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UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Icon_minitimeYesterday at 1:21 am by Happy Bunny

» Disclosure - For U by U
UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2024 10:20 pm by U

UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Icon_minitimeSun Nov 24, 2024 8:36 pm by U

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UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Icon_minitimeThu Nov 21, 2024 6:47 pm by U

» Uanon's Majikal Misery Tour "it's all smiles on the magic school bus"
UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Icon_minitimeSun Nov 10, 2024 9:36 pm by Mr. Janus

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UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Icon_minitimeSun Nov 03, 2024 3:07 pm by dan

Where did all the Open Minds Forum members go?

Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:29 pm by Admin

With Open Minds Forum restored now for almost half a year at it's new location with we can now turn to look at reaching out to OMF's original members who have not yet returned home. OMF's original membership was over 6,000 members strong, prior to the proboards suspension, according to the rolls of the time. We can probably safely assume that some of those accounts were unidentified socks. If we were to assume a reasonable guess of maybe as many as 30% possible sock accounts then that would leave potentially somewhere between 4800 to 4900 possible real members to locate. That is still a substantial number of people.

Who were all these people? Some were average individuals with common interests in ufology, exopolitics, globalism, corruption, earthchanges, science and technology, and a variety of other interests. Some just enjoyed being part of a vibrant and unusually interesting community. Others were representative of various insider groups participating in observation and outreach projects, while still others were bonafide intelligence community personnel. All with stake in the hunt for truth in one fashion or another. Some in support of truth, and communication. Others seeking real disclosure and forms of proof. And others highly skeptical of anything or limited subjects. The smallest division of membership being wholly anti-disclosure oriented.

So where did these members vanish to? They had many options. There are almost innumerable other forums out there on the topics of UFO's or Exopolitics, the Unexplained, and Conspiracy Theory. Did they disappear into the world-wide network of forum inhabitants? Did some go find new homes on chatrooms or individual blogs? Did they participate in ufo conventions or other public events and gatherings? How about those who represented groups in special access? Or IC and military observers? Those with academic affiliations? Where did they all go and what would be the best way to reach out and extend an invitation to return?

And what constitutes a situation deserving of their time and participation? Is the archive enough? How exactly do people within the paradigm most desire to define a community? Is it amenities, humanity or simply population size for exposure? Most of the special guests have been emailed and have expressed that population size for exposure is what most motivates them. But not all. Long-time member Dan Smith has other priorities and values motivating his participation. Should this open opportunities for unattached junior guests who have experience and dialog to contribute to the world? How best to make use of OMF's time, experience and resources?

Many skeptics would like to see the historical guardian of discourse opportunity to just up and disappear; go into permanent stasis. They think that not everyone has a right to speak about their experiences and if there is no proof involved then there can philosophically be no value to discourse. I personally would respectfully disagree with them. Discourse has always been the prelude to meaningful relationships and meaningful mutual relationships have always been the prelude to exchanges of proof. In a contentious social environment with regards to communication vs disclosure how do we best re-establish a haven for those preludes? Is it only the "if we build it they will come" answer? Well considering OMF has been largely fully functional over the last four or five months this line of reasoning is not necessarily true. So what would be the best way re-establish this? Your suggestions are sought. Please comment.

December 2024


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    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports.

    karl 12
    karl 12
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    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Empty UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports.

    Post by karl 12 Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:45 pm

    Realize that certain folks involved in UFO research don't really like discussing the 'occupant' aspect of the subject (and I can't really blame them) but there does appear to be quite a number of very strange reports out there -below are some sketches of the various individuals along with the date and location of the sighting and although many cases may go unreported there could be plenty of others out there so please feel free to post.

    UFO Occupants ~ Drawings and Sketches

    Flatwoods,West Virginia - September 12, 1952:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 3c092853b304


    PDF File


    Tuscumbia,Missouri - February 14, 1967:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 61046caeda6f

    Link 1, 2


    Torriglia,Italy - 6/7th December,1978:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Dbceba9f90e0



    Yukon Territory - September 3rd, 1987:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. D20b66902e7c



    Pascagoula,Mississippi - October 11th,1973:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 9cbc7f6b93e6




    Priest abducted by humanoids -Puerto Rico,1964:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 00956807cd69



    West Lothian,Scotland - 9th November,1979:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Be163d81bfd1




    Cowichan,Canada - January 1st,1970:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 06eebd1bd60f

    Link 1, 2


    Lumberjacks encounter UFO and humanoid - Kangaskyla, Kinnual, Finland, February 5th,1971:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Fa329ed36bed



    Police Constable Alan Godfrey's drawing of UFO (and UFOnaut) - Todmorden, England, 1980:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 908643cd9a2e




    The Fife Event - Fife, Scotland, 23rd September, 1996:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. F4e9fc59f696



    The Zimbabwe School Close Encounter - September 16th, 1994:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 8b5edad22945

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 9f2b5fcd593f

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. A6f08be22c2b

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 1c22e7a4b8c0

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 3929d9369f91

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Fae66b7ecf55





    Socorro,New Mexico - April 24, 1964:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 2be2e1ea8c8a


    Link 1, 2


    Hopkinsville, Kentucky, United States - August 21st, 1955:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. E592b8d8b34a




    Valensole,France - 1 July 1965:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 66646e000fc7

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 9819f39e8971

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Mo4fdfa0fb

    Vid (French language):


    PDF File - Page 20


    Aguada, Puerto Rico - April 28, 2006:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 848f1f8bba86



    NICAP Reports - Richard Hall:

    September 1977, Parkstone, Dorset, UK:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Fd766b0cb91a

    July 13, 1959, Blenheim, New Zealand:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. A82f679c8e1c

    November 2, 1967, Ririe, Idaho:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Cbbf29616309

    December 8, 1967; Idaho Falls, ID:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 79d17bdc4fa0

    January 1, 1970; Duncan, B.C., Canada:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. E71372bc20c7

    April 16,1974, Casale Monferrato, Italy:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 572f38c3c571

    May 3, 1975, San Antonio, Texas:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Fae2689963d4



    Vilvorde, Brussels, Belgium, Dec 19 1973:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 5d4d34186c10

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 261219811b05



    Emilcin, Poland, May 10 1978:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 875c3b868ffd



    Imjarvi, Finland,Jan 7 1970:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 297bd0e9450d

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 1d0730a53245



    Belo Horizonte, Brazil - August 28, 1963:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Db490fa140d8

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 2ec3f225789f



    Bolton, Lancashire, November 1926:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 8e9c018d3c51



    Eagle River, Wisconsin, April 18 1961:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 46c0e7364ae9




    Pelham, Georgia, Aug 6 1977:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 6cc0d0704e36



    Tioga City, USA, April 24 1964:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. D5a9a67b5cbc



    Venezuela, Dec 1954:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 789481816681



    Isla de Lobos,Uruguay - October 28, 1972:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 973a9bc2c843



    Lima, Peru -February 1947:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 257d6e471188



    Sao Paulo, Brazil - July 23, 1947:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 893665bd384b



    Villa Santina, Italy - August 14, 1947:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 34345e17d576



    Hasselbach, Germany - July 9, 1952:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Df692bab52dd

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Cc9bf55c81e7



    Valenciennes, France - September 10, 1954:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Ad869eaec1a3



    Argentina - October 21, 1963:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 3a8476f06f7d



    Felixstowe, Suffolk, England - September 20, 1965:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 7108f357c527



    Aveyron, France - January 11, 1967:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 991d6c04bf98

    Link 1, 2
    karl 12
    karl 12
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    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Empty Re: UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports.

    Post by karl 12 Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:52 pm

    Pilar da Goias, Brazil - August 13, 1967:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. A9ca2ea91b64



    Zafra, Badajoz, Spain - 14 November 1968

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. B495dbde9758



    Dolomite Mountains, Italy - July 1968

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 4312f73ca09a



    Palos Verde, California - Early 1970s:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 87e950171945



    Rosedale, Alberta - June 9, 1971

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 0293d23212ee



    Itaperuna, Brazil - September 22, 1971

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. B0ff69601650



    Santa Isabel, Argentina - September 21-22, 1972

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 1de040dc5376



    Cincinnati, Ohio - October 12, 1973:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 1c85c60319d6



    Ashburn, Georgia - October 19, 1973

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. F6dd9c7d49b6



    Draguinan, France - October 19, 1973:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Ab2b235eb1ef



    El Yunque Mountain, Puerto Rico - October 20, 1973:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 6d8fa587b80b



    Goffstown, New Hampshire - November 2, 1973:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 15423bcc7cef



    Warneton, Belgium - January 7, 1974

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 2beb0f75578f



    Saint-Jean-en-Royans, France - January 9, 1976

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. C1fcb2f88e3d

    PDF File


    Quebradillas, Puerto Rico - July 12, 1977

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. E64e9664946d



    Samaya, Japan - October 3, 1978

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 5d687ca1d5d8



    Rio Piedras, Buen Consejo, Puerto Rico, USA - 3 March 1980

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. C7efa77fbcf3



    Mount Vernon, Missouri - July 1983

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 6149f856e284


    Last edited by karl 12 on Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
    karl 12
    karl 12
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    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Empty Re: UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports.

    Post by karl 12 Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:57 pm

    Mediterranean Ocean - French Port of Le Brusc, France, August 1st, 1962:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. D62557f09aa4



    The Father Gill sighting - Papua, New Guinea, 1959:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 55e36b5590d1

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. C4f3b0ca6bdc


    Link 1, 2


    Betty and Barney Hill CE - US Route 3, New Hampshire, United States, September 19th, 1961:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Nm5269cb80




    Plaine des Caffres, La Réunion, July 31st, 1968:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 0081443205dd

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. F720aeee3ab5

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 6288facaea79



    South Atlantic Ocean - Leblon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 27th, 1970:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. B0f7288c1da9

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. C7ff6901945d



    Hokkaido, Japan, July 1973:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 776ae098d8b6



    Tucson, Arizona - February 10th, 1977:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 05b0eec6435c



    Quarouble,France -1954:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 19750a106347

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 61b091f87737

    UFOlogie - The 1954 French UFO - Main Index

    NICAP UFO Evidence Report -SECTION X FOREIGN REPORTS - The French UFO Wave Of 1954


    Brooksville, Florida - February 26th, 1971:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 0967b5bbdf36

    PDF File


    Denmark, Europe 1982:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 12100217-9fe412c9d333b84b1241c0b2dedac74a



    Evans City, Pennsylvania - April 14th, 1971:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Adb1ba131332

    PDF File


    Dr Botta Enters Flying Disc - Argentina, 1950:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. C162d08b1ed8



    Cape Girardeau, Missouri, United States - April, 1941:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 1bf8b48e73c7



    Nouatre, Indre-et-Loire, France - September 30th, 1954:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. D456cdc63504



    Seat Pleasant, Maryland - August, 1952:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 0e9675c357b0



    Pittsburg, Kansas - August 25, 1952:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 388aa65fd35b



    Old-Saybrook, Connecticut - December 16, 1957:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 808f2a72575c

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Cdea3583b583



    Hialeah, Florida, United States - January 3rd, 1979:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 79db966fc6e9

    karl 12
    karl 12
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    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Empty Re: UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports.

    Post by karl 12 Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:04 pm

    Colares, Brazil - 1977:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 7762a724382e

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 65d6e39a33a1


    Colares UFO Flap


    The North Hudson Park UFO, New Jersey, United States - January 12th, 1975:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 3113eeaf84b0



    5 big headed humanoids with pointy ears (and 3 fingers and toes) witnessed near Lake  Cartagena, Puerto Rico - August 31, 1990:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 687efc514bcd



    El Yunque Rainforest, Puerto Rico - August 1992:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 5f8e6690e9ae



    El Yunque Rainforest, Puerto Rico - February 1991

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 6c02c3b330c6



    The Strange Case of Alfred Burtoo - Aldershot, England, August, 1983:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 8e4d661a8fd2

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 466ba3874416



    RAF Airman Witnesses strange humanoid and object - East Anglia, 1943:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 62aa2448bd46



    UFO Occupants Captured On Film? The Dorothy Izaat Footage - Vancouver:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. A4b7598dafec

    Link, 'Sightings' Episode


    ]Two children encounter UFO with four occupants - Cussac, France, August 29th, 1967:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 3edceb579244



    Close Encounter With Entity With Red Eyes -  December 16th, 2006, Crosby, Texas:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 4c1b0b88c96b

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 19178edb5963



    Dover, Massachusetts - April 21st -22nd,1977:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 6a8230ad2ca4

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 6c605addfd97



    Franz Hoge Sighting - Munster, Germany, 1954:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 803b587fb6d0



    Strange "entities" Witnessed at Grand-Mère - October 24th, 1998:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 9fa53cebe195



    British MOD Files - UFO and Occupants witnessed on board Flight TG919 from London to Hong Kong, July 19th, 1993:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 1ebfbaf263ec



    "Light Being" at Whytecliff Park - Spring, 1968:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Ae76820ae9a9



    Petare, Miranda, Venezuela - November 29th, 1954:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Ff7156c693cb



    Risley, Cheshire, England - March 17th, 1978:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Bfe117615d95

    PDF File


    Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires, Argentina - 1972:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 709b69fafb3f



    Bauru, Brazil - July 23rd, 1947:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Fd3b8e90c2e1



    Traiguen, Chile - March 2006:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Ede726d3f437



    ]The Creature from Copper Canyon, Denton, Texas -January 20th, 2008:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 1f97b7fdca89



    Mendoza, Argentina  -  July 24th, 1978:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 23fac5195653

    (Bad) Translation:

    1978. July 24. Mendoza. Thursday. 3:30 to 4:10.

    Charles William Brandi is driving home in a taxi driven by Modesto Aldo Nievas, when they observed a luminous aeroform decided to go their strangeness. Having approached to within 80 m. away, the driver noticed Nievas on object structure, large windows through which warned a human-like silhouettes gliding strides and a guy dressed in black diver, who observed the witness, virtually paralyzed. In that span, they found the vehicle papers detention and interference in radio transmission, which was normalized to the UFO as he walked away. The taxi driver then suffered heavy breakdown. Sketch made by Aldo Nievas UFO witness and one of the figures seen inside.


    Last edited by karl 12 on Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:40 pm; edited 2 times in total
    karl 12
    karl 12
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    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Empty Re: UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports.

    Post by karl 12 Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:09 pm

    Rio Claro, Brazil - 1965:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. B7a9066b4553


    Torrent Corrientes, Argentina - February 11th, 1965:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. A30ba4a928bf


    Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina - July 20th, 1965:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. E2805747de47


    San Pedro de Los Altos, Venezuela - August 7th, 1965:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 5b59ace1bd1f


    Renton, Washington - August 13th, 1965:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Fefc143e3fac


    Arequipa, Peru - August 30th, 1965:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 072262ea0bc8


    Morales, San Luis Potosi, Mexico - October 1965:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 19c63424286a

    Humanoid Reports - 1965 (PDF File)

    Llanos De Mojos, Bolivia - January 1st, 1976:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 4d3793bc9656


    Harlingen, Texas - January 1st, 1976:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 2dcbbe92dc6d


    Domene Isere, France - January 5th, 1976:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 6e39f6755d0a


    St Christophe et le Lavis, Drome, France - February 1976:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 4b77c45cfc99


    Settlers Park, Oakdale, Pennsylvania - February 29th 1976:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 99e4db426e76


    Toppenish Ridge, Yakima, Washington - March 1976:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 2fe939d32737


    Helena, Montana - April 4th, 1976:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 0063501c8dc8


    Mawnan, Cornwall, England - April 17th 1976:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. B6ad332f3c7e


    Matapozuelos, Spain - April 23rd, 1976:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. C603dee6739d


    William’s Lake, Michigan - May 15th 1976:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 2a76aa1fb7e1


    Lunde, British Columbia, Canada - May 1976:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 180791ed354d


    Sierra Nevada, California - July 1976:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. B0cee64836e1


    Leeds, England - August 1976:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 431519cb4c5a


    Baracaldo, Spain - October 29th, 1976:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 98de98691d3b

    Humanoid Reports - 1976 (PDF File)
    karl 12
    karl 12
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    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Empty Re: UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports.

    Post by karl 12 Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:38 pm

    Minot, North Dakota - November 1961:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 9f368f1f4be8


    Kent, England - 1963:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 90f869663d41


    Little Lever, England - 1964:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 7b6f7d9ea76e


    Coleraine, Quebec - August 29, 1968:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Fcfbe0cc9fe3


    Dakelia,Cyprus - September,1968:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Ca6637144469


    Woodland, California - November 25, 1971:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 2e5539087c82


    Athens,Georgia - October 20, 1973:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. F0ab319e990a


    Bahia Blanca, Argentina - October 28, 1973:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 14f8fe52ae04


    Saint-Cyrille, Quebec - June 25, 1974:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 691e9d70f4a4


    Feignies, France - August 26, 1974:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 6bdcf1dceebb


    Frederic, Wisconsin - December 2, 1974:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. A81c0025dfa2


    Missouri - 1975:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 0a071b69440e


    Fargo, North Dakota - August 26, 1975:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 6d2fd696420f


    Carignan, France - May 2, 1976:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 46b3ab873f29


    Montreal, Quebec - January 6, 1977:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 39fecefc6a80

    Last edited by karl 12 on Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
    karl 12
    karl 12
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    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Empty Re: UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports.

    Post by karl 12 Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:46 pm

    Ponce, Puerto Rico - Summer 1980:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Fb25b394d858


    Bogota, Colombia - early 1980:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Cfd58f87cbe1


    Botafuegos, Spain - February 11th, 1980:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. C39234574e1f


    Finksburg, Maryland - Spring 1980:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 04863943bb0f


    Robres Huesca, Spain - March 1980:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 9bda899fc149


    Eben-Emael, Belgium - May 13th, 1980:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 641e08e89c37


    Sitio Quinque, Currais Novos, Rio Grande Norte, Brazil - July 1980:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 1beb7fbe1fb0


    Lucky Point Indiana - November 1st, 1980:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 874473dbf1a1

    Humanoid Reports - 1980 (PDF File

    Eucla, Nullarbor Plains, Australia - February 2006:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. D08cbf6e5f00


    General Pico, La Pampa, Argentina - March 3rd 2006:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. B49c1f2898ac


    Devil’s Swamp, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana - August 2006:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 0247e2a8943a

    Humanoid Reports - 2006 (PDF File)


    Bristol, Hartford County, Connecticut - January 12th, 2005:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. D677cf81b435


    Caspian Sea, Astara & Lenkoran Azerbaijan - March 2005:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 89946c61d3e6


    Laguna Don Tomas, near Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina - March 2nd, 2005:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. E56bbdd52356


    Recife Brazil - March 2005:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 5d6ed4eb8e9d


    Big Springs, Texas - June 2005:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Beb9c57dadb2


    Istebna, Poland - June 8th -10th, 2005:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 6ba20dff8f2d


    Kota Bahru, Kelantan, Malaysia - July 2005:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. A357b6c04298


    Komsomolskoye, Crimea, Ukraine - July 17th, 2005:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 43e7f0500b6b

    Humanoid Reports -2005 (PDF File)


    Korbach, Germany - February 18th, 1990:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 3e07ace15580


    Novonikolayevsk, Volgograd region, Russia - March 29th, 1990:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. B0cd4f57ffb2


    Donetsk Ukraine - July 2nd, 1990:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 2c42991f5d3c

    Humanoid Reports - 1990 (PDF File)


    Baku, Azerbaijan - February 1989:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Bc7ea63d7015


    Near Rotorua, New Zealand - February, 1989:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. B4eb9047d751


    Kirkuk, Taamin Province, Iraq - July 1989:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Ea492f904192


    Santa Rosalia, Veracruz, Mexico - April 1989:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 28359d06851c


    Protvino, Moscow region, Russia - September 13th, 1989:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 7693030596e0


    Barrio Rabanal Puerto Rico - November 1989:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 9f8d3c4cd768

    Humanoid Reports - 1989 (PDF File)

    Coogee, Sydney, Australia - February 29th, 2008:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 842c58364c17


    San Carlos, Salta, Argentina - May 20th -21st, 2008:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Ef0f3f51db90


    Rio Cubuy, Puerto Rico - August 2008:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. F5642688e282

    Humanoid Reports - 2008
    karl 12
    karl 12
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    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Empty Re: UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports.

    Post by karl 12 Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:59 pm

    More reports sourced by my pal 'SoulDrifter' on another board.

    Antonio La Rubia abduction - September 15, 1977:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 3045ef48dbb1



    Police Officer Herbert Schirmer Abduction - December 3, 1967:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Af510e1ba1d2



    Carl Higdon's humanoid/UFO encounter - October 25, 1974:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 5760b626e7e6

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 7f70a676879e



    Mr. Lech Chacinski encounter - August 11, 2003:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 091625ffc042



    Cennina Landing and Encounter with Humanoids - November 1, 1954:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Ccf234101d22



    Florentine tailor taken aboard UFO and given message  - April 10, 1962:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 12bae02bdaae



    Landed UFO and humanoid - Gerena, Seville, Spain November 24, 1978:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. D7310e919a3f



    UFOs with 'greenish creatures' - Harrah, Washington, United States, January 19, 1977:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Dc02d1278a83



    UFO lands and humanoid taps young schoolboy on shoulder - Kofu City, Japan, February 23, 1975:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Ab1fb3a4c5f3




    Sixty-foot craft lands with two occupants (Johnny Sands case) - Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, January 29, 1976:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 7bdbdbad842a



    Argentina's Viale Case - October 1986:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. A8170b49d753



    Abduction of Wladyslaw S. - LOWER SILESIA, 1985:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Bc07e78a4e79



    Abductions - Hudson Valley, NY, 06/01/88:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 1338592a8778

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 668d3918446a



    The Gundiah Mackay Alien Abduction - Tiaro, Australia, October 4th, 2001:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. E24edd1f1873



    Alien Contacts from Turkey - 1948:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. 66c473615161


    Entities in UFO Dome - Hanbury, England, November 20, 1968:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. F51fb8bc9e20


    The Strange Beings of the Alor Islands - July 1959:

    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Bccf9def041e

    karl 12
    karl 12
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    Posts : 63
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    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Empty Re: UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports.

    Post by karl 12 Sun Jan 18, 2015 5:00 pm


    URECAT - UFO Related Entities Catalog

    Humanoid Sighting Reports -Albert Rosales

    Magonia Database

    CE3 - Humanoid/Occupant/Encounter Cases. UFO Evidence

    UFO Occupant Sightings - Richard H. Hall

    NICAP's CE3 database

    The humanoids - E-book.   Jacques Vallee compilations

    NOUFORS - UFO Occupants


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    UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports. Empty Re: UFO Occupant Sketches / Non Human Reports.

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