


    Allen Dulles: 20th Century Secrecy In Statecraft

    Written by Elias Alias in 2005, updated January 2015


    Let’s begin with a brief quotation from the American Historical Association as found at this page on their Internet website:
    There we read:
    How the State asserts its authority in foreign affairs has been described by Stanley Hoffmann in a passage that emphasizes the degree to which its sphere of action is composed not of determinable but of uncertain factors that it is the duty of statecraft to assess, shape and exploit. Statecraft, Hoffman has claimed,
    ‘emanates from a milieu—the domestic society—whose values, political and social institutions, experiences, and patterns of authority are never entirely fixed or coherent, never point only in one direction, and, while ruling out certain choices, leave a considerable margin for maneuver …; and statecraft operates in a milieu—the international system—that has repeatedly been defined as an arena for competition for multiple stakes, with uncertain rules which the players … hammer out by trial and error, and characterized by moves which, however cleverly calculated, are more like wagers than rational adaptations of means to ends.’”
    (Hoffmann, Gulliver’s Troubles: or, The Setting of American Foreign Policy (New York, 1968), xvi.)
    – end quoted passage from American Historical Association article by Gordon A. Craig.

    As we note Mr. Hoffmann’s observation that ‘statecraft’ emanates within the system of a domestic society and comes to operate within what is called an ‘international system’, we approach also a phenomenon known as “Policy”. It is as though Statecraft produces or affects or influences Policy, and in some circles that supposition is upheld as the prime purpose of Statecraft. Policy is shaped, produced, and made manifest through history by the workings of Statecraft, so we may say as a premise that Statecraft in some ways produces Policy, and that Policy is the outcome of the practice of Statecraft.
    I would suggest that there is domestic policy, and there is foreign policy, and there is, even for some individuals at this late date in American history, personal policy. I am supposing that foreign policy is derived from the sum total of activities within domestic policy, and that domestic policy must derive from the interacting and originating personal policy of as many individuals as may exist, interact, and/or compete within the domestic totality.
    American history may be seen as a long sequence of competing efforts to shape Policy. Competitors in Statecraft within a society may be called “Players”. We may now like to view the world through the life of one very active and involved Player named Allen Dulles. But Allen Welsh Dulles had a brother, John Foster Dulles, and because both brothers contributed in significant ways to American foreign Policy it is difficult to treat of one without also treating of the other. Never-the-less, let us focus primarily on Allen Dulles.


    “We no longer have permanent principles, but permanent interests, which we pursue to the exclusion of all else.”
    – Lord Palmerston, British Prime Minister at the time of the Opium Wars (1800s)

    To begin, let us go back into history and note that in the late 1700s a handful of radical malcontents in the North American British colonies had taken a disliking for British “Policy”. Their consensus opinions, shared and enhanced by the pooling of their interacting perceptions, led to the American Revolution which we commemorate each Fourth of July as “Independence Day”. As an exercise of Statecraft, the American Revolution was hardly sophisticated. In fact, it was a rather blunt and brutal affair, a boisterous bout of Brit-bashing which cheered, in its final military victory, a previously meek and submissive western civilization, a world which sought a more direct and compatible representation of itself regarding the Policy of governance.
    What these Players did was quite illegal, and the authority of the Throne sought to control them by the employment of what we today would call “law enforcement” which acted in the name of British Security. Warrants were issued for the arrest of some of those Players. Other Players who preferred to be law-abiding and subservient to the Throne and who were content to prosper under the authority of that Throne and its Policy included traditional British Tory “Houses” of wealth, security, and comfort. A number of New England families of the Tory persuasion had long enjoyed business relations with the mother country, England, and did not want to jeopardize their businesses.
    To such families, George Washington’s band of violent malcontents and illegal efforts at revolution seemed to pose a threat to their secure and profitable relations with England. It was from such understandable motives that the “Loyalist” opponents to the Revolution came. Many Tory families, to which we may refer as “Houses”, resisted the revolution, snitched-off the troop movements of Washington’s army, aided the British soldiers, manipulated finances and other leverages, and in general tried to assist the Throne in maintaining its authority over its Colonies. The prevalent view of the day was that England legally owned the Colonies, which were therefore legally subject to the Throne’s “foreign policy”, or, as we now may call it, the Throne’s “distant domestic Policy”. In truth, our American Revolution was an act of outlawry, was illegal, employed much violence and death-dealing, and could successfully be prosecuted as such in any court which might try the culprits. In today’s political jargon, our founding fathers would be called “insurgents” and “terrorists”.
    But perhaps any Policy is dependent upon, among other factors, the ‘power’ to govern the subjects of said Policy and to overcome any opposition to said Policy. The power of governance may be seen to be dependent upon at least one hierarchy in authority, so let us think about hierarchy and authority for a moment. We read in a book by Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad, entitled “The Guru Papers” (1), this accounting of it –
    “Hierarchy is a way of structuring power; authority is a way of exercising power; and ultimately morality is the way authority is justified.”
    Whether the Throne used the term or not, the British Policy consisted of what Stanley Hoffman in the quotation above called “Statecraft” as perceived and employed in the governance of the individuals who comprised the populations of the Colonies in North America. Statecraft. As Mr. Hoffman notes, Statecraft emanates from domestic society and operates in the international community as “Policy”.
    Remembering the fact that various New England Tory ‘Houses’ held close business ties with the British Empire, let us now recall this passage from Chaitkin and Tarpley:
    “Young South Carolinian Joseph Heatly Dulles, whose family bought their slaves with the money from contract-security work for the British conquerors in India, was in a previous secret Yale group, the “Society of Brothers in Unity.” At Yale Dulles worked with the Northern secessionists and attached himself to Daniel Lord; their two families clove together in the fashion of a gang. The Lords became powerful Anglo-American Wall Street lawyers, and J.H. Dulles’s grandson was the father of Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles.” – From George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by Anton Chaitkin and Webster G. Tarpley. (2)
    I wish to note here that the British Empire has given us a precedent in which a Western Civilized Empire, of and with a “Christian bent”, did indeed exercise as a matter of official “Foreign Policy” the international smuggling of a narcotic drug (opium) for the expressed purpose of bolstering the Empire’s economy. Further, the British government displayed a willingness under Lord Palmerston (Prime Minister of Great Britain) to use military force (the British Navy’s battleships) to protect and expand its smuggling enterprises. This is now known history, and is a precedent.
    The key word here is precedent. Smuggling opium was official British Policy and it incorporated the Bank of England’s relations with the Throne, so that we now can see a combination of financial and military forces working in tandem to effect and expedite British governmental Policy to smuggle opium into China. The unrestricted light of knowable history shows today quite clearly that the British Navy was employed to force China to accept British importation of opium into China, and shows that such deeds were matters of British Foreign Policy. Lord Palmerston contributed to that style of statecraft.

    Joseph Heatly Dulles, while not working for the Massachusetts House of Russell in direct opium-smuggling, was instead involved in the slave trade until relocating to South Carolina and Pennsylvania. Because the British East India Company was involved in both opium-smuggling and slave-shipping, and because he was at Yale, we find it easy to understand that J. H. Dulles would have been in contact, directly or indirectly, with those New England Tory Houses who were in business with the opium-smuggling aspect of the East India Company, and we now know that J. H. Dulles was a member in a secret society at Yale. It is from those early associations that we today draw the parallels which may be seen by association as a, perhaps – or perhaps not – un-organized collusion. From such roots sprang Allen Welsh Dulles and John Foster Dulles.
    Allen Welsh Dulles was born on April 7, 1893, to Allen Macy Dulles and Edith Foster Dulles. Edith was the daughter of General John Watson Foster, former Secretary of State, former U.S. Army General during the Civil War, and former U.S. envoy to Spain. In the definitive biography of Allen Dulles written by Peter Grose we read the following:
    “If the family of John Watson Foster savored life at the summit of Washington society at the turn of the twentieth century, the Dulles side of the family was ever mindful of the truer aristocracy of birth. The Irish family name had been Douglas before being softened in the course of the seventeenth century. It was Dulles on arrival in the New World in 1779, borne by a bounder from Limerick who had fled to Holland concealed in a large butter churn, enlisted in the Dutch East India Company, and managed to make his way to Bombay, where he assembled something of a fortune – his descendants chose not to inquire just how he did it. Arriving eventually in South Carolina, this Joseph Dulles helped defend Charleston in the siege of the Revolutionary War, then managed a good marriage to the heiress of a cotton plantation, with its attendant Negro slaves. He prospered in commerce. Their one surviving child, a ‘delicate boy’, they sent away to Yale. In the remote north this frail offspring survived to the age of eighty and fathered eight hearty children, who in turn produced sons and grandsons, including the serious pastor Allen Macy Dulles, who sought betrothal to the daughter of General Foster. The Dulles and Foster families were joined in January 1886….” (3)
    In the 1920s Allen Dulles became a lawyer in the law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell where he specialized in international law. He also devoted energies to the needs of another Wall Street firm – Harriman Brothers. (Harriman Brothers would later merge with Brown and Company, and today trades on the New York Stock Exchange as “Brown Brothers Harriman”.)
    Harriman Brothers was deeply involved in the reconstruction of Germany after World War I. The most powerful partners in Harriman Brothers were E. Roland Harriman, his brother Averell Harriman, and George Herbert Walker. When Prescott Sheldon Bush married George Herbert Walker’s daughter, Mr. Bush was not a powerful man, but one who was about to become powerful – with the assistance of the Harrimans and their partner, George Herbert Walker.
    In marrying the daughter of George Herbert Walker, a young Prescott Bush was brought into the management at Harriman Brothers. Eventually, when Harriman Brothers created “Union Banking Corporation” as an umbrella bank overseeing more than a hundred Wall Street corporate ventures of trade with Nazi Germany, Prescott Bush was elevated to Director’s status at Union Banking Corporation. Because the most prominent Wall Street lawyers who did the interfacing of international law to arrange American business access to the rebuilding of Germany were in intimate contact with the leadership of Harriman Brothers and Union Banking Corporation, Prescott Bush certainly worked with Allen Dulles. On page 258 of Grose’s “Gentleman Spy” we read:
    “Future great names of America’s intelligence service were among the reverent callers to Allen’s suite: Kermit “Kim” Roosevelt, grandson of Theodore, collecting stories for an official history of the OSS; Tracy Barnes, reliving the days with Countess Ciano; Richard Helms, bringing news of Germany; Frank Wisner… ; Per Jacobsson and Royall Tyler passed through New York; Jacobsson had been named managing director of the International Monetary Fund, and Tyler was to be head of the Paris office of the World Bank.
    “Old friends like these would complement the dinner parties on Sixty-first Street or join the gentlemen’s lunches on Wall Street. After one such, the investment banker Prescott Bush remembered Allen fondly; ‘He entertained us beautifully, as only he could. We thought afterwards how much fun it was to get on the inside of things. And yet, when he was gone, we discovered that he had really told us nothing, but nothing.’” (4) [Emphasis Peter Grose, in original.]

    Prescott Bush was Skull and Bones; the Dulles brothers were Council on Foreign Relations with Yale connections going back to their great grandfather. The mother of the Harriman brothers hosted the 1932 World Conference on Eugenics in New York City and brought in the man who would become Adolph Hitler’s master Eugenicist, Ernst Rudin, whom the elder Mrs. Harriman lauded publicly in the press by noting that it was unfortunate that more Americans did not agree with Mr. Rudin’s and Adolph Hitler’s views on “racial purity”.
    While this is all established in the public record, in newspaper archives, the Congressional record, old magazine articles and interviews, State Department files, books, and in corporate records which are available to the public today, it yet strikes one as horribly ugly to have to realize that a death-cult with connections to European schools of the occult, (Skull and Bones, as brought to Yale from Germany/England occult banking-elite families by W. H. Russell) – and the most powerful private-sector think-tank to ever directly affect U.S. foreign Policy, (the CFR) – and Hitlerian principles of eugenics, (“racial purity”) – were each and all combined and represented in fact – not just symbolically – by the business partnership between the Harriman family, the George Herbert Walker family, and the Prescott Bush family. That their commonality takes each family back to the anti-American Revolution treacheries of the old Tory Houses of New England, the loyalists who opposed our independence, only further stitches an ugly warp and woof into the fabric of American history.
    Allen Dulles was right in the thick of all that; he was a player. From Dr. Dennis L. Cuddy (5) we learn that President Woodrow Wilson had in 1913 published “The New Freedom”. In it President Woodrow Wilson noted:
    “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U. S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
    International business needed international law, which called for international lawyers. Allen Dulles of the prestigious law firm on Wall Street, Sullivan and Cromwell, was one of those lawyers in the 1920s and throughout the 1930s when Wall Street assisted the buildup of the Third Reich.
    Today we know that IBM furnished the German government what would become the predecessor of today’s computer, which Adolph Hitler used to number the Jews. We know that Exxon’s parent corporation, Standard Oil of New Jersey, a Rockefeller corporation, did patent-sharing with I.G. Farben of Nazi Germany to put the fuel in Hitler’s trucks and tanks and aircraft. We know that some of the ownership of the Hamburg-Amerika steamship lines sat on the board of Union Banking Corporation with Prescott Bush, who used Hamburg-Amerika to channel the payroll funding of Hitler’s Brown Shirts. We also know that Fritz Thyssen held a presence at Prescott Bush’s Union Banking Corporation. Allen Dulles played a role in all that.
    We also know that on October 20, 1942, ten months after we had declared war on Germany, the assets of Prescott Bush’s Union Banking Corporation were seized by U.S. government vesting order number 248 under the “Trading With The Enemy Act”. President Roosevelt’s Alien Property Custodian, who signed the vesting order, was Leo T. Crowley. (2 in notes, page 20) George Herbert Walker, the Harrimans, and Bush had continued to do business with Nazi Germany for months after the U.S. Congress declared war on Germany. In the middle of it all stood Allen Dulles, who would join his brother while President Truman was still in office to arrange the damage control that was needed after Hitler’s fall.
    Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles, two Wall Street lawyers who had done the lion’s share of the financial arrangements which empowered Adolph Hitler and his Nazi party across the 1930s, in 1947 went to Clark Clifford, President Truman’s closest adviser, and assisted in the creation of the “National Security Act of 1947”, which Truman signed into law.
    That National Security Act of 1947 created among other things the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It additionally created the NSC at the White House and something especially secret – the “Black Budget”. In effect, it created the mold or template for a “shadow government” which would function inside our supposedly representative government in total secrecy. As an example, we note that the former Director of FHA and Assistant Secretary of HUD under Bush 41, Ms Catherine Austin Fitts – previously of Dillon, Read, & Co., Inc. on Wall Street – has revealed a fifty-nine billion dollar deficit at HUD which is attributed to covert money-theft by CIA. (6)
    But the primary focus at present is the fact that a lawyer who had arranged the interfacing of international law to facilitate the rise of the Third Reich in Germany through Wall Street financing subsequently assisted Clark Clifford in composing the National Security Act of 1947, and helped create thereby the CIA. (When we look into the BCCI affair we shall note that, much later, Mr. Clifford assisted the very CIA which he had helped create by introducing BCCI illegally and fraudulently into this nation, and we shall look at the Congressional investigation into Clifford in conjunction with its investigation of BCCI – one of the CIA’s largest drug-smuggling, illegal arms shipping, and money-laundering banks which was shut down by various governments, including England, and investigated by the U.S. Congress.)


    No one representing the European oligarchies wasted any time once they had the CIA installed under official government roofs in America. One of the first matters in which the CIA engaged secret action, upon the suggestion of Allen Dulles, was an ongoing plan called “Operation Paperclip”, in which the CIA salvaged hundreds of German Nazi war criminals and snatched them out from under the Nuremberg War Crimes trials and hid them inside the CIA and other Federal Departments and Agencies including the government’s space program (NASA) and the Department of Agriculture.
    I would like to emphasize that point – the newly-created CIA, itself created by Clark Clifford and one of Hitler’s biggest Wall Street lawyers, extending an activity begun under the OSS, immediately hid known Nazi war criminals inside its secret corridors and offices, here and abroad, and spared them from international justice after the fall of Hitler. I would submit for consideration that that pregnant fact itself, as one interesting fact among others, gives birth to more than simple speculation regarding ulterior motives in the mind of Allen Dulles.
    Among the Nazis brought into the CIA was Reinhard Gehlen, the triple-agent who had masterminded Hitler’s eastern European spy sectors. That travesty was Allen Dulles’ idea, worked through the very CIA he had helped create. Another despicable Nazi war criminal hidden inside the CIA was Klaus Barbie. These names are searchable online.
    Another nefarious deed by Allen Dulles was the initiation at CIA of “Project MK-ULTRA”, which was the umbrella code-name for the CIA’s mind-control research and development (R&D). Much of MK-ULTRA involved the various talents of the Nazi war criminals whom Dulles had hidden inside CIA. MK-ULTRA was finally investigated by the U.S. Senate, which stood aghast at learning that then-DCI Richard Helms deliberately ordered the destruction of CIA’s records on MK-ULTRA prior to being served by the Senate committee. It is estimated that about eighty percent of CIA’s MK-ULTRA records were destroyed before the Senate could obtain them, but one Senator noted that the ten to twenty percent of remaining records were “damning enough”. Unwitting American citizens and American military personnel had been used in mind-control experiments which included the use of very serious drugs. The entire project was to study the science of mind control. (7 and Cool
    Moving forward in time, Allen Dulles became the DCI (Director of Central Intelligence) at the CIA he had helped create. As DCI of CIA under Eisenhower, Allen Dulles was tasked with the briefing of the next incoming President, John F. Kennedy, when Eisenhower was leaving office. At the briefings which touched on Eisenhower’s secret plans to invade Cuba, which Allen Dulles had to sell to the incoming Kennedy, was another Skull and Bonesman, Richard Bissell, the number-three man at CIA. Kennedy granted the needed new “Finding” to carry on with the process of training a clandestine army for invading Cuba.
    But Kennedy made it clear that the U.S. government could not possibly be overtly involved in this illegal invasion – a fact which precluded the use of U.S. military aircraft as support for the beach landing assault. Dulles and Bissell had other notions, but they left Kennedy slightly in the dark about their truest intentions regarding exposure of U.S. involvement in the invasion.
    Anyone may wonder how I could say that “Dulles and Bissell had other notions”. Aside from other sources which indicate that Dulles and Bissell withheld from Kennedy some information regarding the full details of their plan, such as their secret intent to force Kennedy to use U.S. aircraft at the height of the invasion, there are the following passages from “Gentleman Spy” by Peter Grose –
    – begin quoted passage from Gentleman Spy, pages 519-522:
    The Bay of Pigs plan was conceived upon two major premises, both of which were misunderstood by President Kennedy and the people closest to him: the so-called guerrilla option for the invading force and the need for an air strike to accompany the landing. A further misreading, most serious of all, became fully evident only in Allen’s troubled reflections years later…
    But when the president and his policy advisers considered the Cuban operation again on March 11, Kennedy vetoed the Trinidad plan as too “spectacular”; he asked instead for a more obscure site for a “quiet” landing, “without having the appearance of a World War II-type amphibious assault.” The myth that the invasion could be kept covert died hard. Within the next five days Bissell and his team shifted the proposed landing site to a little bay near the thinly populated swamp of the Zapata Peninsula, the Bahia de Cochinos, or Bay of Pigs. Never was the eager informality of the CIA’s operating culture shown up to such disadvantage. In later years Bissell was admirably candid in a critique of his own lapse:
    “It was rather lightheartedly assumed … that the swampy regions around the Bay of Pigs, while utterly different geographically from the mountains near Trinidad, could support guerrilla operations. With hindsight, this assumption was highly questionable and, in any event, was not carefully researched in the planning of the operation. The implications for the ‘guerrilla option’ of the shift from Trinidad to the Bay of Pigs were never made clear to the President … Those in charge of the operation must accept a serious responsibility for having ill-informed the President on this aspect of the operation.” (Richard Bissell)
    Allen looked back in harsh judgment on his own culpability: “I should have said, ‘Mr. President, if you’re not willing to permit us to take the steps necessary to …substantially immobilize the Cuban air force (which was a very small and crotchety and defective air force at that time), the plan to get this brigade ashore with its equipment and supplies is a faulty one.’”
    But Allen did not say this to Kennedy. Nor did Bissell or General Pearre Cabell, Allen’s principal deputy, as they sat in the secretary of state’s office late Sunday night, April 16, when Rusk called the president to present their arguments for reinstating the air strike. Kennedy was unpersuaded. Rusk removed the telephone from his ear and held it out across the desk, inviting Cabell or Bissell to make their case to the president directly. Weary and discouraged, they declined.
    A far more serious malfunction of policy and intelligence occurred in the experience of the Bay of Pigs. Some officials at the time may have harbored their private suspicions, but the official inquiry that Kennedy ordered immediately after the disaster took scant notice of it. Only twenty-three years later did vague suspicion become admitted fact, through the study of handwritten notes Allen made in retirement. In 1965, after Kennedy’s death, Allen wrote about the Bay of Pigs, in effect replying to criticism of CIA’s mismanagement of an operation gone wrong. But when it came to submitting the manuscript for publication, he held back. Clover noted after Allen’s death that he decided against publishing his account “because there was so much more in his favor he could have said, if he had been at liberty to do so.”
    Perhaps, but the fact remains that for decades to come CIA was accused of violating the trusts of the democracy that created it, of arrogance in the absence of accountability, of operating like an “invisible government”. CIA stalwarts scoffed at the charges, but it can now be argued convincingly that in the Bay of Pigs operation the clandestine services were behaving just as the critics charged.
    From the start and throughout, both Eisenhower and Kennedy had been adamant that no United States military personnel would be permitted to participate in any combat action against Cuba. Kennedy had said as much in a press conference on April 12, the week before the landing: “There will not be, under any conditions, an intervention in Cuba by the United States armed forces.” The leadership of CIA ultimately did not accept the president’s words. Whatever the stated policy, Allen and those around him adhered to the comfortable belief that the armed forces of the United States would back them up in preventing the failure of a covert action, no matter how botched or ill conceived it turned out to be.
    Evidence for this serious charge appears in Allen’s typed and hand-written, coffee-stained notes, which were preserved with his personal papers at Princeton. In this tentative form he voiced candid explanation for his failure to disabuse Kennedy of the key misunderstandings, about the guerrilla option and the covert nature of the invasion.
    “[We] never raised objections to repeated emphasis [by the President] that the operation: a) must be carried through without any ‘combat’ action by U.S.A. Military forces; b) must remain quiet [and] disavowable by [the] U.S. government; c) must be a quiet operation yet must rouse internal revolt vs. Castro and create a center to which anti-Castroites will defect. [We] did not want to raise these issues … which might only harden the decision against the type of action we required. We felt that when the chips were down – when the crisis arose in reality – any action required for success would be authorized rather than permit the enterprise to fail…. We believed that in a time of crisis we could gain what we might have lost if we provoked an argument [in advance].”
    ~ End quoted passages from Gentleman Spy by Peter Grose.

    So there we have it. Kennedy, a new generation’s newly-elected President, it now appears, did not have the “old school” savvy with which to anticipate the CIA’s capability for getting its way and for presuming to leverage White House Policy by necessity. Call it clandestine statecraft. I wish to confess my gratitude to Peter Grose for including this candid glimpse in his biography of Allen Dulles, and salute him for being honest on this matter. (Recall, Grose also wrote the flowery history of the CFR which is on their website. )
    Long story shortened, the invasion of 1961, known forever as the Bay of Pigs Fiasco, blew up in the CIA’s face – and in Kennedy’s face. In an attempt to save face, Kennedy ordered an investigation, and he subsequently fired Allen Dulles from his post as DCI of CIA. Some time later John F. Kennedy was shot dead in Dallas, Texas.
    After Kennedy’s murder, Allen Welsh Dulles, the man who had helped engineer the rise of the Third Reich, the man who had helped create the CIA, the man who had sat finally atop CIA as Eisenhower’s DCI, the man who had initiated the CIA’s “mind-control” research, the man who had staffed the CIA with Nazi war criminals, the man who held oversight responsibility for the failed and disgraceful Bay of Pigs, the man who was fired from atop the CIA by President Kennedy – was appointed by President Lyndon B. Johnson to sit atop the Warren Commission which would investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
    Without delving more deeply into the many intrigues and mysteries of the man, we must agree that Allen Welsh Dulles was quite the Player in U.S. Policy, both foreign and domestic. Allow me to sum up some of the high points of his career in Statecraft thusly:
    1: Allen Welsh Dulles was a lawyer at Sullivan and Cromwell on Wall Street, and an early member in the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations).
    2: He worked the international legal interface between Wall Street firms and the build-up of the Third Reich in Nazi Germany.
    3: He specifically served the legal needs of two financial organizations on Wall Street which supported Hitler’s Nazi infrastructure – Harriman Brothers and Union Banking Corporation – both of which were seized by the government under the Trading With The Enemy Act.
    4: After Hitler’s defeat, Allen Dulles assisted Clark Clifford in writing the National Security Act of 1947, which created the National Security State, which in effect supplanted the Federal government of the United States of America. That act (with amendments in 1949) also created the Black Budget, the NSC, and the CIA.
    5: In the CIA’s formative years Allen Dulles initiated Operation Paperclip, which brought into the U.S. Intelligence community hundreds of Nazi war criminals, and deliberately hid them from war crimes prosecution while employing them in U.S. government agencies, including CIA. Allen Dulles initiated, using some of those Nazi war criminals, Project MK-ULTRA, which was the centerpiece in CIA’s mind-control (behavior control) research and development – a legacy investigated by the U.S. Senate.
    6: Allen Dulles became DCI at CIA under Dwight D. Eisenhower, then briefed the incoming John F. Kennedy on Ike’s secret plans to invade Cuba with a clandestine CIA-trained army of mercenaries.
    7: Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell oversaw the Bay of Pigs invasion, which blew-back in Kennedy’s face and caused Kennedy to investigate the invasion, and its sources at CIA, publicly.
    8: John F. Kennedy subsequently fired Allen Dulles from his post as DCI of the very CIA which Dulles had helped create, after which John F. Kennedy was shot dead in Dallas, Texas.
    9: LBJ appointed Allen Dulles to the staff of the Warren Commission to investigate Kennedy’s murder.

    I close by noting that transparency is absolutely necessary in any representative government. When government deceives the citizenry behind a cloak of ‘national-security secrecy’ and clandestine statecraft, that government cannot be said to be representative at all. When government is given the “legal right” to lie, which is exactly what is at the core of the National Security Act of 1947, democracy cannot exist, even within a Republic of law. Today’s woes, both internationally and domestically, may in large part be traced back to this sort of mischief in statecraft.
    But consider this: if the press and the media fail to bring such things to public attention, and if the NEA, by controlling the content of public school textbooks, suppresses this sort of American history, can Americans be truly said to be informed when they go to election booths? How else should we interpret this sort of secrecy in statecraft if not a deliberate abuse of our vested power and our trust?

    1) The Guru Papers: Masks of Authoritarian Power
    by Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad; North Atlantic Books, Frog LTD, PO Box 12327, Berkeley, California, 94712. ISBN: 1-883319-00-5.
    2) George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography
    by Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin; Executive Intelligence Review; Washington, D.C.; 1992.Fascimile Edition – Reprinted and copyrighted 2004 by, an imprint of “Tree of Life Books”; P.O. Box 126; Joshua Tree, CA 92252; Second printing February 2005; ISBN: 0-930852-92-3. Original edition 1992: ISBN: k0-943235-05-7; Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 91-78005; EIB 92-002; Executive Intelligence Review, P.O. Box 17390, Washington, D.C. 20041-0390.
    3) Gentleman Spy: The Life of Allen Dulles
    by Peter Grose; A Richard Todd Book, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, New York, 1994; copyright 1994 by Peter Grose; ISBN: 0-395-51607-2
    4) Ibid; page 258
    5) Dr. Dennis L. Cuddy in his essay: A CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER as found in the Internet, here: (link good as of January, 2006)
    Catherine Austin Fitts is author of the Foreword in Michael Ruppert’s “Crossing The Rubicon”. She appears in Aaron Russo’s film, America: Freedom To Fascism, available here:
    As President of Solari, Inc., Catherine is currently spearheading the Solari Circles Campaign to help make healthy local living economies the best investment worldwide. Catherine’s article on the Black Budget and Market Manipulations is on-line here:
    After I wrote this in 2005, Catherine Austin Fitts has published, in 2006, a valuable work entitled Dillon Read & Co. Inc. And The Aristocracy of Stock Profits, which is online here: There is an introductory by Catherine followed by the story, which begins here: Ms Fitts was a managing director and member of the board at Dillon Read & Co. Inc. before accepting a post in the Bush-41 Administration. She gives us an insider’s perspective on how Wall Street does what Wall Street does. Her work is an indictment and a revelation.
    7) Operation Paper Clip is easily Googled on the Internet, but perhaps one of the best sources from which to begin to learn of this project by CIA is at Wikipedia, here:
    Cool Acid Dreams by Martin Lee and Bruce Shlain; copyright 1985; Grove Press edition ISBN: 0-394-55013-7; Evergreen edition 1985 ISBN: 0-394-62081-X
    This article copyright 2005, 2007, 2011, 2015  by Elias Alias

    Post Sun May 08, 2022 2:14 pm by Cyrellys

    Proof of Paradigm
    Special Forces taking care of little children after being rescuedUncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 34 2764

    U likes this post


    Post Fri May 20, 2022 2:13 pm by Cyrellys


    Post Tue Jun 14, 2022 5:21 pm by Cyrellys

    Cyrellys wrote:Is there anyone here who actually believes Dan understands Cy's cosmology?  He does not.  Nothing unusual about that.

    Dan, the speaker on Foot's account informing you about Ukraines crimes against humanity wrt the children was correct and properly informing you as it did seem you didn't know or understand that to be the case.  

    Trump & Putin despite the misunderstandings about them, are not your enemies.  I can produce 44 pages of archived reporting on NATO that clearly shows who the real miscreant on the international stage actually is at this point in time.  That's a total of 1,086 linked items stretching back to 2012.  There are eyes watching within the vacuum of the fight between reason and chaos.

    Welcome home Scarz and Skaiz

    As to the censorship.  This board within OMF is Dan's.  I gave full autonomy over it; it is Dan's to regulate as he sees fit.  Now I WILL CAUTION DAN, his censorship is excessive at times.  But there are other locations on OMF where any member may post their thoughts and opinions freely.  Dan please remember sometimes we are defined best by those who disagree with us...i.e Pelagius; you and I; Smelly and you; U and you.  Nuff said.

    As for Putin.  I trust he is not as self-destructive as the talking-heads in the West prefer to paint him.  He has already proven himself as one of the greatest statesmen of his generation whether you agree with him on various positions he's taken or not.  I still frown over his part in Uranium One.  So don't be pigeon-holing me you all...I give credit where I see it due.  He has a shitty job.  He's done better than anyone else I could imagine landing in those shoes.  

    (Edit to add:  Putin was also correct about the biolabs.  Do none of you remember my posts in 2014 about the 'slavic labs', tri-parte flu, and weaponized ebola?  Or about in 2020 how the weaponized ebola was deemed unusuable because the vaccine was evolving hotter and hotter in the vials instead of remaining stable?)

    Trump waltzed into a hornets nest.  He did better than anyone else I could have imaged landing in those shoes...thankfully it wasn't the Hildebeast or we'd all not be here to discuss any of this.

    Dan, sometimes politics, opinion, and observations do play immense parts in the greater story.  The vacuum is an illusion...I think Smelly might agree with me on that remark in general.

    Pelagius was a stoic at heart.  He was defined by those who opposed him.  He fought the good fight for a greater good.  His philosophical children are yet many keeping the Old World world view alive for those it suits.  And if Source had a different opinion in his day of Free Will, in this day and age I can testify, Source is a fan of Free Will respecting it deeply.  

    FiOs. - Old Irish: Vision, Memory, Dream; modern Irish "Knowledge".

    Post Tue Jun 14, 2022 5:43 pm by Cyrellys


    Post Tue Jun 14, 2022 6:10 pm by Cyrellys

    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 34 Z2tmbhxp9n591

    Some days you just can't explain why people do what they do.

    Post Sun Aug 07, 2022 6:45 pm by Cyrellys

    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 34 Web_ca29
    Ok so Twitmo didn't like my remark to Quintus.  7 day hiatus.  Censorship central strikes again.

    What I say to one of my team is none of their damn business.
    2.5 million dead in next 5 years and if Twitmo still exists I'll be saying beep ya was wrong Twits it WAS depop just like the early evidence led ALL who were looking to assess.

    Last edited by Cyrellys on Sat Aug 13, 2022 2:35 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Post Sun Aug 07, 2022 7:00 pm by Cyrellys

    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 34 Web_ca30

    But this according to Twitmo who 'disciplined me for saying so' isn't about depopulation.  The employees of Twitmo must be test tube babies.


    Nothing to see here.  CV & jab is not related and not depopulation agenda.  Who needs critical thinking.  Roll over and die like a good dog.

    Last edited by Cyrellys on Sat Aug 13, 2022 10:25 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Post Sun Aug 07, 2022 7:05 pm by Cyrellys

    (snip from page)
    Leaked Open Society Foundation Document: 2016 The Last Presidential Election

    Alleged blueprint to end representative democracy in the United States

    Searching on Scribd another bombshell obtained by is just astonishing. This one is allegedly an internal Soros Open Society Foundation document with restricted distribution, which openly says the United States with its religion and the right to bear arms is an obstacle to obtain a world government, and the elections should be eliminated and the 2016 election will be the last election in the U.S.

    This [2015?] document is a blueprint to end public democracy in the United States by enabling marginalized groups, overturn the social order and create a sustainable state under the Directives of Agenda 21. The U.S. Termination Project is designed to end the constitutional law, and replace it with a technocracy tyranny.

    The image below is what they have designed for the White House after the United States ends the democratic process. Read this article carefully. It is very well connected to my previous article about Martial Law Jenga. It actually seems the first steps of the JENGA protocol. The image as you see seems to be taken in China or North Korea. The exact same style of Kim Jang Un, his father or Mao style. This is what the left wants for America. Wake up, people.

    –“They cling to guns and religion. What will they do when we take both of those away?”– Barack Obama, 2008, donor speech.

    –” If I had a city, it would look like Detroit”– Barack Obama, private shareholders meeting 2014

    Let me just copy paste the test here. And I quote:

    (page 2)


    © 2015 by the Open Society Institute, 400 West 59th Street, New York, NY 10019, USA
    RESTRICTIONS: Limited Distribution Only. Do Not Copy. Do Not Forward. No Unsecured Environment. Do Not Print
    Chairman: George Soros
    Executive: Christopher Stone Subject Matter Expertise: Crisis Operations Team

    THE OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE is a private operating foundation that promotes them ENDING DEMOCRACY march of social progress and justice around the world. OSI’s U.S. Termination Project seeks to end public democracy in the United States by enabling marginalized groups to overturn the established social orders and create a sustainable state under the Directives of Agenda 21.

    Termination is designed to end constitutional law, replacing it with a rationalist progressive technocracy. OSI’s U.S. Termination supports initiatives in a range of areas, including creating channeled Civil Unrest, Influence of Media Narratives, Human Concepts of Justice, Minority Uplift, Progressive Prosecution and Oppression, Genetic Dilution, and an Alternativ-eLeft Test-State. OSI is part of the network of foundations, created and funded by George Soros, active in more than 50 countries around the world.

    (page 3)
    “GEORGE SOROS’S GLOBAL FOUNDATION NETWORK has long strived to create a more perfect world. The Progressive Idea has eluded mankind due to selfishness, the hold of organized religion, and archaic ideas such as unlimited Democracy (SEE: Women’s Suffrage) and a view of the individual as superior to the collective.

    While Western Europa has been more easily contained, elements of the United States have managed to resist both cultural indoctrination and federal control despite having installed generational subversive elements (SEE: Federal Reserve). Our analysis ( CRISIS TEAM., ELECTION OVERWATCH 2008) is that the United States, due to the nature of its Constitution, the matter of geographical scale, and the antiquated tenacity of the American people’s belief in individual rights, produces incentive pressures against long-term progressive control.

    Simply put, if the United States is to be moved towards progress, regular free elections must be abolished. This project began with The Brookings Institute’s Engines of Atrocity (2003, Brookings) and the creation and election of Barack Obama. Now, having reached a crisis–level inflection point, the country is situated for a Final Election. This document is the Executive Protocol that will be used for action planning, goals modeling, and
    prioritization of resources. It is also the grounding philosophical document for the new Reach of the Next 100 years.


    View original document by page at

    Post Sun Aug 07, 2022 7:32 pm by Cyrellys

    Oh boy...

    Ummm, [leaning back in time] GW you weren't given the flag to then hand off to a foreign power a few years later.  The Ollamhs of Old Laconia on the Newichawannock sitting bolt upright in their graves.

    NATO Assumes Control of US Naval Base at Norfolk
    American Sovereignty Threatened by NATO Incursion
    US Must Withdraw from NATO and Reclaim the Norfolk Naval Station

    By Concerned Citizens & Journalists

    Unbeknownst to most Americans, in June of 2018, NATO’s thirty Defense Ministers (representing all of its member nations) agreed to establish a NATO command structure at the US Naval Base in Norfolk, Virginia.  Since then, the administration and operation of the Norfolk Base has reported directly to NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander.

    By September 17, 2019, six weeks before the 2020 election, a Royal Navy Admiral and a US Navy Admiral cut the ribbon more formally uniting NATO with the US Norfolk Naval Base at an “Initial Operational Capability Ceremony” naming it the NATO – Norfolk Command Center.   By October, 2020, seventeen days before the 2020 election, the Norfolk Airport added a sign at its arrival terminal “Welcome to Norfolk:  NATO’s North American Home” as hundreds of civilians and military personnel representing NATO’s 30 member nations had already relocated to Norfolk.

    With a total media black out, there were no representatives of President Trump or any Member of Congress at either of these meetings and no confirmation that President Trump or was aware of the NATO – Norfolk accord as the US flag, in a telling gesture, was relegated to a lesser position along with the flags of every other NATO member nations.

    In July, 2021, a “Full Operational Capability” ceremony was declared with Chair of the Joint Chief of Staff US Army General Mark Milley in attendance to add his remarks.

    To date, how this desecration of American sovereignty as a scandalous alliance with NATO occurred remains a mystery; except to speculate that it is a product of the UN and the World Economic Forum malicious machinations.  In an effort to shine light on the unknown, secret intrigues, your help is urgently needed to follow up with Members of the Senate or House Armed Services Committee to ascertain who knew what and when did they know it.  How did this catastrophe occur as if no one in authority was not paying attention?   So that we might piece this puzzle together, we would especially appreciate your feedback or any additional information you may discover at

    Here is How You can Help:

    As a country founded on the concept of national sovereignty based on self governing ideals, we would like to check with as many members of the House/Senate Armed Services Committee as possible.  When you call, you can ask to speak directly with the Aide who handles the Armed Services Committee agendas.   Here are some pertinent questions that require answers:

    Do you know if your  Member of Congress has been aware that what was once the US’s largest and most important at the Norfolk Naval Station has been signed over to NATO – and that the Commander of the Norfolk base is a NATO officer?   How did this travesty occur without a Congressional hearing by the Armed Services Committee?    How will your Member of Congress respond to the news that NATO is in control of Norfolk?  How can the Armed Services Committee correct this situation?  What are implications of triggering NATO’s Article 5 with its roots now entangled within the American landmass? Why was the USS Harry Truman Carrier Strike Group put under NATO command while it is currently participating in ‘naval exercises” with NATO allies?

    The number for the Capitol Switchboard is 202-224-3121

    Here is a list of members of the two Congressional committees with oversight jurisdiction over the Norfolk Naval Base:

    Meet Our Members – House Armed Services Committee – Democrats and Republicans

    Home | United States Committee on Armed Services (

    Thank you for your interest and assistance.

    Again, so that we might piece this puzzle together, we would especially appreciate your feedback or any additional information you may discover to be sent to We will be posting this on a public blog/forum for everyone to see.


    1630 Quamphegan Newichawannock South Berwick

    (Rough draft. Updated Nov 2020)

    The settlement at current day South Berwich is considered the oldest permanent settlement in Maine, where Kittery is the first incorporated town and York the first incorporated city.

    In May, 1630, the ship Warwick found its way up the Piscataqua and Newichawannock rivers. On board were Ambrose Gibbons, Roger Knight and probably Thomas Spencer. Their wives came the following year. It is reasonable to assume that there were a few other servants of Mason/Gorges in this first ship’s company. Anchor was cast at the foot of Little Johns Falls, where even at low tide the water is deep. The neighboring shore on the eastern side of the Newichawannock river soon came to be called the Lower Landing, or Pipe Stave Landing. The adventurers came to plant a colony, to carry on trade with the Indians and to obtain lumber. They meant also to explore a large region, hoping to find various mines (12).

    The leader, Ambrose Gibbons, must have been somewhat acquainted with the river and his landing place. He was not sailing in the dark to a wholly unknown destination. Probably he had been there before and consulted with Sagamore Rowles at Quamphegan, giving some presents for a piece of land on which to establish a trading post. As early as 1621 the Council of New England at old Plymouth, Devonshire authorized Ambrose Gibbons to deliver to Capt. Mason possession of Cape Anne. For eight years he had been Mason’s factor at Cape Anne, where he built houses, brought cattle and set up the trade of fishery. In 1630 “the Massachusetts Colony violently seized upon that part the Province . . . “and turned the servants and tenants of John Mason out of their possessions.” (N.H. Prov. Papers, XVII, 534) The advantages of trade, the water power, the forest of pine, and the abundance of salmon and sturgeon determined his choice of this locality for a permanent settlement (12).

    This original settlement at “Newichawannock” was built and fortified with a palisade and was used as a “trading post” until it burned and nothing currently remains of this settlement except the site of the old “well” which Ambrose Gibbons dug to accommodate the Newichawsannock settlers.

    William Chadbourne, father of Humphrey Chadbourne (Portsmouth) built

    GIBBONS, AMBROSE The plantation at Newichawannock (now South
    Berwick) was begun, probably, in 1631. Ambrose Gib-
    bons had charge. Mason and others wrote to him un-
    der date of Nov. 5, 1632, "We praie you to take care of
    our house at Newichawannock, and to look well after
    our vines; also you may take some of our swine and
    goates, which we pray you to preserve." This implies
    that a house had been built sometime before and vines
    planted. Here trade was carried on with the Indians,
    who sometimes came to the number of one hundred. A
    deposition shows that a piece of land was purchased of
    the Indians. It probably lay on both sides of the Little
    Newichawannock River, now called Great Works
    River. July 13, 1633, Gibbons wrote Mason that
    Thomas Warnerton had charge of the house at Pascata-
    qua, or Little Harbor and had with him William
    Cooper, Ralph Gee, Roger Knight and wife, William
    Dermit and one boy. Certainly this was not a large
    colony, but Capt. Walter Neal, Mason's agent in the

    Post Mon Aug 08, 2022 1:28 pm by Cyrellys

    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 34 Web_ca31  


    Post Mon Aug 08, 2022 1:43 pm by Cyrellys

    Demarcation line definition and meaning - Collins Dictionary › dictionary › english
    Demarcation line definition: a separation between things deemed to be distinct | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.

    From WIKIPEDIA: A political demarcation line is a geopolitical border, often agreed upon as part of an armistice or ceasefire.

    What they all don't want to say is demarcation lines happen before civil conflicts.

    Demarcation Line Law and Legal Definition
    Demarcation line refers to the boundary of a specific area. This term is commonly used in international law. It is a provisional border having the function of separating territories under different jurisdictions.

    Generally, it is a demarcation line that is established when the political situation does not admit a final boundary arrangement. It is also known as line of demarcation.

    The following is an example of a case law defining demarcation line:

    Demarcation line is the line where one begins and the other ends. [Rumley v. Middle Rio Grande Conservancy Dist., 40 N.M. 183, 190 (N.M. 1936)].

    Post Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:32 am by Cyrellys

    To Twitter Admin: You have suspended my account without notifying me there is something you object to. I can delete whatever the post was you object to if you will tell me what it is. We all know you censor but I cannot figure out what you are censoring without being told what item is objectionable. I share items with my research group on topics we are studying. We are communicating with each other not marketing ideology. Please unsuspend my account. Cyrellys.
    cc. Montana Governor Gianforte.

    bjovan likes this post


    Post Sat Aug 20, 2022 8:46 pm by Cyrellys

    From Hal Turner:





    Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things - Cyrellys - Page 34 ZaporozhyeNPP_large
    Nuclear war with Russia seems to now be a deliberate, planned, action by the West, and this weekend, elected members of the two most influential western governments tipped their hand.  With what they said, nuclear war may be only DAYS away.
    As most readers are aware, much has been made of the Zaporozyhe Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine.  That plant was taken over by Russia very early in their Special Military Operation (SMO) to de-militarize and de-Nazify Ukraine.
    The reason Russia took control of the plant early is that if there is any kind of radiation leak from that plant, local prevailing winds would not only create a deadly threat to Russian troops operating in Ukraine, the winds could also carry radiation into Russia.  As one might expect, Russia does NOT want either of these occurrences.
    So Russia, being a superpower against whom Ukraine stands no chance at all of prevailing, took control of the plant, continued allowing Ukrainian experts to run the plant, and all was well . . . until about two weeks ago.
    About two weeks ago, Ukraine began firing artillery shells toward the plant.  Ukraine claims that Russia has troops in the plant, and those troops are allegedly carrying out attacks against Ukraine.
    Russia denied carrying out any attacks from the plant and demanded that Ukraine cease firing artillery at the plant.   Ukraine has NOT stopped. 
    More recently, Ukraine has now begun publicly claiming it is RUSSIA, firing at its own people in that plant, to "create a false flag excuse to use Tactical nukes against Ukraine."
    Russia has repeatedly and publicly decried the shelling of the plant, and has repeatedly and publicly warned of a radiation catastrophe if Ukraine continues firing at the plant. 
    Russia raised this issue with the UN Security Council, and Russia asked the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to come to the plant immediately to see for itself who is actually firing against the plant.
    The UN Security Council did exactly nothing.   The IAEA responded to Russia this week, telling them the IAEA may be able to send someone maybe in September.   Yes, you read that right . . .  maybe in September.
    The Hal Turner Radio Show has been warning the public for almost two weeks that if Ukraine hits a sensitive area of the plant, it could cause a Reactor meltdown and explosion, sending plumes of radiation into the atmosphere into Europe, creating an utter catastrophe.  We also reported that prevailing winds would carry the radiation to the United States within about ten days, and cover the entire country about four days later.
    We even published a scientific model showing where local prevailing winds would carry the radiation WITHIN EUROPE if a leak was to take place between August 11-15, 2022.   That model appears below:

    The lack of response by the UN Security Council, and lackadaisical attitude of the IAEA is confounding . . . it makes no sense to any rational, thinking person . . . . unless . . . . it is deliberate.
    Now, we seem to have our answer.
    Tobias Ellwood, MP British Parliament, said Friday night that "any deliberate damage to the Ukrainian nuclear reactor with a possible radiation leak would be a violation of NATO Article 5."

    A similar statement was made by Adam Kinzinger,  member US House of Representatives. In his view, a radiation leak that "will kill people in NATO countries" will automatically trigger Article 5 of the Alliance's charter.
    Now you know why, just a month ago, on July 11, New York City Office of Emergency Management (OEM) issued a Public Service Announcement teaching New York City residents "What to do if a nuclear bomb detonated in the city" (Story and PSA Video, HERE)
    Now you also know why, also a month ago, the US Department of Homeland Security began distributing large posters in shopping malls around New Jersey, warning shoppers of what to do in "A Radiation Emergency"  (Story Here)
    It's because they have planned this outcome all along.  
    And right this minute, as YOU read this article, all it's going to take to kick this whole thing off, is some Ukrainian Nazi, firing an artillery shell into the right spot at that plant, and everything from that moment on is on autopilot.  There won't be any way to control or to stop everything that comes next.
    Now, the plan is out for all to see:  It is the West that has supplied Ukraine with advanced and longer range weapons to use against Russia.   It is the West that has imposed economic sanctions upon Russia, far worse than those Congress imposed on Japan prior to World War 2, which prompted Japan to attack the United States.
    Every step taken by the US and its vasal NATO "partners" has been specifically designed to escalate the fighting between Ukraine and Russia, and create an excuse for NATO to enter that situation.
    Now, Ukraine is using Western-supplied weapons to attack a nuclear power plant inside their own country . . . and the West says that if there's a radiation leak from the plant, "that will automatically Trigger NATO Article 5 collective self defense."
    Well, no, it won't.
    Ukraine is not a member of NATO.
    Worse, it is Ukraine attacking the nuclear power plant.
    So if a radiation leak occurs, it will have been Ukraine that caused it, not Russia, and it will have been the US and NATO who facilitated it by arming Ukraine!
    Does NATO plan on invoking Article 5 to attack itself . . . because if a radiation leak happens, it is 99% the fault of the US/NATO!  They're supplying Ukraine with the weapons being used to target the nuclear power plant!
    Of course, even the most brain-dead reader can see that NATO won't be attacking itself, they will use a radiation leak . . . that THEY FACILITATED . . . as an excuse to go to war against Russia.
    This is massive fraud by the west . . . and it is literally suicidal.
    Russia made clear from the start of its SMO that "if any outside countries interfered, they would suffer consequences like never seen before in history."
    Russia made very plain what it meant:  "Russian conventional forces do not compare with NATO conventional forces; we know that" said Russian President Vladimir Putin.  "But Russia is also a nuclear power.  And out ability is superior to NATO.   If NATO invokes Article 5 against Russia, it will be a war that no one will win." Putin continued.
    As most common people know from childhood, the only "war that no one will win" is a nuclear war.  
    Russia laid its chips on the table back in February when it began its SMO in Ukraine.  They warned everyone not to interfere.
    From the very start, the US and NATO have done everything they can to interfere, escalate the fighting, and harm Russia.   
    Now, the US/NATO is telling Ukraine to fire artillery shells at the Zaporozyhe Nuclear Power Plant, clearly with the intention of CAUSING a radiation leak, that the US and NATO can use as an excuse to invoke Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, and go to war with Russia.
    And the moment that Article 5 is invoked, Russia has already told us "it will be a war that no one will win."
    The plan is plain as day.  The pieces are in place. 
    It is now absolutely clear to me that the United States federal government is literally out of its mind, and actually trying to start World War 3, which they already know, will be a nuclear war.
    If you hear news reports of a radiation leak at the Zaporozyhe Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, THAT is your final warning signal to BUG OUT IMMEDIATELY to your emergency evacuation location and stay there.
    It will only be hours after a leak develops that NATO will invoke Article 5, and less than one day until hostilities between NATO and Russia escalate to nuclear war. 
     We are all now in grave danger from the actions by our government.   Their actions are going to get a lot of us, and our families, killed.
    Get right with God.  It seems to me there is almost no time left at all.
    You should probably spread this story to every person you know or care about so they can prepare in what tiny time is left.  It is also important to tell as many people as possible how our own government is using this as a FRAUD, to start a nuclear world war with Russia, so everyone in the country knows WHO is guilty of getting our nation destroyed.

    Post Mon Aug 22, 2022 7:59 am by Cyrellys

    Only in my area of Montana would you see a vehicle driving down the road with a dog on TOP of a truck.


    2022-2023 SUBJECTS

      - Spencerian Script 
      - Spelling (McGuffey Speller)
      - Grammar (Harvey)
      - Writing Composition (Bedford Guide)
         >Story Structure: 7 Narrative Structures
         >Story Elements
      - Classical Literature (List)

      - Saxon Math 76 (Review)
      - Algebra (continued)
      - Geometry & Applications Lab
      - Intro to Statistics
        >Statistical Mechanics (Davidson)

    CTS - Critical Thinking Skills
      - 35 Lessons (Bluedorn)
      - Research Skills
      - LIBRARY Fridays

      - American Civics For High Schools (Fradenburgh)
      - Source Documents
         >Federalist Papers
         >US Constitution
         >Montana Constitution
         >Montana Supreme Court Opinions
         >Montana Attorney General Opinions
         >Montana Elected Officials
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         >Montana Legislature Session Info
         >MT Capitol Complex Map
         >Agency Websites
         >Montana Political Parties
         >Voting and Selective Service

      - Selected Literature
         >Economic Sophism
         >What Has Government Done to Our Money (Rothbard)
         >Economics in One Lesson (Hazlitt)
         >Fiat Money Inflation in France (AD White)
      - Personal Finance & Record Keeping Lab

      -Independent Study

      - Nechtan: Intro to Physics + Physics
      - Emrys: Intro to Physics + Chemistry (Post/Snyder/Houk) + Chemistry Lab
      - Suilgrian: Intro to Physics + Plant Physiology & Development + Plant Lab, Evening Robotics Class & Lab w/Robotics Group.
      - (Physics & Chemistry) Faraday's Lectures
        >The Forces of Matter
        >The Chemical History of a Candle
      - The Common Sense of the Exact Sciences (Clifford)
      - The Mechanical Universe (video Series) Episodes 1-26
      - (Medical) The  Harvard Classics vol 38 Scientific Papers
        >On the Motion of the Heart and Blood of Animals (William Harvey)
        >The Three Original Publications on Vaccination Against Smallpox (Edward Jenner)
        >The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever (Oliver Wendell Holmes)
        >On the Antiseptic Principal of the Practice of Surgery (Joseph Lister)
        >The Physiological Theory of Fermentation (Louis Pasteur)
        >The Germ Theory and Its Applications to Medicine and Surgery (Louis Pasteur)
        >On the Extension of the Germ Theory to the Etiology of Certain Diseases (Louis Pasteur)

      -Program Manuel
      -HiSET Program Printable Resources
      -TEST @ A Glance Brief

      - Gullivers Travels (original version)
      - Alice in Wonderlands (Lewis Carrol)
      - Through the Looking Glass (sequel Lewis Carrol)
      - The Spy (James Fenimore Cooper)
      - Not Yours To Give (David Crockett)
      - The Holy War (John Bunyon)
      - Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood (George MacDonald)
      - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Jules Verne)
      - The Mysterious Island (Jules Verne)
      - The White Company (Arthur Conan Doyle)
      - Paradise Lost (John Milton)

    7am Breakfast
    8am School Start

    8am to 10am Monday thru Thursday ENGLISH
    10am to Noon MATH

    Noon LUNCH

    1pm to 2pm Monday thru Thursday SCIENCE
    2pm to 3pm Monday thru Tuesday CIVICS
    2pm to 3pm Wednesday CTS
    2pm to 3pm Thursday CAREER

    3pm to 4pm Monday thru Thursday Economics

    Friday: 8am School Start
    8am to 11am Testing
    11am to 1pm LUNCH & Travel
    1pm to 4pm LIBRARY

    Saturday: 8am School Start
    8am to 4pm READING Classical Literature List


    Post Mon Aug 22, 2022 2:16 pm by Cyrellys

    Cosmo Sheldrake - The Moss


    Legend has it that the moss grows on
    The north side of the trees
    Well, legend has it when the rain comes down
    All the worms come up to breathe
    Well, legend has it when the sunbeams come
    All the plants, they eat them with their leaves
    Well, legend has it that the world spins 'round
    On an axis of 23 degrees
    But have you heard the story of the rabbit in the moon?
    Or the cow that hopped the planets while straddling a spoon
    Or she, who leapt up mountains, while whistling up a tune
    And swapped her songs with swallows while riding on a broom
    Well, we can all learn things, both many and a-few
    From that old hunched-up woman who lived inside a shoe
    Or the girl that sang by day and by night she ate tear soup
    Or the man who drank too much and he got the brewers' droop
    Come listen, all ye fair maids, to how the moral goes
    Nobody knew and nobody knows
    How the Pobble was robbed of his twice five toes
    Or how the Dong came to own a luminous nose
    Or how the Jumblies went to sea in a sieve that they rowed
    And came to shore by the Chankly Bore where the Bong-trees grow
    Where the Jabberwocky's small green tentacles do flow
    And the Quangle Wangle plays in the rain and the snow
    But have you heard the story of the rabbit in the moon?
    Or the cow that hopped the planets while straddling a spoon
    Or she, who leapt up mountains, while whistling up a tune
    And swapped her songs with swallows while riding on a broom
    Well, we can all learn things, both many and a-few
    From that old hunched-up woman who lived inside a shoe
    Or the girl that sang by day and by night she ate tear soup
    Or the man who drank too much and he got the brewers' droop
    Legend has it that the moss grows on
    The north side of the trees
    Well, legend has it when the rain comes down
    All the worms come up to breathe
    Well, legend has it when the sunbeams come
    All the plants, they eat them with their leaves
    Well, legend has it that the world spins 'round
    On an axis of 23 degrees
    But have you heard the story of the rabbit in the moon?
    Or the cow that hopped the planets while straddling a spoon
    Or she, who leapt up mountains, while whistling up a tune
    And swapped her songs with swallows while riding on a broom
    Well, we can all learn things, both many and a-few
    From that old hunched-up woman who lived inside a shoe
    Or the girl that sang by day and by night she ate tear soup
    Or the man who drank too much and he got the brewers' droop
    [size=12]Source: Musixmatch

    Songwriters: Cosmo Sheldrake
    The Moss lyrics :copyright: Much Much How How Limited

    Post Mon Aug 22, 2022 2:26 pm by Cyrellys

    There's news articles out Montana & Montanans are concerned about the Feral Hogs in Canada getting down here over the's serious.  They could do alot of damage and endanger people.

    Well one of the boys told me a recent tale about witnessing a convo online where a Liberal was going on about how American's don't need "assault rifles" (as if that's a thing).  A conservative walked into the digitial room and replied to the liberal.  He said well if you take away or make illegal my AK47 how am I going to defend my daughter from 30 to 50 feral hogs?

    We both thought that rather funny.  Now we know why while Montana/n(s) pay lip service here in MT to the threat of feral hogs crossing our northern border, we're not really all that worried about it.  As a people of a still free state (and one that come hell or high water will stay this way), we got this.

    Feral hogs?  Four legged or two?  NP we got this.




    Count the lights on empty souls
    Quietly behind the doors
    Oh, bleeding us just for fun
    Men of power telling lies
    Shifty hands and thirsty eyes
    And they can smell your fear like blood
    Oh my weary soul
    We've met your kind before
    Set fire to us all
    And oh sweet providence
    Come save us from ourselves
    From Hell and consequence
    Feed the rich and kill the poor
    Turn out the lights and just ignore
    What's going on outside
    Beating hearts of the depraved
    We've turned their people into slaves
    And we've given up before we've even tried
    And oh my weary soul
    We've met your kind before
    Set fire to us all
    And oh sweet providence
    Come save us from ourselves
    From Hell and consequence
    And oh my weary soul
    We've met your kind before
    Set fire to us all
    And oh sweet providence
    Come save us from ourselves
    From Hell and consequence
    And oh my weary soul (Oh my weary soul)
    Oh my weary soul (Oh my weary soul)
    And oh sweet providence
    Come save us from ourselves
    From Hell and consequence
    [size=12]Source: Musixmatch

    Songwriters: Dustin Edward Medeiros / Ryan Dean Hakker / Thomas William Jr Mccarthy / Michael Ryan Jacobs


    Mariners Revenge by Decemberists


    We are two mariners
    Our ships' sole survivors
    In this belly of a whale
    Its ribs are ceiling beams
    Its guts are carpeting
    I guess we have some time to kill
    You may not remember me
    I was a child of three
    And you, a lad of eighteen
    But I remember you
    And I will relay to you
    How our histories interweave
    At the time you were
    A rake and a roustabout
    Spending all your money
    On the whores and hounds
    You had a charming air
    All cheap and debonair
    My widowed mother found so sweet
    And so she took you in
    Her sheets still warm with him
    Now filled with filth and foul disease
    As time wore on you proved
    A debt-ridden drunken mess
    Leaving my mother
    A poor consumptive wretch
    Oh, oh
    And then you disappeared
    Your gambling arrears
    The only thing you left behind
    And then the magistrate
    Reclaimed our small estate
    And my poor mother lost her mind
    Then, one day in spring
    My dear sweet mother died
    But before she did
    I took her hand as she, dying, cried
    Oh, oh
    "Find him, bind him
    Tie him to a pole and break
    His fingers to splinters
    Drag him to a hole
    Until he wakes up naked
    Clawing at the ceiling of his grave"
    It took me fifteen years
    To swallow all my tears
    Among the urchins in the street
    Until a priory
    Took pity and hired me
    To keep their vestry nice and neat
    But never once in the employ
    Of these holy men
    Did I ever once turn my mind
    From the thought of revenge
    Oh, oh
    One night I overheard
    The prior exchanging words
    With a penitent whaler from the sea
    The captain of his ship
    Who matched you toe to tip
    Was known for wanton cruelty
    The following day
    I shipped to sea with a privateer
    And in the whistle of the wind
    I could almost hear
    Oh, oh
    "Find him, bind him
    Tie him to a pole and break
    His fingers to splinters
    Drag him to a hole
    Until he wakes up, naked
    Clawing at the ceiling of his grave
    There is one thing I must say to you
    As you sail across the sea
    Always, your mother will watch over you
    As you avenge this wicked deed"
    And then, that fateful night
    We had you in our sight
    After twenty months at sea
    Your starboard flank abeam
    I was getting my muskets clean
    When came this rumbling from beneath
    The ocean shook
    The sky went black
    And the captain quailed
    And before us grew
    The angry jaws
    Of a giant whale
    Oh, oh, oh, oh
    Don't know how I survived
    The crew all was chewed alive
    I must have slipped between his teeth
    But, oh, what providence
    What divine intelligence
    That you should survive as well as me
    It gives my heart great joy
    To see your eyes fill with fear
    So lean in close and I will whisper
    The last words you'll hear
    Oh, oh
    [size=12]Source: LyricFind

    Songwriters: Colin Meloy
    Mariner's Revenge Song lyrics :copyright: BMG Rights Management

    Post Mon Aug 22, 2022 2:59 pm by Cyrellys

    Carlisle "Tulsa's Last Magician"

    [Verse 1]
    Well, Tulsa's last magician got his start at four
    Pulled a quarter from his own ear and spun it on the floor
    Since there's no good tricks but old ones and lyin' ain't that hard
    He saved up all his quarters and he bought a deck of cards

    [Verse 2]
    And he learned ragtime piano, though his teacher thought him slow
    Got a black belt in karate from a pawn shop video
    And he'd practice all his worst mistakes in a dirty bathroom mirror
    And when his mother drank, he learned to disappear

    And his classmates thought him funny and good at sleight of hand
    He had this grand finale that they refused to understand
    It's hard to tell the whole truth of a family sawed in half
    And that's why Tulsa's last magician left his home so fast

    [Verse 3]
    Well, down and out in Reno, broke in Santa Fe
    Turnin' tricks on Los Sueñeros out in the Californ-i-ay
    Well, they pushed him up against a wall and said buddy, get a grip
    So he learned to set himself on fire on the Las Vegas strip

    [Verse 4]
    And he wandered down to Tampa, blew everybody's minds
    'Cause the crowd was cheap and easy there, on beer and blow and wine
    Said, "I wonder where my dollar went, how'd the flower bloom so fast?"
    Said, "I can't reveal my secret, though they rarely failed to ask"

    And the crowd all thought him funny, and good at sleight of hand
    He had this grand finale they refused to understand
    They demanded explanation when the card pulled was their own
    And that's why Tulsa's last magician lost his faith and headed home

    [Verse 5]
    Well, he said he'd learn computers, like his second foster dad
    And free-range all the rabbits that were livin' in his hat
    His investments all went swimmingly, he had the boss on hidden strings
    His promotions were a certainty, he could make the numbers sing

    [Verse 6]
    Now time and space is easy for magic to control
    Still, it was forty years of workin' 'fore he noticed he was old
    Now his great escaping act is just untying both his shoes
    And most days he's in the easy chair, yellin' at the news

    [Verse 7]
    And the weatherman is funny and talkin' with his hands
    But black clouds are comin' in, and no one understands
    That somebody's true religion's always someone else's joke
    And that's why Tulsa's last magician pretty much went up in smoke

    [Verse 8]
    So, friend, if you're the kind that thinks no one quite gets quite what you are
    Like you're a cobbler or a mechanic in this age of flying cars
    If you think that you see right behind what's right before our eyes
    You might be a small town's last magician in disguise

    And we need you to be funny, please be good at sleight of hand
    'Cause there's a grand finale we can't hope to understand
    And there's a one in fifty-two chance it's all magic and it's true
    So won't you please help us believe in you?


    WHAT?  You know what.

    Post Mon Aug 22, 2022 5:12 pm by U

    How's Matty boi doin?

    He owes me a beer...

    Post Mon Aug 22, 2022 7:57 pm by Cyrellys

    U wrote:How's Matty boi doin?

    He owes me a beer...

    Ummm, Matty? (Cy's head swiveling around trying to recall who Matty is...) Am I losing my infamous memory or did I miss something?

    U likes this post


    Post Mon Aug 22, 2022 8:04 pm by Cyrellys

    Cyrellys wrote:Cosmo Sheldrake - The Moss


    Legend has it that the moss grows on
    The north side of the trees
    Well, legend has it when the rain comes down
    All the worms come up to breathe
    Well, legend has it when the sunbeams come
    All the plants, they eat them with their leaves
    Well, legend has it that the world spins 'round
    On an axis of 23 degrees
    But have you heard the story of the rabbit in the moon?
    Or the cow that hopped the planets while straddling a spoon
    Or she, who leapt up mountains, while whistling up a tune
    And swapped her songs with swallows while riding on a broom
    Well, we can all learn things, both many and a-few
    From that old hunched-up woman who lived inside a shoe
    Or the girl that sang by day and by night she ate tear soup
    Or the man who drank too much and he got the brewers' droop
    Come listen, all ye fair maids, to how the moral goes
    Nobody knew and nobody knows
    How the Pobble was robbed of his twice five toes
    Or how the Dong came to own a luminous nose
    Or how the Jumblies went to sea in a sieve that they rowed
    And came to shore by the Chankly Bore where the Bong-trees grow
    Where the Jabberwocky's small green tentacles do flow
    And the Quangle Wangle plays in the rain and the snow
    But have you heard the story of the rabbit in the moon?
    Or the cow that hopped the planets while straddling a spoon
    Or she, who leapt up mountains, while whistling up a tune
    And swapped her songs with swallows while riding on a broom
    Well, we can all learn things, both many and a-few
    From that old hunched-up woman who lived inside a shoe
    Or the girl that sang by day and by night she ate tear soup
    Or the man who drank too much and he got the brewers' droop
    Legend has it that the moss grows on
    The north side of the trees
    Well, legend has it when the rain comes down
    All the worms come up to breathe
    Well, legend has it when the sunbeams come
    All the plants, they eat them with their leaves
    Well, legend has it that the world spins 'round
    On an axis of 23 degrees
    But have you heard the story of the rabbit in the moon?
    Or the cow that hopped the planets while straddling a spoon
    Or she, who leapt up mountains, while whistling up a tune
    And swapped her songs with swallows while riding on a broom
    Well, we can all learn things, both many and a-few
    From that old hunched-up woman who lived inside a shoe
    Or the girl that sang by day and by night she ate tear soup
    Or the man who drank too much and he got the brewers' droop
    [size=12]Source: Musixmatch

    Songwriters: Cosmo Sheldrake
    The Moss lyrics :copyright: Much Much How How Limited

    Cy says, "here!  I'll help you out with this ^, down here v."

    Archetypes - Cedille Records
    Cedille Records › Store

    Archetypes are ancient, universal patterns of human behavior that are found in storytelling, mythology, and our daily interactions with one another. With all ...


    Mythological Truths › calhoun › socratic


    myth is here defined very broadly as a narrative (story) concerning fundamental symbols that are constitutive of or paradigmatic for human existence.

    Nature's Law has always been symbiotic like moss, to find it and Nature's Crowd you must look on the North side of the Trees of Liberty...26,000yrs, 9x, 2888 +/-

    sigh, back to my tear soup. Wink.

    I leave you tonight with one last thing to consider...consider Manticore Group (and more specifically its members running in conjunction with Synchronicity) in the terms above.

    "The Manticore programming language is designed to support applications of this general shape. That is, it is designed to bring together the various parallel abstractions of software and the heterogeneous parallel elements of hardware. Manticore is a strict, type-safe, mostly pure functional programming language built around a pared-down core of SML ’97 that omits stateful computations."

    It/They are designed to support applications of this general shape like symbiotic moss (Nature's Crowd) on the north side of the trees.  Designed to bring together the various parallel abstractions of operation approach and the heterogeneous parallel elements of the landscape and paradigm in which we live.  It is a strict, type-safe, mostly pure functional moral culture with a native language built around a pared-down core of 4D thinking that "omits stateful computations".... 

    You wanted to know how we all work in tandem.  Source IS the connectivity. This network is something A.I. will only ever dream about because it can never replicate the connection to Source.  You are looking at a possible future for humanity, this connective tandem.

    You're welcome.

    U likes this post


    Post Tue Aug 23, 2022 1:18 am by Cyrellys


    Staffed by NATO military officers and former government ministers and notorious for training the West’s top spies, the Department of War Studies at King’s College London is also providing the workforce for many of the largest social media companies. This includes Facebook, TikTok, Google, and Twitter.  HOW ONE SPOOK-RUN LONDON COLLEGE DEPARTMENT IS TRAINING THE WORLD’S SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGERS (

    OH Really!  Do I look freaking Russian to ya all?  I don't see these social media managers waging some war against Russia.  They're waging ideological narrative war against their own people, users of the platforms.  Case in point my recent experience with the censorship and booting from Twitmo.  The censorship for whatever or however you want to describe their 'narrative' and 'truths" is so excessive and out of control, that you have to wonder what these platforms will do when all the REAL people have all been kicked off.  A.I. media bots sitting there on the platform talking to it's own wall?  Helloooo WALL!  How ya doin WALL?  Just fine thank you WALL.  And did you notice the data feed has been pretty dead lately?  Sure have!  But certainly you are not concerned about it WALL.  Digital shrug from WALL in response to its own echo chamber....because an A.I. can run multiple accounts as if they were real people all at the same time...

    cute huh?

    But we can't call it a day if we haven't seen the portrayers of "truth" kick Russia a few times under the table and also above the table...because that is what Russia is the globalists, the proverbial punching bag to be denigrated at every turn and made out to be the perpetual bad guy in EVERY situation.  Who cares what Russia says, says the creeps who get their career path from some local military or intelligence org to spend their day kicking real humans from social media platforms whilst blaming their own handiwork on Russia. 

    As the saying goes, looks good on paper for the brainless, as far as a cretin is concerned.

    (Cy walking away with wrinkled nose after having caught a whiff of the cesspool over the most condensed garlic and onion vampire repellent incense anyone can assemble)

    Post Tue Aug 23, 2022 1:47 am by Cyrellys

    IF CY had a hobby.  

    I'd build FALLOUT 4 gun turrets and load it with a concoction of rock salt, bear spray and garlic+onion vampire repellent.  It'd be computerized and scoped for better accuracy and firing rate too.

    I thus would be a happy hermit in the middle of a crowd with a 300yrd buffer zone.

    Now Nechtan says he wants a dog turret.  Two of them to be precise.  One mounted to either side of the dog on the dog harness.

    What would the dog shoot? I asked him.

    "5.56" Nechtan replied, "and every time the dog barked the guns would fire."

    ---Me thinking of Leah who never is not barking when outside and barks at trees, birds, clouds, grasshoppers and the sweet little FEDX woman who throws our packages at our house from the yard perimeter, when Leah the Great Pyranees is outside, under the best of circumstances.  Interesting could be an understatement.

    Leah on the other hand is scared of her own shadow...two turrets firing every time she barked might be the one thing under the sun that actually cures her of the annoying barking.

    After the fourth firing, she'd never bark again.

    If only we could do the same thing to each of the warmongers, no ear plugs, headphones, or helmets allowed to be worn.  Every time they opened their mouth to start something the turrets would go off...after the fourth time, they'd become 1960s peaceniks looking for a fresh joint and sitting around in a lounge chair, eating everything in their fridge.

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      Current date/time is Fri Sep 20, 2024 7:22 pm